Razor Vine Damage

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Razor Vine Damage

Has anyone converted this weed to 3e or 3.5?

What rules are there?

I'm thinking there would be a reflex save to avoid getting cut and then a damage roll.

Here is what I have (DC's and damages for varios situations)

DC 10 - Normal handling razorvine, working at a normal pace. This includes cutting it, moving it in the repairs of buldings, ect. in normal working conditions.
DC 20 - Climbing a wall lightly covered in the vine.
DC 25 - Getting thrown or falling into a patch of razor-vine.
DC 25 - Climbing a wall heavilly covered in the vine.
DC 35 - Climbing a wall using the vine itself as a hand/foot hold.
+10 DC - If any of the above climb checks are failed.

Now for the Damages
1d4-2 damage for young vines that have not yet hardened.
1d4 damage for light cover of razorvine, like a few mature tendrils on a wall.
1d4+1 damage for normal full grown plants covering a wall.
1d6 damage for older thicker vines (Maximum damage for normal razorvine.)
*If the victim rolls a 1 on their save and the resulting number is a failure then the damage is considered a critical hit and deals X2 the damage. If the total save would be enough to otherwise be a success then normal damage is delt.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Razor Vine Damage

I wasn't a DM back in the years of AD&D, so I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think the damage it dealt was WAY more. like closer to d12. (depending on the amount of contact of course) getting tangled in it would abviously do more damage than a grabbing it with one hand by mistake. either way, I'd personally raise those save DCs a little bit, and assign amounts of damage based on levels of failure. how about this?:

'maintnance' wrote:
DC 15 wilderness lore - Normal handling razorvine, working at a normal pace. This includes cutting it, moving it in the repairs of buldings, ect. in normal working conditions. (you can take 20 if working at a casual pace) failure by 1-5: 1d4 damage (hand slips) failure by 6-10: 1d6 damage (arm or leg might get raked by an unruly vine tendril) failure by 10-15: 1d8 damage (your carelessness got you cut rather badly) failure by 15+: 1d12 (hmmm... you seem to have fallen into a large vat of STUPID. or mabey it's just razorvine. sure does hurt though....)

'climbing' wrote:
Climb DC +5 - Climbing a wall lightly covered in the vine. failure results in normal penalties for failed climb checks, plus 1d6 damage.

Climb DC +10 - Climbing a wall moderately covered in the vine. failure results in normal penalties for failed climb checks, plus 1d6 damage.

Climb DC +15 - Climbing a wall heavily covered in the vine. failure results in normal penalties for failed climb checks, plus 1d6 damage.

Climb DC OH GODS THE HORRIBLE PAIN!!! - Climbing a wall using the vine itself as a hand/foot hold. Don't let them try this until epic level. impress upon them that they might later enjoy the use of the appendages they are about to slice off in their futile attempts.

'falling in' wrote:
DC 25 reflex save for 1/2 damage DC 25 save to avoid becoming entangled- Getting thrown or falling into a patch of razor-vine. failure of first save: 1d12 x2 damage failure of second save: you are entangled and cannot move without taking an additional 1d12 damage for every 5 feet of movement. in addition you take 1d12 damage per round of being entangled in the vine. make additional reflex saves of DC 25 at a -5 to your normal modifier to exsticate yourself from the vine.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Razor Vine Damage

I have a feeling that people with fast healing or regeneration won't mind the slicing effects of using razorvine as a handhold.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Razor Vine Damage

'nick012000' wrote:
I have a feeling that people with fast healing or regeneration won't mind the slicing effects of using razorvine as a handhold.

Don't forget DR and really tough skin.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Razor Vine Damage

Or for armor, for that matter. There's a brief sidebar on razorvine in the Planar Handbook by the writeup of Sigil under Chapter 9: Planar Sites.

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