Quick Question 2: Connectivity to the Prime?

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Joined: 2004-05-19
Quick Question 2: Connectivity to the Prime?

This is a line of threads which answers some basic question and/or assumption about Urban Planescape that Kal feels would be helpful to know for writing content. Each Quick Question thread is an individual question to be discussed/answered. All of the Quick Question are numbered, so please try to follow the sequence when posting your own Quick Question. A F.A.Q Quick Questions thread is here(it will be after we get an anwser to question no 1), which holds the answers to the question already answered. When posting your own Quick Question, please include this paragraph at the beginning before you pose your question.

Quick Question 2: Connectivity to the Prime?

Well, more to the point, what is the connectivity to the prime material like in UPS? I ask as with the development of public transport, mass tranist systems etc would prime worlds become more aware of the planes - regular trade would mix cultures etc and we might not have the classic planescape view of clueless primes?

Worht thinking about eh?


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