PS:Online Vow of Loyalty!

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Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
PS:Online Vow of Loyalty!

Ok for anyone who hasn't read the thread, this is a vow to anyone willing to undergo the trials and tribulations of making a Planescape MMO. I use Tim Cain as my inspiration as he once said, "I was tired of simply talking about making RPGs and just wanted to make RPGs." or something along those lines.
P.S I am open to suggestion to improve the pledge but seriously lets try and focus on making the game!


By signing this vow you pledge whatever free time, imagination, good will, morality, ethics, skills, hard labor, blood sweat and tears to the manufacturing of the single greatest indy MMO ever created! You solemnly swear to contribute at LEAST once a month, once a week when the going gets tough! By this document you will search high and low with all the resources at your disposal for ways to improve yourself that you would see as deeming yourself more fit to allow the project to flourish. There should be not only ideas flowing as in as we are all creative people by default, but also RESULTS! Problems should not arise and when they do they will be stamped into the ground as quickly as they did come. The instant you agree to this pledge you have agreed to NEVER quit the project till it is done. It cannot be stressed enough that this will not be easy and great consideration should be taken before signing. You will take this mantle upon yourself accepting the fact that it will be a free game. HOWEVER if money is presented to us at any given point, it shall be distributed as equally as possible amongst the dedicated people who dared to step up to this task. Failure to comply to the simple demands within this pledge you have swore yourself to enternal damnation of your own choosing in whatever lower plane you feel the most uncomfortable in.
So men or mer or miniature giant space hampster. I submit the challenge to thee. Please sign you full name IN BLOOD and titles etc after your few chosen squeaks if you have carefully considered the following contract.

Christopher George "Zeniel" Lane Avatar of the Nine Virtues, Reincarnation of Lord Indoril Nerevar Moon and Star, Slayer of Ultima Weapon, Saviour of the Greeks, Destroyer of the Aztecs, All around Heavily Scarred Immortal Amesiac...

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
PS:Online Vow of Loyalty!

Andreas "Eldan" Bühler, King of the Vikings and Ruler of Britannia, Reincarnation of Lord Nerevar Indoril, the Moon and Star, Scarred Amnesiac Epic Mage with Annoying Skull Sidekick, The Witcher, Mage King of the Silver Elves of Darkwood, Ghostrider of Talenta, The Silent King of Ravencastle, Savior of Souls, The Mask behind Masks, The Last Hope of Riven, Hero of Releeshan
And so on and so on.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
PS:Online Vow of Loyalty!

I am sorry, but as much as I like your idea I cannot in good faith swear an video game related oath along side an Oblivion fan. Laughing out loud

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
PS:Online Vow of Loyalty!

Right. I'll remove it.

Edit: better? Don't say anything against morrowind, though. That one was great.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
PS:Online Vow of Loyalty!

Too lazy to think of interesting titles, so I'll use the real ones. . .
Sir Christopher Eugene Bailes, Lord of Lochaber and Knight of the Golden Horseshoe

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
PS:Online Vow of Loyalty!

I did it like Zeniel... those are all titles from video games or characters I had played.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.