Quest Feedback

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Joined: 2005-04-20
Quest Feedback

I realize this isn't QUITE planescape material but please read this and supply questions comments and/or feedback if you are so inclined. Also be warned that since this is a tangental quest this transcript is quite long.

Please read at your leisure and supply feedback, questions and/or comments.

myziar:'s your zone now?
Iydkmigththky: 01:35:05it's going ok
Iydkmigththky: 01:35:15I'm stuck for storyline though
myziar: 01:35:22hmm?
myziar: 01:35:30what about the theme?
Iydkmigththky: 01:35:33here's the general theme of the zone
Iydkmigththky: 01:35:44this is a Svirfneblin colony
Iydkmigththky: 01:36:09Recently the colony has received some guests
Iydkmigththky: 01:36:41Everyone seems to accept these guests presence without question except for a few of the

Iydkmigththky: 01:37:05Something about these "guests" concerns the Burrow Warden
Iydkmigththky: 01:37:26though whenever he starts to mention his suspicions to his fellows
Iydkmigththky: 01:37:42they all look at him as if he's a fool
Iydkmigththky: 01:37:48and he can't understand it
Iydkmigththky: 01:37:51things aren't adding up
Iydkmigththky: 01:38:06however also residing in this colony
Iydkmigththky: 01:38:29is A Duergar disguised as a Dwarf
Iydkmigththky: 01:38:42The Duergar is a spy from the Underdark City of Graklstugh
Iydkmigththky: 01:38:59However he is enjoying his time with the Svirfneblin but
Iydkmigththky: 01:39:10he also realizes something is not right among the people he's spying on
Iydkmigththky: 01:39:30not that he cares for the stinking beardless cousins of his
Iydkmigththky: 01:39:48though that's a sentiment he keeps to himseof in order to maintain his cover
Iydkmigththky: 01:39:50still
Iydkmigththky: 01:39:54it arouses his curiosity
Iydkmigththky: 01:40:02what has made these Svirfneblin
Iydkmigththky: 01:40:04so docile
Iydkmigththky: 01:40:06so servile
Iydkmigththky: 01:40:09so tame
myziar: 01:40:15eh, you're saying..
myziar: 01:40:18before the guests come
myziar: 01:40:23they're....not all that?
Iydkmigththky: 01:40:26well
Iydkmigththky: 01:40:38The Svirfneblin don't necessarily have a feared reputaiton but
Iydkmigththky: 01:41:05they have survived as residents in the underdark for countless ages since the time of the

Iydkmigththky: 01:41:22that in itself should be a testament to their ability to defend themselves.
Iydkmigththky: 01:41:34yet it seems to both the burrow warden and the duergar spy
Iydkmigththky: 01:41:46that everyone is behaving very strangely
Iydkmigththky: 01:42:07almost as if they lived to do nothing but work
Iydkmigththky: 01:42:23not even the dour Duergar have such a dismal view of life
myziar: 01:42:31and all this......after the 'guests' come?
Iydkmigththky: 01:42:38and for the Svirfneblin who thoroughly enjoy spending tiem with their families
Iydkmigththky: 01:42:45after the guests come
myziar: 01:42:49nods
Iydkmigththky: 01:42:57nearly every Svirfneblin finds his life centered around his work
Iydkmigththky: 01:43:13enjoyment of life and friends and family does not even enter the picture
Iydkmigththky: 01:43:18the Burrow Warden's own wife
Iydkmigththky: 01:43:33never seems to enjoy the things she once used to
Iydkmigththky: 01:43:40it is all very strange
myziar: 01:44:04interesting
Iydkmigththky: 01:44:32so
myziar: 01:44:35so what do the 'guests' appear as actually?
myziar: 01:44:41oh, okay..continue.
Iydkmigththky: 01:44:45that's the other strange thing
Iydkmigththky: 01:45:24to some they appear to be honest merchants
Iydkmigththky: 01:45:35to others they appear to be the survivors of a holocaust
Iydkmigththky: 01:45:41and to others..
Iydkmigththky: 01:45:58they appear as harsh men who brook no disagreement
Iydkmigththky: 01:46:07the truth of the matter
Iydkmigththky: 01:46:13is another situation entirely
myziar: 01:46:20um, ,sec..what's brook?
Iydkmigththky: 01:46:32abide
Iydkmigththky: 01:46:35tolerate
myziar: 01:46:38nods
myziar: 01:46:44okay, continue please.
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:12do you care if I spoil it for you?
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:23cause what i tell you next will spoilt he story
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:23but
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:26some people dont' mind
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:27so if you dont
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:28I dont
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:40in fact
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:43for you to help me further
Iydkmigththky: 01:47:47I ought tot ell you
Iydkmigththky: 01:48:31what do you think?
myziar: 01:48:33um, I personally wouldn't like a great story like this especially spoilt....but it's okay. I make an

exception this time. Smiling
Iydkmigththky: 01:48:39hah
Iydkmigththky: 01:48:40ok
Iydkmigththky: 01:48:45basically
Iydkmigththky: 01:48:54a great story hah
Iydkmigththky: 01:48:56we shall see
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:08these guests
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:09are in truth
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:13nothing other than Illithids
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:17in disguise
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:21one among their number
myziar: 01:49:23heh, of course.
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:28is a master illusionist
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:37another
myziar: 01:49:42illusionist? Mmmmmm...interesting. I just love illus!
myziar: 01:49:44nods
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:45is a master mindflayer
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:49the third
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:54is an abomination
Iydkmigththky: 01:49:57an Alhoon
myziar: 01:50:03what's that?
Iydkmigththky: 01:50:03an undead mindflayer
myziar: 01:50:07oh, nods
Iydkmigththky: 01:50:13an undead Illithid
Iydkmigththky: 01:50:21I say abomination for a very good reason
Iydkmigththky: 01:50:34Illithids despise magic
myziar: 01:50:53hrmm?
Iydkmigththky: 01:50:55and they consider those who dabble in it pathetic
Iydkmigththky: 01:51:02Undead
Iydkmigththky: 01:51:12well I'm not sure if you're aware but Illithids fear undead
Iydkmigththky: 01:51:17more than they fear anything
myziar:, what about the illus then? I thought it's magic....
myziar: 01:51:29nods
Iydkmigththky: 01:51:32Psionics for the most part are completely ineffective vs undead
Iydkmigththky: 01:51:41except for indirect or physical action
myziar: 01:51:47heh, logically true.
Iydkmigththky: 01:52:08so some psionic spells st ill affect undead
Iydkmigththky: 01:52:15but most mind affecting ones do not
Iydkmigththky: 01:52:18as they have no mind
myziar: 01:52:21nods
Iydkmigththky: 01:52:23no mind to speak of
Iydkmigththky: 01:52:32however
Iydkmigththky: 01:52:44imbued with the necrotic powers of the underworld
Iydkmigththky: 01:52:51all liches as you are I'm sure aware of
Iydkmigththky: 01:53:00start out as living beings
Iydkmigththky: 01:53:07in the case of an Alhoon
Iydkmigththky: 01:53:26They are Illithid sorcerers (already an extreme rarity)
Iydkmigththky: 01:53:45who seek to further their magical study by prolonging their life through the course of

becoming undead
Iydkmigththky: 01:54:01Alhoons are hunted by the Illithid community and destroyed whenever they are discovered
Iydkmigththky: 01:54:22in any event
Iydkmigththky: 01:54:34there's more to these three guests than even their sublime nature
Iydkmigththky: 01:54:49The 2 Illithids and the Alhoon
Iydkmigththky: 01:55:02harbor no real animosity towards their 'hosts'
Iydkmigththky: 01:55:05however
Iydkmigththky: 01:55:28the true nature of the Illithids were it revealed would not serve their interests
Iydkmigththky: 01:55:36so of course
Iydkmigththky: 01:55:50the illusionist cast them into disguises
Iydkmigththky: 01:56:08the mindflayer began the subtle process of subduing the minds of the svirfneblin
Iydkmigththky: 01:56:15though very very discreetly
Iydkmigththky: 01:56:31so as not to arouse any suspicion among the members of the Svirfneblin community
Iydkmigththky: 01:56:47the Alhoon
Iydkmigththky: 01:56:57is the reason they came at first to this place
Iydkmigththky: 01:57:18all 3 are well accquainted with one another
Iydkmigththky: 01:57:33and the Alhoon while he was stilll a true ILlithid
Iydkmigththky: 01:58:08once worked along side these other 2 as peers
Iydkmigththky: 01:58:31When it was discovered that he was dabblign in magic
Iydkmigththky: 01:58:45the Illithid community banished him from their city
Iydkmigththky: 01:59:16Later it was discovered that this Illithid
Iydkmigththky: 01:59:19after his banishment
Iydkmigththky: 01:59:32started the process of becoming an Alhoon
Iydkmigththky: 01:59:41Furthermore
Iydkmigththky: 02:00:09there was also evidence of telepathic communication between it and it's former co-workers
Iydkmigththky: 02:00:26the other 2 illithids barely escaped the city with their lives
Iydkmigththky: 02:00:38but when they did
Iydkmigththky: 02:00:47they immediately sought out their 3rd companion
Iydkmigththky: 02:01:07Upon finding him they realized they had to find a place that was secure for them
Iydkmigththky: 02:01:15not only secure from magical prying
Iydkmigththky: 02:01:20but also from psionic prying
Iydkmigththky: 02:01:33The alhoon and the mindflayer through their arts
Iydkmigththky: 02:01:41each determined a focal point for just such a place
Iydkmigththky: 02:01:52the place is of course our location
Iydkmigththky: 02:01:54Droomspire
myziar: 02:02:05.....
myziar: 02:02:16so, in the end...
Iydkmigththky: 02:02:20The nature of this very spot in the underdark
myziar: 02:02:20what they gonna do?
myziar: 02:02:22revenge?
Iydkmigththky: 02:02:33the magical wards that the svirfneblin set in place
myziar: 02:02:33oh, okay, continue! Smiling
Iydkmigththky: 02:02:39formed a secure barrier from magic
Iydkmigththky: 02:02:47and the very nature of the Mushroom itself
Iydkmigththky: 02:02:51for some unknown reason
Iydkmigththky: 02:03:08also served to block psionic attempts at location
Iydkmigththky: 02:03:25of course the Illithid community was unaware of this
myziar: 02:03:59boggle
Iydkmigththky: 02:04:00psionic spells can still be performed of course within the structure itself
myziar: 02:04:01but
myziar: 02:04:04ah, okay
myziar: 02:04:08just about to ask that. Sticking out tongue
Iydkmigththky: 02:04:11or else our mindflayer firend
Iydkmigththky: 02:04:22would have trouble keeping suspicions from becoming more than that
Iydkmigththky: 02:04:26but
Iydkmigththky: 02:04:34any psionic attempt at location
Iydkmigththky: 02:04:36or travel
Iydkmigththky: 02:04:40impossible
myziar: 02:04:47but
myziar: 02:04:53psionicists can enter that place?
Iydkmigththky: 02:05:00by walking in only
myziar: 02:05:10oh, okay.
myziar: 02:05:20so, what so speacial about the burrow warden really?
myziar: 02:05:30to make him able to see what's happening?
Iydkmigththky: 02:05:45he's in possession of an amulet handed down to him by his father the previous burrow warden
Iydkmigththky: 02:06:02which wards him from any mind-altering spells or abilities
Iydkmigththky: 02:06:06magic or psionic
myziar: 02:06:08hrmm....the burrow warden is pretty much the leader of that place?
Iydkmigththky: 02:06:12no
Iydkmigththky: 02:06:13not quite
Iydkmigththky: 02:06:21he is the "police chief"
myziar: 02:06:27oh, nods.
Iydkmigththky: 02:06:47I have to study abit more on svirfneblins
Iydkmigththky: 02:06:52to come up with a suitable leader figure
Iydkmigththky: 02:07:10but being that he plays no role central to the sotry
Iydkmigththky: 02:07:11story
Iydkmigththky: 02:07:22I doubt he'll be much more than a decent-nice piece of equipment
myziar: 02:07:32heh, nods.
Iydkmigththky: 02:07:41I'm thinking of making this zone levels 20-40
Iydkmigththky: 02:07:55down the road
Iydkmigththky: 02:08:02I will be adding another section to it
myziar: 02:08:09oh?
Iydkmigththky: 02:08:16you've seen the pictures I've showed u
myziar: 02:08:21nods
Iydkmigththky: 02:08:23the bottom of that
Iydkmigththky: 02:08:26there will be a shaft
Iydkmigththky: 02:08:33leading down deep
Iydkmigththky: 02:08:50deep into an abyss of unimaginable depth
Iydkmigththky: 02:09:20which within dwell all sorts of demons, imps, succubi and other infernal creatures
Iydkmigththky: 02:09:46it will also have a tangental role in why the mushroom is there in the first place
myziar: 02:09:59Interesting!
Iydkmigththky: 02:10:00though inhabited by good beings
Iydkmigththky: 02:10:14the events that caused the mushroom to come about
Iydkmigththky: 02:10:26were the direct result of an ancient evil
Iydkmigththky: 02:10:49so ancient it transcends the historical memory of the drow (a very long-lived race)
Iydkmigththky: 02:11:04but that's another story
Iydkmigththky: 02:11:07in any event
Iydkmigththky: 02:11:10here's what i picture
Iydkmigththky: 02:11:17the quests will not be linear
Iydkmigththky: 02:11:27there will be several choices one can make along the way
Iydkmigththky: 02:11:35depending on the choices made
Iydkmigththky: 02:11:48certain PATHS of other quests may be closed off
myziar: 02:12:06hmmmm....
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:10so for example
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:15we knowk for sure
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:20that there are 2 beings in Droomspire
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:29who have not fallen completely for the ruse of the Illithids
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:34though they still maintain their disguise
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:46the Burrow Warden
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:51and the Duergar Spy both know
Iydkmigththky: 02:12:58that the guests are more than they appear
Iydkmigththky: 02:13:01but they know not what
Iydkmigththky: 02:13:07now
Iydkmigththky: 02:13:21should the player choose to help the duergar find out
Iydkmigththky: 02:13:36what exactly the nature of these guests are
Iydkmigththky: 02:14:02then the result upon finding out when they return to him
Iydkmigththky: 02:14:13will be that
Iydkmigththky: 02:14:27he require their assistance in disposing of these loathesome creatures
myziar: 02:15:36um, how about the burrow warden then?
Iydkmigththky: 02:15:37and following that a set of superbly made duergar armor, leggings, gloves, boots, and

armplates will be granted to the the adventurer
Iydkmigththky: 02:15:41for finishing that quest
myziar: 02:15:46oh, nods.
Iydkmigththky: 02:15:46I'm getting to th at
Iydkmigththky: 02:15:59I said a set for a good reason
Iydkmigththky: 02:16:07because it will require a group to complete
Iydkmigththky: 02:16:18and a group of about 5
Iydkmigththky: 02:16:25so each player ought to get a piece
Iydkmigththky: 02:16:33now
Iydkmigththky: 02:16:52should the players instead choose to aid the burrow warden in his discovery of the Illithids
Iydkmigththky: 02:17:30then they will get something else
Iydkmigththky: 02:18:14I was thinking 5 different types of weapons of superb dwarven make and enchanted by the

greatest Svirfneblin conjurers with special magic
Iydkmigththky: 02:18:32there's also another hitch
Iydkmigththky: 02:18:41you can also inform the burrow warden of the duergar spy
Iydkmigththky: 02:18:50and receive an additional reward
Iydkmigththky: 02:18:58though I have yet to decide on the manner of what that is
Iydkmigththky: 02:19:06lastly
Iydkmigththky: 02:19:14there's a 3rd alternative
Iydkmigththky: 02:19:30You can approach the Illithids themselves and instead of trying to kill them
Iydkmigththky: 02:20:09Upon approaching the illithids
Iydkmigththky: 02:20:15one of their number
Iydkmigththky: 02:20:48will be looking for a specific item which has the capability of negating psionic magic being

used against the bearer
Iydkmigththky: 02:21:07Ill give you 3 guesses as to which one
Iydkmigththky: 02:21:34you there?
Iydkmigththky: 02:22:04well I got to continue writing this anyways
myziar: 02:22:18gimme a sec to think
Iydkmigththky: 02:22:31for submitting to keth and ruo for my storyline and for me to have to refer to as I'm

building my zone
Iydkmigththky: 02:22:48I will parse your statements if you wish
myziar: 02:23:03um, parse?
Iydkmigththky: 02:23:06remove
Iydkmigththky: 02:23:10filter out
myziar: 02:23:20oh lol okay, parse them then heh.
Iydkmigththky: 02:23:27I'm gonna edit
Iydkmigththky: 02:23:30anyways
myziar: 02:23:33of course the medallion? What else?
Iydkmigththky: 02:23:54exactly
Iydkmigththky: 02:23:55but
Iydkmigththky: 02:24:03which illithid do you suppose is going to want it?
myziar: 02:24:11um..
myziar: 02:24:35okay, now that's hard...
Iydkmigththky: 02:24:45not if you have been following what i'm saying Sticking out tongue
myziar: 02:25:05I don't think it's that straight an answer. Sticking out tongue
Iydkmigththky: 02:25:12it certainly is
Iydkmigththky: 02:25:17you have 3 choices
Iydkmigththky: 02:25:20and 3 guesses
Iydkmigththky: 02:25:24it's not that difficult
myziar: 02:25:44um, what stopping me from using each guess for each choice then? Sticking out tongue
Iydkmigththky: 02:25:59nothing
Iydkmigththky: 02:26:03but I wanna hear your first guess
myziar: 02:27:02it must gotta something to do..
myziar: 02:27:05with one of them..
myziar: 02:27:14wait.
myziar: 02:27:23is it the,..
myziar: 02:27:31uh, it's not that straight, is it?
myziar: 02:28:38the Ahloon is an undead, so psonic spells won't work much on him. The mindflayer is a psionicist, so

must be true for him too. Now this gotta be weird.....the illus?
Iydkmigththky: 02:29:03exactly
Iydkmigththky: 02:29:19because the Illusionis is using an Arcane magic
Iydkmigththky: 02:29:30which the Illithids themselves not only don't like
Iydkmigththky: 02:29:36but are also highly resistant to
Iydkmigththky: 02:29:52but
Iydkmigththky: 02:30:35he is also the means by which the Illithids had been tracking him prior to their finding

myziar: 02:30:42hrmm?
Iydkmigththky: 02:30:49Droomspire even
myziar: 02:30:56waitaminute, so the illus is not an Illithid?
Iydkmigththky: 02:31:00yeah he is
myziar: 02:31:06boggle
Iydkmigththky: 02:31:14but Illusion is arcane magic
Iydkmigththky: 02:31:29ie foodthing magic
Iydkmigththky: 02:31:42Psionicists and Mindflayers
Iydkmigththky: 02:32:07view magic as a poor creatures crutch
Iydkmigththky: 02:32:16hence their distaste for one of their own that use it
Iydkmigththky: 02:32:37since psionics is so much more superior
myziar: 02:33:00then..
myziar: 02:33:08why would the Illus become an Illus?
Iydkmigththky: 02:33:17because it captured his interest
myziar: 02:33:27hah, okay.
Iydkmigththky: 02:33:44just because they are Illithids does not mean they aren't prone to curiosities of their own
Iydkmigththky: 02:34:08just it's viewed in Illithid society as poor white trash
myziar: 02:34:15nods.
[deleted an off-topic subject matter]
Iydkmigththky: 02:37:52getting back to the subject
myziar: 02:37:59okay.
Iydkmigththky: 02:38:00should you decide to help the illithids
myziar: 02:38:11illithid you mean
Iydkmigththky: 02:38:32you can persuade the burrow warden to part with his amulet by informing him of the Duergar

Iydkmigththky: 02:38:37or you can just kill him for it
Iydkmigththky: 02:38:44but if you kill him for it you will have to fight your way out
myziar: 02:38:46hahaha, interesting!!
Iydkmigththky: 02:39:08and at the sametime
Iydkmigththky: 02:39:12you keep the Illithids secret
Iydkmigththky: 02:39:14and help them out
Iydkmigththky: 02:39:24which they reward you with probably what is the best item in the zone
Iydkmigththky: 02:39:33though I have yet to decide exactly what that is
myziar: 02:39:36um
myziar: 02:39:39it seems to me
myziar: 02:39:52that it's easier to help the illithids
myziar: 02:39:58rather than to help the other two?
myziar: 02:40:15what if, you got to kill the spy too
myziar: 02:40:18as a proof
myziar: 02:40:22of his being a spy
myziar: 02:41:14so you get the option of either killing the spy, or the warden.
myziar: 02:41:49to make the spy one harder
Iydkmigththky: 02:42:02well svirfneblin generally don't take to the killing of guests in their halls
Iydkmigththky: 02:42:12even if they ARE spies
Iydkmigththky: 02:42:28which is a fact that they are unaware of at present
Iydkmigththky: 02:42:51but you do have a point
Iydkmigththky: 02:42:54I was thinking
Iydkmigththky: 02:43:51how do you proove to the burrow warden of the duergars espionage
Iydkmigththky: 02:43:54without killing him
Iydkmigththky: 02:44:18the solution
Iydkmigththky: 02:44:34is to find proof of his corresponding with his contact in Graklstugh
Iydkmigththky: 02:44:44since psionic and magically communication is impossible within these walls
Iydkmigththky: 02:44:52you should find the answer in his diaries
myziar: 02:45:06but!!
Iydkmigththky: 02:45:09present the diary to the warden
myziar: 02:45:30make his diaries hidden at a place where there're HUGE traps please?
Iydkmigththky: 02:45:42well of course the desk will be traped
Iydkmigththky: 02:45:46by why is this such a concern?
Iydkmigththky: 02:45:59it'll probably be a sleep trap
Iydkmigththky: 02:46:07and if there's a way I can do it in di
Iydkmigththky: 02:46:09err DE
Iydkmigththky: 02:46:27I would like to make the Duergar Aggro to you upon the chest being broken into
myziar: 02:46:37it's still don't feel right that getting one of the best item in the zone(as you says) would be

easier then that..
Iydkmigththky: 02:46:50how is it easier
myziar: 02:46:57well consider this
Iydkmigththky: 02:47:01it's only easier in actuality
myziar: 02:47:04how do you help out those two?
Iydkmigththky: 02:47:07figuring all this out for the average player
Iydkmigththky: 02:47:13most players think in a linear fashion
Iydkmigththky: 02:47:20they think 1-2 then 3
Iydkmigththky: 02:47:22they don't think
myziar: 02:47:27nods
Iydkmigththky: 02:47:45what abou 1-2a-3a or 1-2b-3b or 1-2c-3c
Iydkmigththky: 02:48:15how do I help out which two?
Iydkmigththky: 02:48:23the other 2 illithids?
myziar: 02:48:38okay, then maybe make the entrance to the illithid's room be guarded by some aggro mobs? So players

will be disillusioneed of thinking that the illithid is aggro too
myziar: 02:48:39no
myziar: 02:48:49I mean, the warden and duergar
Iydkmigththky: 02:48:59that sounds good
Iydkmigththky: 02:49:12err but wait
Iydkmigththky: 02:49:16got to remember
myziar: 02:49:23and end up trying to kill the illithid(like the lizardman chieftain)
Iydkmigththky: 02:49:25the svirfneblin dislike killing within their walls
myziar: 02:49:37um, then again..
myziar: 02:49:46the svirfneblin are not themselves lately?
Iydkmigththky: 02:49:51true enough
Iydkmigththky: 02:49:52however
Iydkmigththky: 02:50:05the psionic influence on them is not so powerful to make them completely forget th eir ways
Iydkmigththky: 02:50:17the influence is subtle
Iydkmigththky: 02:50:39why does difficulty have to mean killing.
Iydkmigththky: 02:50:48don't forget you can exp in here just as easily by kiling them
Iydkmigththky: 02:51:05however you will cut yourself off from doing the quests if you do
Iydkmigththky: 02:51:26do you mind if I post this transcript on the areas board?
Iydkmigththky: 02:51:32well not the public one
myziar: 02:51:35yeah, on most of them. But there must be 2-3 tougher svirfneblin that the illithids took upon

themselves to charm, to protect them in case of an attack(like if they're discovered or something).
Iydkmigththky: 02:51:38the builders board
myziar: 02:51:58eh? um..sure, up to you.
Iydkmigththky: 02:52:02okay
Iydkmigththky: 02:52:11well actually I think I shall just send this transcript to ruo keth
Iydkmigththky: 02:52:22for maybe refining the idea a bit more or getting feedback
Iydkmigththky: 02:52:37Oh I agree with that part
Iydkmigththky: 02:52:56yes getting by the guards to the 'guests' chambers
Iydkmigththky: 02:53:09will require some subtlety
Iydkmigththky: 02:53:22Svirfneblin can't be bribed they are honourable creatures
Iydkmigththky: 02:54:07so regardless
Iydkmigththky: 02:54:10of which choice you make
myziar: 02:54:21somebody got to die!
myziar: 02:54:23HAHAHHAHAHAH!
Iydkmigththky: 02:54:27you will somehow need to get permission from the burrow warden to access the chambers
Iydkmigththky: 02:54:31without arrousing suspicion
myziar: 02:55:02hmmm...
myziar: 02:55:07oh, one question.
myziar: 02:55:41what IS the true motive of the illithids in coming there? I mean, besides hiding and all? What are

they planning to do?
myziar: 02:55:47um, 3 questions heh. Sticking out tongue
myziar: 02:57:15there must be a reason for them to be charming subtly the svirfneblin, not just because they want to

myziar: 02:57:54are they gonna command the svirfneblin to attack Ixarcon or something?
myziar: 02:58:35and why -are- the svirfneblin doing working too hard?
myziar: 02:58:49there must be a reason behind all that.
Iydkmigththky: 03:00:45well
Iydkmigththky: 03:01:01firstly
Iydkmigththky: 03:01:07do you know what Illithids eat?
myziar: 03:01:16other creatures?
Iydkmigththky: 03:01:23more specifically
Iydkmigththky: 03:01:40BRAINS
myziar: 03:01:49interesting
Iydkmigththky: 03:01:54okay
Iydkmigththky: 03:01:56now
Iydkmigththky: 03:02:21hence the need for mind a subtle mind control so as to dampen suspicion
myziar: 03:02:54but still
Iydkmigththky: 03:03:00they don't eat that much either also for the same reason
myziar: 03:03:04are they gonna hide there for the rest of their life?
Iydkmigththky: 03:03:18well as far as the mud is concerned yes!
Iydkmigththky: 03:03:19but
Iydkmigththky: 03:03:24I guess from a story point of view
Iydkmigththky: 03:03:24no
myziar: 03:03:37oh, okay.
Iydkmigththky: 03:03:51remember it is going to be both a midbie Exp AND quest zone
Iydkmigththky: 03:04:01you can't do both tho
Iydkmigththky: 03:04:08attacking the svirfneblin
Iydkmigththky: 03:04:37Lemme explain something else about the svirfneblin
myziar: 03:04:45nods.
Iydkmigththky: 03:04:50despite the fact that they are good and honourable
Iydkmigththky: 03:04:55they still need to survive
Iydkmigththky: 03:05:02and in order to survive they still need to carry on trade
Iydkmigththky: 03:05:10now
Iydkmigththky: 03:05:14besides the Svirfneblin
Iydkmigththky: 03:05:24what other creatures live in the underdark that manufacture tradeable items
myziar: 03:05:32um..
myziar: 03:05:35drows?
Iydkmigththky: 03:05:38who else
myziar: 03:06:11um, pechs?
myziar: 03:06:24kuo-toa?
myziar: 03:06:34trogoldytes?
Iydkmigththky: 03:06:34think current player races
Iydkmigththky: 03:06:38or former player races
myziar: 03:06:47dark dwarves?
Iydkmigththky: 03:06:51yes
Iydkmigththky: 03:06:55duergar dwarves,
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:02drow
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:04derro
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:08all evil
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:10so
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:16just because a player is evil
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:37will itself not be an excuse for the svirfneblin to go apeshit on the drow and duergar

players entering their warrens
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:48only
Iydkmigththky: 03:07:51and ONLY
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:07the only reason a svirfneblin will become aggressive
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:11is to defend his home
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:12so
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:17if the players want to exp there
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:28they can either do the quest and exp after
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:32or just exp and bog the quest
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:45however for purposes of fulfilling the quest
Iydkmigththky: 03:08:53attacking anything
Iydkmigththky: 03:09:02unless specifically prompted to
Iydkmigththky: 03:09:04thorugh the quest
Iydkmigththky: 03:09:14is highly inadvisable
myziar: 03:09:22um..
myziar: 03:09:26meaning,
myziar: 03:09:33that if you attack anything,
myziar: 03:09:40the whole town will aggro you?
Iydkmigththky: 03:09:57If I can make it so yes
Iydkmigththky: 03:10:07well not the whole town
myziar: 03:10:20um, I honestly had never seen that happen before,
Iydkmigththky: 03:10:29of course the duergar won't give a shit about the svirfneblin
myziar: 03:10:30so not sure if it's possible.
Iydkmigththky: 03:10:38not right now
myziar: 03:11:01oh?
Iydkmigththky: 03:11:06but perhaps some thing can be added to tell if any svirfneblin gnomes have been killed in the

Iydkmigththky: 03:11:08now
Iydkmigththky: 03:11:23if it's a grouped player
Iydkmigththky: 03:11:53I'm at a loss to consider whether or not the players entire party should suffer for the

stupidity of one person
myziar: 03:12:03they should!!
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:03or if just the person themselves should be aggro'd to
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:08perhaps
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:10perhaps not tho
myziar: 03:12:19then that person will die!! Getting purged!! HAHAHHA..
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:21remmember the svirfneblin are fair-minded nearly to a fault
myziar: 03:12:22um, seriously though
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:27yeah
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:31thats what I was thinking
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:38typical behavior for both drow and duergar
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:49while it encourages cruelty
Iydkmigththky: 03:12:54it does NOT tolerate stupidity
Iydkmigththky: 03:13:06so
Iydkmigththky: 03:13:20a group of 5 drows wandering into the zone wanting to complete the tquest
Iydkmigththky: 03:13:32say some idiot like Kenon goes postal
Iydkmigththky: 03:13:38and starts killing svirfneblin
Iydkmigththky: 03:13:44guards here the sounds and come running
Iydkmigththky: 03:13:48and he goes splat
Iydkmigththky: 03:14:03and the group continues on their merry way minus a stupid idiot
myziar: 03:14:03shake, would create probs if whole grroup aren't aggroed.
Iydkmigththky: 03:14:14I disagree
Iydkmigththky: 03:14:18what problems tho
Iydkmigththky: 03:14:37unless they decide to try to help him out of his stupidity
Iydkmigththky: 03:14:43DEFINITELY not in drow character
Iydkmigththky: 03:15:11got to remember most of these players are going to be evil
myziar: 03:15:25they could heal him while he's fighting the guards, stone him...buff him out. If he's a hitter, he

may be able to kill them all....then whole group gain exp
Iydkmigththky: 03:15:29it's not in their nature to help eachother out except insofar as it furthers their own

individual ambitions
myziar: 03:16:16well, there are other probs, just this one I could think off the top of my head
myziar: 03:16:27this is not an RP mud.
myziar: 03:16:31Friends will help each other
myziar: 03:16:38regardless of their char.
Iydkmigththky: 03:19:48that's the thing tho
Iydkmigththky: 03:19:50you understand
Iydkmigththky: 03:19:56that the design of the mud is changing
Iydkmigththky: 03:20:08the large portion of the reason we split off from duris
Iydkmigththky: 03:20:15is because everything was too PvP centric
Iydkmigththky: 03:20:21and there will STILL be a place for pvp
Iydkmigththky: 03:20:35but we want to also create a believable atmosphere
Iydkmigththky: 03:20:44so yes
Iydkmigththky: 03:20:52you can pretty much do anything you want
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:11but don't expect violence to be the complete main way to get the best eq all the time
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:15hack and slash is fine
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:22but there's nothing wrong with a little rp
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:33people should actually read the story and be interested
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:36and not only that
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:40but it should cause them to THINK
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:48hey if this guys the burrow warden
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:54and I attack his soldiers
Iydkmigththky: 03:21:58what's he gonna do?
Iydkmigththky: 03:22:02duh?
Iydkmigththky: 03:22:20as far as friends helping eachother
Iydkmigththky: 03:22:29many times I've been in a zone where some idiot kills the quest mob
Iydkmigththky: 03:22:37and the group follows up by killing HIM
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:02that's the thing
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:12it's a mid-level exp zone but there are quests inside
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:18if you kill the quest mobs or their buddies
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:29they are probably not going to want to help you very much
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:30howevre
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:33i was thinking
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:40if you help the duergar destroy the illithids
Iydkmigththky: 03:23:53and you kill the svirfneblins for xp
Iydkmigththky: 03:24:06seems to me
Iydkmigththky: 03:24:21that it's simpler to do the burrow wardens aspect or the duergars aspect
Iydkmigththky: 03:24:29than to help the illithids get what they want
Iydkmigththky: 03:24:42the idea behind the quest is not to make it complex
Iydkmigththky: 03:25:08I will write the desriptions to the quests in such a way that it will provide the player with

enough information by which he or she can draw their own judgements
Iydkmigththky: 03:25:45the idea behind the quests is to provide an atmosphere of story and believability
Iydkmigththky: 03:26:05and perhaps to inform to a smaller extent
Iydkmigththky: 03:26:29so to quest or not to quest is completely optional
Iydkmigththky: 03:26:32for example bloodstone
Iydkmigththky: 03:26:36theres tons of quests in that place
Iydkmigththky: 03:26:47but often times people just go their to get quick exp or eq
myziar: 03:27:32hrmm...well, okay...I was getting real sleepy atm, so when I'm sleepy I couldn't think
properly....but okay, I agree with you. That's true.
Iydkmigththky: 03:27:40the UD tho is going to be a very harsh and demanding environment though
Iydkmigththky: 03:27:42okay
Iydkmigththky: 03:27:48well thanks for the conversation
myziar: 03:27:58shake, nahh..I could hold on I think.
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:00I will be posting most of this to the builder discussion forum
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:03nah
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:08both of us need sleep soon
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:16you've helped me alot with this
myziar: 03:28:30let's continue in the morning okay?
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:33you've asked some good questions I hadn't had immediate answers to
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:37and u made me think about it
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:38okay
Iydkmigththky: 03:28:54gonna post this for reference on builders forum

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Quest Feedback

its nice, i like the idea, is it based in Blingdenstone of the fearunian Underdark?
im surprized, not many of the people around here talk about FR much, and the planes section for fearun is empty, we should work on that.

Iydkmigthtky's picture
Joined: 2005-04-20
Quest Feedback

Okay yes, it is loosely based of of Blindengstone only in that that was the only quality source material I could come up with for svirfneblin. Aside from that it's my own idea... Here's a more "storyiated" version (with some minor changes)

Part I

Far below the earth, secreted away from the blaze of the infernal sun and the gaze of the prying moon, a small Svirfneblin settlement was carved from the body of an ancient fungus. The whereabouts of this settlement is unknown even to most of the native inhabitants of the dreaded Underdark. The name the residents of this community call their haven translates into Undercommon as 'Droomspire'.

The scouts of this community have recently come upon a small three-person party stranded in a wretched state in the the caverns and tunnels not far from Droomspire. The Svirfneblin, while always mindful of the dangers of the Underdark have not let the natural suspicion of others to erode their compassion. Having taken reasonable precautions, the scouts return with their guests back home.

Upon their initial arrival the guests are well provided for and taken care of and of course measures are taken in the matter of Droomspires security.
After their full recovery nearly all the Deep Gnomes of the community seem to have formed some sort of bond with these guests. The burrow-warden of Droomspire, Kirvlung had also been monitoring the newcomers. Dedicated to the saftey Droomspire and all it's inhabitants Kirvlung had been noticing some changes in the population. People seemed more detached and alot more focused on their work than before. He also began to wonder if somehow the arrival of these surface dwellers, was linked with these changes.

Several times he had brought it to the attention of the King and the Council but the looks they gave him in reply to his queries left him walking away feeling the fool. Kirvlung had always trusted his instincts and they had always been reliable and had served him in the past. Something strange was afoot and he resolved to discover what it was.

Also, not very long ago Droomspire had received an emissary by the name of Kalnajrak Blackanvil from a clan of Grey Dwarves regarding establishing some sort of trade agreement between Graklstugh and Droomspire. While the secrecy of the site of Droomspire was of paramount importance, the settlement could not prosper without some sort of trade. While the Duergar have been notorious in some instances for their xenophobia and paranoia they were also master craftsman. Trade between the Graklstugh and Droomspire could be arranged without compromising the interests of either. Although arranging the details of this agreement were getting to be more time consuming than previously anticipated. The burrow-warden being well aware of these facts of course took appropriate measures to maintain the comfort of the Duergar emissary without compromising the abode of his people. At the same time, Kirvlung and Kalnajrak, while prudently careful of their own interests, had spent enough time in one anothers presence to develop a tentative understanding with one another. In the past few weeks since the arrival of the Human refugees, Kirvlung had been paying more visits than usual to the stolid Duergar and confiding to him the strange behavior of his fellow Svirfnebli.

Under normal circumstances, Kirvlung would not be on such familiar terms with a Duergar, regardless of their trading partnership status. However since the response from his own kith and kin had ranged from surprised disinterest to outright hostility the impassive Duergar actually appeared to be the only one willing to lend ear to his concerns. Kalnajrak after having listened to the entire account suggested to the burrow-warden that there might very well be more to these guests than at first appears; a sentiment the burrow-warden shared.

(to be continued...)

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
Quest Feedback

Interesting so far. I had to skim a little (at work right now), so maybe this is a dumb question: What exactly is this going to be used for and what are you looking for? Is this to be a quest in a campaign?

You may want to come up with a short plot summary, intended audience/party, and brief overview of intended flow. It may help hook in readers and may also help you to structure your own thoughts. Just a friendly suggestion.
edobrzel is also playing the part of the PW Idol judge Belladrin.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Quest Feedback

Yes its good, although i agree with him ^^, you need other hooks and ideas. You have gotten me thinking of running something like this, maybe i will know. well, can't wait for the rest of it.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Quest Feedback

... oi. That much IRC chatlog hurts my brain.

The single most important thing to grasp about any quest, plotline or bit of backstory is as follows: Why's it important to the PCs?. When writing any bit of plot, always keep this in mind. Is there a mystery in place? Make sure the PCs can get (and understand!) the clues, or work with an NPC who has the tools to get to the bottom of things. Convoluted history? Detail what the PCs will be able to find out, and leave the rest unanswered. Distant location? Provide the characters with both a method and a reason to get there. Shadowy machinations of some powerful enemy? Make sure the PCs have a motive to get involved.

95%+ of all horrifying railroading stories - you know the ones, where there are flash floods on the left, earthquakes on the right, tornadoes approaching from the rear and no way out but to march headlong into that dragon's lair - are a result of inexperienced game masters getting this GREAT idea for an adventure but not taking the time to think of a good, solid, easy-to-accept hook to bring the PCs into the action. Get them hooked, make them want to find out more about what's going on and to put things to rights, and your job as GM is half done. Fail to do this, and you'll be fighting to keep them on the 'right' path every step of the way.

Iydkmigthtky's picture
Joined: 2005-04-20
Quest Feedback

Well the above skype log was my attempt to work out some of those plausibility factors.

Basicailly this is going to be a zone for a MUD that I'm building for. Placement naturally will be on the underdark map probably in the mid-level in terms of both geographical location in the Underdark and level consideration.

As far as plot hooks go.. I'll elaborate a bit more on that once I'm able to tie it together better storywise. I got the general idea down of course for doing so but to plan it out a bit better I'm going to offer more detail as the player progresses along a specific path of one of the quests. Of course choosing one path of the quest will make it impossible for that same player to do another path until after the MUD reboots.

After confirming their suspicions of the newcomers to Droomspire with eachother both Kalnajrak and Kirvlung agree to assist one another insofar as they're loyalties permit. Kalnajrak confides to the burrow-warden that he is part of a mercenary group hired by anonymous parties to track down 3 renegade Illithids. The method Kalnajrak had used to hunt them had led him to believe that this was just such a place the Illithids would seek haven. Though one particular fact that remained unstated, was his knowledge of the fact that one among the Illithids was a master illusionist and another was an Illithitch (also known as Alhoons, an Illithid who has used the arcane arts to preserve it's life through necromantic means). This fact alone was reason enough for all concerned to ensure the termination of such a creature. Though he kept this fact from the burrow-warden so as not to excite him into an action resulting from panic. Dealing with such creatures required careful planning. Though he may not even realize it, aside from Kalnajrak himself the stoic burrow-warden was the only other person in the structure who had some form of protection from magic and psionic abilities attempting to affect, afflict, intrude upon or otherwise extrude information from, the mind. It might not be very long, the Duergar realized, before the guests of Droomspire came to notice the 2 who had not fallen into their psionic net.

There was, by his tone, more to this than he let on but Kirvlung had let it pass for the time being. Every sentient creature in the Underdark is well aware of the nature of Illithids and their culinary preferences. To his mind this situation demanded not only great urgency but also great delicacy.

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