Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Igo accepts his pay, as well as Rgootoo's.

[ooc - Is that 15 for himself, or himself and Rgootoo? He isn't going to spend Rgootoo's money for him, not yet anyway. And, did anybody lend Igo some pants?]

After the day is done, Igo first looks around for the ugly female tout from the morning. True to his word, he plans on giving her the ten jink he promised. He sees it, however, as an investment that will pay off in the end. He doesn't plan on being a mortar-and-pestil worker for the rest of his life.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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After a hard day's work, you are quite sad about giving your earnings to Drazek, but it's all you can do right now. She accepts the money, and is greatful, though very surprised.

Caldwell's grandson (whose name you still haven't caught) offered you some clothes, but they were either too small or too dirty (usually both). He also told you that he offered Rgootoo 5 jink for his 'cleaning' services, but he ate all of it....he'll remember to give you Rgootoo's share next time, for a whopping grand total of 20 jink per day.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Indigo counts out ten coins to Drazek, "Now you are in my employ. You will start by revealing where I might find something to eat, and some clothes. I seem to be taller and thinner than the average goblin around here, so I might need a tailor. A cheap tailor, and I mean really cheap. Then, after a light meal of whatever we can catch, you'll show me the safest, driest alley in the district and I'll get some rest. Whoo, I'm bushed! Well ... " Igo does a few jumping jacks and zaps himself in the thighs, " ... Zow! Let's go! Times-a-wastin'. Lead on, tout."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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She looks incrediously at you for a second, you don't have to do that- you can talk to Caldwell - he's a friendly fellow - I'm sure he'll let you stay at his place.

She then leads you to the local tailor Sheemo - who can custom make clothes literally within minutes.

You enter the small store and note the impossibly large interior. At the center of a great variety of garnments and cloths (most designed for goblins) sits a lanky goblin humming and weaving to himself. He looks up with you and removes his bifocals to get a better view.

Drazek tells Sheemo about your need - and also tells him that you're a man of your word and will pay him back later. Without another word, Sheemo takes your measurements and about 15 minutes later has fashioned a stylish (your preferred color here) robe that fits you perfectly. His hands are amazingly quick - actually you're quite sure that there's some magic involved. Anyway as you don your new robes, the material feels as light as air, and you feel...better somehow (though not surprisingly) that you're in them.

After this, Drazek offers you some food from her place. She hopes you enjoy boiled cranium rat. You're quite sure Rgootoo does.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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(your preferred color here)

[Blue with gold trim would look good on Indigo, I think. Yes, for visualiztion, I figure Igo is <- that color]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Igo has the clothes folded, but does not put them on yet. "No sense in putting clean new clothes on a dirty body, and I've already been walking around naked all day and havn't been propositioned yet. I'd like to get cleaned up."

[Assuming there's a wash basin, or at least a clean towel to wipe the slag-grime off. Igo will take full advantage of whatever she's got, but I'm also assuming goblins aren't all that clean in general.]

"Thanks for the meal, Drazek. You're alright. You can be my second minion." Igo laughs, "Ha haa, but seriously, thanks, and you steered me right with that job at Caldwell's. It pays really well, so I'm sure the a catch. I think tomorrow I'm gonna wrap a wet towel around my snout so I don't catch so many fumes. How're you holding up Rgootoo?"

After the expected reply, Igo just nods and finishes his rat.

"Well, cohorts," he streches and yawn after he's done with his rat, "Time to talk business." He looks at Drazek with a serious expression. "So tout, if you're worth the title and the ten jink I gave you, you should know what's the chant around the post. How can a basher make some real jink in this part of town. I'm talkin' merts, gems, and magic. Also, I'd like your oppinion as to what race you think I might be, with the scales and the tail and the teeth and such." Igo strikes a couple of poses.

"Y'see, I woke up in the Slags, and I don't remember how I got there or why I would go, I don't remember who I am, I don't remember anybody I might know, I don't remember what race I am, and I don't know how I survived whatever happened to me. I'd like to know the answers, but I have a feeling that there's a lot more to the story. I'm going to need power." Igo's eyes light up with the last words, literally. Sparks glide over his eyeballs [dancing lights].

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)


Rgootoo admires your prestidigitations. Drazek, on the other had, looks thoughtfully at you.

Well, Caldwell was the best legal means an outsider like yerself could make jink in this town... if yer lookin' for power.. this a'int the place. no one'ere cares about power - mos' just wanna live in peace.

I don' know what ye are.. I'd say yer some kinda weird kobold. Ye should go visit the rest 'o the Cage, see what else there is fer an ambitios cutter like yerself.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

"Sound advice, but what's a kobold?" When the gobinette explains to him, Igo strokes his chin a bit in consideration, but says no more about it.

After the meal is done, Igo will inquire again about a good place to crash for the next month or so. "Fifteen to twenty jink a day is a really good sallary, and I did promise Caldwell a month's work. I see no reason to let him down. I do, however, plan to live as cheap as possible and save my jink for my inevitable rise to prominance."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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OOC: wait.. you know this, right? unless Igo's playing the fool - you have a basic knowledge of all races

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Trias' wrote:
OOC: wait.. you know this, right? unless Igo's playing the fool - you have a basic knowledge of all races

[Yea, but he doesn't buy it. Kobolds are little and weak. Igo is tall, strong, and charged with power. He's more inclined to think he's actually a planar lizardman of some sort, maybe a tiefer-kaasta or genasi-lizardman. He figures there's probably a whole minor race just like him somewhere, and he'll run into another one eventually.]

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Drazek gives you the basic explanation of what a kobold is - though it doesn't really help you at all. There's something different about you.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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"Well, all speculation aside, it's more important, I think, to find out why I was in the slags in the first place. Something tells me it's important ... or profitable ... or dangerous. I'm not sure which, but I'll take those odds.

"Why don't you tell me a little more about the district, I woke up within sight of the walls. Did the 'Big Bad' miss this place, or did the goblins build the wall and put their kips up on top of the ruins?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Huh? She seems confused and slightly perturbed. Whaddy'a mean the Big Bad? My 'istory a'int all that great, but I'm fairly swift that the goblins pitched kips on top 'o nothin' but solid ground.

Good question about why ye were in the Slags- a lotta shady dealin's go down in that area.. it's a bad neighborhood.

(she throws a slab of uncooked meat literally into an eagerly awaiting Rgootoo)

Say.. what'dya plan to do after workin for a month 'ere? There's got t' be better ways to rake jink and spend time. Maybe I can 'elp ya, but I doubt. I know a few darks about each o' the Cage's wards.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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"By the 'Big Bad' I just mean whatever took a bite outa Sigil and puked up the Slags in the first place. Hey, I think I remember part of the story. Rememberin' stuff is fun! I'm not sure where cinnamon comes in though."

what'dya plan to do after workin for a month 'ere? There's got t' be better ways to rake jink and spend time. Maybe I can 'elp ya, but I doubt. I know a few darks about each o' the Cage's wards.

"Reeeeealy ... " Igo strokes his chin in thought, "Are you up to the challenge, though? As bad as the Slags are, I may have to go back in there some day. Not for a long time, hopefully, and certainly not without being prepared. Maybe finding a way there through Undersigil would be better. Hey! I remember Undersigil. Sort of."

"How about you Rgootoo? You ready to on an adventure ... uh .. next month?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Undersigil?! That's a dangerous place blood- not only'vya got musties and shamblers, but leths, loths, zus and ari's!

wait.. rye aksin me 'bout goin down there?

Rgootoo gives you an inquisitive grunt.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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"Well, I d'know. It doesn't sound like such a good idea when you say it. Still, everything's on the table at this point. We have a whole month to plan." Igo yawns and stretches, then rolls over and falls asleep in Drazek's dining room.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Hmm. maybe ye sheould visit other parts o the cage... I mean.. even the Hive is better than down there.. why'd ye wanna go down ther t' begin with?!

Ye might find yerselves turn up in the Slags again. but this tim, ye may not be alive.

It's clear she's dead set against it.. though she could be manipulated.. or perhaps controlled. Magic..

Magic will allow you to control others!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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"Yea, let's do that. Sigil awaits! I do plan on starting out with a little saved up jink though."

Igo yawns very widely, "Aaarrrrrr! Well, I've had a big day, and I've got a month's worth of work to do tomorrow, so i'm gonna look for someplace to crash."

Indigo will either sleep at Drazek's or go back to Caldwells' and ask to stay there.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Caldwell let's Igo stay at his kip... it's not the cleanest of circumstances, but it'll do.. for now.

OOC: do you want me to fast forward a month?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

'Trias' wrote:

OOC: do you want me to fast forward a month?

Sure, unless something interesting happens in the meantime...

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Long post tommorrow... sorry about the lack of excitement so far - i'll try to make it pick up

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Trias' wrote:
sorry about the lack of excitement so far - i'll try to make it pick up

No problem. I'm greatly enjoying playing a barmy here.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

An uneventful month passes with your menial employment position at Caldwell's. You get to know your coworkers, though only as acquaintances - they seem to prefer to keep their distance and be more reserved around outsiders. You know your way around the Goblin Quarter now, and have made a few acquaintances in the Civic Center (a town-hall of sorts) - perhaps the only goblin you could really consider your friend is Drazek - and she isn't really what you'd consider a close friend... she's not a person you really enjoy being around, or love to spend time with, but more someone you can count on for being useful in terms of information or hospitality.

Rgootoo seems to have become ... different after his labor 'cleaning up' the gunk on the floor of Caldwell's. He has a darker complexion, and sharper teeth in his multifaceted maw. He also seems resistant to almost anything - there were a few days he got sick after licking a special blackish gunk, but quickly recovered, and went on licking the black gunk (and just about any other-colored gunk) without any issues. More importantly, you've gotten well acquainted with the chant around the Hive. Drazek, feeding your desire for adventure has suggested places other than Undersigil (though she really can't stop you):

You recall a few of her rants:

First, she suggested you visit the Mangled Leg on Lot's Lane in the Hive. It may help one with a lust for adventure, and/or blood as yourself. It's a place where you can run your luck... and so much more.

In the darkest quarter of Sigil's streets, the Hive holds some of the nastiest conditions outside the Lower Planes. Only the foolish, desperate and barmy individuals would willingly come to this part of town. But some do come for the pure excitement and danger of the locals. Others come to make a quick buck and walk away with enough jink to live forever. And still others come to gamble. With either their lives, safety or jink. Those wanting the latter usually find them selves on Lot's Lane near the Night Market. Here there is an "abandoned" warehouse that has an interesting marker over the door, the rotting, broken and twisted leg of a humanoid creature nailed to the wall.

A single guard stands at the door, a dark elf in chain mail. There are other drow here hiding in the shadows and using their invisibility ability. Once the doorman is paid his bribe, the visitors are escorted into the abandoned warehouse where a large dark cloaked figure escorts them to a door that leads to a set of stairs leading down. The bottom of the stairs opens into a huge room that is dimly lit. But the air is filled with the smells and sounds of many creatures engaged in gambling. This is the Hive's most notorious casino, The Mangled Leg. Here, a human can rub elbows with a fiends and worse as they wager against one another. The games range from knuckles, numerous dice games, to wheel games. Female tieflings and half-orcs make up the dealers and game bosses. The atmosphere is always violent as numerous fights break out. The gambling tables, wheels and other devices are made from steel so they can take the abuse.

The place is run by a stunningly beautiful woman (probably a disguised erinyes baatezu) named Tish. Don't let her appearance fool you into thinking she is kind; she's anything but. Her rules are simple. The house (a.k.a. Tish) is always right. You can't miss the rule because it is posted behind every table and wheel. (oh, and "the house always wins" -- this second rule is not really known by the public at large.) And to enforce these simple rules, she has a squad of nine barbazu and their squad commander, a cornugon called "Certain Death." When trouble breaks out (and believe me, it invariably does), the guards are more than happy to flay the offenders and even a few not involved in the situation. (They shouldn't have been there in the first place is the guards' attitudes.) Those creatures are then "subdued" and taken into a back room with an iron door.

But jink isn't the only thing sought after here. Hence, the second rule comes into play. The real mission of this casino is to get more "volunteers" for the Blood War. So, when a berk runs out of funds, (which seems to happen a lot) Tish invites them into her office. Here she uses her wiles and offers the poor creature a line of credit from the house, which they sign for, promising to return the money and interest within a specific time period. Now, most berks don't read the small print, (since Tish is very persuasive and encourages quick signatures) but they've just signed themselves up for a permanent tour of duty in the Blood War and their immortal souls to Tish. (That is after they lose the line of credit or default on the terms of course. Which, by the way, always occurs rather quickly as well.) These "contract breakers" are taken to a small room in the back of the casino with an iron door that has a portal to Avernus, the first layer of Baator. These bobbed berks are sent there, where a "representative" from one of the pit fiends await the new arrivals. Money won at the casino is also sent along to Baator where it is used to buy supplies for the Blood War.

Then, to learn more about your bright future, she told you about the Happy Medium on Petty Way, also in the Hive:

The Happy Medium is a small ramshackle shack with only one room, a table, and a bed in it. It's home to Exzema Scabes, a night hag with the unusual ability to predict the future. She makes a meagre living as a seer. How she gained her ability is a mystery never told but old Exzema is odd about her way of telling people what happens.

You see, most fortune tellers have an oath against telling people bad things are going to happen, it's bad for business and all that. Exzema delights in seeing bad things happen to people. She lives for it, and those with a happy future are shooed angrily from her house and told to return when they feel doomed. When you get a reading from Miss Scabes a sinister smile crosses her face and the more danger or death she sees the more and louder she laughs her cackling haggish laugh that makes the toughest willed of people shiver.

She likes keeping her customers nervous without lying so she makes her predictions vague. If she sees you facing a Glabrezu and you behead him with an axe she might say "I see tanar'ri about you an axe falls, blood spurts, and a head falls from the body it sat upon. If you go to the Abyss you will find death." However the customer never knows if its his own death or another's he will find. Exzema however is the one of the few seers who willingly reveal bad events which will happen in your future, and it's for this reason alone she's consulted!

She also suggested you become a mercenary or assasin, it would be safer to travel in a group of bashers. There's a place on Rue Bête in the Clerks' Ward - similar to a thieves' guild.. but not quite.

Dair's Mercenaries is a mercenary sect based in Sigil's Clerks' Ward. The building is a five story mansion, but still fits with the other buildings of the Ward. It is large and spacious inside, while strictly basic outside; walls and windows and little more to shed light on the goings-on inside. Apparently, that's the way Dair liked it.

The first floor contains many individual shrines to a very diverse group of deities such as Velsharoon, Kali, Loviatar, Sandra, Dairalantarial, and many more. There is also a receiving area, run by Snork. Snork is an orc, dressed in fine clothes, wears glasses, and looks like a simple scribe. Most berks are surprised when the see the basher take down anything that threatens him.

The second floor consists of special rooms for mercenaries that need somewhere to kip, a blue dragons' lair, and an environment that mimics the elemental plane of Fire. The third floor is mainly rooms for the rest of the bashers in the mercenary group. The fourth floor is the treasure room, briefing room and catalogue room, this floor is run by a blood named Ch'charen. The fifth floor is a training area, devoted to teaching mercenaries (who get it for free) and others (who must pay 20 jinx per day) to learn new spells, weapons, and skills.

A portal in the mercenary guild leads to Avernus on Baator (I hear that the portal is the entrance to the catalogue room on the fourth floor, the key is a blood coin. On the Baator side, it is the entrance to one of the rooms in Bel's Fortress).

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Indigo does his job for Caldwell as well as he posibly can. He tries to gleen what he can of alchemy as he works, but focuses more on production. His money and Rgootoo's he squirrels away as best he can. He even keeps the creature's jink separate, just in case he finds something that is more Rgootoo's style (but not wanting to blow it all on, say, a dead cow, which he's pretty sure Rgootoo would love).

When his temp job is over, Igo buys a leather satchel and pays off the tailor. Though he usually keeps a clean change of clothes, the indigo reptile never quite found a pair of shoes or boots that didn't hurt his feet, so now went barefoot. Rgootoo's jink is in its own pouch in the satchel.


Igo walks down to Petty Way, and goes to the Happy Medium. He walks into the ramshackle hut with a confident stride. As soon as the hag notices him, he smiles and speaks up.

"Hey Ugly! You up for a challange? I know you usually do futures, but how are you at pasts? I've got a past I can't remember. I'm sure it is perfectly horrid, though, so it should be fun for you!"

8 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 26.
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