Project: Unabridged Treasure Table (need help with fantastical woods, gems, etc.)

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Project: Unabridged Treasure Table (need help with fantastical woods, gems, etc.)

Decided to make a topic for it rather than keep bumping the "Looting the Plane of Minerals" thread.

As I mentioned there, I am working on a project to create an in-depth set of treasure tables, some of which double as a "modifier" list for materials based on some of the tables from Kalamar Goods & Gear and the 3.0 Arms & Equipment guide. The tables are heavily inspired by Madkaiser Games' Kaiser's Bazaar C and Jeweler's Exchange (in fact, the woods table is based very heavily off of Bazaar C), which means that for instance, the gems and woods tables include many you've never heard of before. Eventually I hope to have the file hosted here, and the good news is that the gems table etc. have more or less been the same through 1E to 3x and Pathfinder.
A lot of the gem entries are taken right out of Volo's Guide to All Things Magical, and I plan to list a bibliography at the end of the file. For ease of reference for DMs, there will also be glossaries and tips for Google image searches and the like for the purpose of compiling a pictoral index.

The treasure charts will include the following categories:
--An opening which explains some stuff about the categories
--Opening which lists which items from Kalamar Goods & Gear either correlate with or are neutral with the 3.0 Arms & Equipment or Aurora's Whole Realms Catalolgue (note: the clothing tables from Aurora and the 3EA&E do not correlate with one another; the price listings are completely different), and why the two books are important (though many of the wood and stone ornamental items from both books will be listed in the file along with several new ones)
--Dried Fruit
--Fruit Preserves
--Herbs & Spices
--Fragrant Oils
--Rocks (rocks differ from minerals in that a rock is a conglomeration of many minerals-- it includes marble, granite, sandstone, etc.)
--Jewelry (table from 3E A&E with additional jewelry types and materials listed)
--Gems & Minerals
Many of the item types are priced different from Aurora and 3E A&E because it's designed for the Planescape system, whereas A&E and Aurora were designed for a western Europe setting, which means that Middleast and Far Eastern goods are expensive exotics.

Bottom line, I'm going to need help with a couple things. First of all, in subsequent postings, I'm going to list what fantastical gems, woods, etc. I have thus far and ask which ones I've missed.

Second, I'm going to need some serious help with making the dice roll tables once I've got all the data compiled (which won't be for some time) Probably, I won't include dice roll tables for everything-- for instance, I probably won't include tables for the woods, as they would be used primarily for a price modifier for wooden art objects.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project: Unabridged Treasure Table

Here's the fantastical things I have so far, and I need to know if and which ones I've missed:

Beetle Palm
Chime Oak
Eldritch Whorlwood
Hiexel (will not be used)
Roseneedle Pine

Aurilian Snow Pearl
Chromatic Shell
Fire Sea Pearl
Garlstone (not really fantastical; the book states it's some form of greenish blue copper mineral-- which unfortunately fits several real world canidates.)
Glowing Seafire Gem (not sure what this is or what it looks like, but it's mentioned in Expedition to the Demonweb Pits more than once without description, and both or all three are noted as mined from Bytopia)
Heaven Gem
Platinum Pearl
Silent Stone
that one mineral in the Mineral/Ooze border region whose name I cannot remember (from Inner Planes)
plus the ones from Volo's Guide to All Things Magical/Magic of Faerun.

Can anyone think of ones I missed (I'm only looking for fictional types for now)

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Project: Unabridged Treasure Table (need help with ...

Check out these:

I don't see saelas from Races of the Wild, or any of the Scarlet Brotherhood plants.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project: Unabridged Treasure Table (need help with ...

I have most of them down even though I might not have listed them (i don't think any of the plants listed in that book had usable or described woods-- not enough to even guesstimate their price.)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project: Unabridged Treasure Table (need help with ...

As for Saelas, thanks for reminding me about that one.
I was looking more for 2E stuff outside of the sources listed. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll have to do that myself ;_;

Thanks for the Canonfire link, though. I see a few items there that I don't have yet, such as Kalamanthis (it's familiar and I think I did record the reference down somewhere) and Idani.

What about Planar minerals and gems? I have all the Baatorian ones, but any idea what a Bytopian Seafire Gem is? Also, are there any other herbs, trees, or minerals mentioned in the Planes of--- aside from those in the Abyss, Gehenna, Gray Waste, and Baator? (because I haven't thoroughly read though the others yet) What about other Planescape books?

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