Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

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Joined: 2009-09-25
Magical Components used by natives of Ice

The material components used by the indigenous natives of Paraelemental Ice are different from those used by Prime and most Outer Planar natives. Make no mistake: all major types of magic (divine clerical, divine druidic, western arcane, eastern arcane, eastern divine, pluma, hishna) are usable here, but the material components and divine foci are different. This is a work in progress.

Favored souls tend to be more common among most indigenous races here than clerics.
As discussed before, native clerics do not have access to incense, salts, ashes *sacred ash would be more commonly used than holywater among Shugenja and shamans*, or water. Thus, instead of holywater, they use either powdered eternal ice or coldflow (coldfire from Frostburn). For indigenous natives, the most common type of powdered ice used in rituals (milky) and coldflow do not cost anything extra.

The druids of Paraelemental Ice (genies and the rare mephit and elemental) still require foci for their spells. However, the most sacred plants on this plane are not holly and mistletoe (plants which could not survive the cold). Instead of holly, the sprigs of a non-climbing honeysuckle-like plant are used. This plant grows only in the valleys of the Precipice, where it feeds off the cold itself and the ambient light from the Plane of Air. Unlike Prime honeysuckles, this one has needle-like leaves and thorns. Like its closest prime native, the honeyberry/hasukappu (Lonicera caerulea), the plant produces caerulean, elongated berries.

Instead of regular mistletoe, a special type of parasitic woody plant (similar in appearance to mistletoe, but with needle-like, scaly, spiny leaves like a Sequoiadendron) that grows on kzzinti trees is used.
Kzzinti trees are conifer-like, massive trees that grow on The Precipice near bodies of Coldflow (coldfire from Frostburn). These trees, which can reach heights of 200 feet or more, are nourished by a combination of the ambient light from the Elemental Plane of Air and bodies of coldflow.
The mistletoe-like plant (which I have yet to name) grows translucent, whitish berries which glow a pale blue in low-light and darkvision. They are consumed and disseminated by size S birds and flying athropods native to Ice. Because the kzzinti tree grows so large and feeds off of coldflow, it is considered sacred by many native races. Using sprigs of this mistletoe-like plant as a druid's divine focus in conjunction with the honeysuckle-like plant raises the DC and damage of all cold spells by +1. This bonus stacks with that bestowed both by the magical conditions of the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, focusing feats such as Cold Focus and Spell Focus, and special holy symbols like those found in Complete Champion. Non-native druids cannot replace mistletoe or holly as their divine focus, but they can use the mistle-toe like kzzinti tree parasite plus the honeysuckle-like plant as a power focus to gain the same bonuses. If taken to an environment with temperatures 40 degrees fahrenheit or above, the mistletoe-like parasite sprig shrivels and dies, then melts within 4 hours unless protected somehow (endure elements is sufficient). For the honeysuckle-like plant, this takes only two hours.

Sorcerers are far more common than wizards. For the time being, you'll have to improvise the alternative components, yourself. As a general rule however, different types of eternal ice are used instead of gem dusts, with the exception of diamond dust. Diamond dust costs double for indigenous natives what it does for Primes and Sigilians. Quartz is still used, and costs about the same *quartz actually can be found in small quantities on Paraelemental Ice, usually either on the border between Precipice and Core Ice, the border between Sea of Frozen Lives and Core Ice, and on the Shimmering Drafts (region bet. Lightning and Core Ice.).
Here are the alternatives for a few components:

*Clear Gem: (Entomb, Spirit Wall, Wall of Force) unchanged.
*Crystal or Glass: (Cone of Cold, Globe of Invulnerability, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Portal View, Prying Eyes, Wall of Ice) unchanged.
*Diamond: (Nondetection, Protection from Spells, Raise Dead, Ressurection, Restoration, True Resurrection, Undeath to Death) unchanged, but the cost is double.
*Incense: (Atonement, Augury, Commune, Divination, Forbiddance, Hallow/Unhallow) either a vial of coldflow *as holywater* or powdered eternal ice are used, depending on which one isn't already being used in the spell. Either one costs 25gp.
*Parchment: (Recitation, Shield of Faith) The writing material must be made from vellum or paper of an indigenous or cold-subtype organism.
*Silver: (anarchic/axiomatic/bless/curse water, consecrate/desecrate, destruction, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, planar bubble *only on planes adjacent to ice*, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, seal portal)
*Wood and wooden objects: kzzinti wood is used instead.

*Antipathy: salt and vinegar are used, instead. Paraelemental Ice creatures find these components repulsive.
*Bigby's Crushing Hand: unchanged, though the egg must be from a cold-subtype creature.
*Bull's Strength: Some fur from a branta (Frostburn) or rejkar (Monster Manual III)
*Cat's Grace: ????
*Circle of Death: same.
*Control Undead: unchanged.
*Daze: unchanged.
*Detect Undead: A bit of ice or snow from a cairn, ice necromental, or entombed (type of undead found in Frostburn)
*Eagle's Splendor: ???
*Fear: the scale of a white, silver, or crystal dragon. This is a focus rather than a component.
*Feeblemind: the spheres must be made of crystal, glass, or ice.
*Fire (Chill) Shield: A piece of phosphorescent moss or lichen.
*Fox's Cunning: some fur or a whisker from a hoarfox (En World Converted)
*Gaseous Form: a bit of powder-like ice, which is held in an open palm and then blown.
*Ghost Sound: only wool is available.
*Hallucinatory Terrain: a ball of ice, bit of powdered snow, and a snowball. The terrain's appearance can only be altered to forms naturally found somewhere on Ice, including that of other regions (e.g. a valley of the Precipice can be changed to an ice cave of Core Ice.)
*Holy/Unholy Aura/Cloak of Chaos/Shield of Law: unchanged.
*Horrid Wilting: A small chunk of salt rock.
*Ice Storm/Sleet Storm: a pinch of snow plus water drops, OR a hailstone.
*Identify: Same components, though special wines produced by Qorrashi genies is used.
*Invisibility series: A crystal or glass marble encased in a block of ice. (on Water, the crystal or glass marble can be used alone. The idea behind this is based on the fact that water elementals are naturally invisible in their native environment. Many invisibility-conferring magic items on the planes possess images of water and air elementals, and even ice paraelementals *which are likewise invisible when ice gliding*. Images of earth elementals are not used on such items however, as the earth elemental may be composed of different minerals than the stone it is gliding through, plus stone is not transparent or translucent to non-earth creatures. This is likewise true of smoke paraelementals, even though smoke can be translucent.)
*Jump: the leg of a baby ice toad is used instead.
*Legend Lore: ???
*Leomund's Instant Summons: Unchanged.
*Leomund's Tiny Hut: unchanged.
*Light: a piece of phosphorescent lichen or moss.
*Lightning Bolt: unchanged, though amber is not available.
*Locate Creature: a bit of fur or whisker from a winter wolf, which also raises the spell's DC by 1.
*Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound: The whistle is made from silver eternal ice.
*Neutralize Poison: A vial of coldflow (coldfire from Frostburn). Coldflow is known for its purifying and healing properties-- components of earth and fire are eventually disintegrated in coldflow.
*Owl's Wisdom: ???
*Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer: unchanged.
*Rary's Telepathic Bond: Either the same (must be a cold-subtype creature), or an entire hyphae *filament-like fungus* of a symbiotic fungus that exchanges nutrients and information between two kzzinti trees.
*Ray of Exhaustion: unchanged.
*Refuge: unchanged.
*Scare: unchanged.
*Simulacrum: replace powdered ruby with natural clear eternal ice.
*Spell Turning: mirrors on Paraelemental Ice are made from a combo of glass or ice plus a special frosted silver type of eternal ice as valuable to natives as silver.
*Spider Climb: The scale of a white dragon is used instead, as a focus.
*Summon Swarm: unchanged. The summoned swarms of indigenous cold-subtype natives have the ice paraelemental template.
*Sympathy: the crushed pearls plus a jewel of brightice *phosphorescent ice found in the border regions between Lightning and Ice*, worth a total of 1,500gp
*Touch of Fatigue: a pinch of salt crystal against cold-subtype creatures, a pinch of powdered frost lichen against creatures not naturally immune to cold.
*True Seeing: same price, different ingredients.
*Wind Wall: unchanged, though the fan must be made of kzzinti wood.

*Analyze Portal: unchanged.
*Animate Snow: the snow to be animated.
*Arc of Lightning: ???
*Arrow of Bone: unchanged.
*Attune Form: must be ice, snow, or melted water from the Paraelemental Plane of Ice.
*Blackfire: a pinch of ash taken from the Quasielemental Plane of Ash.
*Bone Chill: unchanged.
*Breathe Air or Water: a vial of coldfire (cold-subtype creatures can breathe coldfire regardless of whether or not they normally breathe air or water, thus the material component confers upon them amphibious qualities. On Ice, a vial costs 25gp instead of the normal 50gp)
*Breathe Earth: a vial of coldfire, once again-- this only applies to breathing snow and solid ice, however. It cannot be used to breathe salt or any earth or fire-based materials. For Ice-indigenous outsiders, this is a 3rd rather than 5th-level spell.*Chasing Perfection: the statue must be of a noble genie, archomental, colossal+ dragon, or elemental lord.
*Cloud of Knives: the knife must be made from blue ice. Bone or regular ice may be used, but the spell will only deal 1d3 damage/ 3CL. A knife of silver ice will penetrate DR/silver.
*Contingent Energy Resistance: unchanged.
*Control Temperature: a vial of coldfire or the scale of a remorhaz (which is a spell key for the fire/heat version of the spell, though it only works indoors).
*Crack Ice: unchanged.
*Creeping Darkness: ???
*Defenestrating Sphere: unchanged.
*Desiccate: a pinch of salt
*Discern Shapechanger: balm is made from different ingredients.
*Dragonskin: unchanged.
*Dragonsight: unchanged.
*Elemental Ward: unchanged, though ice can be used for Fire Elementals (magma paraelementals also hate ice, while smoke paraelementals hate cold wind.)
*False Gravity: ???
*Fell the Greatest Foe: unchanged.
*Flensing: a hunter's knife (this is a focus instead of a material component)
*Flesh to Ice: same as ice to flesh.
*Flesh to Salt: unchanged
*Float: unchanged.
*Force Whip: unchanged.
*Freedom of Breath: a handkerchief or bandana *this is a focus instead of a component*
*Frost Weapon: a bit of ice or snow.
*Gelid Blood: a pinch of powdered snowflake lichen
*Ghost Light: a bit of phosphorescent lichen or moss.
*Giantsize: unchanged.
*Glacial Globe of Invulnerability: unchanged.
*Glacial Ward: Ice and non-ice versions of this spell should use ice and/or snow as a material component rather than sulfur.
*Heat Leech: a bit of frost lichen or a live frostmite. Ice Paraelementals can cast this spell without a material component.
*Hide from Dragons: unchanged.
*Ice Blast: snow or ice, obviously.
*Ice Castle: unchanged; only costs 1000gp on Ice.
*Ice Column: unchanged.
*Ice Knife: unchanged.
*Ice Rift: A piece of glacial ice with one or more airbubbles inside.
*Ice Shape: unchanged.
*Ice Shield: unchanged.
*Ice to Flesh: unchanged.
*Icy Assassin: unchanged.
*Leomund's Tiny Igloo: the fat used must be of a cold-subtype creature.
*Low-Light Vision: again, the phosphorescent moss or lichen.
*Mantle of the Icy Soul: unchanged.
*Mark of the Hunter: unchanged.
*Mindfrost: a bit of snowflake lichen (free on the Precipice)
*Minute Form: a frostmite.
*Move Snow and Ice: the small blade must be made of blue ice.
*Mummify: unchanged.
*Numbing Sphere: a bit of snowflake lichen (free on the Precipice)
*Otiluke's Dispelling Screen: ???
*Pain: some salt
*Phantasmal Thief: unchanged.
*Precipitate Breach: the tip of an Entroph's tentacle.
*Precipitate Complete Breach: a 1ft long section of Entroph's tentacle.
*Programmed Amnesia: ???
*Reanimation: same, except that incense is replaced with powdered eternal ice.
*Scale Weakening: the skin must have come from an Ice-indigenous creature.
*Shadow Binding: ???
*Snowdrift: A handfull of powder-like snow which is poured onto the ground.
*Sphere of Ultimate Destruction: unchanged.
*Summon Elemental Monolith: amber *normally* or brightice *on ice* for lightning, blue topaz for ice-- I haven't decided on Salt or Steam yet *aren't any gems left in the 100 and 500gp treasure categories that would fit them*
*Summon Giants: unchanged.
*Swim: the fish scale must have come from a coldfire-born fish (variant of the lavaborn creature template from Dungeonscape-- you don't need that supplement since coldfire-born goldfish are just mundane magical beasts that live in coldfire/coldflow bodies)
*Tremorsense: unchanged.
*Wall of Bones: a bone.
*Wall of Gloom: ???
*Wall of Salt: unchanged.
*Wall of Water: unchanged (obviously, does not function in subzero areas)
*Wave of Grief: unchanged.
*Wither: a small piece of rock crystal
*Zone of Glacial Cold: unchanged.

--Earth-based spells (diminished on ice and viewed as an abomination by natives), including the following spells that lack the earth subtype: Cometfall,
--Fire-based spells (dont' work on Ice)
--Metal-Based spells like Iron Body (as Earth-based spells, plus metals become brittle on Ice.)
--Prismatic Spells: Color Spray, Prismatic Aura, Prismatic Bow, Prismatic Deluge, Prismatic Eye, Prismatic Mist, Prismatic Ray, Prismatic Sphere, Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall, Rainbow, Rainbow Beam, Rainbow Blast. (prismatic spells fall under the province of Radiance, which is a fire-dominant Quasiplane. Thus prismatic spells do not work on Water-dominant inner planes.)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
New Cold-Related Magic Items

Most of these are variations of existing items.

Cloak of Snow
This snow-white cloak is identical to the Cloak of Stone from Underdark and the Magic Item Compendium, save that the subject can Meld into Ice as the spell.
Prerequisites: Identical to Cloak of Stone save that the required spell is Meld into Ice from Frostburn.

Vial, Snowflakes of the Blizzard
This tiny, roughly hewn quartz vial contains a small amount of constantly ---- snowflakes. When released into breeze or better wind conditions, they begin to dance about in a small snowdevil and the winds turn cold. If poured into a pool of water at least a foot wide and an inch deep, the water's surface begins to freeze and crack.
In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of small Ice Paraelementals emerge from the snowdevil or the pool.
The paraelementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster or other magic.
They attack the nearest creature or creatures, continuing their rampage until destroyed or banished.
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight: --

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Bestiary By Region (Index)

General Note: Remember that by far the most prevalent creatures in any region *save the inhospitable ones like Stinging Storm* will be Paraelementals and Paraelemental Creatures, followed by Mephits. On the Skyberg level of the Precipice, this is then followed by genies. Those three groups alone should take up D01~75 on your D100 encounter table.

--Abomination, Xixecal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Basilisk, Ice (Creature Collection I)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3) (Chraal is indigenous to Paraelemental Ice)
--Devil Dog (Tome of Horrors Revised, EN World Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Devil, Ice Stalker (The Book of Fiends revised) (rare)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Dwarf, Glacier (Frostburn)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Entombed (Frostburn)
--Fetch (Tome of Horrors III)
--Frost Folk (Frostburn) (rare)
--Frost Giant (Monster Manual)
--Frost Giant Jarl (Monster Manual)
--Frost Giant, Mauler (Frostburn)
--Frost Giant, Tundra Scout (Frostburn)
--Frost Salamander (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Frost Wight (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Frost Worm (Monster Manual)
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
--Genie, Noble Qorrashi (see my Paraplane of Ice topic; I apologize for the mess in that topic)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Frostburn)
--Giant, Undead, Frostmourn (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Goblin, Amitok (EN World Converted)
--Goblin, Snow (Frostburn)
--Golem, Black Ice (Dragon 324)
--Golem, Ice (Frostburn, Dragon 317)
--Golem, Snow (Ravenloft: Denizens of Dread)
--Hoarfroster (
--Hoar Spirit (Tome of Horrors II)
--Ice Beast [Template] (Frostburn)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Ice Serpent (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms Monster Update)
--Icy Prisoner (Dragon 324)
--Immoth (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Marzanna (Frostburn) (rare)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Mummy, Ice (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ooze, White Pudding (Frostburn)
--Ooze, Snowflake (Monster Manual 3)
--Orc, Frostblood (Dragon Magic) (rare)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Gen, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental, Frigidarch (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Iceling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Shiverbug (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Snowfury (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelementite Swarm, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Polarwere (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Shimmersnake (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hordeling (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hunter (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Iceskidder (Monster Manual IV)
--Taer (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East) (rare)
--Troll, Ice (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Troll, Snow (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene *as arctic troll*)
--Uldra (Frostburn) (rare)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn)
--Windigo (Fiend Folio)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Winter Wolf (MM)
--Yeti (Frostburn)
--Yeti, Abominable (Frostburn)

--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Basilisk, Ice (Creature Collection I)
--Branta (Frostburn) (rare)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3) (Chraal is indigenous to Paraelemental Ice)
--Devil Dog (Tome of Horrors Revised, EN World Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Dragon, Chromatic, White (Monster Manual)
--Dragon, Deshada (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Chromium (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Krynnish, Frost (Bestiary of Krynn) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Crystal (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Metallic, Silver (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental, Snowstorm (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Energon, Xor-Yost (Planar Handbook) *rare*
--Entombed (Frostburn)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Fetch (Tome of Horrors III)
--Frost Folk (Frostburn) (rare)
--Frost Wight (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Frost Worm (Monster Manual)
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
--Genie, Noble Qorrashi (see my Paraplane of Ice topic; I apologize for the mess in that topic)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Frostburn) *borders only*
--Golem, Ice (Frostburn, Dragon 317)
--Golem, Snow (Ravenloft: Denizens of Dread)
--Hoarfroster (
--Hoar Spirit (Tome of Horrors II)
--Ice Beast [Template] (Frostburn)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Jack Frost (Ravenloft: Denizens of Darkness, Ravenloft: Creatures of Darkness) (rare)
--Klyndes (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Koodjanuk (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Marzanna (Frostburn) (rare)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Mephit, Mist (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ooze, White Pudding (Frostburn)
--Ooze, Snowflake (Monster Manual 3)
--Orc, Frostblood (Dragon Magic) (rare)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Gen, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental, Frigidarch (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Iceling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Shiverbug (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Snowfury (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelementite Swarm, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Phoenix, Ice (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) (rare)
--Quasielemental, Steam (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Rejkar (MMIII) (rare)
--Remorhaz (Monster Manual)
--Rimesprite ( (rare)
--Shimmersnake (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hordeling (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hunter (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Iceskidder (Monster Manual IV)
--Tlalusk (Frostburn) (the variety found on Ice can survive on sparse indigenous vegetation such as frost lichen and khongst mint)
--Vazalka (Monster Manual III)
--Vazalkyon (Monster Manual III)
--Weird, Snow (Frostburn)
--Windigo (Fiend Folio)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Yuki Onna (Frostburn) (rare)

FRIGID VOID (Ice/Vacuum)
--Egarus (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Frost Wight (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Ghostly Dragon [Template] (Draconomicon)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Quasielemental, Vacuum (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shadow of the Void (Epic Level Handbook)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Wraith, Shimmering (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)

--Arrowhawk (Monster Manual)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3) (Chraal is indigenous to Paraelemental Ice)
--Cyrion (Vaults of Pandius; use the second version. Ability adjustments will need to be determined.)
--Demon, Mavawhan (Dragon 345) (rare)
--Devil Dog (Tome of Horrors Revised, EN World Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Devil, Ice Stalker (The Book of Fiends revised) (rare)
--Dragon, Chromatic, White (Monster Manual)
--Dragon, Deshada (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Chromium (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Krynnish, Frost (Bestiary of Krynn) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Crystal (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Metallic, Silver (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental, Snowstorm (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Energon, Xor-Yost (Planar Handbook) *rare*
--Entombed (Frostburn)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ethereal Defiler (MMV) (rare)
--Fetch (Tome of Horrors III)
--Frost Folk (Frostburn) (rare)
--Frost Wight (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
--Genie, Noble Qorrashi (see my Paraplane of Ice topic; I apologize for the mess in that topic)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Frostburn)
--Goblin, Amitok (EN World Converted)
--Goblin, Snow (Frostburn)
--Golem, Black Ice (Dragon 324)
--Golem, Ice (Frostburn, Dragon 317)
--Golem, Snow (Ravenloft: Denizens of Dread)
--Hoarfroster (
--Hoarfox (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Hoar Spirit (Tome of Horrors II)
--Ice Beast [Template] (Frostburn)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Ice Toad (Frostburn)
--Ice Serpent (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms Monster Update)
--Jack Frost (Ravenloft: Denizens of Darkness, Ravenloft: Creatures of Darkness) (rare)
--Koodjanuk (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Marzanna (Frostburn) (rare)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Mummy, Ice (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Orc, Frostblood (Dragon Magic) (rare)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Gen, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental, Snowfury (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelementite Swarm, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Phoenix, Ice (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) (rare)
--Rimesprite ( (rare)
--Uldra (Frostburn) (rare)
--Vazalka (Monster Manual III)
--Vazalkyon (Monster Manual III)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn) *uncommon*
--Weird, Snow (Frostburn)
--Windigo (Fiend Folio)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Winter Wolf (Monster Manual)
--Yuki Onna (Frostburn) (rare)

--Abomination, Xixecal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Alcor (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Basilisk, Ice (Creature Collection I)
--Branta (Frostburn) (rare)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3)
--Cyrion (Vaults of Pandius; use the second version. Ability adjustments will need to be determined.)
--Demon, Mavawhan (Dragon 345) (rare)
--Devil Dog (Tome of Horrors Revised, EN World Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Devil, Ice Stalker (The Book of Fiends revised) (rare)
--Dragon, Chromatic, White (Monster Manual)
--Dragon, Deshada (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Chromium (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Krynnish, Frost (Bestiary of Krynn) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Crystal (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Metallic, Silver (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Dwarf, Glacier (Frostburn)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental, Snowstorm (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Energon, Xor-Yost (Planar Handbook)
--Entombed (Frostburn)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ethereal Defiler (MMV) (rare)
--Fetch (Tome of Horrors III)
--Frost Folk (Frostburn) (rare)
--Frost Giant (Monster Manual)
--Frost Giant Jarl (Monster Manual)
--Frost Giant, Mauler (Frostburn)
--Frost Giant, Tundra Scout (Frostburn)
--Frost Salamander (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Frost Wight (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Frost Worm (Monster Manual)
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn) *uncommon*
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Frostburn)
--Giant, Undead, Frostmourn (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Goblin, Amitok (EN World Converted)
--Goblin, Snow (Frostburn)
--Golem, Black Ice (Dragon 324)
--Golem, Ice (Frostburn, Dragon 317)
--Golem, Snow (Ravenloft: Denizens of Dread)
--Hoarfroster (
--Hoarfox (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Hoar Spirit (Tome of Horrors II)
--Ice Beast [Template] (Frostburn)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Ice Toad (Frostburn)
--Ice Serpent (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms Monster Update)
--Icy Prisoner (Dragon 324)
--Immoth (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Jack Frost (Ravenloft: Denizens of Darkness, Ravenloft: Creatures of Darkness) (rare)
--Koodjanuk (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Marzanna (Frostburn) (rare)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Mummy, Ice (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ooze, White Pudding (Frostburn)
--Ooze, Snowflake (Monster Manual 3)
--Orc, Frostblood (Dragon Magic) (rare)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental, Frigidarch (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Iceling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Shiverbug (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Snowfury (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelementite Swarm, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Phoenix, Ice (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) (rare)
--Polarwere (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Rejkar (MMIII) (rare)
--Remorhaz (Monster Manual)
--Rimesprite ( (rare)
--Shimmersnake (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hordeling (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hunter (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Iceskidder (Monster Manual IV)
--Taer (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East) (rare)
--Tlalusk (Frostburn) (the variety found on Ice can survive on sparse indigenous vegetation such as frost lichen and khongst mint)
--Troll, Ice (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Troll, Snow (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene *as arctic troll*)
--Uldra (Frostburn) (rare)
--Vazalka (Monster Manual III)
--Vazalkyon (Monster Manual III)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn)
--Weird, Snow (Frostburn)
--Windigo (Fiend Folio)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Winter Wolf (Monster Manual)
--Yeti (Frostburn)
--Yeti, Abominable (Frostburn)
--Yuki Onna (Frostburn) (rare)

--Abomination, Xixecal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Shrroth (Tome of Horrors II) (rare)
--Demon, Wastrilith (Fiend Folio) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Topaz (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Drowned (Monster Manual 3)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature, Ice [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Element Creature, Water [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Frost Salamander (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Gelidiceph (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Genie, Marid (Manual of the Planes, updated in Dungeon 151)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Frostburn)
--Giant, Ocean (MM2) *rare*
--Golem, Black Ice (Dragon 324)
--Golem, Ice (Frostburn, Dragon 317)
--Golem, Coral (Stormwrack)
--Golem, Seashell (Dungeon 85)
--Ice Beast [Template] (Frostburn)
--Ice Toad (Frostburn)
--Icy Prisoner (Dragon 324)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Nereid (Stormwrack)
--Ooze, White Pudding (Frostburn)
--Ooze, Snowflake (Monster Manual 3)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Sea Serpent, White (Dead Man's Chest) (rare)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hordeling (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hunter (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Iceskidder (Monster Manual IV)
--Tojanida (Monster Manual)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn)
--Yugoloth, Echinoloth (Stormwrack) (rare)
--Yugoloth, Hydroloth (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, City of Brass) (rare)

--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Mavawhan (Dragon 345) (rare)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Fogwarden (Tome of Horrors Revised) *rare*
--Expedition, Genie, Qorrashi (w. Resist Lightning) *rare*
--Expedition, Ice Mephit (w. Resist Lightning) *rare*
--Expedition, Ice Paraelemental (w. Resist Lightning) *rare*

--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Frost Wight (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Frostburn)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Mummy, Ice (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)

These creatures are ALWAYS indigenous to Paraelemental Ice, meaning they lack the Extraplanar subtype, and are immune to the effects of an area of True Cold.
--Abomination, Xixecal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Frost Salamander (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
--Genie, Noble Qorrashi (see my Paraplane of Ice topic; I apologize for the mess in that topic)
--Ice Serpent (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms Monster Update)
--Immoth (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Gen, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental, Frigidarch (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Iceling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Shiverbug (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Snowfury (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelementite Swarm, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn)
--Weird, Snow (Frostburn)
Notes: creatures of the undead and construct types are also immune to True Cold provided that the constructs were constructed on Paraelemental Ice, using materials from the plane, and that the undead are the reanimated remains of indigenous creatures *which prettymuch limits your choices to templates*.
Note 2: Icegaunts in the Stinging Storm *region bet. Ice and Salt* have Desiccate (Sandstorm spell) or Obscuring Snow insread of Fog Cloud.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I find this version of Cryonax very interesting. I pictured him as a blooded creature that somehow attained incredible power over ice, in fact I figured he could use fire magic if he absolutely had to.

(He does so in the as yet unfinished "Blade of Innocence" in my sig actually)

Is there more info on Albrathanilar?

Curious what you think about the frozen words in the Mountain of Ultimate Winter. I like the idea that many words spoken that resulted in a reverberation across the Multiverse end up having their echoes here. I think many true names spoken are partially preserved here.


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Dragonexx's picture
Joined: 2011-06-18
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Rather nice work. Intricately detailed. I'll have to take a closer look at this later.


Doing nothing is itself a choice.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I find this version of Cryonax very interesting. I pictured him as a blooded creature that somehow attained incredible power over ice, in fact I figured he could use fire magic if he absolutely had to.

No, the rules have always been quite clear that he is an elemental, despite his fleshling appearance. (I've read that fic BTW. I'm afraid I lack any positive commentary on your rendition of Cryonax there)

What do you think of Frigidora? (ignore her stats for now, I was speaking fluffwise plus the powers she and Cryonax share as a result of the tatoos)

in fact I figured he could use fire magic if he absolutely had to.
The idea that Cryonax (or a noble Qorrashi genie) would use fire or magma magic in desperation is highly unlikely-- elementals and elemental outsiders almost invariably view the opposing element as living blasphemy (this is backed up by bits of canon, such as the fact that words for water are considered blasphemous profanities for worshippers of Kossuth) The very idea of using a spell or magic item of the opposing element, to an elemental/elemental outsider would likely invoke feelings of disgust similar to what we would feel from eating feces or engaging in cannibalism, and in fact such things (of the opposing element, not the cannibalism thing) are generally banned with the punishment of death on most planes.

As for Albrathanilar, there is edxtremely little info from the canon save that she is the most powerful white wyrm in the multiverse IIRC.
In my fic (which I have not yet written sadly), Cryonax first learns of Albrathanilar after she casts an "infectious domination" spell on one of his servants.
Now, by "infectious domination", that means that the domination spell passes on to another subject when the dominated victim makes direct contact with them.
Eventually, Albrathanilar managed to dominate Cryonax's white dragon grand advisor, who was known for a special "parlor trick" of his (Gape of the Serpent feat from Savage Species). Cryonax and Frigidora (who is still somewhat young at the time) both noticed odd behavior in the messenger, but then the advisor suddenly attacked. (Cryonax and his herald swiftly avoided the blow, and the weirds managed to dive out of the way) Frigidora hurled the messenger into the hall (for later questioning), and Cryonax ordered her and the guards to kill the advisor. Frigidora was slightly hesitant. "But milord, he is your advisor!" "If he can be dominated so easily, then he is worthless."
Eventually the advisor managed to eat Cryonax, which freaked Frigidora out, resulting in her fighting recklessly and frantically.
She ended up getting pretty badly injured-- almost fatally, but thankfully, before she fcould be finished off, the advisor doubled up in pain as his midsection froze solid. It began to crack, and Cryonax fell out (mostly unharmed) as the advisor fell dead to the floor (its heart froze solid) Cryonax turned to his injured herald (who had just called out his name). He grabbed her by the throat and raised her over his head. He chided her for offending him by underestimating his abilities (by worrying that being eaten by the advisor might do him in), and for "getting emotional". He tells her that she disappoionts him (the very last thing she wants to hear from her master), then hurls her across the room, where she crashes into the coldflow (coldfire from Frostburn) fountain. (in game terms, the damage from that reduced her to -1 HP, but the coldflow will regenerate her wounds within a few hours)
Cryonax later comments that perhaps he underestimated his late advisor-- if the spell could force him to take a clearly suicidal action, then it wasn't any mere domination spell.

It should be mentioned that Cryonax also views Fridigora somewhat like a daughter, which contributes to both his more lenient and more strict treatment of her over other servants and members of his collection. (normally, an overly emotional outburst or insulting underestimation would result in nothing more than a heavy, and somewhat loud chiding-- which alone is enough to inflict some minor primal energy damage.)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I really like Frigidora and her relationship as adopted daughter to Cryonax. Funny that we ended up with such opposite ideas for the same being - but I really like your version, and love the idea that his wounds prove he is a true elemental. Mine, in Blade, was more used as a foil rather than a developed character (so far).

Still need to read a few posts on this thread, will have more comments then. Again, great stuff, like the plot potential you've added to the Plane of Ice!


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Thanks. Though to be fair, Frigidora began life as one in Cryonax's specimen collection (his collection of genetic curiosities, rare cross breeds, and the like), and she is as much a pet as she is a daughter. Also, he doesn't actually feel any sort of compassion or love for her-- as he is entirely incapable of such emotions (even Imix is capable of love to some degree-- though not compassion) Their relationship is also much more complicated than simply father-daughter or master-pet, as well. Frigidora is also his high priestess, and though the feelings are not mutual (though he sometimes humors her as a reward for a job well done), Frigidora also views Cryonax as a lover.

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