questions that need answers

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

Well, if you read the alhoon thread, then you know that im writing a story for planescape. I just need a few questions answered to do this. any help would be wonderful....

1) does the smoldering corpse bar exist outside of planescape torment. and if it does, is it still called the smoldering corpse bar in a post-torment sigil?

2) what does the river styx taste like?

3) besides Nordom, whats a good name for a rouge modron?

4) is there a war of guilds in sigil, as well as factions? and if so, how do these guilds react to competetion? (ex: would a planeswalker's guild give an independant planewalker for hire some 'advice'?

there are a couple other questions that I will undoubtedly have, a couple are over in the alhoon thread, and the rest will end up here eventually.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
1) does the smoldering corpse bar exist outside of planescape torment. and if it does, is it still called the smoldering corpse bar in a post-torment sigil?
I actually don't know. I don't *think* it exists outside of Torment (which isn't canon though it is a Wonderfully PS style story, the plot just doesn't fit to the canon plot).

"Fidrikon" wrote:
2) what does the river styx taste like?
No one would ever remember to tell you.

"Fidrikon" wrote:
3) besides Nordom, whats a good name for a rouge modron?
See the Cog Squad game in the RPG forum for examples.

"Fidrikon" wrote:
4) is there a war of guilds in sigil, as well as factions? and if so, how do these guilds react to competetion? (ex: would a planeswalker's guild give an independant planewalker for hire some 'advice'?
Yes. Though it's not a war of beliefs as a war of economies. The guilds in Sigil (post Faction War especially) have attained power and would like to retain it. There are a few rivalries between groups (Kylie's touts and Autochon's Messengers I think) but generally with the guilds it reflects more a matter of economy and territory - not philosophy. If you're familar with inter guild quarrels from other settings the same applies here. In the case of a planewalker's guild, they'd probably try to recruit him. Not all the guilds are going to go in willing to break knees to get done what they want done, it's not good for their reputation or their business. (Now, arranging for a law to be passed that fines unliscenced planar guides... that's something else entirely.)

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

good points on all. and since in my story, i need a bar, can you give me a sigilian bar name?

hmmmm. if the smoldering corpse bar was still around, it would probly now be called the wandering corpse bar (yea, one day some basher just walked in, woke the berk up, and took off with 'em. Never seen the burnin man since)

and while no one would remember the Styx, surly there would be an after taste? Ill just write it as a foul tast in his mouth. great way to start off the rest of your life...

another question on the styx, if you only drink a small amount of it, will you you still have a few, mainly garbled, memories? or can even a thimpleful of styx wash wipe you blank?

just wonderin

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
good points on all. and since in my story, i need a bar, can you give me a sigilian bar name? hmmmm. if the smoldering corpse bar was still around, it would probly now be called the wandering corpse bar (yea, one day some basher just walked in, woke the berk up, and took off with 'em. Never seen the burnin man since)
Well. There'a lways the Portal Jammer. Eye-wink But it's in the Clerks ward not the hive... wandering corpse works too.

"Fidrikon" wrote:
another question on the styx, if you only drink a small amount of it, will you you still have a few, mainly garbled, memories? or can even a thimpleful of styx wash wipe you blank?
Mostly likely a few garbled. After all, game mechanics wise you have to make a save, or be what - disorriented for a bit from a splash or two? Full imersion - that's a memory zapper. A sip or a splash? Bye bye short term memory I'd say, but there may be some left still.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

thanks clueless. your a real help.
although, and im sure this has been said on countless occasions, you definatly are not a clueless person, pun intended.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
questions that need answers

Trust me, in game and out of game, it's sort of a running joke. Smiling

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
1) does the smoldering corpse bar exist outside of planescape torment

No, but it ought to.

2) what does the river styx taste like?

Unless you're a hydroloth, it tastes terrible. It's fed by rivers of blood and slime and worse things throughout the lower planes. It's also used as an open sewer in many places.

Also it tastes like forgetting, and hate, and unbreakable promises.

3) besides Nordom, whats a good name for a rouge modron?

Primus II, Myself, Equitus, Alone, Slipcog, Elroy, Avenger, Cubebob, Elecution, Regulon, Five of Thirty-Six, Beetwelve, Flaw, Schism, Lost, Exile, and Not-Regdar.

4) is there a war of guilds in sigil, as well as factions? and if so, how do these guilds react to competetion? (ex: would a planeswalker's guild give an independant planewalker for hire some 'advice'?

The Planewalker's Guild isn't particularly jealous or competitive, but other guilds might be. If someone tried to establish a Guild of Doorsnoops in Sigil and there was already a different Guild of Doorsnoops, the established guild would likely act without mercy to keep the interloper out.

But no, there isn't presently a guildwar in Sigil. Remember that if a war gets too hot, the Lady of Pain would eventually end it in a way none of the participants would like..

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
another question on the styx, if you only drink a small amount of it, will you you still have a few, mainly garbled, memories? or can even a thimpleful of styx wash wipe you blank?

It depends on what part of the Styx you get the water from. In Stygia, the river's heart, the water is of extraordinary potency, and the smallest amount even touching your skin can not only wipe out all of your memories, but destroy all of your motor function, leaving you a drooling vegetable.

(There's a -4 penalty to your save, and if the victim fails, an additional save is made to avoid losing all motor skills and speech. And cures have only a 50% chance of working. )

In Pandemonium the waters are much weaker, and you have to actually drink it to have any effect.

In between. the rule is "those who taste or touch its water must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or suffer total amnesia."

If you make your saving throw, you forget the events of the past day. If you fail it, you forget everything that ever happened to you, including class skills, alignmetn, and spells.

I might fudge this, personally, allowing a very, very small amount to affect a smaller amount of your memory.

The Styx is rank, putrid, and odious. It is foul and greasy. Even if it had no baneful supernatural properties, you wouldn't want to drink from it.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

Unless you wanted to forget the past *hint*
Or specifically, a tramatizing event followed by a few years in regret.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
2) what does the river styx taste like?

Taint. Filth, and rot, and a horrid stain upon your very soul.
No, wait, that's saidin. It could work for the Styx, though.


Pants of the North!

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Unless you wanted to forget the past *hint* Or specifically, a tramatizing event followed by a few years in regret.

The Styx is itself traumatizing. It doesn't just take your memories; it rapes you of them, spitefully and without mercy. It steals away your history, your life, and offers no solace in return. The River Styx is evil, and drinking from it is an evil way of avoiding regrets.

A better method is the River Lethe. Water of Lethe releaves you of memories gently, without trauma. And it's fresh, potable water that refreshes your thirst and doesn't leave you with filth-borne diseases and a hangover.

That's not to say that desperate individuals fleeing their own pasts haven't drank Styx water during periods of great stress. But it's generally a bad idea, even if you boil or distill it first. And you don't need to drink it anyway; just dip a finger in. But do it someplace where you won't decide, not remembering what it is, to do so again.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

where, exactly, is the river Lethe? And how come I've never heard of it?
I could easily change my story from the Styx to the Lethe.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
questions that need answers

It's one of the three rivers of the plane if I'm recalling. Styx, Lethe, and Ma'at.

Lethe I *want* to say runs through the outlands but I'd have to check a map, so don't take me for sure till I do.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

Thanks, Ill go look up the outlands later. if Lethe is in the outlands, it has to mentioned somewhere.

But for now, i feel the need to draw....
may post if planescapeish...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

uh, how do I post an image? Do i have to put it on a website first, in order to put the url?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Do i have to put it on a website first, in order to put the url?

Yes. Although Clueless might have an art section up... I haven't paid too much attention on how to submit to it, not being an artist myself.


Pants of the North!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
questions that need answers

Aye - for online forum links the image needs to be hosted up someplace. Depending on what it is you might be able to get it hosted in the art section.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

well, thats a bummer, although it does make sense. I was cunfused when I found out I could just cut and paste.
and if I have to go through that much trouble for it, I think ill wait untill I've drawn a better version.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
questions that need answers

"Fidrikon" wrote:
where, exactly, is the river Lethe? And how come I've never heard of it? I could easily change my story from the Styx to the Lethe.

It runs through the ninth layer of Baator, according to Planes of Law.

And it runs through Hades' Underworld in Pluton.

Anything else about it is noncanonical, but see A Tiefling's Exultation for more. is a good free image host, by the way.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

inspired by the cog squad group shot

From left to right.
Dread Pirate Swan: a time mage pirate. For info on his goggles, see silly items
Shinsetsu: Tenshi's arcane spellcaster.
Pimp daddy mac master: a rouge like character created by a freind of mine who is not a member of Planewalker.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

GAH! why didn't the picture work!

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
questions that need answers

Try saving it as a .jpg instead of a bitmap.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
questions that need answers

hey fidrikon, does all this styx talk have anything to do with this weekends quest.....hhhmmmmm. and i'm not a real pirate, just a wanna-be pseado pirate.......(sigh)

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
questions that need answers

lol I can't believe you posted Shinsetsu-... what about my lvl 13 druid? lol, nah I don't mind- most of my characters are female anyway, and my monk is the best- well next to the druid of course (only becuase it's a higher level, but I'm pretty sure that if she gets to lvl 13 she'd kick the crap outta my druid anyday lol)... Shinsetsu is a monk Fridrikon... I have no arcane spellcasters yet... but I will next time we play- I think the only classes that I haven't used are paladin, sorcerer, and wizard... I'm think wizard... but yeah anywho- shutting up now

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
questions that need answers

Um... I feel kinda stupid asking, but....

what divination spell would one use in order to discern where a clueless prime originally came from.
aka: how does one figure out someones home plane, when they don't know themselves?

KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
questions that need answers

I had a rogue modron wizard named 'Phuckingbox' because the tiefling rogue kept calling him that. So he took it as a title.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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what if you used locate creature or locate object to trace someone/something that you know to be on persons homne plane, most likly from his own discription. or do those not cross planes?
(inserts foot into mouth...)

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