Question about traveling to Athas

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The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Question about traveling to Athas

I'm running a PS game (which I am failry new to, but I've been absorbing info for weeks now) And I want to run an adventure where my players go to Athas (Dark Sun).

Now, I know even less about Dark Sun, so I wanted to know: How would magic funtion in Athas for standard D&D arcane classes like wizards and sorcerers? In Athas, don't you have to be a defiler or preserver? So what happens when a Prime wizard goes to Athas and tries casting spells. Your help would be appreciated, thanks Smiling

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Question about traveling to Athas

If I remember correctly, foreign wizards arriving on Athas count as "Preservers" - that is, standard wizards - but feel that they could maybe push their spell somehow to give it more power... and if they do, they Defile. There was information on this (and other classes) in the original Dark Sun campaign book, but sadly I don't have it anymore. There's also a Dragon/Dungeon combo article with rules for the latest edition.

Have you checked out our spiritual cousins at The Burnt World of Athas yet? The 2e stuff is available for download on the web too.

PS: Be aware that after about 3 minutes on Athas, your PCs will be selling their cutlery, belt buckles, and other 'excess' metal like crazy... or being robbed for it.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Question about traveling to Athas

'Armoury99' wrote:
PS: Be aware that after about 3 minutes on Athas, your PCs will be selling their cutlery, belt buckles, and other 'excess' metal like crazy... or being robbed for it.

Until one of the Powers that Be on Athas notice where all the new metal is coming from...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Question about traveling to Athas

See, Athasian plots just write themselves!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Question about traveling to Athas

Also, dont forget this: Athas is pretty much cut off from the rest of the multiverse, so in spirit is pretty much like Carcery: onece you are there it is hard to get out (it is hard to get in for that matter).

Why is it so, no body know. But it is suspected that apocaliptical disasters in world's past has something with that.

Also, bashers on athas are though, and on top of that they are more likely to attack on sight than talk (you know might makes right, surwival of the fattest, oops... I mean fittest and all that rot), reason for that are Athas monsters are even thougher than some planar equivalent, on such scale that they would send some of fiends running and calling for mommy.
Unfortunatly unlike fiends most Athas monsters are some sort of mutated, animal, plant or insect so PC can forget "we can arange something" tactic.


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The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Question about traveling to Athas

Thanks for the tips! Yeah, I have the Burnt World of Athas bookmarked. Well, I just came back from DMing thier first session in Athas. They've been jumped on several occasions for thier food and water, and so far have defended themselves. Although right now they are trying to reach the Ringing Mountains (for lengthy reasons I won't elaborate on here) and are missing a lot of HP. It'll be a battle of attrition, and are going to find themselves low on food. The cleric can make water though. Thanks again for the input guys

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