Question: Dabus' rebuses

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Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Dabus' rebuses

Hi all,

Say, I'm curious about the dabus' rebuses. I'm trying to recreate some for a CRPG I'm involved with, but of course, there are problems attached.

Here's a picture of the rebus (ignore the scenery and the mimir): Click me!

The problem is that some of those symbols might not be very clear. I was wondering if a certain dice roll can be attached to figuring out a rebus?

If the player then succeeds the role, he or she receives the written description of the rebus.

Example for the above picture: "The rebus shows five different symbols; a well, a comb, a ship on high seas, a dove and a door."

The question behind this post is the following: What roll could I possibly attach to a rebus? I'm clueless when it comes to mechanics like these. Sad

Greets, Kris!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question: Dabus' rebuses

An intellegence check vs. the characters's int?
Or possibly a wisdom check.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question: Dabus' rebuses

Intelligence check.

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Dabus' rebuses

Thanks, the both of you.

A friend suggested that I'd use the 'Decipher Script' skill, which also sounds like a possible solution. Smiling

- Kris

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question: Dabus' rebuses

Yeps Smiling
Though I tend to assume decipher script is more like an application of linguistics than of puzzle breaking like rebus's are.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Question: Dabus' rebuses

Basically, the logic behind both is quite the same (or at least close). It's only that linguistics is peppered with knowledge about languages, that is, you have some knowledge resources you can use to solve the language puzzles Eye-wink

Planeflux's picture
Joined: 2006-07-06
Question: Dabus' rebuses

How'd you create that rebus? Is it really in-game, or did you apply it on top of a screenshot?

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Question: Dabus' rebuses

If I may ask, what is the specific CRPG your involved in? I can see the game is Neverwinter Nights, but what of your group? Are you affiliated with the City of Doors Initiative and/or the Confederation of Planes and Planets?

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Dabus' rebuses


'Planeflux' wrote:
How'd you create that rebus? Is it really in-game, or did you apply it on top of a screenshot?

That's an in-game screenshot, albeit a somewhat older one. After CODI released their content I switched over and used their dabus instead of this elven version.

The rebus is a visual effect I made; it uses several of the game's icons, as well as some of my own creation. This naturally means that the rebusses aren't dynamic. I only have a small number of them for the general sentences that a dabus would "say" to someone.

'Zenosaga' wrote:
If I may ask, what is the specific CRPG your involved in? I can see the game is Neverwinter Nights, but what of your group? Are you affiliated with the City of Doors Initiative and/or the Confederation of Planes and Planets?

I'm affiliated with neither of those groups. This is merely something that I'm cooking up for a few friends, in the hopes that I'll be able to release it as a standalone module as well (.. eventually). The completion status is still on the low side; since I've been tackling my exams and certain custom content issues lately.

Also, should either of you be interested - I wouldn't pay too much attention to that screenshot. I merely use that specific spot to test the effects and creatures. So it definitely doesn't reflect the design of my areas.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Question: Dabus' rebuses

'Da'Hak' wrote:
That's an in-game screenshot, albeit a somewhat older one. After CODI released their content I switched over and used their dabus instead of this elven version.

It seems to me that making the rebus an actual word puzzle is a bit to metagamey for me. I mean, either my PC is smart enough to understand or he isn't. Allowing the player to try to solve the rebus just bypasses the whole Role Play experience of the character.

That said, I think the character should have multiple options for communicating with a dabus. Intelligence or Lore check, or maybe someone can teach the PC the language or that lazy mimir there can translate.

While the word puzzle rebus is a very creative idea it just ruins the whole role play feeling that makes games like PST so immersive.


Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Dabus' rebuses

'420' wrote:

It seems to me that making the rebus an actual word puzzle is a bit to metagamey for me. I mean, either my PC is smart enough to understand or he isn't. Allowing the player to try to solve the rebus just bypasses the whole Role Play experience of the character.

That said, I think the character should have multiple options for communicating with a dabus. Intelligence or Lore check, or maybe someone can teach the PC the language or that lazy mimir there can translate.

While the word puzzle rebus is a very creative idea it just ruins the whole role play feeling that makes games like PST so immersive.


True enough.

But the implementation is a bit different than you imagine, I think.

The rebuses are there for the players themselves. Even if the player figures out the rebus, while the character doesn't have a high enough intelligence, the character won't be able to advance in the conversation.

If the character has a high enough intelligence, she'll get a new assortment of conversation nodes at her disposal.

Aside from that, I'll also include a specific item that should make it easier to solve these rebuses. And there will (I think) be a non-player character that can help you translate them.

I hope that made sense?

Either way, I'm still wondering whether it's worth the effort to add rebuses. Creating a rebus for ever line is too much work, I'll be honest in that. Plus having 25% show up as a rebus + text, and 75% show up as text looks rather odd too.

Planeflux's picture
Joined: 2006-07-06
Question: Dabus' rebuses

Not sure if you're familiar with the CRPG Torment, but in that game the rebuses appear translated only, unless the protagonist or the other PC's lack the intelligence to translate it. While I think that visualizing dabus conversations seems like a nifty feature, I also think that the average player would disregard it to simply move on with the game. Also, it's no doubt a hassle for you as the game/ module creator.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I actually liked Torment's approach better than having actual rebuses. There they described a series of fluid imagines that the Dabus conjured and if the character had the intelligence, or an npc to help, the game would provide a translation. I prefered the idea of imagery over world puzzles enough that I've taken to using that method in my games.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Question: Dabus' rebuses

I understand what you mean about the conversation nodes, but there is a work-around to allow the players to solve the puzzle without conversation (and thus not get the multiple-choice options!)

If you use a listener script on the Dabus, you can check for a player to use the conversation bar to "speak" the answer. So, if the answer was pie, your listener would be waiting for a player to enter that string into his conversation bar and hit enter. Upon doing so, the Dabus would start up a new conversation, or the same one with an applied variable. (option 2 would halt the conversation rather than end it, which might be easier)


Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Dabus' rebuses

NPC listeners aren't worth the trouble - nor are they a good way of handling conversations. You have to keep in mind that not everyone's English is the same. Also people might think of things in different ways: you show a circle and they might call it a ring.

Hence the rebuses are scrapped! Plus I'm working on some "minor" side project know, which looks like it'll take up quite some time. Shocked

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Question: Dabus' rebuses

I'm making a set of NWN modules and I was looking for a good way to do cutscene subtitles with images. It seems that your visual effect approach here could work if I used a strategically placed invisible NPC and had the caption image hover over them like your rubus does here. Can you tell me what you had to do to make the rebus image appear? Thanks!

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Question: Dabus' rebuses

'Invisig0th' wrote:
Can you tell me what you had to do to make the rebus image appear? Thanks!

I'll see if I can adapt the effect so you can easily place new images in it (Through editing the module file with gmax or notepad). When I do, I'll send it your way.

And good luck with your mod. Smiling

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