Quotes, Bits & Pieces, unrelated extra stuff, etc etc

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Joined: 2006-08-30
Quotes, Bits & Pieces, unrelated extra stuff, etc etc

Basically this is for Stix's Harmonium quote (used with permission), but I'm hoping to turn it into a general "minor bits and peices for Clueless' update" thread (some of the comments about the Sigil branch of the Harmonium having "stagnated" also look useful) for anyone to post extra feats, quotes, notes, etc.

 I think that Nemui's More Harmonium Faction Feats from the encyclopedia might be nice, for example.

Stix wrote: Those poor sods who live outside it say the Harmonium code is draconian and restrictive, but the truth is that it's the series of guidelines to living a wholesome and enjoyable life.  Others don't adopt these beliefs because they labor under a false pretense of freedom.  Real freedom is found only in a society without fear of violence or wrongdoing.  Choosing to do right is the only choice worth making, and it's only natural to feel sorry for those who've been deluded into thinking they can live well by putting their own desires first.

Imagine the beautiful multiverse the Harmonium could create if everyone lived by our noble vision!  War would end, worlds everywhere would join in the great hymn of joy, primes and planars would share bonds of brotherhood, and none would have to suffer the depredations of the selfish or malicious.  It may be a long goal in the making, but I've known its joy already.  If I have to lay down my life so that future generations may have the same privilege, I will gladly give it.

Those who speak ill of our aims will have to be punished.  They are fomenting ignorance, an intolerable danger to our Golden Harmony.  Such behavior cannot be allowed to continue; it will only spread and put the virtuous in harm's way.  The wicked -- those who would tear down the glorious perfection we're building every day! -- must be destroyed themselves.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.