Promotion means

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Lundi's picture
Joined: 2005-05-20
Promotion means

Hey, I had a couple ideas about Urban PS.

I just got access to a scanner; I might start a webcomic...

How about those.

1- Something of a customs exposition.
A family of tieflings (ma, pa, older daughter, li´l bro) moves to Sigil; their pa got a better job there (they´re from the Fated) as a security guard. Follow their misadventures in a single city, as the little kid meets the best, the father meets the worst, the daughter meets them a bit closer (not THAT closer) and the mother stays the voice of reason.

2- Well, this idea is a bit rougher, and more comic than drama. ´Tis about an anthro donkey who finds a job in a p0rn magazine, and starts getting bored when he finds out that he must write the articles, not take the pics. Accompanied by a warforged editor, a cripple chief, a vixen who doesn´t like him in the least, and a model contractor who is always in the shadows and has never been seen... I was thinking of this more of an art exposition with some fanservice, but mostly of an art lesson; porn in the planes includes things like the copyrighted brain-suckers, or even things as innocent as... kittens! The focus of the comic would be cameos, though... from anyone who wanted to draw a character.

That´d attract at least someone, I think... what do YOU think? Is it a good idea? If so, which one?

I´m not saying I´ll start a comic. I might. But I know I shouldn´t make promises.

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