Ptolus and planescape

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Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
Ptolus and planescape

Hello all.

First off I love this site and that your keeping planscape alive and all.
Second My names Caladors and hello everyone Laughing out loud.

But I registered with perpose, all you (I'm going to put my foot it streight off) I assume you all know of Monte Cook.

A pretty proment name in that whole R&D at wizards thing, if one was to look at it he is quitely providing material for Planescape style setting like with book of darkness and now there is something that too me looked very planescape-esc called Ptolus.

Ptolus the city by the spire.
Now if that title doesn't grab you for a planescape sytle game i don't know what will.

Well anyway I'm not just providing you guys with the knowledge of it's existance i have question.

To what extent will you guys get canon for the game?
(Extending on that, will you grab something if it looks to be as i supect a grab at grabing the old planescape fans and run with it?
(to put that more simply will you work with this if you as i do supect that it is a quite extention on planescape))
Are you limited to purely Wizards based stuff?
Have you heard of this setting?
Has anyone played this setting?

Umm yeah thats about it so yeah have fun, here somelinks for the uninformed.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

First off I would like to note that the name Monty Cook is quite well known around here; seeing as he was one of the writers for the planescape setting.

Second, while I have heard of Ptolus, I won't likely be purchasing it. Not do to any suspected lack of quality, but, rather, the very high price tag being placed upon the product. While the material might possibly be worth what they are asking, I simply cannot convince myself to spend that sort of money on a single game setting. I'm an old gamer and still recall the days when boxed sets were twenty bucks - its difficult enough to purchase new books when they run nearly twice that price for suppliments. Thus, while I support Monty, I'll have to pass on his latest piece of work.

I might also point out that, from what I've heard, the setting sounds interesting - but not particularly associated with planescape; directly or indirectly. While I could see one utilizing the material as a setting for players to visit, it certainly won't replace Sigil.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ptolus and planescape

There is one major connection between Planescape and Ptolus - the big evil at the top of Ptolus' spire is the Book of Inverted Darkness, excerpts from which can be read over the course of the Hellbound boxed set.

I though that was a nice tie-in.

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