Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

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Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

Racial substitution levels are optional rules originally introduced in the Races of ... product line, which allow you to flavor your class levels based on your character's race.

A substitution level is a level of a given class that you take instead of the level described for the standard class. Essentially, a substitution level grants you an alternative class feature in place of the standard class feature normally gained at that level. Some substitution levels only modify the standard class feature instead of replacing it completely. The only prerequisite for taking a substitution level being of the proper race and class level.

When a substitution level modifies Hit Dice size, this modification applies only to that level, not all levels of the class. Conversely, when a substitution level modifies the list of class skills, this change applies to all levels of the class.

Edit: I plan to have racial substitution levels for all planar races before making this into a series of articles for the site. So far, I've only got the githzerai and githyanki posted. Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Not surprisingly, a substantial percentage of aasimar in the planes are priests of celestial powers. They find their upper-planar heritage to be of great use ascending through the hierarchy of the clerical orders.

1st Level - Turn Fiend (Su): You can turn (but not destroy) extraplanar outsiders with the evil subtype as most clerics turn undead. If you turn an extraplanar creature that has 1/2 your own Hit Dice or less, it is banished to its home plane instead. You can use this ability a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
This class feature replaces the standard turn undead ability.

7th Level - Lesser Planar Host (Ex): You attract devoted followers as if you had the Leadership feat. You do not gain a cohort but you do gain followers, all of whom are outsiders with the good subtype (typically humanoids with the celestial or petitioner template). When consulting the Leadership table to determine their number and level, ignore their ECL.
This class feature replaces the ability to prepare or cast the lesser planar ally spell. This spell is removed from your spell list.

11th Level - Planar Host (Ex): Your gain a cohort as if you had the Leadership feat. This cohort is an outsider with the good subtype (typically an archon, deva, eladrin, or guardinal). When consulting the Leadership table to determine its level, take into account its ECL.
This class feature replaces the ability to prepare or cast the planar ally spell. This spell is removed from your spell list.


Some aasimar feel naturally predisposed to channeling divine magic, and do so without formalized prayer, preparation, and other such rituals. They see this as part of maturing into a true celestial being.

Class Skills: Add Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (the planes). Remove Jump.

3rd Level - Power's Domain (Ex): Choose one of the domains offered by your deity. You add the 1st-level spell of that domain to your known spells for free. Whenever you would gain access to a new spell level, you add that level's spell from your chosen domain to your known spells for free.
This class feature replaces the standard deity's weapon focus ability, and also the ability to exchange known spells at even-numbered levels.

5th, 10th, and 15th Level - Energy Resistance (Ex): At each of the indicated levels, choose one of your racial energy resistances (acid, cold, or electricity). It is increased from 5 to 15. You cannot choose the same energy type twice.
This class feature is a modification of the standard energy resistance ability.

12th Level - Audience (Sp): You can use contact other plane as a spell-like ability once per week, but only to contact your deity. Your effective caster level is equal to your class level.
This class feature replaces the standard deity's weapon specialization ability.

20th Level - Damage Reduction (Su): You gain damage reduction 10/evil. Your type and subtype become outsider (native, good).
This class feature replaces the standard damage reduction ability.


There is a greater percentage of paladins among the aasimar then there is in any other planar race. They rarely congregate into knightly orders, and most choose to follow their own personal code of conduct, which usually has more to do with defending against the fiends of the Lower Planes then opposing evil in general.

Class Skills: Add Knowledge (the planes). Remove Knowledge (nobility and royalty).

1st Level - Blessed Strike (Su): Once per day, on a successful attack, you can treat any weapon you wield as good-aligned for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.
At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the you may make one additional blessed strike per day, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.
This class feature replaces the standard smite evil ability.

4th Level - Turn Fiend (Su): You can turn (but not destroy) extraplanar outsiders with the evil subtype as a cleric of three levels lower might turn undead. If you turn an extraplanar creature that has 1/2 your own Hit Dice or less, it is banished to its home plane instead. You can use this ability a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
This class feature replaces the standard turn undead ability.

5th Level - Special Mount (Ex): Your special mount has the celestial template applied. However, you cannot magically summon the mount; it comes and goes as you command, but with no supernatural means of transportation, just like a normal mount would.
This class feature is a modification of the standard special mount benefit.


It is said that the original hexblade was a tiefling, a great-grandson of Graz'zt. Whether or not this claim holds any truth, no one can deny that many tieflings become effective hexblades, in spite of the uncharismatic nature that stems from their mixed heritage.

1st Level - Hexblade's Curse Focus (Su): Choose one component of your alignment - either chaos, evil, or law. Your curses, including the greater and dire variants, are 50% less effective against creatures of the chosen alignment, and 50% more effective against those of the opposite alignment. For example, if a 1st-level lawful evil tiefling hexblade chooses law as his favored alignment, his curse imposes a -3 penalty to chaotic creatures, a -1 penalty to lawful creatures, and a -2 penalty to creatures neither chaotic nor lawful.
The choice of alignment focus cannot be altered. If your own alignment strays, this ability may be temporarily suspended (until your alignment resets).

4th Level - Fiendish Charisma (Ex): Your Charisma score is treated as 2 points higher for the purpose of setting saving throw DCs against your curses and spells.
This class feature replaces the standard ability to summon a familiar.

10th Level - Cursed Strike (Su): Whenever you score a critical hit, your target must make a Will saving throw as if you had used the hexblade's curse against it. This does not expend one of your daily uses of the hexblade's curse ability.
This class feature replaces the standard 10th-level bonus feat.


By circumstance or by fate, most tieflings are rogues. The common wisdom says that no two are the same, though, and this applies to both rogues and tieflings...

3rd Level - Shot in the Dark (Ex): You deal an additional +1d6 points of damage on all sneak attacks you make under shadowy illumination or in full darkness. You deal 1d6 points less on sneak attacks you make under normal illumination.
This class feature is a modification of the standard sneak attack ability.

10th Level - Special Ability: Agonizing Strike (Ex): You can sneak attack opponents with such precision that your blows cause additional pain. An opponent damaged by one of your sneak attacks must also make a Fortitude save (DC equal to the damage dealt) or be stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action).
This class feature is an additional option for the "special ability" choice that can be made at 10th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

10th Level - Special Ability: See in Darkness (Su). You can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by spells.
This class feature is an additional option for the "special ability" choice that can be made at 10th level and every 3 levels thereafter.


Tieflings that choose to develop their supernatural heritage following the path of the warlock usually overcome their reduced sense of self-worth imposed from an early age by the discriminatory attitude of "untainted" mortal races.

1st Level - Fiendish Charisma (Ex): Your Charisma score is treated as 2 points higher for the purpose of setting saving throw DCs against your eldritch blast effects (if any) and your invocations.
This class feature replaces the ability to learn an invocation at 1st level. From this point on, the number of invocations known is one less than the value shown in Table 1-1: The Warlock, pg. 8 of Complete Arcane.

3rd Level - Damage Reduction (Ex): Your hellish heritage is manifested through your resistance to physical attacks. You gain damage reduction 1/silver. It improves by 1 every four levels thereafter.
This class feature is a modification of the standard damage reduction ability.

4th Level: Eldritch Penetration (Ex): You are adept at circumventing the natural resistance to magic of some creatures. If you choose to reduce your eldritch blast damage by 1d6 or more, you can add these dice to your caster level check to bypass the target's spell resistance. You must choose to use this ability before making the ranged touch attack roll.
This class feature replaces the standard deceive item ability.

10th and 20th Level - Energy Resistance (Ex): At 10th level, choose two of your racial energy resistances (cold, electricity, or fire). They are increased from 5 to 10. At 20th level, the third energy resistance is also increased to 10.
This class feature is a modification of the standard energy resistance ability.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

Considering that the Aasimar's favored class (Paladin) has both a multiclassing restriction (which is counter-intuitive to the whole idea of favored classes) and an ethical alignment restriction (which just perpetuates the curious notion that Law and Good are somehow equivalent) it would be nice to have something for Aasimar that are decidedly non-Lawful. How about an Aasimar Bard or Barbarian with features that replace the favored class?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
Considering that the Aasimar's favored class (Paladin) has both a multiclassing restriction (which is counter-intuitive to the whole idea of favored classes) and an ethical alignment restriction (which just perpetuates the curious notion that Law and Good are somehow equivalent) it would be nice to have something for Aasimar that are decidedly non-Lawful. How about an Aasimar Bard or Barbarian with features that replace the favored class?

I dislike the multiclass restrictions almost as much as I dislike the chaotic paladin concept, so I usually choose to ignore both.

Before returning to the aasimar, I intend to (time permitting) cover the other planar races - genasi, bladelings, etc.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
Considering that the Aasimar's favored class (Paladin) has both a multiclassing restriction (which is counter-intuitive to the whole idea of favored classes) and an ethical alignment restriction (which just perpetuates the curious notion that Law and Good are somehow equivalent) it would be nice to have something for Aasimar that are decidedly non-Lawful.
You know you could always use the other 3 Paladin variants in Unearthed Arcana, where there's the Paladin of Freedom (CG), Paladin of Tyranny (LE), and Paladin of Slaughter (CE) which makes the LG Paladin, the Paladin of Honor.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
You know you could always use the other 3 Paladin variants in Unearthed Arcana, where there's the Paladin of Freedom (CG), Paladin of Tyranny (LE), and Paladin of Slaughter (CE) which makes the LG Paladin, the Paladin of Honor.

Oh, I intend to, but I think there should be other ways to fix the problem than by adopting that particular variant.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

Why aren't there paladin-variants for the remaining alignments? What if somebody LN wants to crusade for the goals of their LN power as a holy warrior? An individual LN power might not feel like empowering holy warriors, but why would every LN power refuse to do it, just because they are LN, and not for a reason that actually relates to their domains and beliefs? It doesn't even relate to Law, because that doesn't stop LE and LG powers from giving spells to paladins.
As long as my character concept is impossible because of arbitrary rules, I will continue to hate class systems.

Even if the rest of Planescape is still utterly cool.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Why aren't there paladin-variants for the remaining alignments? What if somebody LN wants to crusade for the goals of their LN power as a holy warrior? An individual LN power might not feel like empowering holy warriors, but why would every LN power refuse to do it, just because they are LN, and not for a reason that actually relates to their domains and beliefs? It doesn't even relate to Law, because that doesn't stop LE and LG powers from giving spells to paladins.
There are 2 or 3 Dragon Magazine articles which also have Paladins of other alignments (I remember them coming out close to the launch of 3.5e), in this case they cover all of the alignments. But they're harder to find, and a little more mechanically complicated. The Unearthed Arcana variants tried to keep the abilities the same wherever they could.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Why aren't there paladin-variants for the remaining alignments?

As long as my character concept is impossible because of arbitrary rules, I will continue to hate class systems.

There are 2 or 3 Dragon Magazine articles which also have Paladins of other alignments

Not to mention that clerics of any alignment fit the "holy warrior" role perfectly.

I know d20, like AD&D before it, is a class-driven system, but there really is no need to make up new classes and prestige classes for every character concept imaginable. This habit neglects player creativity.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

No, actually, it does the opposite. It prevents player creativity by arbitrarily saying new character concepts are not allowed. With classes, the only concepts allowed are the ones thought up by the designers. Player creativity is taken away.

Clerics are not holy warriors because they are not WARRIORS. They don't fight, they are priests. They can't even use most weapons. It does not allow my character concept AT ALL. And there is absolutely no in-game justification for why certain alignments are never allowed to fight for their deity, using actual weapons. Its is purely because the designers didn't think of it.
If somebody would provide an acual in-game reason, it wouldn't be arbitrary anymore. There would be an actual in-setting reason why my character concept doesn't work.

As it is now, I'm just being told by the game that my creativity is not acceptable, because it isn't similar enough to be stuffed into an existing, restricted box. It's too creative. Which is sad, because it's not that unusual or creative a concept to begin with. The restrictions are just very, very narrow.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Clerics are not holy warriors because they are not WARRIORS. They don't fight, they are priests. They can't even use most weapons.

Obviously you've never seen a cleric with a decent strength in full plate swinging a morningstar. If you want a stronger weapon, use one feat to get proficiency, no big deal. Many priests automatically gain proficciency with their diety's weapon anyway. Sure, their base attack is a bit lower, but their augmentative spells more than make up for that. You can play any of the classes in numerous ways without having to tack on new feats, classes, or anything of that sort.
Heck, I've seen a sorceror played as a front line fighter without using any non-core spells or feats. Played on all sorts of miss chances and buffs, and 9 times out of 10 even a strike that 'hit' him missed. It's all up to your imagination.
If you think you need a new class to play your character, then go for it. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just not necessary for everyone

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

Those are things I've never thought of, thanks for the tips.

This would be easier, I admit, if I was more familiar with the game. Mostly my experience is in stating my character concept, and asking the DM whether they or the rules will allow it, and advice how to build it. I've had more than one DM tell me flat out I'm not allowed to use my character concept, and none of them ever had suggestions like what you just told me, which would have helped me a lot. So, thank you for those ideas!

Of course, these are the same DMs who insist that Kreen and Wemics are not allowed as PCs, so maybe I just badly need to find better games. One of the reasons I'm trying to learn more at this forum.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
I've had more than one DM tell me flat out I'm not allowed to use my character concept, and none of them ever had suggestions like what you just told me, which would have helped me a lot.

Like Hymneth said, character concept need not be tied strongly to character class. Not every assassin needs to have levels in the Assassin class, not every pious warrior needs to be a Paladin, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I think a variety of classes is generally a good thing, it's just that the concept should always come first, and not be hindered by game mechanics issues.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Nemui' wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I think a variety of classes is generally a good thing, it's just that the concept should always come first, and not be hindered by game mechanics issues.
But that's the very reason I think there should be a large variety, if you have to have classes at all. The other option is to have extremely flexible classes that don't restrict skills and abilities. I usually much prefer skill systems, where the player can implement their concept directly instead of jumping through hoops and regulations, trying to bend their ideas into a pre-defined box. I don't like boxes.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
But that's the very reason I think there should be a large variety, if you have to have classes at all.

Not really. You do not need a specific, narrowly defined class to match a character concept. Classes can and should be regarded more openly than the usually are, if you manage to break from that way of thinking (the one that say a character needs to have levels in Assassin to be able to kill for money).

Having hundreds of prestige classes available doesn't encourage player creativity - it actually stifles it. Instead of saying "I'm playing a priestess of Mystra who doesn't want to neglect her arcane training in favor of religious advancement, but instead seeks to unite the two paths.", a player says "I'm playing a Divine Theurge, I can cast lots of spells."

Focusing too much on the mechanical side of your character causes you to neglect the concept. But if you choose instead to take the mechanical side more as a guideline than actual rule, then you can play a holy warrior as a Cleric/Fighter, an assassin as a Bard/Ranger, etc.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

If somebody just pages through a list of 47 classes and picks one, you're right that it prevents creative thinking.
But that's not at all what I want to do. I always have a character concept in my head before I ever try to think what class will best translate that idea into the rules.

I don't want narrow classes at all. That's what I'm complaining against. More broad and flexible classes, or just a skill system, would be ideal. But if that's not going to happen in DnD, and more options is at least some slight improvement.
It would be even better if substitution levels were availible to everybody, so a class could have some flexibility.

When all the existing classes are narrow and inflexible, some character concepts are genuinely impossible. Not everything can fit into the pre-defined boxes. The designers can't predict every possible character concept.

If my character is not allowed to take any skills outside of her class, or is so disadvantaged at them that there is no point, then yes, my creativity is being stopped. I have to find the class that is closest to the concept I had for my character's goal in life, and then chop off every part of my initial concept that doesn't fit the designer's narrow idea of what a cleric is.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
I don't want narrow classes at all. That's what I'm complaining against. More broad and flexible classes, or just a skill system, would be ideal.

When all the existing classes are narrow and inflexible, some character concepts are genuinely impossible.

The designers can't predict every possible character concept.

If my character is not allowed to take any skills outside of her class, or is so disadvantaged at them that there is no point, then yes, my creativity is being stopped.

That's just my point. Classes, as designed, are not meant to be narrowly defined (with stupid exceptions such as alignment restrictions and the like). Your DM is the one limiting your creativity, not some designer.

Instead of countless prestige classes, minor class variants are (should be) a dime a dozen, and should be designed by the DM and the player together to fit the character's needs. For example, say you want a druid with a strong connection to the Inner Planes, not so much to the natural world of the Prime:


As the PHB druid, except as follows:

- Class Skills: Replace Handle Animal with Knowledge (the planes).

- Does not gain an animal companion, nor the wild empathy ability.

- Gains the companionship of a Small elemental (air, earth, fire, or water; your choice). Must speak the language of the chosen elemental companion (Auran, Terran, Ignan, or Aquan, respectively). The elemental companion has the normal statistics of an elemental of its kind. It does not gain any extra HD, natural armor adjustment, Strength or Dexterity adjustment, or extra tricks (it is intelligent enough to follow your spoken commands and thus needs no tricks). It gains all other special abilities normally granted to an animal companion, with the exception of Multiattack.
- At 4th level, the elemental grows into a Medium elemental of the same kind. Its statistics change appropriately.
- At 10th level, the druid can choose for his elemental companion to grow to a Large elemental of the same kind, with the appropriate changes to its statistics. If he chooses for the elemental to remain Medium, it instead gains +2 HD, +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and damage reduction 5/--.
- At 16th level, the druid can choose for his elemental companion to grow to a Huge elemental of the same kind, with the appropriate changes to its statistics. If he chooses for his elemental to remain at its current size, it instead gains an additional +4 HD, +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and damage reduction 5/--.
All these benefits stack with existing statistics except for the damage reduction.

See? That took no more than 5 minutes, and enabled an alternative character concept. The point is, there are few concepts that can't be represented using standard classes with minor modifications like that one.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

If those were available in the existing rules, there would be no need for prestige classes, and I'd be much happier.

I'd much rather the existing classes were flexible to begin with, but they are not.

I basically agree with you: narrow, inflexible classes are bad.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
When all the existing classes are narrow and inflexible, some character concepts are genuinely impossible. Not everything can fit into the pre-defined boxes. The designers can't predict every possible character concept.

I think you're neglecting the idea of multiclassing. Often, a single class won't grant all the abilities that fit the concept of a character you're trying to make. So you pick multiple classes to represent that.


Pants of the North!

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Racial Substitution Levels: Aasimar and Tiefling

There's the options of variant classes/variant class-abilities which I think are one of the best things introduced in a while (in fact I think they're better than substitution classes). Because not everyone wants their wizard to have a familiar.

And there's always that whole thing on rebuilding characters in the PHBII, even though you could just as readily apply a retcon to the character and change the class/abilities right away.

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