Found this quote in an old email:
"the windy light at the poles, the auroras, is a gateway of heaven;
yet, for the gods, this windy light is but earth underfoot. they live
in the enormous tree of electromagnetic energy that sprouts from the
iron core of the planet and spreads its broad branches over the entire
world...far above those rootlands, in the topmost branches of the
World Tree where solar wind buffers against the earth's magentosphere,
the terrain shifts like desert runes, a barren wasteland in the eyes
of the gods where images shimmer and swim on warped, quaking horizons.
just below that ruinous frontier is the paradise where the gods dwell.
protected from the sun's wind and the gusts of the stars by
overarching branches of the Great Tree, the middle region shines with
a special blue-green beauty for the electric entities who live there.
the ionosphere at this level spreads over the globe in majestic hills
and terraces. to the radiant gods, these ionized plains thrive with
life. rainbow forests flourish among silver veins of rivering
currents. and in those forests and streams, animals of ionized gas
fulfill their bestial life cycles: griffins, manticores, basilisks,
rocs, fire serpents, chimera, and an occaisonal sun-stallion alighting
from its frolicking journeys among the solar herd.
composed of plasma - electrically charged gas too tenuous for human
eyes to perceive -- the gods, their terrain, and the creatures exist
replete in their own world. for these dwellers of light, all that is
below their magnetic kingdom is steamy dark."
--attanasio, dragon and unicorn
The Dubliners, the Last of the Great Whales:
"My soul has been torn from me and I am bleeding
My heart it has been rent and I am crying
All the beauty around me fades and I am screaming
I am the last of the great whales and I am dying"
Also like the Celtic Crossroads version:
"This morning the sun did rise Crimson in the north sky
The ice was the colour of blood and the winds they did sigh
I rose for to take a breath it was my last one
From a gun came the roar of death and now I am done "
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