Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

I dare to smile, I long to sing,
Things forbidden on this side of the Ring.
What I'd give to feel a Sensate's bliss at last,
But I can only look forward, for I remember no past.
No longer what I once was, yet in searching for the missing piece,
No pleasure can heal me, there seems no release.
The memories of pain and fear too overwhelming, too deep,
They haunt my soul whenever I pause to sleep...
Zimimar, of the Dark Eight


Eyes struggle open. Skull screams in pain.

It is so cold.

Finally aroused, you sit up and take in the immediate surroundings. A wasteland. Dead bodies, bones and trash strewn around you - right beside you is what used to be a bariaur with half of its ribcage missing. It smells like... death. Smoke slowly rises from various hotspots further away. Chilling roughness assaults your backside - the ground is unwelcoming. A moody, tan haze permeates throughout -you could be in the Outlands or some Lower Plane.

Until you look up and see the other side of the city. Tiny lights dot the sky, and you realize that there is no horizon.

Only one area of the Cage is like this. The Slags. "But how? Wait..who am"--a distant, but penetrating cawing interrupts the menacing howl of the wind, as well as your train of thought. Nothing makes sense.

Why is it so cold?

Because you're naked.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

"What? Where? Who? Where? This is Sigil? Where is Sigil? Do I know? I'm not sure. Who am I? What happened? What's this pain in my belly? Am I humgry, or did I get kicked in the gut? When was the last time I ate? What did I eat? What DO I eat, anyway? What am I? Who am I? What's that? A tail! I have a tail! Cool, but what am I? Who am I? What's my name? Indigo? Is that a name or a color? I think it's a color. Yea, kind of a dark blue - violet or something? Hey! I'm kinda dark blue. Am I Indigo or just indigo the color? Who am I? What am I?"

Any being within earshot would have heard the dark blue reptillian yipping to itself. A speaker of draconic might have even recognized the language, but spoken in such a swift stuccato as to be nearly unintelligable.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

The Blue One realizes that he is not alone.... A few feet ahead of him, it appears three shabbily clothed, human "scavengers" (most probably some desperate Dustie collectors) have surrounded what can best be described as a cross between a baby slaad and a dire rat. The 4-limbed creature, no larger than a small dog, is light green, has a toad face, and two pronounced incisors. It's red eyes swirl in apparent fear of being surrounded.

Despite his yipping, the Blue One goes unnoticed by anyone and gets a chance to observe the exchange:

Well Well Well, what in the Nine Hells do we have here?
One of the tattered-robed collectors rhetorically asks, his tone dangerously curious as he unsheathes an out-of-place finely crafted broadsword.
Time to take out the trash, boys!


Comes the creature's high-pitched unintelligible reply. It sounds like a dying cat.

Suddenly, without warning, the three men begin attacking the creature! Mercilessly hacking away, for no apparent reason.

OOC: Indigo is about 50 ft away from the scene, unnoticed by anyone... Well, at least unnoticed by the three Dusties and 'creature.'

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

The reptile creeps forward on all fours, trying to remain hidden in the trash and rubble. The strange creature is outnumbered, surely, but perhaps it had answers to what happened here. Perhaps the scavengers did too, it would be best to cow them quickly, or scatter them. One should be kept for awhile, if the others fled, just in case.

He sneaks up behind the largest of the ragged trio, and leaps upon the human's back, savaging his face with tooth and claw. As he rips into the human, he roars out in defiance (and incidently, in proficient Planar Cant).

"Hey Berk! Want some of this? Try me Berk! Just try me! I'll rip yer lips off, ya pikers!"

Of course, the human's face in his mouth may have muffled the words somewhat.

9 Bonus for move silently to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 13.
4 Bonus for bite attack to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 18.
3 Bonus for initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 16.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

All is confusion for a second as the humans are caught completely off guard (especially the one who finds his face inside the reptile's mouth).

A muffled scream followed by startled gasps.

The other two humans, whose faces are not currently under mastication, turn their attention to the newcomer, though they take no other action, confused as to whether or not they should attack (and risk hitting their own).

Their confusion is promptly interrupted by


....as the green freak emulates the blue reptile and manages to jump upon one of the men's head and fit his entire head into its mouth.


...comes the high-pitched, albeit muffled cry from the creature.

"They're... They're everywhere... we can't bang around here, let's do the bolt!!"

The now lone dustie with a free head shouts. Even as he finishes, he begins fleeing the scene.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 4.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Seeing how, with his help, 'Creature' has turned the tables on the attackers, the reptile stops biting for a moment and bellows out in triumph. The excitement of the moment sets his nerves afire. Blue sparks of energy arc from his eyes and dance around in the air like fireflies.

[inadvertantly casts Dancing Lights]

He looks down at his surprized victim and yells, "Now you are my prisoner! Do my bidding or ... or ... my friend here will eat your friend's head! Oh, and your head too. Yea, that."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Both dusties, utterly horrified, manage to wriggle free and flee. They seem hasted somehow, and even though "Creature" chases after them (in what can best be described as a crossover stroll/hop), they are too fast, and run off into the distance.

Creature 'strops' back to the reptile, and........smiles?


Without warning, and before the reptile can do anything to react, Creature jumps on top of him and swallows his head. Reptile judges the outburst to be more an odd form of affection than anything else. Creature covers his sharp teeth (especially the two front incisors) with his lips, so there is no pain, although the feeling is still...bordering on unpleasant. Everything is black (and slimy-wet) for the reptile. A worm moves around his face.... correction, Creature's tongue moves around his face.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 19.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

He pulls the creature of his head and holds it out at arm's length.

"Hello. Nice to meet you, Rgotoo. I'm ... uh ... err ... I'm ... well ..."

"Now this won't do," he thinks to himself, "I've got to call myself SOMEthing. Even a man with no name gets to be called 'The Man With No Name'."

"I'm ... Indigo ...?" He looks at Rgotoo quizically, not sure if a color can be a name too, and half expecting the creature to suddenly call his bluff and break out in laughter.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Rgotoo stares at Indigo blankly.

After a few seconds of awkwardness, the surprisingly strong....thing... goes for another 'head-bite,' it's seriously all Indigo can do to hold him off.

Indigo notices that his entire head, and especially the eyes, are slightly burning and raw. It's a good bet that Rgotoo's "saliva" is acidic.

As Indigo holds up Rgotoo to examine him further, he notices out of the corner of his eye a large, gray wall in the distance (about 2 miles away)

(Make a knowledge: Sigil check)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

"Now, now. I'm hungry too, but we'll both have to find something other than each other to eat ... deal?" Indigo sets Rgotoo down on the ground and looks about. He can't quite shake the feeling that he should be wearing clothes, even though his reptillian anatomy isn't particularly indecent. He does not, however, see anything lying about in the street that he would want to put on his body.

The wall in the distance catches his attention. He cocks his head to the side as he looks at it, something familiar dancing just on the edges of his thoughts.

5 Bonus for Know: The Plane to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 20.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

The masonry of the wall rings a bell for Indigo... but how? He get's a tingly feeling in his eyes, and for a short while, the world around him disappears.

He's standing in front of a tall, imposing Bariaur (well, most are tall, but this one is tall, even for a Bariaur). Sporting two nasty looking horns as well as a pair of scholarly horn-rimmed glasses, the Bariaur... is a tout? Or an informant? Perhaps a friend?

Don't remember...

But you do recall that he is literally a walking encyclopedia. Now what was saying about a wall in the Slags?..

His calm, confident, baritone voice overwhelms you:

Forget everything you think you know about Goblins, and take a trip through Sigil's Goblin Quarter. The Goblin Quarter is located at the edge of the Hive Ward, along Dogskull Way, walled with unique Goblin masonry from the other sections of the Hive, notably one dangerously near the Slags. You'll quickly learn how the street got its name; the Goblins paint their decorations in bright colours, sticking them on pikes throughout the Quarter. "After all," a resident once commented to me, "it's not like the dog is usin' it anymore."

During the day, the streets are empty of everything but shadows. During the night, however, the Quarter comes alive. Goblin ratcatchers prowl the streets with their nets and traps, while goblin masons look for creative ways to shore up the collapsing buildings. The centre street turns into a market of sorts, with goblin shamans selling charms and trinkets, and goblin merchants selling anything they can get their hands on.

Then there's the food, with spicy smells from goblin cookfires assailing your nose at every turn. A life of poverty has taught these goblins how to make anything edible -- anything. Goblin cuisine is an experience no Sensate should miss. Order the Ok'Tre'Bash (that's the dish with the green sauce), but for Celestia's sake, don't ask what the meat is! After all, someone is paying the ratcatchers...

Like most ghettos, the Goblin Quarter is a world within a world. The goblins here have kept a lot of their old customs from the Prime. To a Sigilian, they dress strangely, talk strangely, and behave strangely. Among themselves, they speak in their high-pitched native tongue. When speaking with others, their planespeak is slurred and heavily accented. A canny cutter won't let these things stop him exploring the Quarter, though. First of all, they keep themselves and their streets fastidiously clean - a welcome relief from the rest of the Hive Ward. Secondly, this is one of the few areas of the Hive Ward that has working sewers. Goblin masons have made sure of that, digging and maintaining the sewer tunnels underneath the Quarter.

And thirdly, these Goblins are a lot more hospitable than their cousins who roam the Slags. Chant has it that the goblins who settled along Dogskull Way are heretics of sorts, escaping persecution from their Prime world. They certainly have some bizarre religious rituals; six times during the night, they erupt into cacophonous chanting, praising the glory of their Power. It sounds an awful shriek to non-Goblin ears, but it can save your life if you're lost in the Hive Ward at night. Just follow the yowling, and you'll soon be at the relative safety of the Goblin Quarter.

The soothing, didactic voice fades away

No.. he definitely sounded like a tout, but most touts don't divulge more information than they need...

But.. you can't remember his name for the life of you...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

"Well, I think have forgotten most of what I thought I knew about goblins, I think. What better time to visit Dogskull Way? Whistles and bells, for all I know, I'm a goblin. I guess I'll find out when I see one."

Indigo starts walking toward the wall, but halts after a dozen steps to see if Rgotoo is following. If so, he waits, but if not, he'll go back and pick the little freak up and carry it like a baby.

"You're not a goblin, are you Rgotoo? No, no, somehow I don't think you are. Well, Rgotoo, when you learn to talk, be sure to tell me what happened here, and why I'm neekid, cuz I really want to know."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Rgootoo does follow along, half-hopping, half strolling. As you near the wall, you get the oddest feeling that you're being watched.

You'd guess that it's 2-4 hours away from antipeak, but the sky literally turns black...With circling birds that don't caw... the birds are quite low (200-300 ft above)... or are they bats.. no they're bats, their wings are unmistakably those of bats. It is only after a few more minutes of walking that you realize (as the 'bats' gradually descend - there must be at least 15-20) that these are disembodied heads with bat wings protruding from either side. Vargouilles!!!

You recognize them instantly as vicious undead creatures that feed on the living. While one or two may not be a problem, few things are more dangerous than a whole flock (like the one circling you and Rgootoo right now).

You also just noticed that as they descend, their circling has grown more rapid. Rgootoo is visibly nervous, as his movements are more tentative and slow.

The wall is still a mile away. It will take several minutes to reach it. You probably don't have that long.

OOC: I've posted Rgootoo's stats on the OOC thread.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

"Hey, I know what those are, those are ... oh ..." Indigo looks around quickly for piles of rubble, abandoned cellers, anything to hide behind, and especially under.

"Hey Rgootoo! Let's play a game. I remember playing this game when I was young, it's called 'Keep-Up-Or-Get-Left-Behind'." Indigo takes off, using the ruins for cover, seeking tight spaces where the fliers would have trouble assaulting him.

11 Bonus for hide to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 24.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

You hear bloodcurdling shrieks abound as the Vargouilles now come at full speed!! There is rubble everywhere, but no place to Hide -- you must run!!

And so you do, towards the safety of the Goblin Wall- or at least that's what you think it is- you're not sure if your memory is an actual memory or a hallucination. At this point, you don't have many options.

As you flee, Rgootoo follows quickly (as he has no difficulty in understanding the situation).

Unfortunately, three of the cretins are close enough to try and bite, and one of them successfully does. A sickening, unnatural chill descends your spine, and your head feels light as waves of sickness radiate from the bite on your trapezius.

OOC: 6 Damage
Fortitude Save Succeeded
3 more rounds until you are up against the wall- you see no entrances, though, so that may be a problem - suggestion: search, spot

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 13.
3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 6.
0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 12.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Indigo feels the foul flying head's bite. Fear and panic grip him for a moment, but then another instinct takes over. A horse whisper escapes his teeth, as a he remembers a cadence, and 'sings' in Draconic. Energy ripples and sparks across his scaley skin.

[Casts Mage Armor, +4 AC for total of 22 now, and move]

6 Bonus for concentration to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 10.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

As he casts, two more Vargouilles surround, but only one manages to land one. The hit doesn't disrupt casting, and Indigo feels a supernatural force-field surround him.

OOC: Az, make sure you roll initiative each round
Dmg: 5

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 5.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Indigo runs as fast as he can, making for the only point which offers the slimmest hope of salvation, the wall. A wall means a defence, and walls are defended by arrows, not just shivs.

Or so he hoped ...

[Run! And here I considered expeditious retreat in my spell options. Oh well.]

3 Bonus for initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 16.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Despite his best efforts indigo is surrounded, and the Vargoilles are simply too fast for him. From all angles now, they come, and they bite...hard. The sickening feeling from the collective bites, and waves of cold numbness enervate his entire body. He opens his mouth to scream, but only... electricity comes out.

Horrible shrieks erupt all around from above. The cretins fall, utterly fried, in all directions, though near fainting... he hears the sound of dead flesh thudding to the ground.

Above him, as a collective, the remaining 10 or so all appear to hesitate for a second, then retreat. Indigo notes for the first time that their movements are oddly synchronized, their wing beats are in sync with each other - as if they are all controlled by one persona, or have some kind of collective mind.


Indigo takes 9 pts. damage, and is diseased. (STR -4, CON -2)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 19.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 6d8+0, the result is 21.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 14.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 12.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 4.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)


Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)


actually, seeing this as a solo game, I am tempted to give your character either regeneration or fast healing (Like PS:T) so that either you don't die, or it's harder to kill you. (ooc - that doesn't mean I'm a nice DM, death is only one means of failure..mwhahahah!). this would also nicely justify you waking up randomly in the slags

How about this- from normal attacks, Indigo has regeneration (except from some certain, unknown substances.. for example- maybe acid...etc). In exchange, he does himself 2d4 damage everytime he uses the breath weapon?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

[see ooc post]

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

As soon as the electricity leaves his body, some of it rebounds back on Igo, and (already weakened as is ) he is knocked to the ground.

Confused by the outburst of electricity, Igo has no confusion of the fact that most would not feel nice and tingly, as he does now, after taking a jolt of electricity to the body.

Igo feels strangely energized. Whatever happened, it saved his life... and drove off the Vargouilles.

If only he was as informed as he was lucky...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

"Wow! That was ... wow! Did you see that Rgootoo? Did you see what I did? I don't know how I did it, but that felt ... good. I mean really good! I mean really, really, REALLY good! I feel alive, energized ... electric! Yeehaa, bring it on Sigil!" Suddenly realizing he's jumping up and down and being louder than is prudent in his current environmrnt, Igo tries to calm himself down. He is marginally successful, in being quiet anyway. Still, his heart is beating a mile a minute. He runs toward the wall at full speed.

Halfway there, he starts to come back down from the rush, and finds himself craving another jolt of electricity. Wherever the lightning came from, however, is empty, and he is left with the slightly sick feeling of an addict coming down off a high.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Rgootoo appears confused and bloated. This turns out to be nothing serious as he vomits out a dead Vargouille, and begins wheezing. He(/she?) glances at you in an expression that you understand as exasperation ... there are better meats in the multiverse than fresh Vargouille.

The two odd companions shortly reach the wall without incident, though there appears to be no gate leading into the Goblin Quarter (and more importantly, out of the Slags).

The tan wall is well weathered -showing signs of age as the mortar appears cracked, especially near the base - perhaps indicating signs of recent flooding. The wall must be very thick, because in some places there are holes made about 1 foot deep, by someone/thing that was trying to break in. Whoever or whatever tried to make them, reached solid Adamantium at the other end. Although it is getting slightly darker outside, Igo can make out cryptic, mad scrawlings on the wall. Some writings are etched onto the wall, others are written in blood or ink, still other are linked bones pasted together and pasted onto the wall to make words. A lot of them are etched runes, or in a language that Igo doesn't understand. Some that he does make out:


stars eat all happiness three 39

Zyelsi Wuz Here


rats! rats everywh--

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Igo looks down the wall, first in one direction, then the other. "Well, if I was going to build a wall, I wouldn't want a door to the slags either, I suppose." He ruminates out loud, speaking to himself as much as to his strange companion, "Don't think I can fly, and if I ever could, I sure don't remember how. We could try to climb up, but walls are meant to keep things out, so I doubt the goblins are really friendly towards berks trying to climb their wall. I don't think goblins can fly ... no, no I'm pretty sure they don't. So, there's got to be a gate, or a door, or at least a ladder somewhere, I guess. Well Rgootoo, should we walk along the wall this way or that way?" Igo looks at the creature, almost expecting an answer. When one isn't forthcoming, he begins walking along the wall, following it in the direction of Sigil proper, away from the edge of the torus.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

The wall stretches for what seems to be an eternity. Igo and Rgootoo walk for what is probably a mile with no luck. Just as the two are about to abandon hope and find perhaps another way around (or above), a high-pitched, though scratching voice barks (out of the wall?) with a supercilious degree of authority:


OOC: Guess who's back!?!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

ooc - yaaay

Igo thinks a moment, remembering the words written on the wall. What's the damn password?

"Uhhh ... Stars eat all happiness. Three. Thirty-Nine!" It was the only thing he saw which didn't make sense to him, so maybe it made sense to someone else.

Indigo makes the 'tingly feeling' wash over his skin again, in anticipation of a hail of arrows and spears from the wall. [casts mage armor]

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

A previously unnoticed 'peekhole' in the wall reveals that this section of the wall is a gate, and the persona behind is the gatekeeper. All you can make out is a yellowish, seething eyeball.


He is about to close the peekhole until he notices Rgootoo. The eyeball widens in surprise, then relaxes as if expressing familarity.



Comes the unsurprising reply from the...Creature.


Rgootoo..."whines." This sounds more like a dying cat than a whine, but you are able to comprehend the intent of the sound.


The gatekeeper barks.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

"So don't trust me then. Just let me in, and gimme the stare, untrusting, at my back. Then you can tell all your friends "Ooh watch out for that guy, I don't trust him. You shouldn't trust him either. He's a knight of the post if I ever layed eyes on one." Then nobody will trust me, except Rgootoo, and people will say, "Home come Rgootoo likes that piker? What a berk!" Then somebody else will say "Nah, maybe that Indigo piker ain't so unhende after all." Then the others ridicule them, and they won't stick up for me anymore even if they wanted to. And y'know what? It'd be all sad, and have no friends except Rgootoo, but it'd be OK, because, when you came right down to it, WE'D BE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BLAMIN' WALL."

Electricity dances between Igo's fingertips. He grabs his opposite arms and gives himself a jolt. This calms him down enough to continue.

"Sorry mister. I just really, really, really want to get out of the Slaggs. Alive. Though I get the feeling that if I don't leave alive I won't be leaving at all. Please mister, it's cold and scarry, and there are nasty things, and flying heads are no good to eat (even cooked), and I've got no clothes or money and I don't know who or even what I am except that my name is Igo..."

Igo starts sobbing and gives Rgootoo a big hug for emotional support.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

The gate-keeper seems to be ignoring you, but as you hug Rgootoo, he..it... let's out a burp. Tannish- Green fumes erupt from his mouth, and your eyes sting - very, very much as they contact the gas.


The single eye that you can make out rolls.


He opens gate, revealing what seems to be a small section the Hive- except every building is made of stone, and everyone is a goblin.


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Igo marches in the gate. "I owe you one, Rgootoo. Good thing you knew the password, I don't think my approach was working."
When Igo gets through the gate, he trns to the goblin guard and bows courteously before walking off down the street. "Well, Rgootoo, I think the first thing I have to do is find a job, because I want some clothes and some food, and I'm not so addle-coved that I don't know stuff costs jink. I don't suppose there's a temple to a Power of charity around here, is there? Nah, I could never be that lucky, but why don't we ask around anyway ..."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Puppets and Wolves (Solo)

Entering, you immediately notice a smell- or lack thereof. In fact, when you awoke in the Slags, you didn't even realize how smelly it was...
But now the air is fresh and clear, and you can distinctly make out smells (rather than everything having a uniformly bad smell like that of rotting trash).

The gate keeper ignores you, swats off Rgootoo's leaping attempt at affection, and rapidly closes the gate.

From the outside, it appeared that the wall stretched for quite a distance. Now that you're inside, you can easily discern the four walls that close-in this (literal) city square.

A lot of the buildings appear the same from the outside - beige stone or marble with a sign in front of each... the writing on the signs, though, is indecipherable.

You note places/people of interest in the immediate vicinity and one thing in the distance:

1) in the distance - the upper half of a tall statue of a goblin holding a spear situated right at the center of the Goblin quarter. Nothing else appears notable about this statue at the moment.

2) Although everyone speaks in squeaks and high-pitched grunts - the Goblin Tongue- one person you can hear above the crowd a (presumably..by the high pitched voice- even for a goblin) female tout - whom you identify by her shouts. She is looking at you, and purposefully projecting at you - as you seem to be the one most in need of a tout here

3) The stone buildings all are the same size save a small stone "hut" in the middle of a large building formation to your right.

4) A vendor selling clothes near the tout.

5) A shady looking group of goblins (thugs?) standing near the vendor.

The goblins wear bright colored clothing, favoring orange and yellow, though some blues and reds are discernible. The street is fairly crowded, and everyone speaks at a high pitched hum (except the tout, whom you make out easily above the chatter). Every so often, someone will stop talking, give you a curious stare, then go back to their conversation.

Quarter- guards are distinguished by their spiked black armor and metal-tipped spears. They are lightly peppered throughout the quarter, and two of them (actually, three, counting the gatekeeper- who shares the same don as them) are looking at you with caution.

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Igo walks over towards the tout and the clothing vendor. "Well, Rgootoo, I don't have any jink, but maybe I can bluff that tout into thinking I do. I doubt the clothing shop will give me anything without jink, I might have to snatch something and run, but I'd rather not go that route if I can help it. Maybe there's somthing I can do for 'em that'll earn."

He looks over his shoulder at the goblin guards, "Looks like they're giving me the stare, just like I said."

Indigo walks up to the tout and introduces himself, "Greetings, I am Indigo. That's my name, not just a description. You can call me Igo for short. I would like to hire a tout, because I've never been to this neighborhood before. At least, if I have, I don't remember. Then again, there are lots of things I don't remember right now." Igo glances around nervously. This place has to be far safer than the Slags, but he is still suspicious of the armed goblins, especially the nearby thug-looking chaps.

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The tout, quickly, expectantly approaches the two.

Drazek's the name. Igo immediately realizes that Goblin women aren't his type. she has long hair, long tusks, and nose hairs that reach down to her lips. Also, attacking her face are countless moles and boils- it somewhat reminds you of Rgootoo's body texture.

That'll be 5 jink to get ye started

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Igo looks at Drazek as if deep in consideration. "Five jink, eh? Sure, sure, just let me get some out of my pocket." The indigo reptile fumbles around near his crotch as if reaching into a pocket, "Oh dear! I seem to have a hole in my pocket! A really big hole!" He slaps himself in the forehead and turns to Rgootoo, "How come I didn't notice before that I'm blamin' naked?!?"

Indigo turns back to the goblin tout. "Tell you what sweet-tooth ... I mean heart, sweetheart ... Tell you what sweetheart, as soon as I earn a dozen jinx, ten of 'em are yours. I'll be blunt. I'm new to this district, and could use a tout, but I don't see you beating off customers ... wait, did I say that right? ... you're a tout, not a greenskirt ... yea, beating off customers with a stick. So, you need the work and I need a tout, and ... um ... and this is Rgootoo, so we split everything three ways. I'll hold on to Rgootoo's share once I get some clothes and a pack. You need clothes Rgootoo?"

Indigo stands considering a finely-dressed creature in a variety of color schemes and styles, and becomes mentally destracted by the images for a few moments before tuning back to the tout. "So, what do you think of my counter-proposal to your 'five jinx up front': Help me earn enough money for a meal and clothing (for my companion as well, should he wish it), and I pay you ten jink once I have twelve. Beyond that you stand for one third of additional profits. Believe me, I am most concerned at this moment tending to my baseline creature comforts, something to wear, something to eat, and a safe place to rest, but I do not plan on stopping there. I may not have much now, but my hoard will be great, you'll see! Join with me, and we may shake the very foundations of the Cage itself! Or at least those parts that we can get shiney bits from."

8 Bonus for diplomacy [or b to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 22.
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The woman sighs, not fully expecting you to pay her back, but gives you a "why-not" shrug, wipes snot that's been dripping from her nose off her lips, and begins:

Aright Love, I'll get ye where yer going, but don't expect me to spill the Dark without down payment.

She points you in the direction of the general store and the local inn (which are not too far off anyway). She also suggests you talk to Caldwell in the alchemy if you're looking to earn some jink.

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"Alchemy, huh? I'm pretty sure I've heard of alchemy before." Igo heads in the direction she indicates. He doesn't say that he's pretty sure he knows of alchemy, but not really about alchemy. Still, supremely confident that with a little luck and a will to succeed he can overcome any obsticle (up to and including remembering who and/or what he is), Igo strides forward.

4 Bonus for random will sav to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 15.
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Seeing as how everyone else you've seen so far are goblins, you are clearly an oddball (Rgootoo is as well, but he'd/it'd be an oddball anywhere- save maybe Limbo). Despite this, you don't feel uncomfortable among the goblins - some stare at you, but the stares are more curious than unwelcoming. Perhaps the goblins know what it feels like to be oddballs amongst the larger population, and are more sympathetic to other outcasts.

..Soon enough, you make it to the entrance of the alchemy shop. A mixture of various aromas assaults your senses (not just your nose, but eyes begin to water and sting slightly. Rgootoo let's out an uncharacteristic growling noise- you don't think it's from his mouth though - but rather his stomach. As you open the door, you note a rectangular room (70x70x40) with shelves lined with countless flasks - some empty, most filled with different colored liquids. Bright and dull, clear and opaque, thick and thin..etc...etc..

A wizened old goblin with a white beard and bifocals sits at the center of a circular reception desk next to a younger goblin.


the youngling yells into the ear of the older one.

A handful of other goblins are in the shop; all of them look like employees as they are either grinding materials, studying notes, or mixing liquids. Some look up at you curiously for a short second, then go back to their duties. You seem to be the only other "customer" in the shop right now.

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"Hello, are you Caldwell? I was told you might have work. I need jink, so if you do, we can hopefully come to some sort of arrangement, yes?" Igo looks at the old goblin hopefully. He can't help but think that perhaps he could just take what he wants from these goblins, even as outnumbered as he is. He quckly banishes these thoughts, hovever, as he tries to be as frank and businesslike as he can in front of the old goblin alchemist. Better to get the job first, then wait 'till after payday to rob the joint.

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An ancient, aspy, high pitched voice replies.
Ijajabebjjjje aajja bejjaj bujjaja tujja mujja whojja?****

the Grandpa replies..grandson soon translates.

HEY, GRANDPA SAYS: IT DEPEN..uh.. sorry, Grandpa says it depends on how long you plan to work, and for how much.

OOC: **** haha, think italian godfather who only doesn't speak english (though understands it) and has his cronies translate..

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"Well, I'll take whatever you got. As you can see, I haven't two jinx to rub together, and no pockets to put 'em in either. I've got skills, though. See?" Indigo chants to himself in draconic, and sparks arc between his hands. He looks around for someplace to dissipate the energy, finally deciding on the side of his own head. The shock makes him stumble a little, but he shakes it off, "Woohoo! That's the stuff!"

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It's great you have skills, but are you a one-hit wonder, or do you plan on staying in our Quarter for a while?

The younger boy crosses his arms and looks suspiciously at you.

2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 20.
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"Well, I don't rightly know. I need some clothes, some food, some rest, a bath would be nice, and I owe a tout ten jink. So, I guess I'll be staying for a little while. I'm not a goblin, though. I know that now. So I doubt I'll be getting a kip around here or anything. Say, you wouldn't know what race I am would you? I ... uh ... well, I forgot." Igo smiles nervously.

8 Bonus for diplo/bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 22.
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ijjaj bjjja uujjaj moojajjjajajjajajj jajajajjaj

GRANDPA IS UN... sorry.. Grandpa is unsure of your race, but he says if you're willing to work for at least a month, you can start today!

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"Right-o! Just point me in the right direction, boss." Igo stands at attention and salutes the old goblin, "Just ... for Powers' sakes, somebody give me some pants!"

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Ok, but, we don't allow pets in the store the youngling points at Rgootoo

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"Well, hes not ... that is, he's ummm ... I really have no idea what he is. Hey, I actually know that I don't know what he is, that's progress, right? Anyway he's not my pet." Igo turns to Rgootoo, "Sorry bud, but I guess you've got to find your own job. I'll meet up with you at the inn after my shift? I hope they pay me enough to get two pints and a cot. If not, I'll have to bring my skills elsewhere." He says the last part of the sentance while turning back to the young goblin.

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He looks like he doesn't know what you're saying, but deep down inside you know he's understanding every word. He doesn't want to be alone - and you don't know what kind of trouble he'd cause out of the shop. In any case, he isn't leaving, and now thirstily turns his attention to some of the potions on the shelves.

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"No! No! Bad ... uh ... thing. Don't drink those, icky yucky!" Igo makes a face like he just ate something nasty and sticks out his tongue. "Besides, you have to pay for that stuff, and I don't have any jink to give you right now. Perhaps later."

"Listen mister goblin sir, he ... um ... she? ... well ... it ... er ... Rgootoo here isn't my pet, just a friend, though he does seem to have a speech impediment. He doesn't want to go, can't he just browse around the shop for the next several hours? Maybe giv'm a dish of water or something?"

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the creature seems to perfectly understand that!

um.. I got an idea!

With that, he points Rgootoo towards a pile of brown gunk on the ground. Rgootoo shortly goes over and begins licking away the gunk...slowly but surely.

He can work here too!

And with that both you and Rgootoo begin your service at the Alchemy shop. Your tasks are long and monotonous - grinding materials, reading labels, measuring components, organizing glass shipments, etc..

You get paid approximately 15 jink a day.

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