Random encounter charts for Sigil?

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Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Random encounter charts for Sigil?

Did anybody ever make any random encounter charts for Sigil? I'm prepping for a long jaunt in the Cage and could use some inspiration/ideas.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Random encounter charts for Sigil?

You might want to break it down into categories. I would suggest three categories: general/common, specific and weird

For example, some "general/common" things can happen just about anywhere (vendor tries to get your attention, kid comes up and begs for a copper, etc.)
Other things only happen in specific neighborhoods. In The Lady's Ward, Harmonium patrols would be a semi-common occurance. Not so much in the Hive
Finally, there should be a smaller chance for something really outlandish which I've lumped under "weird"

Do you want ideas for all of these types? Do you want combat AND non-combat ones?

For "General/Common", here are some suggestions (although some of the later ones might be "Specific" for the Lower Ward or the Hive):
-Argument/duel occurs in street – between ex-lovers, fighters, merchants, mages or faction members
-Street corner entertainer – perhaps enticing to a formal paid performance (e.g. give you just a glimpse of the circus to get you to come to the paid performance)
-Merchant tries to get your attention
-Trader leading a small group of pack animals
-Group of adventurers or caravan guards return home and are acting rowdy with their new wealth
-Hardhead patrol
-Mugging or pickpocket seen (PCs not the target)
-Important person passes by in sedan chair with guards
-Mildly insane man mumbling to himself or shouts insults at passerbys
-Hardheads or Mercykillers chasing someone through the streets
-Lost Clueless just arrived in Sigil, trying to get their bearings
-Urchins torment a stray dog or cranium rat
-Someone dumps privy water from window overhead
-Two or more gathered and whisper to each other while looking over their shoulders
-Lady of the evening tries to entice the PCs
-Stray dog follows the party hoping for a scrap

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Random encounter charts for Sigil?

I got these from a website a long time ago. I forget which. They're all second edition monsters, but it's still a really good set of charts.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Random encounter charts for Sigil?

And here are the descriptions from the site. Feel free, of course, to substitute other or later-edition monsters where appropriate.

Voila!s Cant Dictionary may be helpful in deciphering the "sods, bashers, and high-up men" section. It isn't spelled out, but greenskirts, jinkskirts, and mertskirts are almost definitely different classes of prostitute, named for Sigilian slang for copper, gold, and platinum coins.

Al-Jahar: MCA I, p.11 - Dazzles, as the al-jahar are also known, feed upon strong emotions. They prefer to dwell in cities where they can easily cause strife and fights with their minor magical abilities. Quite a few have grown fat and happy in the Cage's turbulent environment. Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 5, Int = very
Ammut: Al-Qadim MC - A weird cross between lion, hippo, man and crocodile, the ammut is a supernatural monster that preys on spirits of the evil and the damned. They lair under the Cage's streets, tunneling to the surface during the dark hours to gorge on fiends and evil petitioners. Align = NE, # = 1-12, HD = 6, Int = ave.
Baldanar: Mystara MC, p.11 - Strict carnivores, these master illusionists are incapable of dealing with other races without considering them prey. They may dwell amongst men for a time, but always for the purposes of gathering personal power and increasing the size of their larder. Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 6, Int = exc.
Bastellus: Ravenloft MC I - Also known as dream stalkers, the looming, shadowy, seldom-seen bastellus feed on bad dreams and nightmares. Insubtantial and undead, they slink amongst the sleeping, causing and eating the terrors of the night. Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 4, Int = ave.
Brain Mole: MM, p.29 - Tiny brain moles burrow about under the Cage, feeding on the psionic abilities of the many psychics who visit and dwell here. They're rather common vermin here, and some high-ups keep them deliberately to frustrate psionicists. Align = N, # = 1-3, 1 HP, Int = animal
Carrionette: MCA I, p.11 - Carrionettes are parasites, traitorously evil animated puppets who have come to life and turned on their masters. They hunt through the Cage seeking bodies to steal in their quest to acquire living forms of their own. Align = CE, # = 2-8, HD = 2, Int = ave.
Feyr: MM, p.116 - Spawned by the mix of emotions and magic found in cities like the Cage, feyrs are hideous, inhuman, hunchbacked creatures. They haunt the night, feeding on fear and causing chaos and terror. Roll 1d10:
1-6 Common Feyr: Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 4, Int = low
7-10 Great Feyr: Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 16, Int = high
Gargoyle: MM, p.125 - These animated architectural grotesques dot the roofs of the Cage, especially in the Lady's Ward. But they've grown canny over the years, and tend to attack pedestrians only when they're sure no one else is watching. Roll 1d10:
1-6 Gargoyle: Align = CE, # = 2-16, HD = 4+4, Int = low
7-10 Margoyle: Align = CE, # = 2-8, HD = 6, Int = low
Ghostlight: PSMC II, p.40-41 - The planar version of the will o'wisp also dwells and hunts in the Cage. Cager ghostlights prefer the Hive ward, with its greater concentration of murders in the night, but they stalk the other wards as well. Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 7, Int = genius
Harrla: FRMC I - Naturally invisible and intangible, the harrla has no method of physically affecting the Cage. It warps and feeds on emotions, draining away personalities as it whipsaws the souls of its victims. Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 4+3, Int = very
Leucrotta, Greater: MCA II, p.78 - Unlike their lesser cousins, changesteeds can alter their forms as well as their voices. They use this ability to hunt amongst humans within their very cities. They're also quite intelligent and will ally with cross-traders to acheive greater goals. Align = NE, # = 1-3, HD = 8, Int = very
Lycanthrope: MM, p.230-231 - There is no lunar influence in the Cage, so lycanthropic curses don't mean as much here. Typically, the were-cursed appear no different from any other basher. But when they do manifest their animalistic form in the Cage, their wilder urges predominate. There are many, many types of lycanthropes. These are the most common (roll 1d10):
1 Werebear: MM, p.234 - Align = CG, # = 1-4, HD = 7+3, Int = exc.
2-3 Wereboar: MM, p.235 - Align = N, # = 2-8, HD = 5+2, Int = ave.
4 Werefox: MM, p.236 - Align = CE, # = 1 (+slaves), HD = 8+1, Int = ave-exc.
5-7 Wererat: MM, p.237 - Align = LE, # = 4-24, HD = 3+1, Int = very
8 Weretiger: MM, p.239 - Align = N, # = 1-6, HD = 6+2, Int = ave.
9-10 Werewolf: MM, p.240 - Align = CE, # = 3-18, HD = 4+3, Int = ave.
Magebane: MCA I, p. 81 - These invisible, parasitic bat-like creatures are drawn to the Cage and its many spellslingers like moths to flame. They eat only magical power, but have become so annoying here that many factions have standard rewards posted and paid for magebane corpses. Align = CN, # = 1, HD = 2+4, Int = low
Mimic: The Cage's transient population and chaotic architecture make it an ideal hunting ground for mimics. All kinds thrive here, even the rarer ones. Roll 1d10:
1-3 Common: MM, p.250 - Align = N, # = 1, HD = 7-8, Int = ave.
4-5 Greater: MCA II, p.87 - Align = N, # = 1, HD = 15-16, Int = very-high
6-7 House-Hunter: MCA I, p.84-85 - Align = N, # = 1-4, HD = 10-20, Int = semi-ave.
8-10 Killer: MM, p.250 - Align = N, # = 1, HD = 9-10, Int = semi
Palimpsest: MCA II, p.93 - Particularly dangerous in the Clerk's Ward, these magical, life-eating animated pieces of paper and parchment can spring unexpectedly on a cutter. Hailing originally from the Ethereal plane, palimpsests are distressingly common in the paper-crammed parts of the Cage. Align = N, # = 1, HD = 1-10, Int = semi
Peltast: MCA II, p.94 - Peltast are weird little leather and silicon parasites, almost indistinguishable from inanimate objects. An encounter with one is rarely recognized for what it is. Only the greater peltast's tendency to summon monsters and suggest combat is likely to betray their presence. Roll 1d10:
1-7 Common - Align = N, # = 1, HD = 1+6, Int = ave.
8-10 Greater - Align = N, # = 1, HD = 2+6, Int = exc.
Ragamoffyn: MCA II, p.100-101 - Similar to the peltast, ragamoffyn are sentient scraps of cloth, leather and metal. They seek to engulf humanoid hosts and compel them to do their collective bidding. Roll 1d10 for type:
1-2 Tatterdemanimal - Align = N, # = 1-6, HD = 1, Int = low
3-6 Ragamoffyn - Align = CN, # = 1-4, HD = 3, Int = ave.
7-8 Gutterspite: - Align = N, # = 1-3, HD = 5, Int = very
9-10 Common: - Align = CE, # = 1-2, HD = 7, Int = high
Shapeshifter: There are a fair number of shape-altering humanoids that hunt other bipeds by imitating their forms. All have found their way into the Cage at one time or another, to enjoy the variety of prey that comes here. Roll 1d10:
1-5 Doppelganger: MM, p.60 - Align = N, # = 3-12, HD = 4, Int = very
6-7 Doppelganger, greater: MCA II, p.43 - Align = NE, # = 1-4, HD = 9, Int = exc-genius
8-9 Polymar: Mystara MC, p.96-97 - Align = LN, # = 1-3, HD = 10, Int = low
10 Randara: Mystara MC, p.96-97 - Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 14, Int = high
Vampyre: Ravenloft MC I - Vampyre (pronounced 'Vam-peer') are not undead, but resemble vampires closely in their appearance and appetite. They move amongst humanity as do other sociopaths, killing when and where it suits their needs. Align = CE, # = 3-12, HD = 8+3, Int = exc.

Arch-Shadow: MCA II, p.10-11 - Arch-shadows are failed liches who nevertheless weren't totally destroyed in the process of becoming undead. They are extremely rare, but those that have 'survived' often come to the Cage while researching ways to destroy all forms of life. Align = E(any), # = 1, HD = 11+, Int = supra-genius
Bhut: Mystara MC, p.13 - Bhuts (pronounced Bah-Hoots) still cling to a modicum of life. They cannot be turned and appear normal during the day. But at night they metamorphose into scaly, fanged, ice-cold monsters, whose only desire is to feast on living flesh. Align = LE, # = 2-8, HD = 7+2, Int = very
Corpse: Corpses are simply that: dead bodies. At the DM's option, they may be infested with parasites or a disease, but the thrust of this encounter is the basic horror and mystery of stumbling across a dead body. Choose race and social class for the deader or roll on the appropriate Racial or Cager tables.
Diseased: Numerous maladies infect those who visit the Cage, and the party has stumbled into one of the worst afflicted. Whether suffering from leprosy, mummy rot, a debilitating infection from the Gray Waste, or some more esoteric disease, the poor creature enountered is in no shape to do anything more than beg for mercy. He/she is infectious in close proximity, and DMs should require saving throws from all party members to avoid acquiring a like condition. Race and social class of the diseased can be chosen or rolled for on the Racial and Cager tables.
Ghost: MM, p.130 - Ghosts are rare in the Cage, mostly because none seem to originate from the many deaths its streets see. These ethereal spirits all seem to have crossed over into the Cage via portals, like every other visitor. They act doubly outraged, both from the tragic event that caused their ghostliness and at being stranded here. Align = LE, # = 1, HD = 10, Int = high
Ghoul: MM, p.131 - Ghasts and Ghouls think the Cage is a marvelous hunting ground, filled with human victims. They lurk in the night, seeking revolting and loathsome pleasures, when they aren't being recruited by the Dustmen. Roll 1d10:
1-6 Ghoul - Align = CE, # = 2-24, HD = 2, Int = low
7-10 Ghast - Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 4, Int = very
Gray Philosopher: Mystara MC, p.55 - All types of philosophers, including spectral undead ones borne down by the weight of evil speculation, come to the Cage. Even here, though, these malicious ponderers and their dangerous thoughts are abhorred. Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 9, Int = high
Haunt: MM, p.186 - Driven to complete some vital task from beyond the grave, haunts are as common in the Cage as elsewhere. A surprising number of desparate souls refuse to give up on the dreams that brought them to Sigil, even when written into the dead-book. Align = any, # = 1, HD = 5, Int = non
Lhiannan Shee: FRMC I - These enchanting, bard-hunting, female spirits can be found wandering the Cage, looking for new trophy-boys to slay. The "ghosts of obsession" are known to frequent areas that Sensates find popular. Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 4, Int = very
Lich: MM, p.222-223 - The classic intellectual undead, liches are rare in the Cage only because they're rare, period. If any place in creation has seen more than its share of dead arch-magi passing through, it's Sigil. Align = E(any), # = 1, HD = 11+, Int = supra-genius
Nightshade: Mystara MC, p.83-84 - These deadly unliving denizens of the negative material plane rival even the most powerful fiends with their ferocity and evil genius. Fortunately for the Cage, only the jet-black, giant humanoids of the species, the Nightwalkers, have ever been seen here, and those most rarely. Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 21, Int = supra-genius
Petitioner: Dead but bland, petitioners in the Cage are often lost or engaged in simple missions for their deity. If it weren't for their waxy looks and blank eyes, they would be difficult to distinguish from normal sods. Align = any, # = 1-10, HD = 0, Int = ave.
Phantom: MM, p.287 - These relatively harmless images of death don't last long in the Cage, as they are usually exorcised soon after reports of one are discovered. But the party may have encountered a new one, and might gain useful information from the replay of the phantom's death throes. Align = N or E, # = 1, HD = nil, Int = nil
Shadow: MM, p.312 - Relatively common near portals to the negative material plane, shadows are difficult to detect in the Cage's dim light. They cluster in dank alleys and ambush the living when they can. Align = CE, # = 2-20, HD = 3+3, Int = low
Spectre: MM, p.323 - With their hatred of light and life only dimmed somewhat by the Cage's hazy atmosphere, spectres remain one of the more dangerous (and non-tolerated) undead encountered in the city. Once detected, they tend to be eradicated by high-ups before they can sweep through the cage, annhilating all living beings in their path. Align = LE, # = 1-6, HD = 7+3, Int = high
Vampire: There is a small contingent of vampires who dwell relatively peacably in the Cage. They try to minimize their depredations so as not to suffer the fate of the less-discerning spectres. Roll 1d10 to determine the race of the vampire encountered:
1-6 Human: MM, p.355-356 - Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 8+3, Int = exc.
7 Dwarf: Ravenloft MC I - Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 9+3, Int = very
8 Elf: Ravenloft MC I - Align = LE, # = 1, HD = 7+3, Int = genius
9 Gnome: Ravenloft MC I - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 6+3, Int = genius
10 Halfling: Ravenloft MC I - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 6+3, Int = high
Wight: MM, p.360 - Sepulchural and crypt-dwelling, wights are seldom encountered even in the Cage's poor excuse for daylight. Unless allied with Dustmen, they seek only to consume and transform the living into more of their own kind. Align = LE, # = 2-16, HD = 4+3, Int = ave.
Wraith: MM, p.365 - Wraiths act much like wights in the Cage, only there is a slightly greater chance to reason with them. Most of the time, though, they simply seek to destroy the hated living. Align = LE, # = 2-12, HD = 5+3, Int = very

Baatezu, Greater: PSMC 16 - The Baatezu are the proponents of diabolism in the Blood War. The greater of their kind have somewhat more freedom than the lesser, and come to the Cage to plot attacks and deal darkly with the populace in efforts to further the War. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Amnizu (Styx Devil): PSMC, p.19 - Align = LE, # = 1-2, HD = 9, Int = exc.
3-6 Cornugon (Horned Devil): PSMC, p.21 - Align = LE, # = 1-4, HD = 10, Int = exc.
7-8 Gelugon (Ice Devil): PSMC, p.23 - Align = LE, # = 1-8, HD = 11, Int = genius
9-10 Pit Fiend: PSMC, p.28 - Align = LE, # = 1-4, HD = 13, Int = genius
Baatezu, Least: PSMC 16 - Least Baatezu are barely sentient, and are almost always kept in line by a lesser baatezu. Bezekira are the smartest of the lot, but are only technically least baatezu. Their form is usually a punishment for the more powerful devils. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Bezekira (Hellcat): PoLMS, p.12-13 - Align = LE, # = 1, HD = 7+2, Int = ave.
3-4 Lemure: PSMC, p.25 - Align = LE, # = 10-40, HD = 2, Int = semi
5-6 Nupperibo: PSMC, p.26 - Align = LE, # = 1-30, HD = 1, Int = animal
7-10 Spinagon (Spined Devil): PSMC, p.29 - Align = LE, # = 1-3, HD = 3+3, Int = low
Baatezu, Lesser: PSMC 16 - Lesser Baatezu in the Cage are usually running an errand for one of their many masters, or riding herd on a batch of least baatezu. But they are always trying to implement some scheme to improve their lot. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Abishai (Scaly Devil): PSMC, p.18 - Align = LE, # = 1-8, HD = 4+, Int = ave.
3-4 Barbazu (Bearded Devil): PSMC:20 - Align=LE, #=4-16, HD = 6+6, Int = ave-very
5-6 Erinyes (Flesh Devil): PSMC, p.22 - Align = LE, # = 1, HD = 6+6, Int = high
7-8 Hamatula (Barbed Devil): PSMC, p.24 - Align = LE, # = 3-12, HD = 7, Int = very
9 Kocrachon (Plated Devil): PoLMS:10 - Align=LE, #=3-18, HD = 6+6, Int = high
10 Osyluth (Bone Devil): PSMC, p.27 - Align = LE, # = 2-8, HD = 5, Int = very
Barghest: PSMS, p.6-7 - Usually mistaken for goblins, these Gehennan-native fiends are cunning hunters and avaricious treasure-seekers. They frequent the Cage in their hunts and use the city's portals when sending whelps to the Prime Material Plane for their adolescent trials. Align = LE, # = 1-2, HD = 6+6 - 12+12, Int = high-genius
Diakk: PoCMS, p.10-11 - Diakka are birdlike humanoids from the Gray Waste. They come in two types: the varath, which is storklike, and the carcene, which is pelicanish. Both are sneaky, devious and cowardly, if dull-witted. They are normally found in the Cage acting as servants for Night Hags. Roll 1d10:
1-5 Varath: Align = NE, # = 2-16, HD = 6+6, Int = low
6-10 Carcene: Align = NE, # = 2-12, HD = 8+8, Int = ave.
Gehreleth: PSMC, p.42 - Carcerian cousins to the yugoloths, gehreleths come in three varieties: shator (the most powerful), kelubar (the middle class), and farastu (the weakest). All are untrustworthy and prone to violence. Some have a philosophical bent, though, and these are the ones most likely found in the Cage. Roll 1d10:
1-4 Farastu (tarry 'leth: PSMC, p.43 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 11, Int = ave.
5-7 Kelubar (slime 'leth): PSMC, p.44 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 13, Int = very
8-10 Shator (shaggy 'leth): PSMC, p.45 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 15, Int = genius
Hag: PSMC, p.81 - Night Hags are the economic rulers of the Gray Waste, trading in souls and larvae amongst all the other races of fiends. They frequent the Cage to sell their hideous wares and further their business contacts. Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 8, Int = exc.
Hordling: PSMC, p.54-55 - The hordes of the Waste are twisted and corrupt, each varying in size and shape from the other. They rarely enter the Cage, save for when they are in the service of some stronger lord or summoner. Their statistics vary wildly, but they are all petty and vile. Align = NE, # = 1-6, HD = 6+3 - 9, Int = semi-ave.
Imp: PSMC. p.56-57 - Imps and Quasits are evil familiars, who seek to capture and turn the souls of spellcasters to darkness. They frequent the Cage in search of wizards and priests to corrupt, and to find portals to the Prime. Roll 1d10:
1-5 Imp - Align = LE, # = 1, HD = 2+2, Int = ave.
6-10 Quasit - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 3, Int = ave.
Marrashi: MCA I, p.82 - Evil spirits of pestilence, the marrash have human bodies with vulture wings, parrot legs, and a jackal's head. They are relatively weak fiends, who were exiled to the Waste when the Yugoloths migrated to the marrash homeland, Gehenna. Align = LE, # = 1-3, HD = 7, Int = ave.
Rakshasa: MM, p.299 - Sophisticated, malign spirits of an ancient culture, Rakshasas are masters of illusion and magic. They are seldom encountered wearing their true animal heads for all to see. They prey on human meat and treat the Cage as a cosmopolitan game park. Align = LE, # = 1-4, HD = 7, Int = very
Shadow Fiend: PSMC, p.86-87 - Wispy, immaterial inhabitants of the lower planes, shadow fiends demonstrate a distinct artistic flair. They trade in minds and souls across the whistles, and come to the Cage to buy, sell, and accumulate those commodities. Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 7+3, Int = very
Tanar'ri, Greater: PSMC 91 - The Tanar'ri are the proponents of demonism in the Blood War. The greater incessantly bully the lesser into the conflict at their whim, and come to the Cage to further those whims. They can be caught conscripting mercenaries, debauching wildly, or tempting others with dark desires. Roll 1d10:
1-3 Babau: PSMC, p.95 - Align = CE, # = 1-2, HD = 8+16, Int = genius
4-5 Chasme: PSMC, p.99 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 8+2, Int = ave-very
6 Goristro: PoXMS, p.26-27 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 20, Int = low
7-9 Nabassu: PSMC, p.106 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 7+2 - 7+20, Int = high
10 Wastrilith: PSMC, p.111 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 15, Int = high
Tanar'ri, Least: PSMC 91 - Least Tannar'ri are simple brutes, bordering on the mindless. They purposelessly roam the Cage, causing trouble unitl more powerful tannar'ri bully them into submission or they get scragged by the Harmonium. Roll 1d10:
1-4 Dretch: PSMC, p.100 - Align = CE, # = 4-24, HD = 2, Int = low
5-7 Manes: PSMC, p.103 - Align = CE, # = 10-40, HD = 1, Int = semi-
8-10 Rutterkin: PSMC, p.108 - Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 4, Int = ave.
Tanar'ri, Lesser: PSMC 91 - Lesser Tannar'ri flee to the Cage in droves to avoid the greater and true tannar'ri. Conversely, they're also found here doing the bidding of their more powerful brethren. Armanites will be pursuing Blood War goals, but the others may have any reason imaginable to be in the Cage. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Alu-fiend: PSMC, p.95 - Align = CE, # = 1-2, HD = 2+, Int = ave-genius
3 Armanite: PoXMS, p.24-25 - Align = CE, # = 2-16, HD = 5, Int = ave.
4 bar-Lgura: PSMC, p.97 - Align = CE, # = 2-12, HD = 6+6, Int = low-ave.
5 Bulezau: PSMC II, p.108-109 - Align = CE, # = 3-12, HD = 7+3, Int = low-ave.
6-7 Cambion: PSMC, p.98 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 4+, Int = ave-genius
8 Maurezhi: PSMC II, p.110-111 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 5+, Int = ave-genius
9 Succubus: PSMC, p.109 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 6, Int = exc.
10 Yochlol: PSMCII, p.112-113 - Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 6+6, Int = high
Tanar'ri, True: PSMC 91 - True Tanar'ri are the engine which drives the Blood War. They visit the Cage to further its goals, whether by tempting other mortals into tannar'ri bidding, stealing supplies or souls, or simply sniping at the ba'atezu. They are capricious and very dangerous. Roll 1d10:
1 Alkilith: PSMC II, p.106-107 - Align = CE, # = 1-3, HD = 11, Int = high
2 Balor (Type VI): PSMC, p.96 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 13, Int = supra-genius
3-4 Glabrezu (Type III): PSMC, p.101 - Align = CE, # = 1-2, HD = 10, Int = exc.
5-6 Hezrou (Type II): PSMC, p.102 - Align = CE, # = 1-6, HD = 9, Int = ave-high
7 Marilith (Type V): PSMC, p.104 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 12, Int = genius
8 Nalfeshnee (Type IV): PSMC, p.107 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 11, Int = godlike
9-10 Vrock (Type I): PSMC, p.110 - Align = CE, # = 2-8, HD = 8, Int = high
Tiefling: PSMC, p.112-113 - The cast-off descendants of the lower planes, tieflings are quite common in the Cage. Be they halfbreeds, darkborn, or twisted, all tieflings are shunned in Sigil, and are therefore usually spoiling for a fight. Align = N or E, # = 1 or d4+4, HD = 4+3, Int = very
Yugoloth, Greater: PSMC 118 - Manipulators almost without peer, the greater Yugoloths sway the Blood War to their own ends. They can be found in the Cage whispering secrets or lies into the ears of any side which will further their aims, and plotting the downfall of everything. Roll 1d10:
1-3 Arcanaloth: PSMC, p.120 - Align = NE, # = 1-2, HD = 13+26, Int = genius
4 Baernaloth: PoCMS, p.30-31 - Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 15+15, Int = godlike
5-8 Nycaloth: PSMC, p.124 - Align = NE, # = 1-2, HD = 12+24, Int = exc-genius
9-10 Ultroloth: PSMC, p.126 - Align = CE, # = 1, HD = 14+28, Int = supra-genius
Yugoloth, Lesser: PSMC 118 - More often mercenaries than manipulators, the lesser 'loths are still canny cutters, indeed. They are universally untrustworthy, no matter what plot they're involved with or whom they serve. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Canaloth: PSMC II, p.126-127 - Align = NE, # = 1-3, HD = 5+20, Int = low
3 Dergholoth: PSMC, p.121 - Align = NE, # = 1-4, HD = 8+16, Int = ave.
4-5 Hydroloth: PSMC, p.122 - Align = NE, # = 1-6, HD = 7+14, Int = ave.
6 Marraenaloth: PSMS, p.30-31 - Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 9+18, Int = exc.
7 Mezzoloth: PSMC, p.123 - Align = NE, # = 1-4, HD = 10+20, Int = high-exc.
8-9 Piscoloth: PSMC, p.125 - Align = NE, # = 2-8, HD = 6+18, Int = low
10 Yagnoloth: PSMC, p.127 - Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 11+22, Int = exc.

Aasimar: PSMC II, p.6-7 - The favorite sons and daughters of the upper planes, aasimar can often be seen in the Cage spreading the Celestial message and doing the Celestial dirty work. Be they halfbreeds, lightbred, or holytouched, aasimar all start out as shining scions of goodness. Align = G or N, # = 1-2, HD = 3+3, Int = very
Aasimon- Agathinon: PSMC, p.4-5 - The shapeshifting, priestly agathinon are the elite warriors of the upper planes. They are also sent on missions to aid mortals confronting evil, and it is this capacity that they are normally encountered in the Cage. Align = NG, # = 1, HD = 8, Int = exc.
Aasimon- Deva: PSMC, p.4,6-7 - Deva are angelic beings who form the base pool of proxies that the Powers of Good use for missions about the planes. They are sent everywhere by these powers, and their missions often take them through the Cage. Monadic deva are sent to the Inner Planes, Astral deva to the Astral and Lower planes, and Movanic deva to the Prime, Upper, and Cordant planes. Roll 1d10 to determine type:
1-3 Astral - Align = G (any), # = 1-3, HD = 12, Int = genius
4-6 Monadic - Align = G (any), # = 1-3, HD = 10, Int = genius
7-10 Movanic - Align = G (any), # = 1-3, HD = 8, Int = genius
Archon- Lantern/Hound: Archons are the petitioners and inhabitants of Mt. Celestia. Lantern and Hound Archons serve as messengers for their race, and it is in that capacity that they are likely to be found in the Cage. Lanterns are traveling to other upper planes, Hounds to more dangerous locales. Roll 1d10:
1-4 Lantern: PoLMS, p.4-5 - Align = LG, # = 3-18, HD = 1/2, Int = low
5-10 Hound: PoLMS, p.4,6 - Align = LG, # = 1-6, HD = 6, Int = ave.
Archon- Sword/Trumpet: Sword and Trumpet Archons serve as the heralds for Mt. Celestia and the powers that dwell there. Trumpets also escort spirits of the resurrected dead back to life, and are therefore free to leave the Mount without direct command. Roll 1d10:
1-6 Sword: PoLMS, p.4,7-8 - Align = LG, # = 1-6, HD = 10, Int = high
7-10 Trumpet: PoLMS, p.4,8 - Align = LG, # = 1-3, HD = 11, Int = exc.
Asuras: PoCMS, p.4-5 - Flame-winged and ruby-taloned, asuras are righteous Celestial warriors. They don't hesitate to travel the planes in search of evil to smite, and can be found striding purposefully through the Cage on such missions. Align = CG, # = 2-8, HD = 8, Int = genius
Couatl: MM, p.46 - These semi-divine, winged feather-serpents are rare in the Cage, as they prefer warmer and wetter climes. But Couatl are intellectual and curious and come to Sigil to learn what can't be learned elsewhere. Align = LG, # = 1-4, HD = 9, Int = genius
Einheriar: PSMC, p.38 - Guided by prayer, soldiers in the armies of the blessed dead never act outside their hierarchy or mission. Smaller units may be found in the Cage carrying out lesser tasks for their powers or the greater Celestial glory. Align = G (any), # = 10-40, HD = var., Int = ave-high
Eladrin, Greater: PSMC II, p.28-29 - Greater Eladrins can be found in the Cage pursuing a variety of benevolent goals. They often are seen following beauty, creating art, aiding the weak, or simply indulging a whim. Roll 1d10 to determine type:
1-6 Firre: PSMC II, p.32 - Align = CG, # = 1-4, HD = 7+10, Int = genius
7-9 Ghaele: PSMC II, p.33 - Align = CG, # = 1, HD = 10+15, Int = exc-genius
10 Tulani: PSMC II, p.36-37 - Align = CG, # = 1, HD = 12+20, Int = supra-genius
Eladrin, Lesser: PSMC II, p.28-29 - Lesser Eladrins only leave Arborea for a particular reason, and when abroad are usually more focused than their greater brethren. When found in the Cage, bralani will be aiding friends, coure will be acting as messengers for greater eladrin, and noviere are in transit to visit other merfolk. Shiere bands, being the common warriors of their race, may have wider concerns. Roll 1d10:
1-3 Bralani: PSMC II, p.30 - Align = CG, # = 1-3, HD = 6+9, Int = very
4-6 Coure: PSMC II, p.31 - Align = CG, # = 2-20, HD = 2+1, Int = very
7 Noviere: PSMC II, p.34 - Align = CG, # = 2-16, HD = 5+7, Int = high
8-10 Shiere: PSMC II, p.35 - Align = CG, # = 3-24, HD = 8+12, Int = very-exc.
Guardinal, Greater: PSMC II, p.42-43 - When greater Guardinals are found beyond their homelands, they are usually tracking down some evil or shoring up some weakening good. In the Cage, they can be found actively engaged in such activity or preparing for it with research and recruitment. Ursinals also frequent the Cage to hone their magical talents. Roll 1d10:
1-6 Ursinal: PSMC II, p.49 - Align = NG, # = 1-2, HD = 10+5, Int = genius
7-9 Pachydal: This Site - Align = NG, # = 1-4, HD = 11+11, Int = genius
10 Leonal: PSMC II, p.46-47 - Align = NG, # = 1, HD = 12+6, Int = genius
Guardinal, Lesser: PSMC II, p.42-42 - Lesser Guardinals come to the Cage not only to hunt down and destroy evil creatures, but also to advance the causes of their own race. They are known and welcomed for their exceptional integrity and honor. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Avoral: PSMC II, p.44 - Align = NG, # = 1-4, HD = 7+4, Int = exc.
3-5 Cervidal: PSMC II, p.45 - Align = NG, # = 2-5, HD = 4+2, Int = very
6-8 Equinal: PSMC II, p.46 - Align = NG, # = 3-18, HD = 6+3, Int = high
9-10 Lupinal: PSMC II, p.48 - Align = NG, # = 1-8, HD = 8+4, Int = exc.
Hollyphant: PSMC II, p.50-51 - These tiny winged mammoths don't look like dangerous proxies of Celestial powers, but they are and should not be taken lightly. They visit the Cage with some frequency on missions of aid and mercy. Align = NG, # = 1, HD = 6+6, Int = genius
Ki-rin / T'uen-rin: The Arcadian 'sky-horses' are far more than simple beasts of burden. They are known and feared by evil creatures across the planes for their aggressive campaign against evil, and their power can be terrible to behold. They enter the Cage (rarely) to research mighty magics or hunt down obscure portals. Roll 1d10:
1-6 Ki-rin: MM, p.212 - Align = LG, # = 1, HD = 12, Int = supra-genius
7-10 T'uen-rin: PSMC II, p.104-105 - Align = LG, # = 1, HD = 16, Int = supra-genius
Kholiathra: MCA II, p.76 - Rarely seen, these wispy elvish spirits usually enter the Cage only to travel to the Prime or to protect other elves. Their diet of sunlight restricts the length of time they can stay in any case. Align = NG, # = 1-6, HD = 3+3, Int = ave.
Lammasu / Shedu: Shedu and the more powerful members of the lammasu race, while concerned mainly with the Prime, originate from and dwell on the upper planes. They are celestials of no small power, and can be found traveling the Cage in their missions to aid mankind. Roll 1d10:
1-3 Lammasu, Gr.: MM, p.218 - Align = LG, # = 1-2, HD = 12+7, Int = supra-genius
4-5 Lammasu, Celestial: OPMC - Align = G (any), # = 1, HD = 20, Int = supra-genius
6-8 Shedu: MM, p.313 - Align = LG, # = 2-8, HD = 9+9, Int = exc.
9-10 Shedu, Gr.: MM, p.313 - Align = LG, # = 1-2, HD = 14+14, Int = genius
Moon Dog: MM, p.58 - Natives of Elysium, moon dogs often travel the upper planes and to the prime, challenging evil wherever they find it. They quite enjoy shadows and darkness, and are at home in the Cage's drear weather. Align = NG, # = 2-8, HD = 9+3, Int = high-exc.
Opinicus: MCA I, p.92 - These odd, desert-dwelling creatures (camel-bodied, monkey-headed and lion-maned, with human hands) have multiple plane-walking abilities, but still travel to the Cage when seeking righteous causes and men of good will to aid. Align = CG, # = 1-2, HD = 7+7, Int = very-exc.
Phoenix: MM, p.288-289 - Phoenixes are powerful, enigmatic spirit birds that symbolize freedom and rebirth. They descend from Elyisum to deal with other planars for their own reasons, but are known to deal often with the Believers of the Source. Align = NG, # = 1-3, HD = 20, Int = genius

Baku: PSCM, p.30-31 - These invisible Outlander elephantine beings secretly move amongst mankind, manipulating people for (usually) good or (rarely) evil ends. Amongst the varied masses of the Cage they are known to show themselves and operate in the open. Align = N (any), # = 1, HD = 12+12, Int = exc-genius
Bariaur: PSCM, p.31-32 - The widely known "goat-centaurs" of Ysgard (who hate that appellation) are common sights in the Cage. Small bands of males will come to town to trade or carouse, but sometimes whole flocks can be encountered. Flocks will number 5-20 males, 10-30 female, and 1d12-1 young. Otherwise, these stats apply: Align = CG, # = 2-5, HD = 7, Int = high
Eater of Knowledge: PSMC II, p.26-27 - Ilsensine's hideous agents are often tasked with entering the Cage to gather chant for the illithid power. Even Ilsensine cannot afford to offend the Lady of Pain, so its ganglia-encrusted servants act somewhat more benignly in the Cage than they do elsewhere. Align = NE, # = 1, HD = 10, Int = genius
Fensir: PoXMS, p.12-13 - The nocturnal Ysgardian trolls known as fensir sometimes visit the Cage as part of their wanderings called 'the Long Walk'. Some even give up their solitary natures to seek out human brides or other companionship in the Cage. But most remain transients. Align = CN, # = 2-8, HD = 4, Int = low-very
Formian: PoLMS, p.18-19 - Although somewhat alien in nature, the centaur-ants of Arcadia (at least, the larger castes) associate with humanoids and planars with ease. They can be found in the Cage trading and chantmongering just like the other races. Note that workers cannot speak anything more than their own insectile language. Roll 1d10:
1-4 Worker: Align = LN, # = 10-40, HD = 1+1, Int = low
5-7 Warrior: Align = LN, # = 1d6+6, HD = 3+3, Int = ave.
8-9 Myrmarch: Align = LN, # = 1d2+2, HD = 6+6, Int = exc.
10 Queen: Align = LN, # = 1 (+20 myrmarches), HD = 9+9, Int = supra-genius
Khaasta: PSMC II, p.58-59 - The conniving, lizard-mannish Khaasta are raiders, slavers and smugglers who plague the outlands and chaotic planes. Only two things really matter to them: prestige and wealth. Thus, they can be found in the Cage double-dealing with all the other knights of the cross trade. Align = CN(E), # = 6-24, HD = 3+3, Int = very
Lillend: PoXMS, p.16-17 - While Lillendi are native to Ysgard, they travel the prime and nearby chaotic planes as well. These winged serpent-women can be capricious and dangerous, but they delight in knowing darks and in joining secret societies, so can be found in the Cage in some numbers. Align = CN / CG, # = 2-12, HD = 7+14, Int = high
Modron- Chordant: This Site - The more flexible middle rankings of modrons were designed by Primus specifically to interact with the unpredictable other races of the Great Ring. Thus, the polyhedral chordant modrons can be found in increasing numbers within the Cage. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Sextant - Align = LN, # = 1-6, HD = 6+6, Int = very
3-5 Heptant - Align = LN, # = 1-4, HD = 7+7, Int = genius
6-8 Octant - Align = LN, # = 1-4, HD = 8+8, Int = very
9-10 Enneatant - Align = LN, # = 1-2, HD = 9+9, Int = high
Modron- Drone: PSMS, p.16-20 - Modron drones range from the barely sentient monodrones (which are never found without higher caste escort) to the fairly cunning, if boringly single-minded, pentadrones. Drone castes of modrons are always encountered traveling with lower castes. If pentadrones are encountered, quad-, tri-, duo-, and monodrones will also appear. Roll 1d10 to determine the highest caste encountered:
--- Monodrone - Align = LN, # = 3-36, HD = 1+1, Int = semi
1-2 Duodrone - Align = LN, # = 1-12, HD = 2+2, Int = low
3-4 Tridrone - Align = LN, # = 1-8, HD = 3+3, Int = ave.
5-7 Quadrone - Align = LN, # = 1-8, HD = 4+4, Int = ave.
8-10 Pentadrone - Align = LN, # = 1-6, HD = 5+5, Int = ave.
Modron- Rogue: PWHB, p.76-78 - Inflicted with a sense of individuality, these cubic ex-modrons must beware their normal brethren. They are typically somewhat lost and confused by separate existence, and most make their way to the Cage sooner or later. Align = L(any), # = 1, HD = var., Int = ave.+
Observer: PSMC II, p.70-71 - Planar beholders are more reserved than their prime kindred, better able to associate with humanoids without outright slaughtering or enslaving them. And since they prize knowledge above all else, they can be found in the Cage with some frequency. Align = LN(E), # = 1, HD = 8+8, Int = genius
Reave: PSMC II, p.80-81 - These four-armed planewalking mercenaries are valuable allies in a fight, and easy to hire. Violent but oath-bound, reaves frequent the Cage looking for employment or resting between assignments. Align = LE, # = 3-24, HD = 2+4, Int = ave.
Rilmani- Argenach: PSMC II, p.84,87 - Argenachs are the most powerful type of Rilmani to be found wandering the Cage. They are the agitators and advisors of the race, espcecially interested in keeping the balance on the Prime Material Plane. They direct several campaigns from the Cage, with its many portals to the Prime. Align = N, # = 1, HD = 9, Int = genius
Rilmani- Cuprilach / Abiorach: PSMC II, p.84 - Cuprilach and abiorach are the agents provocateur of the rilmani race. The abiorach operate almost esclusively in the inner planes, and use the Cage as a convenient base for their operations there. Cuprilach are assassins and spies, sent wherever their high-ups demand. They also frequent the Cage, to train as well as to mark their targets. Roll 1d10:
1-4 Abiorach: PSMC II, p.86 - Align = N, # = 2-8, HD = 5, Int = high
5-10 Cuprilach: PSMC II, p.89 - Align = N, # = 1-2, HD = 8, Int = exc.
Rilmani- Plumach / Ferrumach: PSMC II, p.84 - Although they don't travel as much as the other rilmani, ferrumach and plumach may still be seen in the Cage. Ferrumach form the armies of the rilmani race, warriors ready to fight for the balance. Plumach are the rilmani commoners, and come to Sigil to trade or act on behalf of mundane rilmani concerns. Roll 1d10:
1-5 Ferrumach: PSMC II, p.90 - Align = N, # = 4-16, HD = 6, Int = high
6-10 Plumach: PSMC II, p.91 - Align = N, # = 1-8, HD = 4+4, Int = ave.
Slaadi, Greater: PSMC, p.88,91 - Slaadi do not make distinctions of 'least', 'lesser', and 'greater' amongst themselves, except for determining how dangerous a particular slaad may be in combat. But more organized taxonomers note that greater slaadi are those with mighty magical powers and great physical prowess. They are also capable of entertaining concerns beyond their current whim, and visit the Cage sometimes to further their plans. Roll 1d10:
1-4 Gray: PSMC, p.90 - Align = CN, # = 1-4, HD = 11+7, Int = high
5-8 White: This Site - Align = CN, # = 1-2, HD = 13+8, Int = exc.
9-10 Black (death): PSMC, p.90-91 - Align = CN, # = 1, HD = 15+9, Int = genius
Slaadi, Least: PSMC, p.88,91 - Least Slaadi are the stupid ones of their kind, the weaker and smaller which must defer to their aggressive cousins. Most do so by hiding in the depths of Limbo, but some make their way to the Cage where they can inflict their chaos on others without concern for being eaten or bullied. Roll 1d10:
1-2 Yellow: This Site - Align = CN, # = 5-20, HD = 5+1, Int = semi
3-5 Orange: This Site - Align = CN, # = 3-18, HD = 6+2, Int = semi
6-10 Red: PSMC, p.88-90 - Align = CN, # = 2-12, HD = 7+3, Int = low
Slaadi, Lesser: PSMC, p.88,91 - Lesser Slaadi form the turbulent core of the slaadi race, none ever quite sure of who has power over whom. Roll 1d10:
1-4 Blue: PSMC, p.90 - Align = CN, # = 1-10, HD = 8+4, Int = low
5-8 Green: PSMC, p.90 - Align = CN, # = 1-8, HD = 9+5, Int = ave.
9-10 Violet: This Site - Align = CN, # = 1-6, HD = 10+6, Int = very
Tso: PSMC II, p.116-117 - The spell-slinging, slaving, contract-signing Tso are common sights in the cage. With their lack of scruples, penchant for procuring, and legendary greed, the spider-eel cousins of the spelljamming neogi are practically natural-born cagers. Align = LE, # = 3-18, HD = 7, Int = high

Exotic Sentients
Aaracokra: MM, p.5 - Aaracokra are bird-like humanoids who typically come from a simple tribal society. This is not necessarily so in Sigil, as they could hail from a prime where they are more 'civilized'. They are extremely claustrophobic and will be uneasy in the Cage. Align = NG, # = 1d10, HD = 1+2, Int = ave.
Aartuk: Spelljammer MC I, - Aartuk are multi-limbed, star-shaped vegetable creatures. They are warlike but homeless, so their tribes wander in search of conquest. A more powerful 'elder' accompanies each tribe. Align = LE, # = 5-20, HD = 2+1, Int = ave.
Aspis / Tohr-Kreen: Greyhawk MC I (Aspis), MM, p.342 (Tohr-kreen) - Aspis are man-sized boll-weevil creatures with a hive mind. 'Kreen are large, highly individualistic mantis-type creatures. Both insectivoid races have trouble communicating with humanoids and are looked upon with some suspicion.
Aspis: Align = N, # = 2-20, HD = 6, Int = very
'Kreen: Align = CN, # = 2-24, HD = 6+3, Int = ave-high.
Beholder-kin: MM, p.21-26 - There are many varieties of beholders, some of whom are capable of dealing with non-beholders beyond the predator / prey relationship. This encounter could be with 1 beholder, 1-4 examiners, an overseer with 2-5 director guards, or 1-4 watchers. Basic beholder: Align = LE, HD = 45-75 HP, Int = except.
Bullywug / Grippli: MM, p.34 (Bullywug), MM, p.180 (Grippli) - Bullywugs and Grippli are both sentient races of giant frogs. Grippli are brightly colored, more tribal tree-frogs. Bullywugs are dull-colored ground-hoppers. Both rarely create complicated civilizations, but these could be from a prime where their race is more advanced.
Bullywug: Align = CE, # = 3-24, HD = 1, Int = ave.
Grippli: Align = N, # = 1-10, HD = 1+1, Int = very-high.
Centaur-Kin: There are a wide variety of centaurs and man-animal hexapeds that can be found visiting the Cage: Roll 1d10
1-3: Centaur - MM, p.41; (man-horse) Align = N/CG, # = 1-8, HD = 4, Int = ave.
4: Dorvesh - MCA II, p.27; (dwarf-donkey) Align = N, # = 2-12, HD = 4, Int = ave.
5: Gnoat - MCA II, p.28; (gnome-goat) Align = N, # = 3-12, HD = 3+1, Int = ave.
6: Ha'pony - MCA II, p.29; (halfling-pony) Align = NG, # = 2-8, HD = 2+2, Int = ave.
7: Pegataur - Mystara MC, p.86; (elf-pegasi) Align = NG, # = 2-20, HD = 5-8, Int = ave.
8-9: Wemic - MM, p. 357; (man-lion) Align = N, # = 2-16, HD = 5+8, Int = ave.
10: Zebranaur - MCA II, p. 30; (man-zebra) Align = N, # = 2-16, HD = 3+4, Int = ave.
All these races are humanoid from the waist up, with an animal's body below. Most form rural societies at best, but could come from a more advanced prime world.
Chitine: MCA I, p.21 - Chitine are subterranean spider creatures that are generally humanoid in form. As cast-off drow experiments, they rarely create complicated civilizations, but these could be from a prime where their race is more advanced. Align = LE, # = 1-6, HD = 2, Int = very
Diabolus: Mystaran MC, p.26 - Diaboli are from a "higher" plane, that of nightmares, and are utterly immune to normal magic. They resemble blue satyrs and are very rarely found in the prime. But they do trade with some frequency in the great ring, and thus, the Cage. Align = any(CG), # = 1-6, HD = by lvl/class(1), Int = ave.
Dimensional Warper: FRMC I - Dimensional Warpers are oddly serpentine, tentacled creatures that come from an unknown plane or prime. They are vastly intelligent and highly curious. Align = N, # = 1, HD = 8-10, Int = supra-genius.
Dragon-Kin: MCA I, p.39 - Dragon-kin resemble miniature humanoid dragons, with wings and all. They love magic and will go to great lengths to acquire magical items. Align = CE, # = 2-16, HD = 7, Int = ave.
Drake, Mystaran: Mystaran MC, p.34 - From the prime Mystara, these tiny dragons are always encountered in a shape-shifted humanoid form. All varieties of drake are highly chaotic thieves by nature. Align = C(any), # = 1-4, HD = 3-5, Int = high.
Flumph: MCA II, p.58 - These small, floating, tentacled plates with eyestalks are truly bizarre. But they love philosophy and can be found floating around more often than one would think in the Cage. Align = LG, # = 2-16, HD = 2-5, Int = ave-high
Giant / Ogre / Troll: MM, p.132-148 (giants), p.272-275 (ogres), p.349-351 (trolls) - Giant humanoids come in vast array of races, but those visiting Sigil are more likely to be civilized than their reputation. While they may have trouble with the minikin-sized accoutrements, they are usually primes who do not immediately prey on all the smaller folk. Only a few are detailed here and DMs are encouraged to substitute their favorites for this list. Roll 1d10:
1: Giant, Cloud - Align = N(G or E), # = 1-10, HD = 16+, Int = ave. - very
2: Giant, Ettin - Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 10, Int = low
3: Giant, Fire - Align = LE, # = 1-8, HD = 15+, Int = low-ave.
4: Giant, Frost - Align = CE, # = 1-8, HD = 14+, Int = low-ave.
5: Giant, Wood - Align = CG, # = 1-4, HD = 7+7, Int = high-except.
6-8: Ogre - Align = CE, # = 2-12, HD = 4+1, Int = low
9: Ogre Mage - Align = LE, # = 1-6, HD = 5+2, Int = ave.-exept.
10: Troll - Align = CE, # = 1-12, HD = 6+6, Int = low
Giff: MM, p.150 - These militaristic hippo-shaped humanoids ply the planes in all ways, including spelljamming. They like combat, but need to trade for supplies like everyone else. Align = LN, # = 11-20, HD = 4, Int = low
Grell: MM, p.173 - Grell look like monstrous floating brains with a sharp beak and 10 sharp-ridged tentacles. They're highly intelligent, very dangerous, and view most other races as food. Align = NE, # = 1-10, HD = 5, Int = ave-exept.
Grommam: Spelljammer MC - These gregarious, dextrous ape-men are often found spelljamming through the prime. Kind-hearted and class-conscious, they rarely stay long in the mean streets of the Cage. Align = LG, # = 10-40, HD = 2+1, Int = very
Humanoids - Greater: - The larger humanoids of 1+ HD (bugbears, gnolls and hobgoblins), tend to be better organized than their normal prime counterparts when visiting the Cage, as well as slightly less prone to random violence. Roll 1d10:
1-2: Bugbear - MM, p.32; Align = CE, # = 2-8, HD = 3, Int = low-ave.
3-4: Gnoll - MM, p.158; Align = CE, # = 2-12, HD = 2, Int = low
5-7: Hobgoblin - MM, p.191; Align = LE, # = 2-20, HD = 1+1, Int = ave.
8-9: Ogre, half - MM, p.274-275; Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 2+6, Int = semi-high
10: Orc, Orog - MM, p.281-282; Align = LE, # = 2-8, HD = 3, Int = high
Humanoids - Lesser: MM, p.163 (goblin), MM, p.214 (kobold), MM, p.281-282 (orc) - The smaller humanoids of 1 or fewer HD (goblins, kobolds and orcs), tend to be more civilized than their normal prime counterparts when visiting the Cage. Nevertheless, they remain nasty, brutish and short.
1-3: Goblin - MM, p.163; Align = LE, # = 4-24, HD = 1-1, Int = low-ave.
4-6: Kobold - MM, p.214; Align = LE, # = 5-20, HD = 1/2, Int = ave.
7-10: Orc - MM, p.281-282; Align = LE, # = 3-18, HD = 1, Int = ave.
Hutaakan: Mystara MC, p.64 - These jackal-headed felinoids bear a slight resemblance to gnolls, but are far more urbane. They inhabit multiple primes, but only the well-lanned hutaakan travel to the Cage. Align = LN, # = 1-10, HD = 1+, Int = ave-very
Keeper: PSMC II, p.56 - While they look just slightly off-human, these planar mysteries are far from it. They keep to themselves unless a party has something they want. Align = LN, # = 1d4+2, HD = 4+4, Int = except.
Kenku: MM, p.211 - Kenku are man-sized, humanoid birds, usually hailing from oriental lands or primes. They are great travelers and not uncommon in the Cage. Align = N, # = 2-8, HD = 2-5, Int = ave.
Lizard-Kin: There are a wide variety of reptilian humanoids that visit the Cage:
1: Caymen - Mystara MC, p.72-73; Align = N, # = 10-60, HD = 2, Int = ave.
2: Firenewt - FR MC I; Align = NE, # = 3-30, HD = 2+2, Int = low
3: Laerti - MCA II, p.77; Align = LE, # = 3-24, HD = 3+3, Int = very
4-6: Lizard Men - MM, p.227; Align = N, # = 1d8+7, HD = 2+1, Int = low
7: Saurial - FR MC I; Align = any, # = 1-6, HD = 2+, Int = very
8: Sis'thik - Mystara MC, p.72-73; Align = NE, # = 3-18, HD = 3+3, Int = ave.
9-10: Troglodyte - MM, p.348; Align = CE, # = 4-24, HD = 2, Int = low
All these races are essentially humanoid, with lizard heads and / or other features. Most form rural societies at best, but could come from a more advanced prime world.
Loxo: MM, p.76 - These semi-nomadic, elephantine humanoids trade fine art for the vast amounts of food they need to survive. They may rarely advance as wizards to quite high level. Align = N, # = 6-60, HD = 4+4, Int = low-except.
Lutum: Spelljammer MC - Mudwomen appear human at first, but they are not. They're a strange variety of sentient mud and slime that takes humanoid form to travel. They're terribly greedy, always seeking to amass magic and wealth. Align = LE, # = 1-8, HD = 6, Int = except.
Mind Flayer: MM, p.251 - Illithids are well described in many different sources. Only in the Cage could they get away with walking unharmed in public with their prey so near. Align = LE, # = 1-4, HD = 8+4, Int = genius
Mongrelman: MM, p.257 - The pathetic mongrelmen of the universe sometimes seek shelter from their awful lives in the Cage. Here, they're only another odd-looking species. Align = LN, # = 1-20, HD = 1-4, Int = low-ave.
Naga / Banelar: MM, p.266-267 (naga), MCA I p.14 (banelar) - There are several types of human-headed snake creatures, most of whom are clever spellslingers. All can be found in the Cage at some place or another. An encounter with them could be with 1-4 banelar or water naga, 1-3 dark naga or spirit naga, or 1-2 guardian naga.
Neogi: MM, p.268 - These slave-trading spider creatures are prime relatives to the planar tso. They usually spelljam, but can be found raiding their planar cousins' territories as well. Align = LE, # = 1-8, HD = 5, Int = high
Ormyrr: MCA I, p.93 - The giant, snake-like Ormyrr act as bodyguards to many planars. Occasionally, groups of them will be encountered in the Cage as trying to make business connections. Align = LN, # = 1-12, HD = 7+7, Int = very
Plasmoid: Spelljammer MC - Plasmoids are giant amoeboids who travel widely across the prime and the planes. They come in a variety of forms, and several different types may be encountered in the Cage. DeGleash (Align = non-evil, # = 1-6, HD = 8, Int = ave.) and DelNorics (Align = non-good, # = 2-8, HD = 5, Int = very) are the most common.
Psurlon: PSMC III, p.76 - The wormlike, psionic, astral-dwelling Psurlon frequent the Cage less often than their enemies, the Githyanki, but the can still be found in some numbers. They have a 20% chance of being accompanied by an Adept of their race. Align = LE, # = 1-4, HD = 7, Int = genius.
Rakasta: Mystara MC, p.91 - These sophisticated catlike humanoids are famed for their urbanity and prowess as merchants. They're likely to be looking for something to trade for their well-made silk products. Align = N, # = 3-30, HD = 2+1, Int = very
Reigar w/ Lakshu: Spelljammer MC - The ever-boastful but powerful reigar are never without their tall, green-haired amazon bodyguards, the lakshu. They mostly spelljam, but also come to the Cage and the planes in their quest for new artistic diversions.
Reigar: Align = CN, # = 1, HD = 14, Int = supra-genius
Lakshu: Align = N, # = 2-20, HD = 5, Int = very
Sahuagin: MM, p.306-307 - The devils of the deep come to the Cage rarely, because of their need for water, but they do visit occasionally to check out the slave trade. Align = LE, # = 6-24, HD = 2+2, Int = high
Skulk: Greyhawk MC - While this race is normally quite shy, encounters with them are still possible in the Cage. Not all skulks on the prime have totally lost their civilization. Align = CE, # = 1-8, HD = 2, Int = ave.
Spellweaver: MCA I, p.104-105 - Bizarre in the extreme, spellweavers aren't very comprehensible even to other planewalkers. What they want in the Cage is as much of a mystery of what they want on the Prime. Align = N, # = 1, HD = 10, Int = genius
Spider, Planar: Mystara MC, p.103-104 - Man-sized and intelligent, these giant spiders from the Ethereal Plane are to the phase spider what the high-clan Xill are to low-clan Xill: more intelligent, powerful, and civilized. They are undeservedly given a wide berth by cagers. They have a complex, advanced society, and can be quite voluble, if one can figure out how to speak with them. Align = any, # = 3-18, HD = 5-12, Int = very
Sprite: Sprites can rarely be found traveling through the Cage to reach some other sylvan area, such as a hospitable elemental plane. They're uniformly uncomfortable in the urban grime of the Cage, and never stay long. Roll 1d10:
1: Brownie, MM, p.31 - Align = LG, # = 4-16, HD = 1/2, Int = high
2-3: Killmoulis, MM, p.31 - Align = N(CG), # = 1-3, HD = 1/2, Int = ave.
4: Nixie, MM, p.328-330 - Align = N, # = 10-40, HD = 1/2, Int = very
5: Pixie, MM, p.328-330 - Align = N, # = 5-20, HD = 1/2, Int = except.
6-7: Seelie Faerie, MCA II, p.105 - Align = CN, # = 5-40, HD = 1-1, Int = very
8: Sprite, MM, p.328 - Align = N(NG), # = 5-40, HD = 1, Int = very
9-10: Unseelie Faerie, MCA II, p.106 - Align = CE, # = 5-40, HD = 1-1, Int = very
Tabi: Mystara MC, p.110 - Small and monkeylike, Tabi normally are fairly primitive creatures. But their insatiable hunger for rumors and legends draws them to the Cage like moths to the flame, so they can be found here regularly. Align = CN, # = 1-4, HD = 5, Int = ave.
Tako: MM, p.336 - These odd octopoids have great difficulty getting around in the Cage. But their communal nature compels them to associate with other races, so they visit it nevertheless. Align = LN, # = 3-12, HD = 4, Int = ave.
Tatalla: MCA I, p.108 - The tight familial groups of tatalla, almost universally known as vicious, one-eyed assassins, (along with their tiny size) makes them easy to spot. An encounter will be with 1-4 tatalla (Align = LE, HD = 2+2, Int = ave.), but more will definitely be watching from nearby.
Tlincalli / Rastipede: MM, p.245 (tlincalli, aka manscorpion), Spelljammer MC (rastipede) - Both these insectivorid centaur races are rare in the Cage. Manscoprions simply are not very numerous, while rastipedes usually spelljam across the crystal spheres of the Prime. But they can both be found here on occasion.
Manscorpion: Align = NE, # = 8+, HD = 8-12, Int = low-genius
Rastipede: Align = N, # = 1-6, HD = 5, Int = very
Yuan-Ti: MM, p.369 - These mutated snake-men are sometimes mistaken for lizard-kin, but they are not. They are frighteningly intelligent, dangerous, and not to be trifled with. Align = CE, # = 1-4, HD = 6-9, Int = genius

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Re: Random encounter charts for Sigil?

Wow, that's a great place to start, thanks!

Palomides wrote:
You might want to break it down into categories. I would suggest three categories: general/common, specific and weird

For example, some "general/common" things can happen just about anywhere (vendor tries to get your attention, kid comes up and begs for a copper, etc.)
Other things only happen in specific neighborhoods. In The Lady's Ward, Harmonium patrols would be a semi-common occurance. Not so much in the Hive
Finally, there should be a smaller chance for something really outlandish which I've lumped under "weird"

Do you want ideas for all of these types? Do you want combat AND non-combat ones?

Encounter subtables by ward is how I'm organizing things, yeah. For classed NPC encounters, I'm working on adventurer/mercenary/clueless, cirminal, faction/sect, lawman, rabble, and upper crust npc subtables. Now thinking a fiendish and perhaps other exemplar subtable might be justified too.

Thanks for those encounter suggestions. These will all be of use.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Random encounter charts for Sigil?

Oh, I found this other chart I made.

The racial encounter table would be something like this, on a d20:

1-8: Humanoids and planetouched
9-12: Animals and pests
13: Monsters
14: Undead
15: Fiends
16: Celestials
17: Cordants
18-19: Elementals
20: Exotic Sentients

First, humanoids and planetouched:

Most common: Humans, the default planewalking humanoid. Humans often mate with other species, but any single hybrid race is going to be somewhat rare.

Planetouched: Aasimar, tiefling, chaond, tuladhara, zenythri/mechanatrix, shyft, shadowswyft, gloaming, phoera, genasi, mephling, feytouched, krinth, etc.

Other common races: Githzerai, githyanki, bariaur, khaasta, nathri, shad

Rare races: Buommans, elves, dwarves, fensir, gnomes, halflings, illumians, neraphim, orcs, spikers, wildrens, spellscales, mongrelfolk, half-orcs, goblins, kobolds and xill.

Very rare races: Bladelings, dromites, duergar, elans, half-giants, thri-kreen, kenku, maenads, mongrelfolk, xephs, changelings, nezumi, korobokuru, spirit folk, vanara, shifters, kalashtar, inspired, warforged, goliaths, aarakocras, raptorans, catfolk, lupins, diaboli, killorens, centaurs, gnolls, dopplegangers, half-ogres, underfolk, sharakim, sea-kin, dragonborn, half-dragons, azurins, dusklings, rilkans, skarns.

Animals and pests include things like pigeons, large gray "executioner ravens," rot grub swarms, humanoid immigrants from the Material Plane who have degenerated to an animal state due to the stress of their new environment, two-headed Aoskian hounds, Arcadian ponies, cranium rat swarms, giant rats, moon rats, ash rats, elemental vermin, fhorges, bonespears, rasts, ravids. ethyks, gathras and other livestock, creatures corrupted by magical pollution, lost pets, and more. Of course, there will be animals with the fiendish, celestial, axiomatic, anarchic, vivacious, elemental, and entropic templates.

Undead include both creatures of the undead type and other beings who can be easily lumped in with them: wights, ghouls, zombies and skeletons created by the Dustmen faction, vampires and liches living openly or in secret, spectres, ghosts, and wraiths, devourers, visages, atropal scions, entropic reapers, brains in jars, bhuts, allips, hooded pupils, grimweirds, quth-maren, alhoons, cursts, necropolitans, eyes of fear and flame, living creatures who are somehow half-undead, lepers and other living victims of piteous planar diseases, petitioners (lost, refugees, or here on a mission), worms that walk, rot reavers, and ordinary corpses. The authorities of Sigil don't tolerate undead who roam around killing people, but they may tolerate those who behave themselves. The other kind - pure monsters who need to be destroyed - end up in Sigil, too, of course, and cause trouble before someone finally hunts them down. Some may lurk in secret or beneath the city for years or centuries.

Celestials include angels, archons, eladrins, lillends, guardinals, moon dogs, couatls, quesar, ki-rin, opinicuses, hollyphants, lammasu, phoenixes, aleaxes, and risen fiends.

Fiends include night hags, yugoloths, rakshasas, fallen celestials, baatezu, tanar'ri, demodands, marrashi, imps, retrievers, barghests, kytons, and kythons.

Cordants include slaadi, formians, modrons, inevitables, Limbo stalkers, concordant killers, justicators, rilmani, visilights, and maugs.

Elementals include elementals, paraelementals, genies, lumi, sylphs, grues, azers, salamanders, xorns, tsnng, and so on.

Exotic sentients include things like spellweavers, illithids, beholders, grell, tsochar, psurlons, witchknives, cloakers, nagas, yuan-ti, neogi, neh-thalggu, zodars, skindancers, ethergaunts, shadar-kai, nerras, kaorti, zerns, phasms, nilshai, daelkyr, protean scourges, keepers, and other beings who don't easily fit any other catagory.

OstianScholar's picture
Joined: 2011-01-31
Re: Random encounter charts for Sigil?

In case anyone cares, I've been beating the kinks out of an auto-roller using the tables above... Occasionally, it still rolls completely stupid things (Lantern Archon Jinkskirt?), but the more I see what it's thinking, the better I can correct it.

It does not roll stats. Just a list of 1-20 random creatures on the street, based on what ward you say you're in. Most of what it comes up with will be non-hostile -- unfriendly, perhaps, but generally well-behaved NPCs. I'll be adding an option for 'throw something nasty at me', at some point in the near future, but for right now, it does a pretty good impression of the average crowd on the street.

If you see random green code-garbage, that just means I'm debugging something. It'll go away as soon as I figure out what I broke... again... *grins*

Sigil Encounter Generator

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