PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

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eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

So I've got an idea floating around for an epic-themed Planescape adventure. Which I have neither the time, nor the resources, nor the inclination to write alone. Is there anyone on Planeswalker with setting knowledge and writing experience who wants to team up? Or anyone on the Powers That Be who I could pitch an idea to? Respond to this message or drop me a PM...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

Although I dont have a large chunck of the planescape books, I would love to help you write up an adventure. Its been something Ive been planning to do for a while as well, but could never find someone to give me a hand.

If you want me, im in.

Um, what does the adventure entail, by the way? just a quick overveiw would be really intresting. PM me if you dont want to give everything away before its finished.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

Could be interesting not sure if I want to be heavily involved or not but maybe. Or if anything I could help with ideas and maybe give things you work on a fresh set of eyes if nothing else.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Re: PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

"eldersphinx" wrote:
So I've got an idea floating around for an epic-themed Planescape adventure. Which I have neither the time, nor the resources, nor the inclination to write alone. Is there anyone on Planeswalker with setting knowledge and writing experience who wants to team up? Or anyone on the Powers That Be who I could pitch an idea to? Respond to this message or drop me a PM...

How much writing experience do you need?

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

So have any of you guys heard anything from the person who started this thread yet?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

I haven't. I'm still curious as to what constitutes "writing experience" from this person. If anything, I'd be willing to help edit the document rather than write portions of it outright.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

I havn't heard a word. Could be he just doesn't log on very often.

And im starting to think more and more that people should really have a basic idea of whats in the adventure before being asked to join.

I mean, if its some sort of Rrakkma campaign, then Ill bet a bunch of people who worked on the articles for that section would be happy to put in some help. It it takes a lot of time in the beastlands, there's proply someone on here that could halp alot with that too.

if not the plot, then just some of the bigger locations would be nice

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

Wow! Feedback! Laughing out loud

Sorry about not getting back in touch in the last few days; been busy with outside activities. Good to hear that there are at least a few folks interested.

As to a specific definition of 'writing experience' - I'm not sure that I can define what I'm looking for, or that I should try. The best partner for this is someone who has what I lack, after all, including knowledge about things that I don't realize exist. Cool

As for plot/characters/locations/whatnot, that's not entirely firmed up yet - this would be collaborative, not just me telling others what the outline's going to be and then getting someone else to add details. I'm fairly sure the following points would end up in place at some point:
- An excursion into the Mazes and the Deep Ethereal
- A prison break out of Carceri
- An encounter involving the Athar at the base of the Spire
- A visit to a Githzerai city within Limbo
- Additional travels throughout much of the Outer Planes
- Going against the will of the Lady herself, and (hopefully!) living to tell of it...

I've personally got about fifteen years of DMing experience, six or seven years now of writing and game design (mostly online), but not much in-depth knowledge of Planescape. My schedule's also kind of spotty. Hope this is enough to go forward with, for those who've expressed an interest...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

- Going against the will of the Lady herself, and (hopefully!) living to tell of it...

Dude... that would be the greatest ending to a campagin ever.
You get your characters to a high level through the campaign, and the end of the Campaign is them being destroyed by the Lady of Pain. (possibly having been set up as the fall guy by a trusted NPC?)

If you could write a passage for the DM to read at that point (adapted by the DM to include the players character names and descriptions, maybe?)
You could leave your players with a feeling of finality.
Not overly graphic, but enough of a visual to leave the players shaken.

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

Dude... that would be the greatest ending to a campagin ever. You get your characters to a high level through the campaign, and the end of the Campaign is them being destroyed by the Lady of Pain. (possibly having been set up as the fall guy by a trusted NPC?)

I would do that but thats why i never get to DM


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

We know and thats why you constantly get mummy rot

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

... I don't suppose you folks could keep the off-topic comments down to a dull roar?

Fidrikon: It's a thought. OTOH, I wouldn't want to write an adventure in which PCs essentially get railroaded into a TPK flaying, either. Maybe as something that happens to temporary PCs, or a mazing when all's said and done... hmmm. Gotta think about that... :twisted:

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
PS Adventure - Need a Writing Partner

Sorry, that would probaley be the best way to do that kind of thing

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