So post it anyway, we need some more good items here- it's been awhile since we've had a strange item
random topic
I mean post it here- Kinda messed up on the last post >.<
P.S. I personally don't mind right now if you do go- I just don't want any trouble, and niether does Fid, or swan, or Mirabel, or- you get the point... for the Ladys sake no more arguements alright?
I can fit a dime in my belly button...oh its stuck.
yeah so i will go if i am invited by frid, and i will try not to start pointless fights
poor poor Gerzel
if i where an anarcist and like had all sorts of secret little missions and my own secret agenda and what not, you'd all tell me, right? cause i know i would. anyway, i'm off to burn down canada........they've had it to good for to long!
No No! not Canada!
do it burninate canada, they have it to good for to long, i will join you
Why do you all hate Canada so much, what have they ever done to you huh? huh? come on and give me an answer... just kidding- but no really why "do" you hate Canada
haha i knew someone who got a rock stuck in their ear. haha... nvm. well canadians got it all planed out see. free medicare, they never get dragged into wars, we are the global police. we cant stop even if we wanted to cause everyone hates us yet expects us. they prolly hate canada cause they can be more advanced culturally and economically and still not get dragged into it.
or cause their flag is weird. real sign of power. a leaf. fonikin should look in here. he'd sing you all the anthem. unfortunately...
And stars are a sign of power? I'd go for the maple leaf lol
Well, they've been in more wars than we think- we just don't like to think it ^^;;;
well one must think that statement out sir tenshi.
leaf- yearly buds, sprouts, goes through photosynthesis, shrivels, dies, falls, is really hard to rake up, fun to jump in, and continues the cycle.
stars-giant balls of burning gas and energy, going through fussion for longer then we can comprehend, creat super novas, white dwarfs, black dwarfs, red giants, and are the only reason we all exist and inturn gives exsistance to our imaginations which hath created this whole concept.
yea i think stars do have a lil power in thier symbol. hehe
and french people populate canada more so then other ethnic ppl or races. that could be the reason for their rage! oh the rage! idk
*scratches his head* well I guess yer right ^^;
Ah yes! But what about maple syrup?
I lik seerup on mi eygos. L'eygo thim, eye sai!
mmmmm, waffles *drools*
wow your logic is flawless. waffles are the best. ecspecially compared to pancakes. bleh!
*nods his head estatically* especially BLUEBERRY WAFFLES! *drools some more* mmmmm, blueberry waffles
i do not understand why my topic was moved from the hall of records to rpg discussion, we hardly ever talk about rpg's i mean rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's rpg's
I know right?
yeah we do- planescape itself is an rpg... ok maybe we don't, atleast not on this forum
From the forum description: "This is a catch-all forum for any other roleplaying related (or non related) talk, Planescape or otherwise."
Yes i believe if we back track through all these *ahem* intelligent discusions we can some how form a relationship to the rpg. but im not going to take the time to do so.
I still say blueberry waffles!
"O' Canada
Our home and native land
True patriot love in all our sons comand
With glowing hearts
We see thee rise
The true north strong and free
From far and wide
O' Canada we stand on guard for thee
God keep our land glourios and free
O' Canada we stand on guard for thee
O' Canada we stand on guard for thee"
indeed the candian national waffles
Whoa dude, slow down. Liberal ol' Canada actually mentions God in their national anthem?
i know isn't that really weird????
I dont think its wierd its just Canadianish.............ehh
and did you ever even read it it was me basically apologizing for insulting your heritage but you also insulted mine and i was also saying that if you are willing to accept me at your house i would come.