PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

The brainstorming sessions this year at Gencon was much smaller than last year (those who didn't make it - you were missed!) but we did latch onto a really great set of ideas for a series of modules. This set of adventures will be considered 'canon' for Planewalker's PSCS, and is our first big venture into advancing the setting past Faction War.

This is progresses the plot lines following Faction War dealing with the Athar now living in desperate exile at the base of the Spire. Their uneasy neighbors the rilmani, and their own past enemies kamerel. We will be exploring the Spire and its mysteries, including lost civilizations and other dwellers on the Spire, the Demiplane of Mirrors, the politics of a post-Faction War Sigil, and other aspects of the planes.

The campaign should provide a set of adventures that may be run in interchangeable order, across a span of levels (Much the way Well of Worlds or Dead Gods operated). This allows the adventures to be more easily integrated into an existing campaign plot, and interwoven with a DM's own creations.

Please - post here with any questions you have about this project! We'd love to be able to get this out as an official PSCS release, so if you're interested in working on any part of it (listed below) - please let us know!

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

If you think I could be helpful on this project, feel free to throw me in there somewhere. I work best when dropped into an area, handed a bunch of guidelines, and given orders to be 'creative and interesting'.

Of course, if you're all ready pretty sure where you're going with this and don't want an absolutely crazy-headed mad-man running in there throwing wadded balls of ideas left and right, it might be better for me to leave this one be. D:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I'm at work right now or I'd be tossing out what we currently have worked up - which is little more than some really great starting plot ideas and images. For example: this whole mess kicks off with the simultanous detonation and shattering of every mirror everywhere - the first and biggest cue to the PCs that 'something big is up and there's adventure afoot'.

I'm sure SouthernOracle and some of the other folks that were there have some good notes as well.

As for how much is defined - not as much as you would think actually. We have a good idea of the start, the end, and a few points in the middle - and very little idea of how we're getting from A to B to C. Eye-wink

This is gonna be straight up adventure writing, with some supplemental material, so if you've got any good plots that you've already run for your groups that might be adaptable - toss em on in. Or if you have any ideas that you can already 'picture' toss them in.

Further guidelines will be coming as soon as I can get back to my notes or anyone else can get theirs up - so get ready to have your brain tapped for all those nice tasty creative juices.... Eye-wink

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I've all ready got, like, thirty different ideas alone off the whole mirror-breaking thing, but I'll hold off from exploding in a giant frothing fireball of creativity until the basic stuff has gone up.

I've got so many unused adventure hooks sitting on my desk and in my head that--well, there's a lot.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I have my notes, so to speak.
Warranted all of my notes are in my brain box (photographic memory, honest proxy).

Nonetheless, since I opened my bone-box ad threw some of my addled and barmy ideas out there, I am certainly willing to flesh them out more if they get used.

Count me in for whatever is required.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Clueless' wrote:
As for how much is defined - not as much as you would think actually. We have a good idea of the start, the end, and a few points in the middle - and very little idea of how we're getting from A to B to C.

May I, in my ignorance, ask what these ideas are? Smiling

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Hello everybody, my name is Southern_Oracle, and I volunteered to head up this project. I think with everyone's input, we can put out a phenomenal product for the Planescape community. Please be sure and look at the breakdown for the project here: [url]/forum
[/url]. It's an ambitious schedule, but as sections become completed, we'll have more and more hands on deck to complete the higher-level sections.

Here are some of the ideas we'd like to work into the campaign arc:

There is tension between the Athar, the rilmani, and the kamerel at the base of the Spire.

The Athar are mining the Spire to produce weapons that nullify magic (see the Planar Handbook), and they are working on a weapon that could possibly slay Powers.

The Athar target a dwindling gnoll god (Gorrelik? no one could remember the name) as a test subject for the Power Slayer. (It's possible that the god instead seeks an end to his existence and petitions the Athar to devise a way.)

All of the mirrors in the multiverse simultaneously shatter (this is our kick-off to the whole campaign arc).

The two disparate groups of the Athar (the refugees headed by the factol Jaya Forlorn and the Sigil dissidents headed by Hobard) grow further apart as they pursue different agendas (see the PCSC releases for information on the Athar after Faction War).

If anyone else remembers more from the brainstorming session, or has any ideas that they wish to contribute, please post them! We need to match events to different levels and start working on the adventures.

Some elements I'd like to incorporate:

I've proposed a three-part campaign consisting of 3 adventures in each part. I'd like one section to focus on Good, one on Evil, and one on Neutrality. In that vein, I'd like Rule-of-Three, Center-of-All, and Unity-of-Rings to be a recurring NPC in each of the appropriate parts.

(Rule-of-Three is statted in Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, but the cambion monster is seriously flawed. The author fabricated better rules and posted them on EN World, which I'd like to use, if possible.)

Mirror mephits are featured in Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, and I'd like to use them as well as nerra somewhere in relation to the mirrors.

If anyone needs to reach me, you can email me at [REDACTED] or AIM me at DMSouthernOracle. I'm happy to discuss project elements, expanded storylines, game elements, artwork, etc.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
The Athar target a dwindling gnoll god (Gorrelik? no one could remember the name) as a test subject for the Power Slayer. (It's possible that the god instead seeks an end to his existence and petitions the Athar to devise a way.)

From the Encyclopedia:


Given this write-up, I do not know that suicide is appropriate.
He might be harboring hate and brewing revenge. Though, given he has a rival Power taking worship away and he is weak, assasination is always an option.

Then again, this is also a bit abbreviated and does not cover the 'Styx Drinking' mentioned during the brain storm.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I have Planes of Chaos at home - I'll look him up and get a writeup for him tonight.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I have a lot of free time on my hands, some writing talent, and a few adventure ideas I wouldn't mind throwing out there. I'm probably not going to be one of you main writers, but I'll do my best to make myself useful when I can. I'll tell you more when I know more.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I'd be happy to contribute as well. Just as soon as I have had some sleep and get my thoughts organised. At least as organised as a madman can get them. Any direction would be appreciated at this early point. Like one question, if you'll pardon my ignorance, whats a Gencon? A bit a backstory of the follow up on the Kriegstanz would be mucho appreciated too as my sources on current planescape history are somewhat limited.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Gen Con is the largest gaming convention in the world. You can read more about it here.

For info about what happened to the factions after Faction War, download and read this PSCS chapter.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Thanks for the gencon info and I've got that chapter 3 already. Hmm I guess I am up to date then nevermind.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

This is interesting. I expect I can contribute, given some direction so I don't run things totally off the rails.

Two points, one small-scale, one big-picture.

The small-scale notion is what sort of event, arising out of 'all the mirrors in the multiverse shattering' could lead to an adventure for a group of Level 3 PCs. Simplest answer is that something is released, close to the PCs, by the mirror-shattering event that they have to clean up. Could be a monster, could be a spell effect or curse, could be an NPC. The long-term mystery of 'what caused this to happen?' is what ropes the PCs into dealing with the kamerel, the Athar (assuming their attempt to put a power in the dead book is what caused the Mirrorshatter) and other players in the campaign arc.

Big-picture thought, meanwhile: In the Planes, there's different states of existence. Life, death, and - Rule of Threes - something else. (Not undeath; that's a transititory state between life and death. The 'something else' is distinct from either death or life.) The kamerel have placed themselves in this third state of existence; the Athar's 'Power-Slayer', unbeknownst to them, doesn't actually kill things but instead forces them into this third state of being. The third of the Transitive Planes, or the Far Realm, may be involved as well. Dunno whether this is useful or not, but might be interesting to throw into the mix.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'eldersphinx' wrote:
Big-picture thought, meanwhile: In the Planes, there's different states of existence. Life, death, and - Rule of Threes - something else. (Not undeath; that's a transititory state between life and death. The 'something else' is distinct from either death or life.) The kamerel have placed themselves in this third state of existence; the Athar's 'Power-Slayer', unbeknownst to them, doesn't actually kill things but instead forces them into this third state of being. The third of the Transitive Planes, or the Far Realm, may be involved as well. Dunno whether this is useful or not, but might be interesting to throw into the mix.

The idea that the kamerel have found a way to literally cut themselves out from everything so they can just live peacefully and unmolested is really fascinating and sounds (to me) like a great direction to take things.

Either they succeeded, and this ties into what weapon the Athar are using now (like you said--it places Powers in this sort of 'stasis', or third state of life) or they failed, and their failure has something to do with all the mirrors promptly going 'boom'.

I was also trying to think of some way to tie this into the obvious hook of the Athar attempting to get up a means to communicate their message through the Plane of Mirrors (maybe all the mirrors broke because the Athar tried to project a message through all of them at once?).

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I've not been keeping up with this project very well, so what I say could sound rediculous. Nevertheless, I will say it, for I am me, and rediculous is my middle navel.

Kamerel did go to the Mirror Plane to escape from the Rilmani and all other life forms, but it was an epically ironic failure. The Mirror Plane is a reflection, and a reflection only exists when it is being viewed by somebody looking at a reflective surface. Thus, the Kamerel and their entire quasi-realm only exist when somebody looks at them. From their perspective, somebody is always watching them. For a xenophobic race, that is worse than death. They've all gone pretty barmy from it.

Also, although I've said this more than once, I must reiterate the common opinion, as well as obviously my own, that the Far Realm is not a transitive plane. Whether or not it is the greater existence in which the multiverse is but a small part or some sort of plane utterly opposed to every order the multiverse represents is open to debate, but it is definitely not a transitive plane. The only place you'll be transitizing to through it is to barmyville. And you'll probably be burping spider horses for weeks.

So... yeah... that's my two cents. Doom doom doomtheend.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Iavas' wrote:
Also, although I've said this more than once, I must reiterate the common opinion, as well as obviously my own, that the Far Realm is not a transitive plane. Whether or not it is the greater existence in which the multiverse is but a small part or some sort of plane utterly opposed to every order the multiverse represents is open to debate, but it is definitely not a transitive plane. The only place you'll be transitizing to through it is to barmyville. And you'll probably be burping spider horses for weeks.
Never said it was, berk. "The third of the Transitive Planes, or the Far Realm..." Note the bolded section, indicates a distinction between the two. Far Realm madness might be linked to the 'third state of being'; Ordial or whatever ya call it might get you there somehow. But one ain't the other. Sticking out tongue

(And hopefully that'll deadbook that particular tangent. Let's talk dream shattering.)

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

My mistake. I thought you were clarifying the name of the Third Transitive. Like saying "...and the head of the Greek pantheon, or Zeus, did..."

Anyway, my mistake, ignore it. These aren't errors you're looking for...

On a different topic... whatever happened to the promised GenCon photographs for all of us that couldn't go?

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Kamerel did go to the Mirror Plane to escape from the Rilmani and all other life forms, but it was an epically ironic failure. The Mirror Plane is a reflection, and a reflection only exists when it is being viewed by somebody looking at a reflective surface. Thus, the Kamerel and their entire quasi-realm only exist when somebody looks at them. From their perspective, somebody is always watching them. For a xenophobic race, that is worse than death. They've all gone pretty barmy from it.

That plays well into the Kamerel's overlying theme; it also gives me another idea, but this one has very little to do with tying into the Kamerel's theme and is just in general a really cool (so I say) idea.

Maybe the Kamerel exist only as reflections now. That is, Kamerel exist only in the reflection of a mirror--they can interact with anything in that reflection, but they themselves cannot interact with the outside world. This has regulated them to purely the status of immensely gifted observers (who, again, prefer being left alone).

The idea of a whole race living as a reflection in mirrors intrigues me D:

Edit: Nevermind, as Iavas describes the Kamerel in another thread, that isn't what they are anymore. D:

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Addressing the two points:

First, we'd like a selection of adventure hooks related to the shattering of the mirrors, covering both planar and Prime Material adventuring parties. Possibilities brought up during our brainstorming include Athar raiders stranded while robbing a temple or supply venue, nerra assassins tracking Athar or rilmani through the mirrors, or rilmani tracking Athar or fleeing kamerel (or all three).

Second, this discussion has brought up an interesting idea. The Rule of Threes does indeed suggest a third state of being to accompany Life and Death...what about vestiges? The very term means the remnant of something, a reflection. Perhaps the Plane of Mirrors is actually the realm where vestiges dwell, or a gateway to such a place. Perhaps the kamerel know how to create or control vestiges, and the Athar stumble upon that method while researching how to kill gods.

What do people think?

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
Second, this discussion has brought up an interesting idea. The Rule of Threes does indeed suggest a third state of being to accompany Life and Death...what about vestiges? The very term means the remnant of something, a reflection. Perhaps the Plane of Mirrors is actually the realm where vestiges dwell, or a gateway to such a place. Perhaps the kamerel know how to create or control vestiges, and the Athar stumble upon that method while researching how to kill gods.

What do people think?

Since the Athar call kip on the Astral Plane near the Dead God Isles, they would know that Gorrelik is not dead. What if the Athar know that they can only revert a power into a vesige and that, given time, it will reform. Thus, the only way to 'kill' the power is then to track down the vesige and off it in the in-between state reached by the Mirror Plane. To prevent this, that is why it was shattered and cut-off from the Athar?

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
Addressing the two points:

First, we'd like a selection of adventure hooks related to the shattering of the mirrors, covering both planar and Prime Material adventuring parties. Possibilities brought up during our brainstorming include Athar raiders stranded while robbing a temple or supply venue, nerra assassins tracking Athar or rilmani through the mirrors, or rilmani tracking Athar or fleeing kamerel (or all three).

Hrmmm. Gotta say, this is somewhat difficult without more guidance. Us freelancers don't know what caused the mirror-shattering, who's responsible, or who might have had access to the Plane of Mirrors when it happened. Turning us loose without this backstory is likely to be sticky.

Let me propose something as a strawman:
The introductory adventure will involve the PCs travelling to the Spire, most likely to investigate or deal with the Athar and their plans. Exact 'hook' can vary by group. While at the Spire, the PCs will have a chance to observe the friction between the Athar, the rilmani and the kamerel, as well as the Spire-mining operations and maybe a hint as to the crafting of the Power-Slayer.

A hook into this for Prime PCs:
- A powerful wizard of the characters' acquaintance has been caught in the backlash of the Shattering - it occured while he was using his mirror of mental prowess, breaking not just his concentration but also damaging his memories and magical abilities. Auguries have indicated that 'essence of stone from the Pillar of Reality' (in other words, the Spire) is needed to restore the wizard's powers. The PCs are sent to claim it.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I was thinking that you probably need a hub town near the Athar encampment to bring the PCs to--regardless of the plot-thread they're following, all the threads lead to this hub-town. It's probably some sort of desolate barter town (hey, call it Barter-Town--wink to Mad Max!) where the inhabitants sell and buy anything, trading primarily with the Athar encampment and some of the Rilmani. This will allow the PCs to gather information, figure out the different sides involved, and pick the side suited best to their tastes.

I was also thinking about the vestige thing, and about the Athar Power-Slaying weapon--maybe the Athar found a way to use the Plane of Mirrors to draw or fool a God into stepping through and right next to the Spire, where the God is powerless.

This creates a massive problem for the Athar, and promptly starts an immense crisis. Because--okay, we've tricked a God here, we've stripped them of their power, we've captured them--uh, guys--now what do we do?

Some Athar want to kill him. Some Athar want to send him back (they feel the humiliation of this act is enough). Other Athar say that's crazy, because the God will send agents to kill them the moment he gets back. Most Athar have no idea whatsoever what to do. One Athar (maybe that nice Athar lady? She seems pleasant and not all that crazy) had a bright idea: Let's put the God on trial.

And that's precisely what the Athar are doing.

Some possible hooks include--Dude, where's our God?--the PC cleric notices his God just up and disappeared, which prompts the PCs to find out WHY, which leads them to this burb on the Outlands where they find out the details--the rilmani get involved somehow (are they against this? are they for this? Are they mostly neutral? Hell, maybe the Athar have asked them to hold the trial for them, part-way in the Plane of Mirrors)...

Of course, the problem with this idea is it kind of excludes the Plane of Mirrors as a major plot-point. Unless--again--the Rilmani are running the show, working as arbiters and the neutral judge-and-jury, and the whole trial is HAPPENING in the Plane of Mirrors.

Additionally, one other way players could be hooked into this is if they were traveling through a magical mirror at the time of the shattering, which results in them all just getting dumped either in the burb outside the Athar encampment, or in the Plane of Mirrors (and they get recruited as attorneys for the God's defense).

Basically, this idea is: A group of Athar manage to trick a God through the Plane of Mirrors into manifesting right next to the Spire, resulting in a LOT of mirrors breaking as the God attempts to escape. The God is stripped of power, and the Athar all experience an existentialistic crisis--plenty of them talk big about what they'd like to do to the Gods, but now that they *have* one in their possession, they really *don't* know what to do with him. So, they ask the Rilmani for help, and the Rilmani--seeing an opportunity to put the whole 'Keep-the-Balance' thing right into action--either happily or reluctantly agree, becoming the judge and jury.

PCs probably get tangled up because the God needs defense attorneys, one who aren't Athar, and the Rilmani themselves feel that representing the God would be a conflict of interests. If the PCs aren't of the God's alignment, the Rilmani can make it very much worth the PC's while to prove the God's innocence anyway.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I'm still trying to grasp the overall plot of this project, so my suggestions might be a little off. By the way, is there any more detailed writeup of the plans for this project that I'm missing?

That having been said, I was thinking that if the multiverse-wide mirror shattering is meant to represent some sort of destruction or 'blocking off' of the mirror plane, then a few problems arise. First of all, not all reflective surfaces can be shattered. Go shatter an unfrozen lake and see how that goes. Secondly, shattering a mirror simply creates lots of itsy bitsy mirrors, unless of course you grind it to a fine sand. With that in mind, and if indeed the shattering is an effect of the mirror plane's disconnection from the multiverse at large, may I suggest that instead of shattering mirrors, reflections simply disappear. Anything that used to be reflective - mirrors, water, polished metal, etc. - simply becomes dull or transparent. This would also bypass the whole problem with the fate of powerful mirror-based artifacts that no doubt exist in large quantities on the planes. The only problem, as I see it, is that Shemeshka the Marauder would not get a face full of broken glass as she stares into her omnipresent mirror of scrying and hair-styling. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I like the idea of all reflective surfaces disappearing, although it's no where near as dramatic as shattering. I'd actually recommend both--but simultaneously limit it in scope.

Every magical mirror in the Multiverse suddenly has to make a save or shatter. Lots and lots of mirrors fail their save.

Simultaneously, all reflections cease to function. Either the Rilmani, the Nerra, the Kamerel, or someone else shuts down the plane of mirrors for some reason, and this is the result.

I like the idea of the Athar putting a God on trial with the Rilmani's help, and the Rilmani somehow manage to lock down the Plane of Mirrors in the meanwhile to prevent any sort of outside interference while they mull this situation over.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

After doing a little reading I see that the rilmani really couldn't shut down the Plane of Mirrors. I still like the Athar putting a God on trial angle, though--because it gives the Athar a real chance to figure out what they're about and what the future holds for them. Right now, the ones about the Spiral are just about survival and information proliferation. What would they do if they captured a God?


I recommend not all mirrors break--because Iavas raises a good point, and now we have to consider all the dungeons where there were mirrors that broke, all the architecture, all the wizards--better to just have all magic mirrors make a save or break, and all reflections to cease from functioning.

That said, it seems pretty clear that the mirror-shattering has something to do with the Kamerel.

Two other things--it'd be totally awesome if the final thread of the quest involved a chase-scene leaping out from mirror after mirror, going through a cross-section of the Multiverse (and if any players are held back too long, the portals through the mirrors close, leaving them stranded in only the Gods know where).

Also, there might be a great idea that can tie into Luis Borges' short story, the Garden of Forking Paths. The basic premise being of a labyrinth within which all sorts of infinite possibilities and potential paths exist. Perhaps this is the labyrinth within which the Kamerel now occupy, having retreated deeper into the proverbial looking glass (and trapped themselves within a labyrinth to escape all outside meddling).

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'The Great Hippo' wrote:
better to just have all magic mirrors make a save or break, and all reflections to cease from functioning.

The first chapter should read as follows: "The DM should take a d20 and begin rolling fortitude saves for 5,730,264,189 mirrors across the planes, recording the results. The rest of the adventure depends on it. Get started, berk, we don't have all day." Laughing out loud

But seriously, I like the way you think, Hippo. I like hippos in general, but you are a particularly imaginative kind, and you don't seem to cause more deaths in Africa than lions and crocadiles. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that the idea for the chase scene through the mirrors is pure gold. If that isn't used, I will be very disappointed.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Iavas' wrote:
The first chapter should read as follows: "The DM should take a d20 and begin rolling fortitude saves for 5,730,264,189 mirrors across the planes, recording the results. The rest of the adventure depends on it. Get started, berk, we don't have all day." Laughing out loud

That would be 59 flavors of awesome.

And although I do reside in the Nile, and I have been known to occasionally maw a random passerby, rest assured that they were irate little buggers and totally deserved it.

The mirror chase scene should be at the end, and the players totally should get a chance to run through Shemeska's apartment and wreck it on their way after whatever the hell they're chasing.

I've been thinking a lot about this at work in between dealing with irritable customers...

The biggest problem with the trial idea is that it really doesn't fit the Kamerel in there, and there isn't a lot of conflict (the whole module can't just be the PCs defending a God at a Rilmani trial, as cool as that would be).

So my basic underlying idea here--keeping with the Athar kidnap plot--is that the Kamerel got ahold of this God somehow (maybe they intercepted the Athar attempt to kidnap the God? Maybe they stole it from the Athar? Maybe they stole it from the Rilmani, who claimed the God for themselves so they could mediate on the situation and decide what would be best for the Balance?) and used the God's essence to completely shut down the Plane of Mirrors and create an elaborate labyrinth for them to exist in. Maybe they can get the Plane of Mirrors to continue existing independent of observation through using the God as some sort of observing 'eye' across the whole planes, or just fueling it off his essence or something. Whatever works!

My favorite solution at the end of this plot (and probably the 'good ending') involves the Kamerel, as a species, getting Mazed by the Lady of Pain in Sigil and ending up completely and deliriously happy.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Anyway, regardless of what plot-point we're using, here's my idea on starting points depending on campaign:

Players are Primes:

Malfunctioning Mirror: While traveling through a mirror, the PCs are unlucky enough to find themselves the victim of the Shattering just at the wrong time. They're promptly catapulted head-first into the Hub-town near the Athar encampment, where they'll probably find their way to the town mayor, a planar NPC mage who informs them that he can send them back, but not until the mirror-portals are working again. PCs are urged to try and, well, get the mirror-portals working.

Dude, Where's Our God?: PC cleric wakes up to find something missing--his God. Athar-napped! Auguries/wizards/other clerics reveal the source has something to do with trouble on another plane--the PCs are lead to the Hub-Town, where there's supposedly information on the disappearing God.

Wizardly Mirror Troubles: A very powerful Prime wizard happens to notice that his magical mirror isn't working anymore. This concerns him critically, as he does a lot of his business with mirrors and he's losing money every day that the mirrors remain down (he might use them for the transportation of goods, and even have dealings with the Nerra). He sends the PCs to the hub-town to investigate the matter and do anything they can to get the mirror-magic back up and running.

Planar PCs:

Nerra Exiles: A group of Nerra have been trapped on this side while traveling between mirrors. They can be anywhere--Sigil, near the Spire, in a Gate-Town--any place where there might be mirrors--and they ask the PCs for help. They don't know too much about this world or its geography or even why they can't use the mirrors anymore, but they know enough to ask the PCs to escort them to Hub-Town, which is where other Nerra hang out, and they can gather data on what's going on. Once they do, they ask the PCs for help in resolving the matter.

Athar Problem: The Athar have a problem. They managed to kidnap a God--now he's gone and no mirrors are working. This is *very* bad, and the Athar would like *very* much to resolve this situation to the satisfaction of everyone. Additionally, if we don't go with the God-kidnap idea, the Athar could just need the PC's help because the mirrors going down means their only real means of communication is now gone (and they want it back).

Keep-the-Balance: The Rilmani approach the PCs and ask for their intervention in handling the mirror-situation. Why can't the Rilmani themselves handle this? I don't know--maybe some treaty between themselves and the half-mad Kamerel?

Anyway, blah blah blah--whichever side the PCs are helping will probably supply one NPC guide (Nerra, Rilmani, or Athar) to make sure the PCs don't screw this very-important-situation up too much.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Finally--and I know I'm putting a lot of posts here one after the other, apologies--I was thinking about the hub-town outside the Athar encampment that I keep talking about.

Because mirror-magic is one of the few things you can pull off this close to the Spire, the town's become a major trading hub, info-hub, and crossroads for the Rilmani, Athar, Nerra, and anyone else who's linked to the Plane of Mirrors or the Spire. Mirror-Town, or something.

Because of what the town deals in (reflections, mirrors, information, and balance), it has a certain notoriety as a very odd, barmy place. People wandering its streets have stumbled across nearly exact copies of themselves, precisely the same in every detail--except maybe one decision or one small difference that sets them apart. These people both claim to come from the same place, have the same background, so on--and inevitably telling the difference becomes very hard. What's weirder is that one of the copies (or the original, who knows) has a habit of just 'disappearing'. Not in any sort of sinister way--just one day, they're gone.

Dopplegangers run the town, I imagine--the mayor's definitely a doppleganger at least--and although the town isn't sinister, it's got a reputation for just being a very strange place. It's also renowned for its flawless and brilliant mirrors, some of which reflect things more clearly than they actually are--much to the concern of the mirror's owners.

Since the events of the Shattering, the town's fallen into desperate straits and will pay a group of adventurers quite a lot of money to find the source of the problem and get their mirrors (especially their mirror portals) back up and running. They're pretty much crippled, relying on one or two of the few non-mirror based portals they have in town (they're quite hard to operate because of the proximity of the spire).

I can describe this town in much more detail if anyone's interested, using another thread. My ideas for it are pretty loose at the moment (obviously), but I can come up with a lot of weird darks about it. The basic premise is that it's some sort of strange hub between the Plane of Mirrors and the Spire, where reflections can be more true than life.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Are the doppelgangers using the mirror theme as a front to disguise their slowly replacing visitors to the town (and earning a bit of jink on the side), or do the mirrors actually have something to do with the visitor's duplicates (rather than the doppelgangers, who are as innocently red as a particularly scarlet herring)?

Also, may I just point out the fact that the second that the trapped deity is brought into any place or plane outside of the innermost ring of the outlands, and that includes the mirror realm, that god's powers are going to return and things are going to die. So, there shouldn't be any transporting the power through the mirror plane, judging him there, or poking him with reflective sticks. Double points for irony, though, if the power is some sort of 'power of vision' and is incapacitated on the mirror plane because he sees too much. Even a deity can go a little barmy after seeing infinity to the infinite power.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Iavas' wrote:
Are the doppelgangers using the mirror theme as a front to disguise their slowly replacing visitors to the town (and earning a bit of jink on the side), or do the mirrors actually have something to do with the visitor's duplicates (rather than the doppelgangers, who are as innocently red as a particularly scarlet herring)?

I was imagining that the dopplegangers are just incredibly effective mirror-creators. So effective that sometimes the reflections come to life (and replace the originals). Either that, or the mirrors can even reflect alternate universes, with their subjects sometimes stepping out or switching places with the other poor sod (into a universe where everything is the same except some small detail). There are a lot of different directions this can go in, but I definitely want to avoid the whole 'dopplegangers are evil durr-hurr the town is under their control' plot. The dopplegangers are definitely neutral, in this case. I mean, there might be a couple of bad-apples (and maybe even a few who are responsible for disappearances), but generally that's frowned upon and most of the dopplegangers are pretty legitimate. They can be deceitful and backstabbity in their practices at times, but they aren't evil or out to conquer the world.

'Iavas' wrote:
Also, may I just point out the fact that the second that the trapped deity is brought into any place or plane outside of the innermost ring of the outlands, and that includes the mirror realm, that god's powers are going to return and things are going to die. So, there shouldn't be any transporting the power through the mirror plane, judging him there, or poking him with reflective sticks. Double points for irony, though, if the power is some sort of 'power of vision' and is incapacitated on the mirror plane because he sees too much. Even a deity can go a little barmy after seeing infinity to the infinite power.

I was thinking about this a lot. When the Athar drew him up to the Spire, maybe they separated his divinity from him somehow--a 'vestige' similar to what the others were talking about. Maybe the God's divinity has been snagged by one of the Kamerel, leaving the Power a powerless shell sitting in an Athar cell (or facing an Athar or Rilmani trial, or under the Rilmani's care until he gets his powers back). The idea of the God being one of vision who's just completely lost is cool, too.

One other alternate is that the kamerel, having been trapped in the Plane of Mirrors so long, have constructed an intensely impossible web of mirror-based labyrinths (a hall of mirrors? Garden of infinite forking paths? maybe the source of all the 'reflections' that keep haunting the hub-town?) within which they've trapped the deity, who can't escape. They're drawing his essence out of the labyrinth while he wanders about it.

One last option is that the Kamerel have managed to return to at least one city near the Spire--one city completely obscured, not by mirror-magic, but by actual mirrors. A small cult of Kamerel who weren't sent into the mirror-plane have constructed high up on the spire a city obscured through the brilliant use of reflective mirrors, carefully arranged so that when you look up at it you see what appears to be only the sky (or part of the spire).

These are all wonky ideas, I guess, although I'm kind of partial to the vestige one (trapping Powers inside of labyrinths of mirrors are cool, too, especially if the labyrinth turns out to be a book).

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Oh God! I just imagined a mirror version of the Crawling City slowly making its invisible way up the Spire and right toward Sigil. Granted, it'll be an infinitely long crawl, but... you know... MIRRORS, man! Mirrors.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

"Iavas" wrote:
Oh God! I just imagined a mirror version of the Crawling City slowly making its invisible way up the Spire and right toward Sigil. Granted, it'll be an infinitely long crawl, but... you know... MIRRORS, man! Mirrors.

Does engineering work near the Spire? Maybe that's what a cabal of gnomes are up to--or maybe the Kamerel are interested in getting as high on the spire as possible (to avoid any dealings with anyone).

I've been thinking about this hub city for a while. What I have in mind could be a whole module on its own. Anyway, here's my idea:

The city's name is Mirage. It's a lot like Las Vegas--a sprawling town in the middle of a desert. The entire theme of the city--what they sell more than anything else, in fact--is self-doubt.

Nearly everything in the city is designed to make you question your beliefs about what's true and what isn't. It's run by a cabal of mafia-esque doppelgangers (who all 'pretend' to be different officials; you're never sure if the mayor is the same person as he was yesterday, as it might just be another doppelganger 'taking up that role') who may or may not be an Anarchist cell. Things of interest include: A brothel where you're asked a series of questions and undergo an interview before being 'serviced' by a doppelganger who perfectly imitates your appearance and personality (yes, that's right, you get to make out with yourself--popular with Sensates!), a githzerai-run monastery with mirrors that after a long degree of study reputedly show you what /truly/ lies inside, a group of gnomes attempting to use mirror-magic to build a communication network throughout the planes with mirrors (they call it the Mirror-Net? I dunno, too corny? D: Might tie in with the Kamerel), and a crazy rich barmy mirror-collector who lives in a house filled with different mirrors, all of them reportedly enchanted (after the Shattering, his house has since gone into lock-down--adventure hook involves entering the place).

The city has a sharp duality between introspective reflection/self-doubt and superficial reflection. Regardless of anything, a berk visiting is just as likely to leave knowing something about himself that he didn't as he is to leave with empty pockets. The doppelgangers make sure the city isn't dangerous, but they thrive on trickery and deception (especially since high-level divinations and spells don't work this close to the spire, giving the doppelgangers an awesome edge). Some of the greatest mirror-workers in the Multiverse are said to work there.

This is all still flighty and abstract in my head, of course. D:

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Neat idea. Vegas, baby, yeah!
May I just point out a couple more things that I would keep in mind:

Firstly, there is only a limited amount of space around the base of the Spire. A good portion of that space is taken up by Sum of All (the Rilmani city), and now there is also a portion taken up by the Athar. While Mirage can probably fit in there without too much trouble, I would personally be against the slow formation of a multiracial metropolis surrounding the Spire.

Secondly, mirror magic was invented by the Kamerel and, presumably, never shared with anyone else. Thus, it is unlikely that there would be a group of gnomes, doppelgangers, or any other berks using mirror magic. This adventure, however, would be a good way to introduce such mirror magic to the world. That is, if you could write a ruleset for it.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Iavas' wrote:
Firstly, there is only a limited amount of space around the base of the Spire. A good portion of that space is taken up by Sum of All (the Rilmani city), and now there is also a portion taken up by the Athar. While Mirage can probably fit in there without too much trouble, I would personally be against the slow formation of a multiracial metropolis surrounding the Spire.

I was thinking that Mirage would be located a bit away from the base of the Spire. It's sort of a hub-city, an in-between city for those who have trouble with existing/handling affairs in a no-magic zone. The Rilmani use it as a trade-port (since not everyone is willing to walk to the base of the spire, especially not powers), information, et cetera--a sort of pipeline for them to interact with the rest of the Multiverse. It sits in the first ring, possibly the second ring.

"Iavas" wrote:
Secondly, mirror magic was invented by the Kamerel and, presumably, never shared with anyone else. Thus, it is unlikely that there would be a group of gnomes, doppelgangers, or any other berks using mirror magic. This adventure, however, would be a good way to introduce such mirror magic to the world. That is, if you could write a ruleset for it.

I wasn't too sure about this, but I had a nagging suspicion. The one thing that might help fix that is the idea that Mirage is actually one of the abandoned Kamerel cities, and some of the inhabitants have been playing around with the toys that the Kamerel left behind. That might not work so well, though.

I'd be willing to give a shot at the ruleset, at least. I have a few distinct ideas in mind. My only hesitation is that I don't want to do anything too remarkable.

Edit: Oh, and there has to be some NPC--maybe a villain or a plot hook or something--who's stuck in the town because he's contracted a terrible magical disease/curse that only the proximity to the Spire can suppress. Probably the incredibly rich mirror-owner who's gone into lockdown since the shattering (a sprawling mansion filled with shattered mirrors, all of them enchanted, strikes me as a great place to have an adventure--especially if many of the enchantments have gone awry).

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I love it! Technically though, isn't there enough room around the spire for not only one more city, but hundreds of miles of barren space or wilderness as well? Locations in the Outlands aren't really separated by distance, just by travel time. What is it, 1d6 days between adjacent locations? Plus, if the spire is infinately tall, which we all assume it is, then the base is going to have a pretty impressive circumference, if it's not infinite as well. You could still walk all the way around it by walking 1d6 days from town to town till you're back where you started. However, if you just walked up to the spire, put your right hand on the side and started walking with no destination in mind except walking around it, you might walk all your life without reaching even a single settlement.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'The Great Hippo' wrote:
I've been thinking about this hub city for a while. What I have in mind could be a whole module on its own. Anyway, here's my idea:

The city's name is Mirage. It's a lot like Las Vegas--a sprawling town in the middle of a desert. The entire theme of the city--what they sell more than anything else, in fact--is self-doubt...

I like the idea behind this in principle, and I think it can be used later on in the campaign as a site for getting into the Plane of Mirrors and dealing with the kamerel in some manner. But I don't think it works at the base of the Spire... because magic won't work there. The dopplegangers won't be able to change their shapes, enchanted mirrors will just be pretty pieces of reflective glass, and other uses of mirror-magic presumably won't work either.

As a location located within one of the other rings of the Outlands, where low-level magic works but the high-powered divinations are blocked? Sure thing. But at the base of the Spire, all the most interesting stuff associated with it just doesn't work. :oops:

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Hymneth: I guess that's true, Plane being infinite and all, but how would it look from a distance? I don't know, call me clueless, but I still have a problem comprehending the whole infinity in a finite bottle aspect of the Planes.

eldersphinx: You're right, except for the fact that mirror magic is specifically designed to work everywhere, even at the very base of the Spire. All other magic, presumably even the abilities of the doppelgangers, will be nullified.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

And--again--Mirage would be located just outside the base of the spire, within the first ring (is this feasible? Would it be too far, then?) and serve as a port for travelers heading to the base of the spire who need to stock up on non-magical gear (or who want to do business with those at the base of the spire, but can't risk going there--kind of a 'meeting point'). I'm suggesting it as a hub for players to start out in so it isn't immediately "BAM, no magic!"--plus an opportunity for them to gather intel before leaping into the fray.

The doppelganger love it because they can still shapeshift within the first ring, and most divination magics that would reveal what they're up to are too high of a level to work.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

According to Player's Primer to the Outlands, it takes 3-18 days to travel between any two adjacent points of importance, whether they be neighboring gate towns, the Spire and the first ring of its influence, or two different powers' realms. It's a bit vague regarding what happens when, say, the two powers' realms are farther apart than two gate towns with one other inbetween, but bugger it all, it's the planes, berk. So, that, and the fact that the first ring of influence allows for 1st level spells and Greater Power abilities, Mirage would be a wonderful pit stop between the normal planes (God forbid, they've become 'normal') and the unmagicified Spire area.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Sorry for my absence from this thread...I wasn't getting email notifications from it, so I didn't know so much discussion was going on! There are some great ideas here -- I'll address the ones I'd like to see developed, in no particular order:

We DO want all the glass mirrors in the multiverse to shatter. Steel mirrors (such as the ones adventurers can buy from the Player's Handbook) are unaffected; this actually helps our plot hooks, because now those people using the Plane of Mirrors have to use the everyday mundane steel mirrors that ADVENTURERS carry. Or mirror-hoppers can disrupt life for commoners, drawing adventurers in that way.

If there's a particular magic mirror a DM wants to survive the Shattering, he can arbitrarily say it does. It's not too hard for a DM to devise some way for a mirror to have become repaired if he runs an adventure after this that requires one; we can always have all the mirrors restored at some point in the adventure path, if we so desire, to fix this conundrum ourselves.

The idea for a mirror-hopping chase throughout the planes is in -- fantastic idea! And yes, a cameo through Shemeska's mirror would be great.

No Power on trial...there are too many variables, depending on the god in question, and it does distract from the central theme. However, another post has given me an idea (more later in this post).

The following adventure hooks are in -- Malfunctioning Mirror, Wizardly Mirror Troubles, and Nerra Exiles.

Mirage is in -- great idea! -- and it gives me another idea...what if the Athar shattered all the mirrors in order to drum up business? Sure, the average person will settle for a steel mirror, but those with money will want silvered glass ones, and maybe the craftsmen of Mirage are bucking to make themselves a name as elite mirrormakers. Canny bloods may put two and two together, suspecting the Athar in Mirage may have been responsible for the multiversal event, but only investigation will turn up evidence. Enter the PCs...

I was thinking about this a lot. When the Athar drew him up to the Spire, maybe they separated his divinity from him somehow--a 'vestige' similar to what the others were talking about. Maybe the God's divinity has been snagged by one of the Kamerel, leaving the Power a powerless shell sitting in an Athar cell (or facing an Athar or Rilmani trial, or under the Rilmani's care until he gets his powers back). The idea of the God being one of vision who's just completely lost is cool, too.
While I don't want the trial idea, there is precedent for the Power and the vestige-of-a-Power idea...Orcus and Tenebrous. The kicker comes with the next quote.

One other alternate is that the kamerel, having been trapped in the Plane of Mirrors so long, have constructed an intensely impossible web of mirror-based labyrinths (a hall of mirrors? Garden of infinite forking paths? maybe the source of all the 'reflections' that keep haunting the hub-town?) within which they've trapped the deity, who can't escape. They're drawing his essence out of the labyrinth while he wanders about it.
The vestige-god the kamerel are using to power their mirror labyrinth (and the explanation as to why mirror portals work differently from other portals, including near the Spire)? Why, it's Aoskar. Laughing out loud The Lady of Pain knew Sigil would cease to exist if the god of portals was truly obliterated, so she separated his essence...and the kamerel captured it and trapped it in the Plane of Mirrors. It also provides a nice hook for the Sign of One to become involved at one point, if the existence of Aoskar's vestige is revealed before the end of the adventure path.

I like the doppelgangers being involved with Mirage as well...but we'd need to place the town somewhere where the Athar would still be safe AND supernatural abilities would still function. That might not be possible, but maybe Mirage would be the one place where doppelgangers would feel comfortable in their own forms. (Maybe in Mirage, a doppelganger's reflection shows something else? Maybe doppelgangers are kamerel, or their descendants?)

Mirror magic has made appearances in other sources from 2E and 3E, and people can consult them for ideas. The Ravenloft supplement Carnival (which I own) has a barker who is actually a reflection of a person now trapped in the Plane of Mirrors. He found a way to switch places with the "real" man, and he's always worrying about what would happen if the man happened to escape. Also, Monte Cook covered mirror magic in the Book of Eldritch Might. (I have this as well, if no one else has access to it.)

I've always adjudicated movement on the Outlands thusly -- 3d6 days from landmark to landmark, but I introduced a "travel token" in the form of a holy symbol of Aoskar that reduces travel time to its smallest component, i.e., 3 days.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

I can start a broad write-up for Mirage. Plenty of mini-adventures can fit underneath its enveloping wing; adventure hooks, so on. I've been thinking about it some more and it strikes me that though the place is chiefly about self-doubt (and mirrors), the biggest selling point about Mirage is that it's a completely different experience depending on who you are--the whole city often ends up being a reflection of the person who enters. This isn't an illusion or even based in magic so much as how the city is designed and how the doppelgangers run things.

The thing about Aoskar--for aesthetic reasons, my suggestion would be to only imply that it's the vestige of Aoskar, and give no specific explanation as to how it got there--Lady or otherwise. Directly stating that the existence of portals hinges on the continued presence of Aoskar's vestige implies certain things about Sigil and the Lady of Pain you may not want to set in stone. I think using Aoskar as the vestige is a great idea, but it probably should be vague and unclear as to whether it's really Aoskar or a successful result of all the Signers (now part of the Mind's Eye) attempting to 'will' him back into existence, or even some pretender God. The kamarel aren't talking (they might not even know themselves).

Edit: And it just occurred to me that, actually, doppelgangers work really well as Rilmani descendants/ancestors. Not sure if that's ever been played up, though. I really like the doppelganger/anarchist connection myself. Anyway, I'll write something up this weekend and post it here as an initial offering on Mirage and the doppelgangers and any associated adventures.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams


Shattering mirrors are all fine and good, but what do you say to my original critique of the idea - particularly the part about it just creating more mirrors? After all, there are many other ways to get PC's involved without farmers complaining about mirror-hoppers, but how do you explain the fact that the mirror pieces still reflect if the mirror realm is cut off. Or... is it not cut off? I'm still a bit vague on that, among other things.

As for Aoskar... I would agree with Hippo and keep his involvement as vague and as limited as possible. He is too closely tied to the history of The Lady and Sigil itself to be defined by any adventure. He is one of those everpresent mysteries... is he dead? Is his corpse on the Astral? Does he still affect the planes? It's meant to be a woozy mystery. It would be very unwise, in my personal opinion, to retcon the earlier sources or specify something that they implicitly made unknown. Leave that, as well as giving Her Serenity stats, to WotC.

Similarly, I wouldn't retcon the travel speed around Outlands from what it said in the 2e source. It would just be confusing. A minor thing, true, but unless it serves some greater purpose, there really is very little reason to change it.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Just as an unnecessary aside, I want to throw in again--even with all the glass mirrors shattering, I love the idea that all discernible reflections disappear too. It's freaky and atmospheric as hell.

That may be way too over-the-top, though. I mean, everyone on the planes would probably notice it, one way or another--from a fisherman noticing his image no longer reflected in the sea to imps in Nessus wondering why they can't see their dashingly handsome fanged visages in the ice.

Plus, it gives a perfect explanation as to why all the shattered mirrors can't just be used as smaller mirrors.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'The Great Hippo' wrote:
I can start a broad write-up for Mirage. Plenty of mini-adventures can fit underneath its enveloping wing; adventure hooks, so on.
This is great. Go ahead and start on Mirage, and if you want any help with NPCs, post a list with the brief stats (name, race, class, level, faction, profession/role in Mirage) and we'll see if someone else can start statting people up. With NPCs developed, we can see how to connect people to other events/adventures.
The thing about Aoskar--for aesthetic reasons, my suggestion would be to only imply that it's the vestige of Aoskar, and give no specific explanation as to how it got there--Lady or otherwise.
I have no desire to resolve or debunk any of the great mysteries of Planescape, unless we want such a reveal as the climax of the adventure path. I merely provided a possible explanation because people weren't happy when I DIDN'T provide an explanation for the shattering of the mirrors. Laughing out loud

And it just occurred to me that, actually, doppelgangers work really well as Rilmani descendants/ancestors.
Did you actually mean Rilmani, or Kamerel? I had suggested Kamerel, although I'll admit that the 3E art for the Rilmani looks very close to the featureless, genderless form of the doppelganger.

Anyone else care to weigh in on this? Do we want to develop some kind of connection between doppelgangers and one of these races?

I really like the doppelganger/anarchist connection myself.
Care to elaborate?

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Iavas' wrote:
Shattering mirrors are all fine and good, but what do you say to my original critique of the idea - particularly the part about it just creating more mirrors? After all, there are many other ways to get PC's involved without farmers complaining about mirror-hoppers, but how do you explain the fact that the mirror pieces still reflect if the mirror realm is cut off. Or... is it not cut off? I'm still a bit vague on that, among other things.

Mirror portals work differently than normal portals. For one thing, they have to be intact...a shattered mirror can't be used to access the Plane of Mirrors. Nerra are mentioned as being able to use any reflective surface to travel back and forth from the Plane of Mirrors, but this could be a quality unique to them as a species, and a good reason for the kamerel to employ them (or have created them).

Incidentally, I LOVE the idea of the kamerel having created the nerra, and the explanation for why nerra are reflective. It fits with what (little) is known about the kamerel.

I can see adopting the approach of all reflections ceasing to function if we can somehow tie that into the climax of the adventure path -- but if we can't come up with a satisfactory explanation, I'd prefer to avoid it. Such a change can have a BIG effect on a campaign if it is not resolved (and we need to approach this from the perspective that some adventurers might not succeed), and having a DM rectify the situation in order to maintain game balance for later in his/her campaign defeats the impact of our decision. Shattered mirrors are something dramatic but easily rectified -- people make/buy more mirrors. And we can repeat it as necessary throughout the adventure path, especially if the PCs take a wrong turn or don't pursue a lead, etc.

Similarly, I wouldn't retcon the travel speed around Outlands from what it said in the 2e source. It would just be confusing. A minor thing, true, but unless it serves some greater purpose, there really is very little reason to change it.
Actually, we need to default to whatever the 3E Manual of the Planes says for travel time on the Outlands (I'm too lazy to look it up right now), and then we'll go with the 2E info if it's not mentioned. I wasn't retconning anything, just adding my 2 cents when the topic was brought up. But if we want to add Aoskar to the growing mystery, my travel token makes a good trinket that could be discovered. Instead of speeding up movement on the Outlands, it could also be a key to mirror-hopping.

Xjel's picture
Joined: 2007-08-23
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Hmm, mirrors... don't forget Azzagrat and Grazzt's Argent Palace.

So, having never had Tales of the Infinite Staircase, I'm unfamiliar with the Kamerel.

I'm getting the impression the Plane of Mirrors is something like this:

Really, really deep into the plane: Kamerel and their new cities
Just on the other side of the mirror: Mirror mephits and Nerra
Our side: everything else.

This makes the Plane of Mirrors really, really empty, plenty of space to stuff a power or an aspect into.

As for Mirage, you might only want to have role-playing or social encounters there for the adventure path since if it's very close to the Spire, spellcaster PCs will feel totally useless, which is fine for a single weak encounter or two, but totally sucks ass if you have to go back there time and again.


It writes and designs dungeons, adventures and encounters. Do not feed after midnight.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
Care to elaborate?

It's hard for me to figure out what I'm trying to say. It'll probably be best summarized in the description of Mirage; something like the doppelgangers having always had close ties to the Anarchists, and how many doppelgangers are drawn to the idea of balance-through-anarchy (tearing down anything that's been established too long or grown too stable). Kind of a Sinker angle, but not exactly the same, because many of the doppelgangers use deception and trickery to pull it off and they don't do it to bring the Multiverse closer to entropy and destruction, but because they see this as a necessary part of an ongoing cycle--for something to grow, something old must first be destroyed.

As for Mirage, you might only want to have role-playing or social encounters there for the adventure path since if it's very close to the Spire, spellcaster PCs will feel totally useless, which is fine for a single weak encounter or two, but totally sucks ass if you have to go back there time and again.

I imagined the whole place as just one really big opportunity for players to define their characters and DMs to think up creative and insane plothooks for the PCs' backgrounds and what not. There would be a few adventures, but they'd be--really odd and unique. Anyway.

I should have the write up for Mirage posted today.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Sorry there's been no noise from me, people. I was sick all last week and spent Thursday night in an emergency room. But I'm all better now, and I'm eager to see any snippets people might have written up.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
PSCS Module Project: Shattered Dreams

Possible Write-Up for God-Slaying Weapon

I have no desire to resolve or debunk any of the great mysteries of Planescape, unless we want such a reveal as the climax of the adventure path. I merely provided a possible explanation because people weren't happy when I DIDN'T provide an explanation for the shattering of the mirrors.

Actually, I think Aoskar needs to have his involvement upped in this adventure. What happened to the Tree that contained all of the stored essence of Aoskar anyway? I would be interested in finding out that it either survived the construction of the Temple of Hades (the Proxy who created it is aware that Golden Apples give immortality and is interested in it for aethstetic reasons) or was transplanted by the Athar to their new headquarters. Oddly, it should continue functioning at the base of the Spire irregardless of all rational sense.

I think it'd be pretty cool to also include a Write-Up for Aoskar in the book (Pre-Dead Book) and maybe a group of his worshippers that are existing at the base of the Spire. It would be hilarious and appropriate if the Athar found out that one of the cities was inhabited by the Lady's victims that were still living down there and also give them a taste of what they might become.

Oh, and here's my idea for the write up of the weapon.

Major Artifact

A weapon created from a combination of pure metal from the spire's base mixed with heartwood from the Athar's Great Tree as the weapon's hilt. The weapon was forged with many of the principles that the Githyanki use to create their Silver Swords (as secretly observed by the Athar in the Astral). If any should discover that they've had their secret leaked, the Athar would know the full revenge of the Githyanki.

Godkiller contains the accumulated essence of all the Athar's stored spells across its centuries of existence. The weapon, essentially, focuses all of that might through the Anti-Magical Steel and proceeds to sever the Astral chord that binds a power to his worshipers. A deity can re-establish this chord with with the sacrifice of a point of Divine Rank but a Demigod will be reduced to Quasi-Deity status.

Godkiller can only be used once in this fashion before needing to be recharged and it took centuries of accumulating the necessary magics to provide the necessary power to strike down one of Athar's immortal foes. Without the accumulated essence, Godkiller is merely a +3 Silver Sword of Spell Resistance (30).

If the weapon's nature is ever known then there will be no force in the Heavens or Lower Planes that will keep the armies of deities that will send their hosts to recover and destroy the weapon. Certain gods will also be inclined to punish the Athar for their presumption, preferably in a permanent manner.

Suggested Means of Destruction

* Godkiller must be buried underneath a replanted Bois Verdurous.

* Godkiller must be tossed into the Lady of Pain's shadow.

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