Question about "bounded space"

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Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Question about "bounded space"

Every bounded space in Sigil is a portal. Gotcha. However, what constitutes a "bounded space"?
A buildings' shadow?
A chalk circle on a wall?
A pair of people holding hands?

Personally, I'd go with "yes" to all of them, if only because it'd be funny to see the PCs having to use a portal in the mouth of an otyugh living in Undersigil, jumping out the window of an inn, hoping its shadow is long enough that they don't overshoot it, whilst being pursued by a balor(whose flaming body eliminates the shadow, making its following them an impossibility), and having to deal with a mage who could simply draw a shape on the wall and jump through it.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Question about "bounded space"

Every bounded space MIGHT be a portal. And you have to have the key and the lady's permission to use it.

'Erik' wrote:
Every bounded space in Sigil is a portal. Gotcha. However, what constitutes a "bounded space"? A buildings' shadow? A chalk circle on a wall? A pair of people holding hands?

Personally, I'd go with "yes" to all of them, if only because it'd be funny to see the PCs having to use a portal in the mouth of an otyugh living in Undersigil, jumping out the window of an inn, hoping its shadow is long enough that they don't overshoot it, whilst being pursued by a balor(whose flaming body eliminates the shadow, making its following them an impossibility), and having to deal with a mage who could simply draw a shape on the wall and jump through it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question about "bounded space"

Answer: Yes. Yes. And... yes.

You've got it pretty much dead on.
Not every bounded space *is* one - but it could be.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Question about "bounded space"

Would it be terribly pretentious or dorky to say "Any simple closed curve in space could be a portal" and leave it at that?

[Although the prospect of a self-intersecting portal... intrigues.]

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about "bounded space"

The way I see it is that a portal is a two-dimensional space that can exist metaphysically in two planes of existence at once. I always made them be an open space surrounded by some solid material.

What I'd like to know, though, is what happens when you break the bounded space? What if you pull down a doorframe that holds a portal? Does the portal still occupy that same place, invisibly? Does it cease to exist when it is no longer bounded by solid objects?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question about "bounded space"

'Rhys' wrote:
What I'd like to know, though, is what happens when you break the bounded space?

The portal is destroyed. That's what the Grixxit (from Uncaged) is doing - going around Sigil breaking the bounded spaces of portals in order to destroy as many as possible.

If a portal forms between, for example, a tiefling's clasped hands, or between the shadows of a tree's branches, the portal only lasts as long as the space is bounded.

Some portals only exist for a very short time. But, in Sigil, they can exist just about anywhere.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Question about "bounded space"

The one thing that twitches me out about "any bounded space can be a portal" is what happens if said bounded space is actually inside a portal. Or mobile and passing through a portal, for that matter. Bags of holding inside portable holes are bad enough...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question about "bounded space"

Well. That *could* cause a problem I'd say - within Sigil I think the Lady could handle the problem though, preventing it from occuring.

Outside of Sigil (there are portals that go from plane to plane that Don't go to or thrpough Sigil after all) - then that could cause some serious serious problems.... that could be a good central problem for a module.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Question about "bounded space"

I wonder how many Sigil residents have portals incorporated into one of their orifices?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question about "bounded space"

'eldersphinx' wrote:
The one thing that twitches me out about "any bounded space can be a portal" is what happens if said bounded space is actually inside a portal. Or mobile and passing through a portal, for that matter. Bags of holding inside portable holes are bad enough...

Heh. Maybe every so often, a portal just explodes.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about "bounded space"

I can sort of picture a cool "multi-portal," where it has a stone ring inside of a larger stone ring, so the larger circle is one portal, and the smaller one is another portal. The inside one is shaped like a circle, and the outside one like an annulus.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Question about "bounded space"

Who says that one "bounded space" in Sigil equals one portal?

A portal is door + key.
Door 1 + Key 1 = Portal 1.
Door 1 + Key 2, 3, or 4 = Portal 2, 3, or 4.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Question about "bounded space"

Question: How sensitive to breaking is a bounded space?

For example: A doorframe has a portal. Now, someone in spiked armor walks through, and accidently cuts a deep gouge in a side of the doorframe.
Is the portal destroyed?

yes, there is still a bounded space there, but it isnt the same bounded space.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about "bounded space"

I doubt that the portal is tied to the exact geometric dimensions of the space it occupies (though that would be a really interesting idea, if the portal's destination were determined almost formulaically by the bounded space, just in ways too complex for regular berks to comprehend). If you cut away at the portal's frame, it wouldn't affect it. If you make a breach in the frame, though, you'd probably destroy it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question about "bounded space"

Unless the Lady was in a mood to be particular strict that day - in which case the portal would be changed or destroyed. (Aka - I'd say leave the details of if it would work or not - up the the DM of a particular game)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Question about "bounded space"

I think that the question of minor damage to portals is a question pertaining to the power of belief.

if the doorframe to which fidricon reffers is gouged, the vast majority of the multiverse would agree that it is still a door, even the same door. thus, the amount of damage required to be sustained on the part of the door frame must be a sufficiant amount to render it unrecognisable.

hence: the minimum amount of damage that must be done to the border of a portal in order to destroy the portal would be the minimum amount of damage required to render the doorway unrecognisable to at least more than 50% of all sentient beings in the multiverse, thus shifting the majority of belief. obviously this wouldn't be a concious decision. the beings don't need to be at all aware of what a door might be, but if they were to see the 'before' picture (a door) and the 'after' picture (a hole in the wall) they would be able to see that these are to distict things, despite the fact that they are the same thing with varying amounts of damage.

Also, isn't the light in sigil supplied by tiny portals to the plane of radiance that form from the bounded space in the smog towards the center of the ring? I recall having read this somwhere, and that suggests that portals can be formed on the molecular level...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Question about "bounded space"

I always figured the portals to the plane of Radience that lit Sigil were formed in the bounded space that the ring of Sigil creates.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question about "bounded space"

'Fidrikon' wrote:
I always figured the portals to the plane of Radience that lit Sigil were formed in the bounded space that the ring of Sigil creates.

If that were the case, wouldn't everyone who jumped off Sigil's edge end up in the Quasielemental Plane of Radiance?

Or is it a one-way portal? That's certainly possible. It might be a portal from Radiance to Sigil in one direction, and from Sigil to anywhere and everywhere in the other.

I think I prefer the idea that the light portals are in the clouds and smog, however. Or the dabus haul in the light in buckets.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about "bounded space"

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Or the dabus haul in the light in buckets.

Light-buckets! Special buckets that are portals to Radiance. They're two-way, but only one way at a time. During the day, they go from Radiance to Sigil. During the night, they go from Sigil to Radiance. Thus, we are kept with a 'natural' cycle of light and dark.


Pants of the North!

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Question about "bounded space"

'nick012000' wrote:
I wonder how many Sigil residents have portals incorporated into one of their orifices?

There's at least one canonical example of a portal inside a living creature's mouth. In Doors to the Unknown, the PCs have to pass through a portal in the mouth of a creature called a cortelestial. (Also...and I'm going by memory here, because I'm too lazy to look up the module right now...IIRC the portal key is to not have if anyone's afraid that they'll end up as the cortelestial's dinner, well, they'll be right...)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Question about "bounded space"

'Fidrikon' wrote:
I always figured the portals to the plane of Radience that lit Sigil were formed in the bounded space that the ring of Sigil creates.

wouldn't everyone be blind then? a portal that big displaying pure radiant light? that's like living next to the sun!

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Question about "bounded space"

'Sarrin' wrote:
'Fidrikon' wrote:
I always figured the portals to the plane of Radience that lit Sigil were formed in the bounded space that the ring of Sigil creates.

wouldn't everyone be blind then? a portal that big displaying pure radiant light? that's like living next to the sun!

Wow the foundry's smog really IS good for the enviroment.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Question about "bounded space"

'Smeazel' wrote:
'nick012000' wrote:
I wonder how many Sigil residents have portals incorporated into one of their orifices?

There's at least one canonical example of a portal inside a living creature's mouth. In Doors to the Unknown, the PCs have to pass through a portal in the mouth of a creature called a cortelestial. (Also...and I'm going by memory here, because I'm too lazy to look up the module right now...IIRC the portal key is to not have if anyone's afraid that they'll end up as the cortelestial's dinner, well, they'll be right...)

Heh. I was more thinking along the lines of "down there". Eye-wink

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Question about "bounded space"

'nick012000' wrote:
'Smeazel' wrote:
'nick012000' wrote:
I wonder how many Sigil residents have portals incorporated into one of their orifices?

There's at least one canonical example of a portal inside a living creature's mouth. In Doors to the Unknown, the PCs have to pass through a portal in the mouth of a creature called a cortelestial. (Also...and I'm going by memory here, because I'm too lazy to look up the module right now...IIRC the portal key is to not have if anyone's afraid that they'll end up as the cortelestial's dinner, well, they'll be right...)

Heh. I was more thinking along the lines of "down there". Eye-wink

That would be odd...
Think about the poor sod at the other end!
And what if it went to an inhospitable plane like ooze, or mineral, fire or any of the lower planes esp the lowest layer of aceron

Ailanreanter's picture
Joined: 2005-08-28
Question about "bounded space"

I wonder how many people disappear annually from Sigil just because a shifting portal to Avernus appeared in their trousers just before they pulled them on. It's bad enough to end in Baator, but to go there without breakfast and pants is really adding insult to injury.

Considering that each bounded space is a potential portal, most mothers in the city probably worry to death about their kids: "Don't run with scissors, boys. Them's a gate-key to Acheron, and the berks there'll pressgang you if you have a chiv with you."

[/posting test]

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about "bounded space"

'nick012000' wrote:
'Smeazel' wrote:
'nick012000' wrote:
I wonder how many Sigil residents have portals incorporated into one of their orifices?

There's at least one canonical example of a portal inside a living creature's mouth. In Doors to the Unknown, the PCs have to pass through a portal in the mouth of a creature called a cortelestial. (Also...and I'm going by memory here, because I'm too lazy to look up the module right now...IIRC the portal key is to not have if anyone's afraid that they'll end up as the cortelestial's dinner, well, they'll be right...)

Heh. I was more thinking along the lines of "down there". Eye-wink

In Torment, you had to go through a portal kind of like that in the half-buried skeleton of a huge monster when you wanted to leave Fjhull's house.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Question about "bounded space"

'Ailanreanter' wrote:
I wonder how many people disappear annually from Sigil just because a shifting portal to Avernus appeared in their trousers just before they pulled them on.

As amusing as that idea is, I think for the most part the bounded spaces that become portals are of the more stationary and permanent variety. However, there may certainly be exceptions (the aforementioned cortelestial, for one).

And actually, this has given me an interesting idea for an NPC...

Ailanreanter's picture
Joined: 2005-08-28
Question about "bounded space"

Well, it wasn't the most serious of comments, but if it sprouted even a tiny idea, it was not completely wasted. Smiling

Close to topic, can a portal move? Meaning, if end of a barrel contains a portal, how does moving the barrel affect it? Does the portal:
a) move with the barrel to a new position?
b) close until the barrel is moved back to the position?
c) close until any bounded arch is moved to the position?
d) close permanently, as connection was broken?
e) Is everything answer the chaos to! (dependis on portal, hour, or whatever).

I guess a) would be unlikely. Easy answer would be e), only The Lady knowing all the dark on portals.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question about "bounded space"

Actually - I would think a would be the most likely.

Ailanreanter's picture
Joined: 2005-08-28
Question about "bounded space"

a) would open the door to all sorts of mischief. Not that it's a bad thing... Sigil might have a few specialists who snoop around for 'mobile portals' and selling them to highest bidder.

"For sale, small cozy portal to Carceri, mounted on an old bleaker soup pot. Key; farastu spit. Cheap!"

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Question about "bounded space"

My reasoning is that the portals are as the Lady wants them to be.

In other words a portal might change if the bounded space is changed or moved, but then again it might not. In most cases it would require a major amount of damage to change a portal and doing so purposefully might just cause the ire of the lady, but one would have to do so a lot before that happens. (IE destroying one ooze portal on your front doorstep will not cause any problems; questing around Sigil and destroying EVERY portal to ooze might.)

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Question about "bounded space"

'Gerzel' wrote:
My reasoning is that the portals are as the Lady wants them to be.

In other words a portal might change if the bounded space is changed or moved, but then again it might not. In most cases it would require a major amount of damage to change a portal and doing so purposefully might just cause the ire of the lady, but one would have to do so a lot before that happens. (IE destroying one ooze portal on your front doorstep will not cause any problems; questing around Sigil and destroying EVERY portal to ooze might.)

Also selling mobile portals that are found might also gain the Lady's ire if done too much.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Question about "bounded space"

I doubt it. the only reason she'd allow a mobile portal would be because the natural effects of there being one either are good, or don't mess with her. so since the natural effect of a portable portal would be that someone would try to sell it, I really can't see her getting her deific panties in a bunch over it.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about "bounded space"

Not that it didn't also introduce other non-official concepts, but Torment included a mobile portal, if you will. It was the folding iron gateway that you pick up at the Foundry and that takes you to Ravel's maze. You just have to unfold it and get the key, which I think was blood from some kind of tanar'ri or something involving an alu-fiend student at the Brothel.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Question about "bounded space"

'Rhys' wrote:
Not that it didn't also introduce other non-official concepts, but Torment included a mobile portal, if you will. It was the folding iron gateway that you pick up at the Foundry and that takes you to Ravel's maze. You just have to unfold it and get the key, which I think was blood from some kind of tanar'ri or something involving an alu-fiend student at the Brothel.
Humanoids as mobile portals are an intriguing concept.

The bounded space for the portal could easily be any of the "holes" which can be found on one's anatomical form -- anything from mouths to nostrils to...

These portals have limited applicability though, since not every creature or object can pass through them due to the size of the doorway itself.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Question about "bounded space"

'Fell' wrote:
'Rhys' wrote:
Not that it didn't also introduce other non-official concepts, but Torment included a mobile portal, if you will. It was the folding iron gateway that you pick up at the Foundry and that takes you to Ravel's maze. You just have to unfold it and get the key, which I think was blood from some kind of tanar'ri or something involving an alu-fiend student at the Brothel.
Humanoids as mobile portals are an intriguing concept.

The bounded space for the portal could easily be any of the "holes" which can be found on one's anatomical form -- anything from mouths to nostrils to...

These portals have limited applicability though, since not every creature or object can pass through them due to the size of the doorway itself.

Whoa. Considering that most portals open on the other side to bounded spaces of the same size and shape, and even matirial, could make for some INTERESTING possabilities esp in some sigilian brothels. On the other hand if you figured out that you had one and the key, just open it up and no need to worry about stds, at least for yourself.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Question about "bounded space"

I recently had an idea for a magic item that was a coin with a hole in it (as currencies in many places have). The holes was actually a portal connected to one of the elemental planes.

When activated, the coin would fire a burst of the element in a stream at a target in the first round. On the second round it would create a five foot radius area, centered on you, that contained the energy traits of the plane to which the coin was attuned. Every round that the coin remained active it would expand an extra 5 feet in radius until a maximum radius of 20'.

The artifact level version of such an item would be able to switch the portal it was attuned to. It'd be a great item to base a campaign around, perhaps, gaining new abilities with every adventure as you learn more and more about the coin.

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Question about "bounded space"

Imagine someone going mad when their ears become portholes to Pandemonium.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Question about "bounded space"

Maybe something like the coin from Pirates of the Carribean - connected to the Negative energy plane?

Thig's picture
Joined: 2005-11-07
More Babble

I've always been fond of the implications of very loosely-defined "bounded spaces," even going so far as to over-expand the meaning to a very non-canon interpretation of "bounded conditions" or even "bounded chronology." A simple justification for this, of course, lies in the Rule of Threes: If there's one way to define a portal, there must necessarily be three ways to define a portal.

A "Bounded Space" portal is of the type we all know and love: anything with defined spatial boundaries can, when crossed by a sentient bearing the proper key, instantaneously remove that sentient from its current spatial boundary and replace it within a similar spatial boundary elsewhere.

Expand that definition by replacing applicable nouns, and the situation becomes intriguingly brain-busting: A "Bounded Condition" portal: anything with defined conditional boundaries can, when crossed by a sentient bearing the proper key, instantaneously remove that sentient from its current conditional boundary and replace it within a similar conditional boundary elsewhere.
Thus, consider the instance of two couples on seperate planes of existence gettting married. The boundaries of the condition of marriage are very clearly defined; "I now pronounce you man and wife" or some variation thereon is a standard of most wedding ceremonies. By the establishment of that "Bounded Condition," in that brief moment, the bride and groom both, but seperately, risk being yanked out of their reality (both spatially and, possibly, chronologically) and thrust into another. Of course, given the generally accepted standard of a boundary of similar construction on the other end, the newlywed plane-hopper would likely (but not necessarily) be interjected into a just-completed wedding ceremony, probably to the great agitation and alarm of the regular wedding guests there. (You don't figure that the key would be the possession of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, etc? Nahh...)

Write the same dissertation for a temporal displacement, and suddenly, you've got wackos the world (multiverse?) over standing on one leg, with a frog in their pocket, left index finger on the apex of their skulls, reciting a nursery rhyme backwards at the moment of the Winter Solstice, hoping that they will be whisked back to the winter solstice following the date of their own birth in order to purchase a lottery ticket for the huge drawing that year, knowing the numbers in advance.

I hope this (technically second) post of my Planewalker career is to the satisfaction of the group... Enjoy!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Question about "bounded space"

Sounds like a "bounded chronology" would be a "Closed timelike curve. Eye-wink

Thig's picture
Joined: 2005-11-07
Question about "bounded space"

'nick012000' wrote:
Sounds like a "bounded chronology" would be a "Closed timelike curve. Eye-wink

Oh, how I wish I was intelligent enough to NOT have had to follow the link... Thanks for it, though. (Wikipedia is INCREDIBLE.)

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Question about "bounded space"

theres a monster in MMIII that is filled with holes would it possibly be a walking portal network? mind you these are small holes (like tiny sized if remember)and daubus with light buckets it gives a new meaning to the bucket brigade :shock:

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Question about "bounded space"

'perro' wrote:
theres a monster in MMIII that is filled with holes would it possibly be a walking portal network? mind you these are small holes (like tiny sized if remember)and daubus with light buckets it gives a new meaning to the bucket brigade :shock:
Then of course, there are the dhar rhyth.

From Monte's Chaositech, these entities are essentially "holes" in reality -- portals that lead to a dimension of writhing wormlike terrors.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
"down there"

Moving the conversation back to where it should privates......

Isn't it that when you enter a portal you can't change your mind? You can't pull back out your arm or leg....Once you're in you're through Laughing out loud

Or am I mistaken?


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Question about "bounded space"

'princessbunny99' wrote:
Moving the conversation back to where it should privates......

Isn't it that when you enter a portal you can't change your mind? You can't pull back out your arm or leg....Once you're in you're through Laughing out loud

Or am I mistaken?


That's correct, yes, especially in the case of one-way portals, or portals that open into a completely different plane when coming from the opposite direction, or portals that require a different key to get back, or portals that simply require a fresh key to get back. You can't back up unless you've got a new key, or you might end up with part of a severed limb on an unknown plane of existence.

With two-way portals that are always open and don't require keys I might make an exception, but those are very rare.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Question about "bounded space"

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'princessbunny99' wrote:
Moving the conversation back to where it should privates......

Isn't it that when you enter a portal you can't change your mind? You can't pull back out your arm or leg....Once you're in you're through Laughing out loud

Or am I mistaken?


That's correct, yes, especially in the case of one-way portals, or portals that open into a completely different plane when coming from the opposite direction, or portals that require a different key to get back, or portals that simply require a fresh key to get back. You can't back up unless you've got a new key, or you might end up with part of a severed limb on an unknown plane of existence.

With two-way portals that are always open and don't require keys I might make an exception, but those are very rare.

I would disagree. I'd put some as not allowing backing out and others as allowing it. THere are many different types of portals, and more ways that they are made.

Andyr's picture
Joined: 2005-08-21
Question about "bounded space"

'Thig' wrote:
Of course, given the generally accepted standard of a boundary of similar construction on the other end, the newlywed plane-hopper would likely (but not necessarily) be interjected into a just-completed wedding ceremony, probably to the great agitation and alarm of the regular wedding guests there. (You don't figure that the key would be the possession of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, etc? Nahh...)

... which could neatly explain why as time progresses at a wedding, there's always someone getting drunk in the corner that nobody has a clue as to who they are! Poor berks, eh?

Theamus's picture
Joined: 2006-05-18
Question about "bounded space"

'Rhys' wrote:
Not that it didn't also introduce other non-official concepts, but Torment included a mobile portal, if you will. It was the folding iron gateway that you pick up at the Foundry and that takes you to Ravel's maze. You just have to unfold it and get the key, which I think was blood from some kind of tanar'ri or something involving an alu-fiend student at the Brothel.

it had to be HER (Ravel's) blood, but blood of her daugher was good enough for portal...and that brothel-studenf was Ravel's daughter...
but i can't remember her name...dam...

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Considering some of the arguments here and just to throw in another thought. What about a circular logic? If you pursued an argument in a complete circle could you create a metaphysical, temporary portal to - say - the Astral? To pass through perhaps you have to comment on the argument, or even add to while not diverting it, and step into close proximity of the speaker.

Just a random, outside of the box, kind of thought.

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