Question about proxies

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KismetRose's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
Question about proxies

In the 3.5 SRD, the rules state that when a deity takes a proxy they are effectively investing one point of their divine rank into that proxy. I was wondering, though if there was there any such rule in (second edition) Planescape.

(Since I am speculating about this while working I can't just go to my books and tear through them. Sigh.)

Anyone's input is much appreciated.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Question about proxies

I don't believe there was such a thing as "Divine Rank" in 2ed. The whole idea of giving deities HP seems so ridiculous to me Laughing out loud

They're powers, not NPC's Eye-wink


KismetRose's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
Question about proxies

'princessbunny99' wrote:
I don't believe there was such a thing as "Divine Rank" in 2ed. The whole idea of giving deities HP seems so ridiculous to me Laughing out loud

They're powers, not NPC's Eye-wink


I completely agree. I was a bit surprised when I read this rule about proxies. It was my impression that powers chose their best and brightest to become proxies. Since the powers know that their proxies will in essence be representing them, they're not going to make such choices lightly.

Which is why I asked about precedent in the old system, which I don't know that well.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question about proxies

'KismetRose' wrote:
In the 3.5 SRD, the rules state that when a deity takes a proxy they are effectively investing one point of their divine rank into that proxy. I was wondering, though if there was there any such rule in (second edition) Planescape.

(Since I am speculating about this while working I can't just go to my books and tear through them. Sigh.)

Anyone's input is much appreciated.

The word "proxy" doesn't mean the same thing in 2e and 3e. In 2e it meant anyone who reports directly to a god. All aasimon were proxies, and most archons above hound status were, too. Obviously, they didn't all have divine ranks (they did, however, all have divine "sparks," as recounted in the Deva Spark adventure - extremely tiny bits of divine essence). Some proxies were demigods - Heracles, and Pwyll, and the various proxy/aspects of the Morrigan, and Goibhniu's proxies - but most weren't.

In 3e, what used to be called a "proxy" might be called a divine herald, or divine agent, or something like that.

The fact that the definition of "proxy" changed is one of the most confusing parts of converting Planescape.

KismetRose's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
Question about proxies

I hadn't realized that such a change had taken place, in regard to the definition. It does complicate things.

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