Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

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nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

In case you didn't know, the folks over at the WotC Character Optimization boards figured out a way with which to grant a level 5 kobold omnipotence.

They are now figuring out ways to kill him. The most common one is to use time travel to erase him from time. It's wacky stuff.

Some of the other stuff is a rather confusing method of using planar breaches between the Astral and the Far Realms to live until the end of time by erasing time lines in which you die.

Here is a link to the CharOp boards.

Vzerii til Corrinea's picture
Joined: 2005-05-08
Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

Remember, Pun-Pun's a thought experiment, likewise with the attempts to kill him. He's also the result of a horribly unproofread book, and should not be the focus of your disbelief.

That aside, time travel has been proven not to work-The kobold will be able to sense that someone's going through time to kill him. I believe the current experiment involved using a combination of time stop and planar bubble to bring a part of the Outlands to Pun-Pun, Spire magic included.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

That, or using Planar Bubble to bring a bit of the Far Realms, with a completely seperate timeline to fudge up the use of divinations across the edge of the emanation, and then going back in time with Time Regression to kill Pun-Pun before he ascends.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

Back in 2nd edition (when Timestop actually had a radius), one of the classic ways to kill an omnipotent character (they had them in 2nd edition, too) was Timestop + Antimagic Field + Squaring the Circle + Greater Teleport + Telekinetically thrown darts. At least I think that was the 2nd edition method. I might be confusing editions a little, here.

Regardless, I've always found the idea of all of the Multiverse being ruled over by a shifty-eyed ascended level 5 Kobold who annihilates anyone who exploits a loophole (out of desire to be the only broken character in existence) really funny and a cool addition to any campaign where there's a risk of game-breaking.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

God,the omnipotent kobold that gives me shivers :shock: .But really if time travel is the only way...
Nothing except the most epic of characters could beat and even then they'd get no expierience for it would they.
*sorry if anything's spelled wrong*

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

I can't find the original thread. What *was* the build?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Pun-Pun and the War Across Time

Kobold Divine Minion Wizard 1/Master of Many Forms 3. He then polymorphs into a Sarrukh, uses Manipulate Form to give Manipulate Form to his snake familiar, and then proceeds to ascend to omnipotence.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

'Jem' wrote:
I can't find the original thread. What *was* the build?

Here you go:


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