Quotes From The Modern Planes

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Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Quotes From The Modern Planes

After reading this page, I was wondering what kind of things you'd hear people from Modern planes say.

Here's a few collected from the old UPP boards to get everyone started:

*Telephone rings*
Clerk: Hello?
Man on the other end: Excuse me, do you have Prince Albert in a Can?
Clerk: *sighs* Yes... Yes, we do...
Man: Good, I ran out of pipeweed. I'll be there in a half hour. Bye.

-Chaosman prank-calling a tobacco shop

"Did the entire plane of existence just flip me off?"
- Shadow Prime upon entering Limbo for the first time.

"Someone should tell that chick that spiked hair went out of style decades ago... Why are you looking at me like that?"
- Proof that Shadow Primes can be just as Clueless as any other prime.

*Telephone rings*
Woman: Hello?
Man: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running?
Woman: *checks* Yeah, why?

-Same Chaosman, different prank-call victim

Hello? Welcome to Customer Service. Please hold....
Hello? Welcome to Customer Service. Please hold....
Hello? Welcome to Customer Service. Please hold....
Hello? Welcome to Customer Service. Please hold....
Hello? Welcome to Customer Service. Please hold....
Hello? Welcome to Customer Service. Please hold....

- Monodrone tech support operator

"Those that live by the sword, die by those who don't."
-Bytopian Proverb

"Wow! How did you do that?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets."
"No, seriously, how did you do that?"
"Err... good sir. I said that a mag----"
*pulls out a gun*
"I SAID, how DID you DO that?! Explain NOW!!!"

- One of the more Zealous members of the Revealing Light watches a magic show at his little sister's birthday party.

Earth Scholar: "If any significantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, how do you explain magic coexisting with swords and spears?"
Earth Geek: "Tech trees my friend, tech trees"

- Discourse on the way to Foothold

"So, the secret to getting something from nothing is a bit of sulfur and some bat poop? Wow, and all this time we were trying to use super-conducting supercolliders?"
- Earth Scientist upon discussion with a planar mage

"Daddy? Where do babies come from?"
-Something you should never ask your father if he's a Shiner.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"People just haven't realised yet that extreme firepower is its own excuse."
-The guy who invented the nega-bomb

"**** knowledge! Belief 4TW!"
-Rather angry deity in a forum discussion with a clueless

And dude, you forgot the classic:

It's. A. Leaf?
-Githyanki, on the subject of the canadian flag

Aquarius Alodar's picture
Joined: 2005-01-14
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Erik" wrote:

"**** knowledge! Belief 4TW!"
-Rather angry deity in a forum discussion with a clueless


As to who would've actually said that, my vote's on Mystra or Gond. Your candidates are?

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Eh? Puzzled
I saw it more as some kind of newly risen hacker deity. Certainly, no self-respecting deity of knowledge would say "(BLEEP) knowledge!"

Aquarius Alodar's picture
Joined: 2005-01-14
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Erik" wrote:
Eh? Puzzled I saw it more as some kind of newly risen hacker deity. Certainly, no self-respecting deity of knowledge would say "(BLEEP) knowledge!"

I was just wondering who, in the established pantheons, would be likely to come out with that line, or words to the effect. My choices were two deities from Toril. Obviously, they have nothing to do with knowledge anyway- Mystra is the goddess of magic, and Gond's portfolio involves technology. Who else might say it, then....Moradin, perhaps?

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Erik" wrote:
It's. A. Leaf? -Githyanki, on the subject of the canadian flag

Take that joke to the Wood Elves in Arborea, berk, they'll know where to put it. Sticking out tongue

As a proud Canuck I'll have you know that maple leaves are symbols of virility and uhhh, fighting prowess among my people....or something. You wouldn't believe the number of Canadians who are killed and maimed every year by precision leaf strikes to the eye. Smiling

Eh, gimme the Red Ensign any day.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Yeah, but it's popular githyanki belief that they were defeated by some culture of highly skilled warriors, and that they were displaying pennants depicting a bloody spearhead. Finding out that it was a leaf will probably give their already shattered pride a good whupping. Sides, I didn't invent the quote, so it's not my fault.

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Were the Githyanki primarily defeated by the Canadians?

That gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Oh, my god! I forgot the Githyanki quote. And that quote was probably the coolest thing to come out of the old Astral War discussion.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Korimyr the Rat" wrote:
Were the Githyanki primarily defeated by the Canadians?

That gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Since the Astral Barrier was first breached in a secret military base under Cheyenne mountain, the United States was hit the hardest when the Githyanki army broke into our reality. Without aid from Canada and Europe, they would have definately fallen into Gith occupation.

But, this discussion belongs in the Astral War thread.

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Canada? Military? :shock:

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"LegatoX" wrote:
Canada? Military? :shock:
Dude, if they had an effective military, do you think they'd let the USA find out? The appearance of weakness is a strength.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
The appearance of weakness is a strength.

Why do you think they made the adamantine claws retractable?

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"LegatoX" wrote:
Canada? Military? :shock:
Dude, if they had an effective military, do you think they'd let the USA find out? The appearance of weakness is a strength.

I've always been paranoid about them canadians. 70% of them live within 10 miles of the US border, and I have good information that says most of them are trained as ninja mounties. The combination obviously means an attack is going to occur . . .

And I'm fearing the thought of a "hacker diety" who demands prayer be written only in 1337.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"LegatoX" wrote:
And I'm fearing the thought of a "hacker diety" who demands prayer be written only in 1337.
Given the number of Internetters who use l33t religiously, it'll have to happen sooner or later. gear_:|

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"When having a mid-life crisis, some people buy fancy cars or go hang-gliding. When I had mine, I co-founded a massive quasi-religious movement with billions of followers.

My wife always told me that I could be a little eccentric at times..."
-Factol Davis on subject of The Revealing Light faction

"Oh... So THAT'S what liquified organs feel like..."
-The last comments of a Sensate after attempting to experience radiation poisoning

-The noise one makes after suggesting that Shemeska uses plastic surgery to mantain her good-looks while she is within earshot

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Quotes From The Modern Planes

One more:

-Earth's extremely awkward first contact with the Githzerai

TheRoastSlinky's picture
Joined: 2005-02-03
Quotes From The Modern Planes

My god... it's full of crap.
-First Terran in the Endless Sewers

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Uniformity of thought is the ultimate goal of and ordered and controlled society. In countless mortal realms has this been realised. The Nazis of the Prime world of Earth, the Arth of the Prime of Julnar, and countless groups have grasped this simple principle.
But nowhere, not on any prime, not anywhere in the Inner, not anywhere in the Outer, save here, in Hell, has it been achived. And not even in Hell, save here, in Malgaurd, has this pinacle of order been achived. The only place even remotely close to achiving the perfection we command here was Mechnus, before its fall.
Here in Malgaurd, there is no taint of "individuality". Each devil, from the lowest of Lemures to the mightest of Pit Fiends, is interchangable. In fact, there is no "lowest" Lemure, or any "greatest" Pit Fiend. Each and every one is interchangable, indistinguishable. We do not need names for our subordinates, because each one has exactly the same appearence, mode of thought and capabilities as any other of their caste. Each one knows the same routines, the same procedures, the same enviornment.
This is order, in its greatest form. This is perfection!

— Opening of the first lecture given in any class in Grenopoli, by any lecturer.

Whitemage's picture
Joined: 2004-07-08
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Posted in the old site by yours truely:
Returning to the program Multiverse News, hosted by S.I.G.I.S. TV:
Further developments occered today in the brewing Astral hostage crisis. To our top Astral correspondent:
"Well, as you know, the Githyanki zealots who have taken nearly 30 shadow primes hostages are not budging an inch in their demands for increased self-rule and the handover of siver swords captured by the UN. However, the Balor 'Ichelor' has announced that he has 'a fool-proof plan' for reascuing the hostages and returning them to Foothold, which he says he will implament in exchange for the temporary services of 200 shadow prime engineers to modernize his layor of the Abyss. The UN consulate has regected the offer, citing a long-standing policy of 'no negotiations with fiends', and the Engineers Union told the Balor in an official statment 'we'll see you in Hell first'.

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Entropy will consume all! The multiverse is collapsing!"
"Yeah, third rule of thermodynamics, whats your point?"
—Doomgaurd and Prime

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"deadone" wrote:
"Entropy will consume all! The multiverse is collapsing!" "Yeah, third rule of thermodynamics, whats your point?" —Bleaker and Prime
I think you mean "Doomguard". Bleakers believe that the multiverse has no point, not that it's dying.

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Quotes From The Modern Planes


Forged's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"The Githzerai Monestary floated above the party in the exact way that bricks do not...."

Quote from Slaad bestseller "The hitchhikers guide to the multiverse"

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Quotes From The Modern Planes

The Tarrasque makes a very good meal for visiting tourists
– The Hitchhiker's Guid the the Multiverse

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Quotes From The Modern Planes

I suppose some canny blood would write one up eventually... Laughing out loud.

Median's picture
Joined: 2005-02-23
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Ever felt like roadkill on the information super highway?"
--Opening line of a Bleaker's recruitment poster

Yes yes it's bad but I had to find someway to work in that clichéd quote.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"I'm sorry, the planar layer you were trying to dial is no longer in conjunction. Please try your call again. You are being redirected to our Customer Service department on the 411th layer of the Abyss. Please hold."
--The call that drove Bleaker Factor Dickens full-throttle insane

Aquarius Alodar's picture
Joined: 2005-01-14
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Krypter" wrote:
"I'm sorry, the planar layer you were trying to dial is no longer in conjunction. Please try your call again. You are being redirected to our Customer Service department on the 411th layer of the Abyss. Please hold." --The call that drove Bleaker Factor Dickens full-throttle insane

Wow.........How the hell *does* one work out a transdimensional telephone directory, anyway?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Aquarius Alodar" wrote:
"Krypter" wrote:
"I'm sorry, the planar layer you were trying to dial is no longer in conjunction. Please try your call again. You are being redirected to our Customer Service department on the 411th layer of the Abyss. Please hold." --The call that drove Bleaker Factor Dickens full-throttle insane

Wow.........How the hell *does* one work out a transdimensional telephone directory, anyway?

That's why it actually exists on the Temporal Prime.

"For everyone knows that trying to find an interdimensional number in the TTD takes a considerable amount of time. Just trying to find a number for your local Helmite temple can take nearly a year. It's that complex...".

Aquarius Alodar's picture
Joined: 2005-01-14
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Fell" wrote:
That's why it actually exists on the Temporal Prime.

"For everyone knows that trying to find an interdimensional number in the TTD takes a considerable amount of time. Just trying to find a number for your local Helmite temple can take nearly a year. It's that complex...".

Which sort of explains a modern myth from Japan, doesn't it......an undergrad college student, name of Morisato, phoned for takeout and ended up getting (mis) connected to some kind of Goddess Relief Office, if I recall correctly. Laughing out loud I must mock subtly, friends, lest divine displeasure rain on my head in at least one alternate timestream.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Oh My Goodness, whatever could you be referring to? Smiling

Seriously, I've never watched that show. Never.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Quotes From The Modern Planes

-lasts words of a gangster who turned a dabus into an 'innocent bystander'

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"nick012000" wrote:
"Oops." -lasts words of a gangster who turned a dabus into an 'innocent bystander'


"[picture of hat]+w [arrow pointing up] [pin]-p [picture of dam]-m [picture of sigil]"
Fell, mocking a 'gangsta'

Sliver Overlord's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Gah, I hate taking public tranportain, it's always late. It's like some form of . interplaner..axiom...

-Guvner having an epifinay wating for a bus

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Y'know, it's funny what a basic understanding of physics will do for you.
-Psion, after setting an annoyance on fire using telekinesis

So, this train should theoretically be moving at infinite speeds?
Okay... Help me open this window, would ya?
-Sensate on his first trip on the elemental express

Speaking of which, where'd that end up?

Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"So this is Heaven. Where are all the angels with harps and so on?"

"Dude, those are so last millenium."

-Tourist from the Shadow Prime talking to a young archon.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"This is just like a video game, but it hurts!"
-Shadow Prime on Ysgard

Dalriada's picture
Joined: 2005-11-02
Quotes From The Modern Planes

'Krypter' wrote:
As a proud Canuck I'll have you know that maple leaves are symbols of virility and uhhh, fighting prowess among my people....or something. You wouldn't believe the number of Canadians who are killed and maimed every year by precision leaf strikes to the eye. Smiling

Yeah, my greatgrandad was a ninja lumberjack. Eye-wink

The mapleleaf! Symbol of the best sweets EVAR!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Quotes From The Modern Planes

Any other quotes folks have?

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"Hey, are those red dots a good thing? 'Cause they're commin' right for us..."
-Tanar'ri radar operator a few seconds before the negabombs hit

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Quotes From The Modern Planes

"The difference between a sensate and a shiner.

A sensate experiences.

A shiner experiences, takes notes and won't shut up about it."

-Jacob Turner, planewalker and private investigator, on the subject of traveling with an archivist.

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