Races in your party

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Rolro's picture
Joined: 2012-09-12
Races in your party

What races do you use in your parties. Lizard men, giff, dwarves, etc

I try to give options to the players, but most of them always pick core races, elves and such

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Races in your party

Currently we have
a prime human
a githzerai
a tiefling
a bugbear
a planar halfling (former reincarnations so far: half-orc, bear, dwarf)
a marquis cambion
a nymph (started as a an alu-fiend but was turned into a nymph by chaos magic)

Past characters included gnome, drow, water-genasi, half-ogre, shade, minotaur and a living suit of armor.

Unsung's picture
Joined: 2012-10-04
Re: Races in your party

From one campaign: a human transmuter, an elven gardener, a fey prince-turned-vampire and his long-lost brother, an elderly tiefling mercenary general-turned-farmer, a half-elf Godsman cleric, an exiled eladrin warrior, a prime half-giant centurion, and an undead drow Dustman who accidentally reneged on his Dead Contract, among others.

From the other: a human warrior-priest-king cursed to old age before his time, a part-efreet/part-djinn genasi wanderer from Zakhara, a minotaur gladiatrix, a crotchety old human medicine man from a swamp and his powerful tortoise spirit guide (the tortoise is the player character), a vampire nobleman from a world where every 'living' thing is undead, and a devil-blooded tiefling enchanter who apprenticed on Arborea.

And there's also been a sorcerer-alchemist trapped halfway through a botched draconic apotheosis, a githzerai illithid-hunter who derives divine power through her worship of capital-T Truth, a vrock minstrel, a genie in a bottle, a pixie bounty hunter, an ancient golem security construct, a tiefling Indep black marketeer, a dwarven exorcist, a Bleaker barbarian sworn to slay Nerull himself, and the ghosts of a werewolf ranger and his animal companion.

There was also another campaign which I didn't run where we were a minotaur fighter, a kobold barbarian, a yeti/frost giant (goliath) warden with an aura of elemental cold, the aforementioned werewolf ranger, and a druid that we never saw out of animal form. We basically *were* a group of wandering monsters ourselves.

Rolro's picture
Joined: 2012-09-12
Re: Races in your party

Those are creative choices. We have wild elf ranger (grugach), half-elf orc sorcerer, prime human butcher, planar greedy dwarf. Part efreet-part djinn are called hawanar in Tome of Horrors.

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Races in your party

3 petitioners trapped in Sigil, sometimes four

and a re-made - lawful planetouched

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Races in your party

I'm a crotchety DM when it comes to player races; I allow humans, demi-humans, and planetouched. Pretty much it.

The two parties in my game are:

1. A Lightning Genasi Monk, a Human Summoner, and an Aasimar Paladin (who will become a greyguard). [Formerly, this group was the monk, the summoner, and a human wizard]

2. A Human Fighter, a Tiefling Rogue (who will become an assassin), and an Aasimar Monk (who will become a souldrinker).

Because the game only has three players, they usually have an NPC with them to help out and cast spells. Such allies, so far, have included a Gnome Cleric, a Tiefling Druid, and an Air Genasi Psion.

nijineko's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Races in your party

huh, i allow all official wotc material in my games (which includes all the designated sites, thank you for your excellent resources), so i get all kinds of races.

recently i've played human, kalashtar, warforged, hengeyoukai, changeling, drow, thri-kreen, mixed grey & wood elf, part-minotaur-part-ogre-half-orc, feytouched half-fey ghost, with more variants in the past.

my players currently consist of: dragon, various humans, gnome, and the above mentioned ghost. previous players have been even more varied.


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