Psionics on Ysgard

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Druid523's picture
Joined: 2006-10-07
Psionics on Ysgard

Unfortunately, the Search system is temporarily deactivated, so I had a rough (and unsuccessful) time trying to find if the post I'm about to make was already...made.

Anyway, to get to the point, I'm looking for feedback from knowledgeable people on how Psionics would work on the plane of Ysgard.

The Planewalker Encyclopedia states:
"Psionic effects normally are affected by planar conditions."

I assume the Chaotic-Good nature of the plane would adversely affect the use of psionics, but can anyone provide a little more detail to this assumption?

Would psionic characters be born on Ysgard at all?

What kind of issues would a psionic character from a prime world visiting Ysgard face?

If that character remained on Ysgard for years and years, would he eventually become accustomed to the plane's conditions, thus enabling him to overcome the initial "negative effects"?

Would a single psionic character have a rougher time using psionics than say a community of Illithids (Elder Brain included) who might take up residence on Ysgard (for whatever reason)?

And what kind of negative effects would psionic races (Illithid, cranium rat elans, psurlons, etc.) experience?

I'm sure there are even more questions. I hope this is more of a group discussion and back-and-forth to get these questions (and any others someone wishes to propose) answered.

Thanks, beforehand, for the replies! Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Psionics on Ysgard

The chaotic good/chaotic neutral nature of Ysgard doesn't affect psionics in general any more than it affects magic in general. Psionics aren't inherently lawful or evil, after all. The plane affects psionics the same way it affects magic.

Psionicists are no less likely to be born on Ysgard than magicians are.

You might want to look at the Psionics in Planescape netbook. It's for 2nd edition, but it might be inspirational.

Druid523's picture
Joined: 2006-10-07
Psionics on Ysgard

I am currently reading the Psionics in Planescape netbook you recommended. It's very inspirational. Thank you!

However, I was under the impression that psionic characters needed to be of a non-chaotic alignment, (the high order and organization of one's mind needed to manifest powers in the first place being the qualifier behind this assumption).

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Psionics on Ysgard

'Druid523' wrote:
I am currently reading the Psionics in Planescape netbook you recommended. It's very inspirational. Thank you!

However, I was under the impression that psionic characters needed to be of a non-chaotic alignment, (the high order and organization of one's mind needed to manifest powers in the first place being the qualifier behind this assumption).

This was true in 2E, but even there is IMHO more a matter of the psionicist's own ability to manage discipline and impose structure on the power, rather than the nature of psionics itself. You'd almost certainly have few native psionicists among planar communities in Ysgard, but once the power is learned it becomes as usable on Ysgard (or Limbo, or Pandemonium) as anywhere else in the planes.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Psionics on Ysgard

Remember, Githzerai are a naturally Psionic Race, and they come from the plane of ultimate Chaos. Also, the Wilder class is especially appropriate for Chaotic creatures.

Druid523's picture
Joined: 2006-10-07
Psionics on Ysgard

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
Remember, Githzerai are a naturally Psionic Race, and they come from the plane of ultimate Chaos.

Yeah, I figured that a psionic race would be less affected (or not affected at all) by planar conditions.

Aside from the Wilder class of psionic characters, let me ask something specific to better my understanding of all this.

Let's say I'm a Lawful Psion from some prime world and I take a portal to Ysgard. Going by eldersphinx's proposition, (that the individual character's ability to manifest psionics is more important than any tampering with the nature of psionics by the nature of the plane), would this Lawful Psion have a more difficult time manifesting powers than a similarly levelled Chaotic Psion (or Wilder), who would find the Chaotic nature of the plane less of a "bother"?

Sorry for the long sentence...

I suppose, to put it simply, I'm trying to figure out how psionics on Ysgard would deviate from the norm (if at all). Also, how are psionics and psionic characters/creatures perceived by the hoi polloi of Ysgard?

P.S., Thanks to everyone for your responses so far! This has been immensely helpful to me.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Psionics on Ysgard

'Druid523' wrote:
Let's say I'm a Lawful Psion from some prime world and I take a portal to Ysgard. Going by eldersphinx's proposition, (that the individual character's ability to manifest psionics is more important than any tampering with the nature of psionics by the nature of the plane), would this Lawful Psion have a more difficult time manifesting powers than a similarly levelled Chaotic Psion (or Wilder), who would find the Chaotic nature of the plane less of a "bother"?

Not necessarily. If you use the 3e Manual of the Planes rules, lawful characters will have a -2 circumstance-based penalty to all Charisma checks while in Ysgard, though. That's the only penalty.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Psionics on Ysgard

The XPH states that while Psions and Psychic Warriors can be of any alignment, they do imply that Psions do tend to be more lawful (it was pretty well the same explanation for Wizards tending towards law) and Psychic Warriors tend to be more chaotic.

Planar energies wouldn't effect psionics since it's more of an internal power (unless you possibly use psionic mantles) rather than an external one.

Somehow I think you would be able to find communities of Maenads and Xephs (most likely in Nidavellir) on Ysgard.

An Ysgardian Maenad would probably be ones who tend to lack the discipline and self-control many other Maenads demonstrate not hiding their racial memories at all, or be wildly between clam and frenzied. These Maenads might see others of their own kin as being weak-willed deniers of their true nature. Wilder and Barbarian being the most common character classes for Maenads. They would be among the many warriors of Ysgard.

Ysgardian Xephs would likely reside in wide open caves of Nidavellir around forests of crystalline trees. Some would coexist with the Drow of Svartalfheim, sometimes being mistaken from them in fact. They would behave much like their write-up in the XPH describes them, at least amongst themselves. Though I guess they would be somewhat reclusive, having to fend off possible attacks from Dwarves and Gnomes.

Druid523's picture
Joined: 2006-10-07
Psionics on Ysgard

Thanks for all the info so far, guys. It seems that the general consensus is that the alignment of the plane has little to no bearing on the ability of a psion to manifest powers. And that the alignment of the plane has no bearing at all on psionics itself.

Oh, and thanks Kobold Avenger for the Maenad/Xeph mention. That never occurred to me.

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