PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
@Duster: Love the artwork

@Duster: Love the artwork Laughing out loud Looks awesome!

I might have missed it, but do you have a deviantART or similar thing?

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Sqaff's deviant art page is

Sqaff's deviant art page is here:


And I uploaded most of his Planescape pictures here (there are two sub-galeries also):

Thanks for the compliments. I'm not online very often and my english is a bit rusty...

inkoia's picture
Joined: 2009-03-24
@Duster: The judge Modron is

@Duster: The judge Modron is amazing! I've used that concept/drawing today in my game, hehe.


Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
@ Clueless : I'll be doing

@ Clueless : I'll be doing some more items and those landscapes soon, as well as sending you what I've done so far (any moment now).

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
@inkoia: I'm glad that you

@inkoia: I'm glad that you like modron Judge. So what did the players say on that one? Smiling

Oh, and I'll post some Artist comments as soon as I manage some time.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

inkoia's picture
Joined: 2009-03-24
@Squaff: well, at the

@Squaff: well, at the beginning they laughed, hehe, so they started telling some stupid things but I playerd the modron in a very serious way, so they realized that it was dangerous...

I forgot to tell one thing that happened in Euskal Encounter Party (when I submited the bleaknik drawing). I usually go with a group in which I'm new, and this year a member reapeared, also submiting a drawing ( He was showing me his deviantart gallery (here: when I got a big surprise! I saw the gallery he has with the name of ""!! He is not active now, but he explained me he was some time ago, I guess some of you will remember him. Anyway, Multiverse is a very small place, ;P.PD: The Athar drawing is WIP, I'm getting busy in August with other stuff.

Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
Whoops! I'm currently very

Whoops! I'm currently very busy with exams at University, but I'm returning to this as soon as I deal with that. Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Duster wrote: Hello and

Duster wrote:

Hello and happy holidays to everyone!

Well I haven't gone anywhere yet, I have 14 exams and I broke my foot dancing. But I might go to the coast after I'm done with my trouble.

Well enjoy the pictures and tell me what you think, I'll try to get Squaff to visit the forum.

11 factioneers done, 9 more to go. Next in line is a Sensate, unfortunately for Cluelesses addiction to bishi men, this one is a girl Vistani. WE figured out that the most of the factioneer's that were done are male and we need more females & sexless species.

PS. I have a question for an idea for a good chapter ending:

Since you're covering all the Factions and there was a Clueless at the ending for the old Planscape Players Booklet. I was wondering if we could insert Clueless entry for the Factioneers

*giggle* They're wonderful Smiling The Godsman is my favoriate of the group so far - the little fake beard is just Cute. Smiling

re: Clueless entry - we totally can Eye-wink I think I can pretty easily writeone of those up.

How's the foot doing now?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Domigorgon wrote:@ Clueless

Domigorgon wrote:
@ Clueless : I'll be doing some more items and those landscapes soon, as well as sending you what I've done so far (any moment now).

Looking forward to it! I'll keep an eye out for the emails

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
inkoia wrote: I forgot to

inkoia wrote:

I forgot to tell one thing that happened in Euskal Encounter Party (when I submited the bleaknik drawing). I usually go with a group in which I'm new, and this year a member reapeared, also submiting a drawing ( He was showing me his deviantart gallery (here: when I got a big surprise! I saw the gallery he has with the name of ""!! He is not active now, but he explained me he was some time ago, I guess some of you will remember him. Anyway, Multiverse is a very small place, ;P. The Athar drawing is WIP, I'm getting busy in August with other stuff

*blink* Wow! He must predate even me or be on a whole other project - I'm never seen some of these pieces! I'll have to get in touch with him - thanks for finding him!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Reminder to all: I need your

Reminder to all: I need your final copy of your pieces emailed in to [REDACTED] Smiling That way I know for sure which one you intend for me to use!

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Well my foot is much better

Well my foot is much better thank you for asking. I've been hiking last week and I'm back to my running and daily exercices from tomorrow morning. I still have to wear that rubbery bandage thingy, but that's not a permanent thing like with those wrestlers.

I'll mail you all the big resolution pictures after we are done.

I'd also ask you to disregard the old ones I've sent you because I've been tinkering with mostly all of them since the last time I've mailed them.


@Clueless entry from before: I have another idea, I'd like to suggest trio of clueless characters portrait to Squff. Two of them are alreday in my mind(a dwarf male and a halfling female), for the third ones description I'd like to ask you since you're the "Clueless" Sticking out tongue. It'd be great if it's a human, half-elf, or elf prime female (since we need more girl portraits).

Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

I've drawn this fella, he's something of a technomancer - tapping magic through alchemy and gadgets. I wouldn't know where to place him in Planescape, except as perhaps some sort of Mechanus or Automata resident or guard. If you'll find use for him, I can send him. Smiling

Link: (for some reason, the image above doesn not appear in img code a few days after posting, at least for me, but maybe for others as well)

Steelgrave's picture
Joined: 2008-02-18
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Is this still a go? I threw up some new art here ( /forum/new-planescape-art ) before I even saw this thread. I may be of assistance.


tveir's picture
Joined: 2009-10-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Known about this place for a long time, just never hung around the forum much. Possibly planning to change that.

Not too good with maps and cityscapes, but appart from that, I'm not without my tricks and twistings.

Got a badly updated site at

Is there anything left for grabs?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

@tveir - Tons and tons of stuff up for grabs!

@steelgrave - Still a go, I'll check the thread in the morning when my eyes aren't crossing from the recent site updates.

@domigorgon - I *love* this guy! If we don't already have a slot for him - I will *find* one for him. Maybe the Bytopian section....

@Duster - I find myself fond of half-elves, they've always been a weakness of mine (or half fey bladesingers Eye-wink ) Smiling

tveir's picture
Joined: 2009-10-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Would it be a terrible bother to link me some description of prestige classes, feats and whatnot so that I might know what they are about?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Would PDF form work? If so:


The lists of requests is listed by chapter on that page so that should get you directly to the descriptive text your image would be going with.

The list on the first page is up to date as of the last time I poked the artists.

Steelgrave's picture
Joined: 2008-02-18
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires


I'm going through your list as well as doing a few of my favorites at the same time. I have the layouts done for Estavan and Cirily, and should be hammering those out this week.

I still need to go through the PDF to check out the characters in the "Life in the Multiverse" section and I've being playing around with city-scapes a bit, but they need a lot of work.


Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Lady of Pain


It's not on the list, I know, but I felt like doing these. Laughing out loud

inkoia's picture
Joined: 2009-03-24
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

I thought the second one was for the "storyteller" drawing... "The storyteller"
This should be a *scene*, not a single character, of an elderly storyteller talking to an array of children.
Open for Claiming"

Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Well, then it is. Perhaps it resurfaced unconsciously, 'cause I didn't quite remember that one. Smiling

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

@Domi: Both pictures are awesome.

My two copper commons: The first picture is quite simple & it has a great balance in it, so it could be used as an icon somewhere.
It can be scaled down and used on the back coverpage or something like that...

Steelgrave's picture
Joined: 2008-02-18
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

cute lil' tikes Smiling

and more pics over here.


Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

I know factioneers are already covered, but I decided to give them a try. Something of a personal side-project. I might eventually do one for each faction.

Caylean of the Athar

Tessali of the Bleak Cabal

Pereid of the Sinkers

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Awesome - I still really desperately need some landscapes to round out the list but will find places for all of these in the character sections as well Smiling

We're getting closer to done slowly but surely...

Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Landscapes are in all probability coming up next, after I'm done with various factioneers... then I'll probably have a tour of the Ring... Smiling

And I still need some feedback for those items I'm to do; a clearer description of each would be a great help.

tveir's picture
Joined: 2009-10-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Was doodling around a bit, drew our favourite xenophobic planar supremacist. Can get rid of the half-assed brick backround if it's a bother.


Domigorgon's picture
Joined: 2008-07-23
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

I've been reading Faces of Evil, so I had to draw something from it... you can check it out on my blog:

Hope you like. Smiling
Eh, again not from the 'wishlist', but I suppose it can still be used. Smiling

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Hello, long time I didn't log in.
Hard college year for me and hard work year for Squaff.

I just wanted to inform you that Squaff and I had a brainstorming this week on a working vacation(in his vinyard) and factioneers should be completed until the end of the summer.

I wonder if we're still on the project and if we're too late to finish it until then?
I'm asking since I see that Domigorgon took up the task of drawing the factioneers.

Anyway the only faction we have a problem with is Minds Eye since we can't decide what it's about. I'll work on the concept this weekend, but I might have some questions.

inkoia's picture
Joined: 2009-03-24
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

After doing the guest pages for PS metamorphosis, I've decided to come back to this work. Clueless, are you still coordinating this project?
Would it be nice to create a Deviantart group to compile the drawings so far for this project?
Or a wiki or subwebpage on this site?
I don't know, something that would reactivate this... Maybe a preview version of the manuals with the artwork we have untill now?

I'm going to finish the Athar Infidel Crusader, and also a prestige class for Dustmen I started. The next one would be a prestige class for Fated, and I have already planned the composition. I'd like to try to finish one prestige class for half of the factions this year...

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Not sure when I'll get it finished, but I've been working on a drawing of Cryonax and Frigidora for awhile. After I get that done, (I need to print out those muscle chick photos for it) I plan to draw a female Qorrashi genie (since Frostburn only showed a pic of a male one), and a noble Qorrashi genie.
Gotta say, Cryonax's muzzle is very difficult to draw.
I already have an idea on what I want the female qorrashi to look like-- physically she'll have both negroid and mongoloid facial features, and Moghul-ish dress (since on Toril I've placed most of the Toril-dwelling qorrashi of the modern day in the Yehimal mountains.)

inkoia's picture
Joined: 2009-03-24
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

inkoia wrote:
After doing the guest pages for PS metamorphosis, I've decided to come back to this work. Clueless, are you still coordinating this project? Would it be nice to create a Deviantart group to compile the drawings so far for this project? Or a wiki or subwebpage on this site? I don't know, something that would reactivate this... Maybe a preview version of the manuals with the artwork we have untill now?

I'm going to finish the Athar Infidel Crusader, and also a prestige class for Dustmen I started. The next one would be a prestige class for Fated, and I have already planned the composition. I'd like to try to finish one prestige class for half of the factions this year...

Well, I didn't finish what I wanted, hehe.

But I don't see too much movement anyway. Is there any interest with this? Could the DeviantArt group #TheCityOfDoors ( ) help with this?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: PSCS3 Artwork Thread: Needs and Desires

Is there a way to help with this project? I'm on vacation right now, and will traveling soon, but I'd love to try and put in some time on this and other stuff for the site.

That said, let me point out my ability to draw is, for these purposes, frankly non-existent.


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