Question: The Great Road

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Bagoly's picture
Joined: 2007-06-08
Question: The Great Road

I'm a relative beginner in planescape cosmology... So forgive me if the answers are obvious.

Is there a complete or partial, vague or precise map, list of portal points, ect... about the Great Road?

We know it goes around the wheel, passing through the outer planes. The encyclopedia says it would take many lifetimes to walk (and yet the modrons don't march that long, do they...).

Does it touch the inner planes at all? Transitives? Are we looking at a regular one stop per plane road, or a chaotic jumble of dead ends, branches off the main thing, ect.?

Answer away. So far I have complete confidence in your endless knowledge....

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Question: The Great Road

I believe the Great Road only spans the Outer Planes. While the Portal Towns in the Outlands serve a similar purpose, the Great Road is an ecology all to itself (from what I've seen), it boasts its own ecology and inhabitants (like the Demarax). A PC can potentially spend a lifetime on the Great Road having plenty of adventures it seems.


Bagoly's picture
Joined: 2007-06-08
Question: The Great Road

An ecology ontu itself... So if I were to picture the Great Road in my mind, I should think about it as a road leading from one plane to another (through the barriers, as it were), and not a mere series of important trading posts on each plane, connected by well-used portals?
If that is the case, I presume no maps exist as the movement rates on each plane differ...

Demaraxes? I thought they lived in the astral.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question: The Great Road

Aye, I believe that is the interpretation most folks have of it. It's a planar pathway - so as far as I'm concerned it is a physical walk from one plane to the other as opposed to merely a connection of portals. I honestly haven't touched on it often enough in my own games to know a lot more than that.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question: The Great Road

No, virtually nothing anyone's said in this thread is correct: it's just a series of portals, usually surrounded by gate-towns or fortresses.

It's not a planar path in its own right, but planar paths like Yggdrasil, the Oceanus, and the Styx are part of it as well.

The details are in A DM Guide to the Planes in the Planescape boxed set, page 22-23.

"The Great Road ain't really a road and it ain't all that great... What it really is is a string of portals, permanent and unchanging, that link each Outer Plane to its adjacent fellows."

Also see The Great Modron March, page 90.

"Everyone knows that the Great Road comprises a series of paths and portals that link the Outer Planes."

The Outlands gate-towns are actually part of the Great Road. When the modrons walk it, they alternate moving through the Outlands gates and through the gates on the Great Ring.

Demaraxes are native to the Planes of Law. They feed on spellcrystals. They have nothing to do with the Great Road, other than the fact that someone walking through the Planes of Law might encounter one. But that's true of modrons, formians, zoveri, and hassitorium as well.

Bagoly's picture
Joined: 2007-06-08
Question: The Great Road

My heartfelt thanks for that extensive reply. Even being new I should not be suprised by such, coming from you.

I take it then that no map has been made, (a map being a near-complete list of portal points)...
That leaves the making up to me.
Again my thanks.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question: The Great Road

Some of the portals on the Great Road are known, by the way. Besides the Outlandish gate-towns, the following are canonical:

Nemmiron (gate-town to Arcadia from Mount Celestia)
Heart's Faith (gate-town to the Outlands from Mount Celestia)
Soul's Desire (gate-town to Bytopia from Mount Celestia)
Pashrita (gate-town in Mercuria, the second layer of Celestia, which leads to the realm of Savitri in Bytopia)
Portal a day's journey from Release-From-Care (Elysium to the Outlands)
River Oceanus (leads from Elysium to the Beastlands)
The Roaring Gate (portal from the Beastlands to Arborea - TGMM, 51)
River Oceanus (leads from the Beastlands to Arborea)
Thrassos (gate-town from Arborea to the Outlands)
The Ingmar Brook in Arvandor leads to Alfheim in Ysgard, presumedly moving through Syranita's realm of Whisteedge. The Gnarl, in Erevan Ilesere's realm, contains a root of Yggdrasil that can also be used to get to Ysgard (or elsewhere).
The River Oceanus (once a month it touches the Gates of the Moon in Ysgard)
Yggdrasil (most often used to travel from Ysgard to Limbo)
The Immeasurable (gate from Limbo to the Outlands - TGMM, 67)
The River Styx (touches the first layers of all the Lower Planes)
The Stones of Draedilus (in Othrys, in Carceri, this is a ring of stones that contain portals to Sigil, Gehenna, and the Material Plane - see Hellbound: The Blood War, The Dark of the War, page 57)
Undermountain (on Toril, has a series of portals leading to the Lower Planes - during the most recent March, the modron's used this dungeon to travel from Carceri to the Gray Waste)
Resounding Thunder (in Acheron, contains Nihao, the gate-town to Mechanus, and Eight-Devils-Laughing, the gate-town to Baator; this realm is also occasionally the end-point of the gate to Rigus)
The Blue Cube and the Battlecube are also occasionally destinations of Rigus' Lion's Gate portal.
Grashmog, in Clangor (the goblin pantheon's realm), includes a portal to Forgegloom in Hammergrim (the duergar pantheon's realm in Thuldanin)
The town of Hopeglimmer in Hammergrim has a portal that leads to the Mines of Marsellin, which also contains a portal to Mechanus.
Regulus (in Mechanus, contains portals to Celestia, Arcadia, Acheron, Automata, Baator, and Sigil)

Bagoly's picture
Joined: 2007-06-08
Question: The Great Road

The River Styx (touches the first layers of all the Lower Planes)
I was under the impression it was omnipresent on the lower planes much the same way as The River Oceanus flows through all layers of some of the upper planes.

Undermountain (on Toril, has a series of portals leading to the Lower Planes - during the most recent March, the modron's used this dungeon to travel from Carceri to the Gray Waste)
Does this mean that The Great Road is defined (and re-defined) by the Modron March? I have a hard time imagining Halaster letting a planar trade post thrive in his "security system".

The Immeasurable (gate from Limbo to the Outlands - TGMM, 67)
Maybe I'm underinformed but what is TGMM? (Google brought up Thailand Garmin Map Makers, but my guess is that it's something else...)

What suprises me is the strange dominance of Ysgard and Ancheron portals in the canon... Those modrons move in mysterious ways indeed.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question: The Great Road

I was under the impression it was omnipresent on the lower planes much the same way as The River Oceanus flows through all layers of some of the upper planes.

It seems to only touch Carceri, Pandemonium, and Gehenna on their first layers. It touches Baator in both Avernus and Stygia, with a secret channel in Nessus (though this was the Lethe in 2e, not the Styx at all). The 3e MotP indicates that the Styx touches the other layers of Baator, but only in secret places. In the Abyss it flows through the Plain of Infinite Portals and several other layers, including Gaping Maw, Thanatos, and Durao, and it flows through an unknown number of other layers. There are many Abyssal layers - probably the vast majority - that it doesn't touch, though; for example, it doesn't flow through Azzagrat. In the Gray Waste it flows through Oinos and it also flows through the Underworld (of Hades) in Pluton, but doesn't seem to touch Niflheim. In Acheron, the ice of Ocanthus may be the source of the River Styx, though mostly it only flows through Avalas.

In the Upper Planes, the Oceanus flows through all four layers of Elysium (starting in Thalasia), through the top layer of the Beastlands, and through the first two layers of Arborea. One of the tributaries of the Oceanus flows through Glorium in the Outlands.

Does this mean that The Great Road is defined (and re-defined) by the Modron March?

No. The Great Road is defined by the portals and paths that connect the various Outer Planes. It's not a single, linear route - there are many alternate paths and byways that are part of the Great Road.

Maybe I'm underinformed but what is TGMM?

The Great Modron March. It was a 2e adventure anthology.

What suprises me is the strange dominance of Ysgard and Ancheron portals in the canon.

Well, those are just the named ones.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Question: The Great Road

Maybe I was taking the description of the demarax in Monstrous Compendium II to literally:

pg. 22

There are some mighty strange creatures on the Great Road, and the demarax is one of the strangest.

pg. 23

Demaraxes travel alone or in small groups, roaming the Great Road in an endless search for the spell crystals they feed on.

So, either that's a metaphorical Great Road or there is some kind of demarcation that designates a specific area/portion of the Outer Planes as the Great Road.


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question: The Great Road

As it's been defined, the Great Road is the system of portals and planar paths that connect adjacent Outer Planes. You might stretch the definition to include portals and paths that connect any Outer Planes with one another, so Mount Olympus and the portal that connects Lunia with Aquallor would count too.

Travelling from one portal to another is "walking the Great Road." While you do that, you might well encounter demaraxes.

What they're saying, basically, is that demaraxes travel the planes using portals, since they have no ability to planeshift on their own.

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