PW Mascot...

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jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
PW Mascot...

Is the PW Idol thing going to start, or is it dead? No one's posted regarding this in a long time.

I have an idea to propose for a mascot pair (female tiefling and male aasimar), but if nothing is coming of this, I won't bother.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
PW Mascot...

Yes, I think we'll be doing it, it was just being discussed among the managers. I think Enzo will be leading the pack on this one. I've never watched the Idol series, so I have no idea how it functions, but it sounds like fun and if it stirs people's creative juices then so much the better.

That neon lady logo is pretty funny too.

Oh, and if you want to use that Ripway service, all you have to do is sign up, upload your files to your account, then copy and paste the url to the file into your message text here using the img (with only one set of square brackets) bbcode. It's pretty easy.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
PW Mascot...

Sorry that I haven't taken this up yet. I'm doing 16 hour workdays at the moment, so all I've been able to do game-wise is fire off a couple of loopy ideas or add my 2 stringers to the occasional thread.

I really (!!!) would like to see a Planewalker Idol competition, but given my current RL workload, I can't do much of the gruntwork myself. If I had a few eager and imaginative volunteers that I could delegate rough ideas to for development, I could certainly lead it up.

If anyone's interested, reply here or PM me.

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