Question: Sigil - Bloodgem Park

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Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Sigil - Bloodgem Park

Hello hello!

I have a little question concerning "Bloodgem Park" which was brought up in the Harbinger House book.

A'kin mentions that it's only a few blocks from his shop. But where exactly would that situate this alleged park?

Also, does anyone know where I could find more information about it? "In the Cage" doesn't seem to have anything on it, nor can I find it on the net.

Greets, K!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question: Sigil - Bloodgem Park

That should place it in or on the very edge of the Lower Ward. If the park is described as particularly smoky or anything - then it'd be near the Foundry.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question: Sigil - Bloodgem Park

Locations in Sigil aren't precisely fixed; they slowly drift as new portals form, drawn by the attraction of the various aligned planes; they may move radically as old streets disappear into the Mazes.

Currently, it's somewhere near A'kin's shop (although note that Sigil isn't generally divided into "blocks" like Automata or an American city - the buildings are built wherever people can get away with it, the streets and alleys curve crazily weaving in and out of one another, and above and below).

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Sigil - Bloodgem Park

Of course, such things are understandable.

Just like the impression of Ubiquitous Wayfayer being in either the Lower Ward or the Clerk's Ward.

I'll just place it somewhere where I think it'll fit in, this being the Lower Ward.

Does anyone have a description of it though? Perhaps a home-made one which has been used in a campaign or two? If not then I'll have to cook my own version up. Smiling


'ripvanwormer' wrote:
*SNIP* although note that Sigil isn't generally divided into "blocks" like Automata or an American city - the buildings are built wherever people can get away with it, the streets and alleys curve crazily weaving in and out of one another, and above and below *SNIP*

That was (and still is) my impression as well. I just quoted (slightly) what A'kin stated about the whereabouts of the Bloodgem Park.

Greets, K!

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