Question about Githzerai

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Uphoria's picture
Joined: 2005-05-18
Question about Githzerai

Hey all,

I am kind of new to the whole githzerai thing so I could really use some help. I am making a gith character and I don't know what to set my diety because the char doesn't seem to fit well with any of the normal dieties of Faerun. I was just wondering, Are there specific deities for Githzerai?



ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Question about Githzerai

Githzerai don't worship deities, as a general rule. None of the gith races do. The githyanki revere their Lich-Queen. The githzerai honor and respect their Wizard-King Zaerith as the protector of their freedoms, and they have a nearly religious veneration for their ancient hero Zerthimon, but none of these entities are true gods. They do not grant spells. The closest thing to priests in githzerai culture are sorcerer/fighters (or some similar combination) called zerths who preserve the teachings of Zerthimon.

Some rebellious githzerai, or those githzerai raised among other races, might take to worshipping the gods. They would prefer gods of liberation, freedom, or psionics; they might also worship any god who hates illithids enough. In the Realms, Deep Duerra might be a good choice.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about Githzerai

I can't really see how there could be any indigenous githzerai or githyanki on Faerun, so your character doesn't really need to follow the same guidelines as everyone else, deity-wise. Be a planar and follow no god.

ClockworkDreamer's picture
Joined: 2005-10-09
Question about Githzerai

Just a quick related question - Did Githyanki who followed Vaaklith gain access to divine spells? If yes - what will happen now the lich queen is dead?

Oh, and were there any Githyanki clerics at all?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question about Githzerai

1. No, they didn't. Githyanki healers are hr'ak'nir - manipulators of raw astral energy - rather than clerics.

2. Clerics were outlawed in githyanki society, but some rebel gith became clerics - of Anubis, for example, or Vecna, or whatever gods suit their fancy. Githyanki aren't generally very religious - living on the corpses of dead gods does that.

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