Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

This is a Planar Renovation project for the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. Anyone is free to brainstorm. Be aware that unlike other Planar Renovation projects, this one is BOTH about mechanical and fluff expansions, revisions, etc.

Anything pertaining to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. Its base nature, equipment, spells, locations, monsters, special materials, hazards, etc. Eventually I hope, perhaps, to have something compiled, organized, and submitted as an RTF file.

When all is said and done, you will need a few things in order to properly enjoy the contents of this project:
you will need the 3.5 basics of course (or the 3.5 SRD), the 3.0 Manual of the Planes, the 3.5 Planar Handbook, the Frostburn 3.5 supplement, and of course, the 3.5 Denizens of the Inner Planes supplement that can be downloaded on this site. From 2E, the Inner Planes accessory is necessary as well. Dragon Magazine 347 is also highly recommended, as it is a much weaker and official 3.5 revision of Cryonax, and includes a LOT of information about his goals.

I must warn those stumbling into this topic, that I have been diagnosed with a condition called "high functioning autism" or "asperger's syndrome", and one of the unpleasant side-effects of this condition is problems with organization, so this topic is a jumbled mess. If you have noticed that my posts change subjects randomly, or that I have trouble staying on topic, this is why. It's not something I notice in myself, so if you see me doing this in someone else's topic frequently, you can private message me about it. As part of the asperger's bundled package, I also suffer from minor obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive personality disorder, which is why my interests as far as planar cosmology and such are so limited (yes, I am obsessed with the Paraelemental plane of Ice, and Cryonax; I hope these obsessions can be put to good use here). I may get TOO detailed with some things, and I will need your input on that as well (this is especially in regards to monsters) Moving on.

Below is an index of topics and renovations I've posted in this topic thus far. Some remain as works-in-progress.
--Utilization of rules and elements given in the Frostburn Supplement (e.g. whether or not they apply and how)
--Ecology of the plane by region (this probably needs redone)
--3.5 Cryonax monster stats, using the Denizens of the Inner Planes archomental template and rules
--Fleshed out details on Cryonax; his personality, his goals, his cult, his relationships with other creatures. Much of this is not meant to ever be known by the players, and is merely a guideline for DMs for roleplaying purposes.
--Stats, background, etc. of a new character-- Frigidora, the top ranking general and paraelemental herald (which is a lot closer to a proxy, but not technically one) of Cryonax
--Stats on Noble Qorrashi genies, the Paraelemental Ice genies found in the Frostburn supplement.
--Stats on Ice Gen, based on the stats of the elemental gen given in Dragon Magazine 315.
--Character options for divine classes other than the Cleric for taking the Elemental Devotee of Cryonax feat (detailed in Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Expanded information and rules on Coldfire, the substance introduced in the Frostburn Setting, and its role in planar Ice societies.
--Rules for creating Paraelemental Ice variations of various creatures, etc. based on existing races and templates from canonical 3x sources. Thus far this includes Ice Mephlings, Half Ice Paraelementals, and Snow Elves based on a combination of info from both Frostburn and their original introduction in Dragon Magazine 155.

Currently and in the future, I am also working on the current subjects and sub-projects, with the hopes of posting them in the future.
--The relation of Blue Ice (Frostburn special material) to Eternal Ice (similar material from Planescape), and detail the various colors/types of eternal ice and their powers.
--The Qorrashi influence on Ice, its history, and its leadership.
--Expansion upon the society, religion, etc. of Glacier Dwarves (cold variation of Hill Dwarves from Frostburn). I might end up making them planetouched descendants since the Frostburn rules state they forge Blue Ice instead of iron and other metals, and I've made Blue Ice a material found only on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice.
--The social aspects of the Snow Elves, such as relations with other races, religion, society, etc. (thus far only their racial stats are complete)
--Expansion upon the society, religion, etc. of Ice Gnomes (gnomish subrace found in Frostburn)
--Expansion upon the society, religion, ecology, etc. of Tundra Halflings, including info and stats for special domesticated magical beasts they use for food, protection, etc.
--Creation of a variant Raptorian race (Races of the Wild) to dwell on Paraelemental Ice, along with info on their religion, society, etc.
--Creation of a variant Goliath race (Races of Stone) along with info on their religion, society, etc.
--Variant prestige classes such as the Ice Archon (Faiths&Pantheons), Ice Paraelemental Savant (Complete Arcane), and ice variations of several dwarven PrCs for the glacier dwarves.
--With help from the rest of you, I hope to flesh out Tiera Minuut as an actual town. In order to assist me in this endeavor, you are going to need the Inner Planes campaign expansion from 2E.
--Also with help from the rest of you (I'm really bad at fleshing out some aspects of the Planescape categorization of the outposts, such as "Power Behind the Throne".), I plan to detail the Frozen City of Teliggin, which got only a brief, one-sentence mention in Inner Planes.
--Center of All will handle the base nature/belief of the Paraplane of Ice and similar subjects concerning how belief shapes and affects the plane and its culture. Center of All, there is no pressure here. You can work on the base nature/beliefs of Ice whenever you feel comfortable.
--A bit more info on how the living Coldfire moat surrounding Cryonax's chisled estate functions, both mechanics-wise and fluff-wise.
--I intend to implement an alternative treasure table for this plane. Fact of the matter is, the treasure table in DMG, as well as the tables given in Draconomicon and Magic Item Compendium won't work on ice. For one thing, metals get too brittle in a cold environment. Wooden and plant-derived items are unlikely to be encountered at all. Many items will be made from Blue Ice (Frostburn) instead of precious metals.
Opals as gems or treasure components are out because they crack when exposed to cold.
Trade tables will also be implemented (precious metals won't be worth much on ice, but herbs, spices, and plant-derived medicines are likely to be worth much more than on many other planes).

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Elements Which Can Be Implemented from the Frostburn Supplement

I would highly recommend purshasing this supplement if you intend to run campaigns in Paraelemental Ice, Stygia, Cania, Ocanthus, or Soulfreeze. As someone obsessed with ice and cold, this is probably my favorite accessory for 3.5, and (and I am saying this objectively, not out of bias) it is definitely the best of the four climate/terrain-based accessories by far.

An entire chapter or two is dedicated to terrain, wilderness, and environment in a subfreezing region. A subsection mentions the effects of cold on equipment.
Special hazards, both planar and extraplanar, are included. There are two new races and 3 or 4 new racial variants. The primary race covered in this book are the Uldra, which are very different from the uldra from AD&D 1 and 2 E. A lot of material covers the two or three Uldra dieties.
Additional equipment is given, along with four new special materials (including stygian ice!)
New feats, (covered better in this book than in other terrain-based accessories; included are feats which make it possible to survive in very cold terrain without the aid of magic items), spells, (lots of good spells, and the selection is far better than what is offered in the other terrain-based accessories), psionic powers, and epic spells are given. Cold-terrain variant animal companions and familiars are also given.
There are a lot of new, nifty monsters, including many updated from previous editions. If you remember the Frost Man, it has been updated and appears in this book as a Monstrous Humanoid race. The Ice Toad, White Pudding, and Yeti also make a comeback here, there are three additional class options for frost giant monsters, and a class option for orc monsters.
Finally, there are two adventure sites and some adventure ideas.

Here is a quick guide to some of the elements from the supplement that can be implemented for Ice:

Terrain: all except Frostfell Marsh Terrain and Taiga forest terrain
Frostfell Hazards: all
Terrain Dangers: all (quickslush is found only in the Sea of Frozen Lives)
Supernatural Hazards and Dangers: Blood Snow Blizzard, Coldfire, Death Hail, Ebony Ice, Frostburn, Howl of the North (The Precipice only), Lightning Pillars (Shimmering Drifts and its borders with the Precipicre and Fog of Unyielding Frost, only), Razor Ice, Razor Sleet, Snowflake Lichen (borders between Precipice and Air only), Zones of Frigidity

Frostfell Traps: all save Deadfall of Rust Snow

Poisons available on Ice: All except Mammoth Eye Juice.

Races of the Frostfell: All except Neanderthals and Uldra. Glacier Dwarves will be by far the most common Frostfell variant race found on Ice, while others will be exceptionally rare.

Available Prestige Classes: Cloud Anchorite, Cryokineticist, Frostmage, Frostrager, Knight of the Iron Glacier, Stormsinger

Available Gear: all

Available Alchemical Items: all but whale grease

Exotic/New Materials: Blue Ice, only.

Weapons and Armor: all except the sugliin and tigerskull Club. Glots and Razor Slipdisks can only be made from Blue Ice.

Gear: all

Vehicles: All save the Ice Warship (however, the sled can only be pulled by ice/cold element dogs or worgs on Ice, unless you have some way of keeping regular dogs protected from the cold.)

Monsters available on Ice: ice/cold element version of any animal or dire animal, Entombed, Frost Giant class variants, Genie-Qorrashi, Ghost-Frostfell, Golem-Ice (usually limited to dungeons and buildings), Glacier Dwarf, Ice Beast (dungeons and buildings only), Icegaunt, Ice Toad, Ice Weird, Orc-Snow Shaman, Pudding-White, Snow Spider, Snow Weird, Yeti (both versions)

Additional notes: Though not stated in the supplement, if we go by examples given in the PHB, the spells "Snowsight" and "Wall of Coldfire" can be made permanent via Permanencyt spell.

Note on Snowsight: The spell's description does not specify whether or not it allows the recipient to see normally in magical storms/freezing fog, I'm afraid, so it's up to the DM. Looking at Darkvision, I would have to say the most logical answer is that "no", it does not allow one to see normally in spells such as "Ice Storm" or "Obscuring Snow"; not for mortals at least.
However, it is also perfectly logical for the DM to decide that Ice paraelemental creatures (and Qorrashi) with this ability or spell can see through magical storms in much the same way that Demons and Devils can see through magical darkness.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Cryonax's writeup

This writeup is based on the rules given in Denizens of the Inner Planes, save that Cryonax has been given icewalking. I need someone to help me with the tactics he'll likely use based on his powers and feats. Otherwise, this writeup is complete.

Huge Elemental (Evil, Extraplanar, Cold)
Hit Dice: 48d8+624 plus 576 (1,584 hp)
Initiative: +21
Speed: 150 ft.
Armor Class: 65 (-2 size, +17 Dex, +12 divine, +8 natural, +8 deflection, +12 insight), Touch 57, Flat-Footed 48
Base Attack/Grapple: +33/+57
Attack: Slam +77 melee (3d8+35/19-20x2 plus 2d8 cold)
Full Attack: 2 tentacle slaps +77 melee (3d8+35/19-20x2 plus 2d8 cold) secondary attack: 2 tentacle slaps +72 melee (3d8+35/19-20x2 plus 2d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: aligned strike (evil), epic strike, frostbite, primal energy, rebuke creatures, spell-like abilities, summon creatures
Special Qualities: cold immunity, damage reduction 10/epic and 15/-, darkvision 60 ft., elemental aura, elemental traits, fast healing 20, Fire vulnerability, Heat Sense, Ice Glide, Icewalking, quasi-deity traits, Spell Resistance 45
Saves: Fort +39, Ref +56, Will +34
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 44, Con 36, Int 25, Wis 26, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +58, Concentration +53, Diplomacy +48, Hide +38, Intimidate +49, Jump +17, Knowledge (the planes) +48, Listen +60, Move Silently +38, Search +30, Sense Motive +59, Spot +60 Tumble + 43
Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Draconic, Entropian, Giant, Infernal, Vivacian
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell-Like Ability (Polar Ray) (B), Improved Critical (Slam) (B), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (Slam), Improved Rapidstrike, Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell Like Ability (Sleet Storm) Quicken Spell Like Ability (Wall of Ice) Rapidstrike (B), Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse (tentacle/slam) Weapon Focus (Slam)
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary (actually, he always has servants with him unless somehow summoned against his will)
Challenge Rating: 37
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: –
Level Adjustment: –

""This monstrosity, covered in nacreous (pearly) fur, standing over 18 feet tall, radiates unearthly cold. Basically humanoid in appearance, he sports two furless tentacles where one would expect arms. Everything instantly freezes in his presence. Every word he speaks seems to chill your soul.""

The Evil Prince of Paraelemental Ice rules over many frost giants, white dragons, yeti, and ice paraelementals from his frozen fortress at the juncture between Air and Ice, known as "The Precipice". This fortress is known as the "Chisled Estate", and consists of a palace of ice, glass, and crystal, reaching one mile into the sky, and 4 miles below the ground.
Cryonax is the misfit of the Princes of Elemental Evil. After all, he's not an elemental but a para-elemental lord. The other para-elemental lords are nothing more than formidable mephits. Cryonax is more like the other archomentals, in that he's a true force to be reckoned with.
Cryonax is emotionally subdued and outwardly seems apathetic and distant. Like all the evil archomentals, Cryonax is utterly without compassion and won't hesitate to take out his frustrations on innocent bystanders, though unlike Imix, he is not normally sadistic (there are rare exceptions, if he is greatly offended by what he considers a personal slight, such as the stealing of one of his artifacts or the slaying of his herald), and unlike Ogremoch he doesn't relish in violence. He is cold and calculating, more logical than emotional.
He appears as a hulking creature covered in nacreous white fur from head to toe, likened in appearance to a yeti or a very large snow monkey. Instead of arms, he sports a pair of furless, bluish-white tentacles covered in numerous suction cups.
These tentacles fork off at certain places into 3 smaller tendrils, giving him fine manipulation and opposible digits. The only outward, visual sign of his elemental nature is that his tentacles have a slightly reflective, porcelain-like appearance. His eyes glow white with a faint hint of pale blue, almost like coldfire, and he always sports a cold gaze. He also possesses a maw full of sharp fangs; an unusual feature for an elemental.
At first glance, he appears to be made of flesh, but if injured, his true nature is revealed; instead of shorn or cut flesh, the wound appears as chipped ice, and he does not bleed. Likewise, successful fire damage causes his flesh and fur to melt.
Cryonax stands alone without a good counterpart, leaving him to slowly conquer the entire paraelemental plane. His ultimate goal is to make Ice the one true element and reduce all other elements into lesser forms of matter. He is not without rivals however; Albrathanilar, the Great White Wyrm, the most powerful white dragon in the Multiverse, seeks to overthrow him. She is a powerful enchantress who continues to amass her army with her enchantments and conjurations.
For now however, their conflict is limited to sabotage and spying.
The Demon Prince, Kostchtchie, also ranks among his greatest enemies, as both are upstarts competing for the devotion of the frost giants. Moreover, Cryonax and Kotschie are polar opposites, personality-wise and when it comes to tactics. Neither have actually met, but rumor has it that a day shall come when they face off against one another, with the intention of slaying and absorbing the other's quasidivine power, portfolio, and cultists (though it's likely that Kostchtchie would simply seek out and slay all of Cryonax's cultists and anyone who dares venerate Cryonax in the future, while Cryonax would gradually and subtlely convert Kostctchie's wrathful, impulsive worshipers into emotionally numb, calculating minions.)
Thankfully, such a day seems far off-- both quasipowers are too busy dealing with the problems on their own plane to worry about enemies on others.
Some of Cryonax's minions are elemental devotees, and have access to Cold and Evil domains.
Moreso than the other archomentals of elemental evil, Cryonax enjoys twisting things to further his intentions. To this end he has hired a team of mortal, genasi, and other planetouched arcane casters and devotees, along with a covey or two of marzanna (Frostburn) to conduct experiments somewhere deep in the basement levels of his palace, with the hopes of creating innovative new minions for his armies. Rumor has it that his six Frigidarch generals are a product of this research.
As an extension of this interest, Cryonax is also highly interested in natural hybridization, and other areas concerning genetics.
His minions also patrol the plane, conquering new territory and destroying non-natives (especially the entropes and menglis/unravelers, which Cryonax views as a dire threat to his ultimate goal).

Elemental Aura (Su): Cryonax is surrounded by an aura which deals 3d6 cold damage per round to all creatures within 15 ft. Furthermore, all non-magical fires within 20 ft. are instantly extinguished and all heated or molten rock or metals are instantly cooled. If this occurs on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, the subject and their possessions may also be subject to the effects of a True Cold zone (I don't think I've finished up the rules for this however; it's in one of my posts on hazards either in this topic or in the Brainstorm topic, or both.)

Elemental Traits: Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning; not subject to critical hits or flanking.

Fast Healing (Ex): Fast healing 20.

Frostbite (Ex): A creature that sustains any cold damage from Cryonax's melee attacks must make a DC 47 Fortitude save or become frostbitten.
Creatures suffering from frostbite are fatigued (cannot run or charge; -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity). These penalties end when the cold damage is healed by any means. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Heat Sense (Su): Cryonax can automatically sense heat sources within 60 feet (as per Detect Evil spell), as the spell Detect Fire (Frostburn spell, but you don't need the book in order to utilize it as a spell-like or supernatural ability).
He senses only the presence or absence of heat, but if he chooses to use a standard action to concentrate on this ability, he can establish the number and location of heat auras and the strength of each in the second and third rounds of concentration.
Invisible creatures can be pinpointed by this ability, but still have total concealment.
This ability cannot be used to determine the strength/HD of a warm-blooded creature, since such beings are not associated with elemental fire.
Being an ice paraelemental, Cryonax can use this ability to pinpoint sources of heat within 20 feet as an extraordinary ability if his supernatural powers are somehow blocked. After the first round of concentration, he can determine whether or not the source of heat is dangerous to him, but cannot use the Extraordinary Ability to determine the actual power.
For details on how to use the Detect Fire rule on mundane sources of heat, see the rules at the end of this post.

Herald Link (Su): Depending on what abilities you determine Frigidora's divine tattoos grant her, Cryonax may also have the following abilities:
--Ability to communicate telepathicly with Frigidora at any distance (this works both ways, as Frigidora can also contact Cryonax from a distance)
--Ability to scry upon Frigidora at will, at any distance
--Ability to see through Frigidora's eyes at will
--Ability to summon Frigidora to his side as a standard action (even if she is dead)
--Ability to teleport without error to Frigidora (even if she is dead)
--Always aware of Frigidora's health as though via the Status spell (unlike the status spell however, Cryonax is also aware of the degree of any injuries Frigidora sustains)
Frigidora gets no save from any of the above effects; her tattoos ensure that Cryonax succeeds automatically, though if either being is under the effect of an Antimagic Field, these powers are suppressed for 3 rounds.
--Need not take a standard action to lower his spell resistance in order to receive a touch spell from Frigidora (Frigidora's touch and single-target spells automatically bypass Cryonax's spell resistance. Cryonax could conceivably make a conscious effort to block her spells and effects much as one would make a conscious effort to lower their Spell Resistance to receive a spell, though there is little conceivable reason for him to do so.)

Icesight (Ex): Cryonax has 60-ft. X-ray vision through ice and snow while using Ice Glide, or when looking through small objects, such as fist-sized hailstones or freezing fog. Cryonax cannot see through other materials, such as air, while inside a body of ice or snow (unless he is at its very edge).

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces Cryonax climbs must be icy. In addition, Cryonax can move normally on all icy surfaces. This ability is always in effect.

Primal Energy (Su): Cryonax’s cold-based damage ignores Cold Resistance. Creatures with cold immunity take half damage. Creatures vulnerable to cold take double damage instead of 50% more damage.

Quasi-Deity Traits: Immune to form-altering effects, polymorph, petrification, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, and mind-affecting effects. Cryonax is immortal and has divine rank 0.

Rebuke Creatures (Su): Cryonax can rebuke or command creatures with cold subtype as a 48th-level cleric 11/day.
The rebuked creature gains a turn resistance equal to its Charisma bonus (if any).

Skills: Cryonax gains a +10 competence bonus on all his skill checks.
Optional Rule: As a native of the Inner Planes, Cryonax can use a Knowledge (Planes) check for any subject directly related to the Inner, Transient, or Outer Planes, such as monsters, deities/powers, geography, etc., even if these subjects would normally require a different type of Knowledge check. (for instance, he can use a Knowledge: Planes check for the monster lore of monsters native, but not indigenous to the planes, such as frost giants, white dragons, icegaunts, and winter wolves, even though such monsters normally require a different knowledge check. He can also use a Knowledge: Planes check to learn/know about deities of the Outer, Inner, and Transient Planes.) He must still make the proper knowledge check if he wishes to learn about Prime subjects (e.g. Prime-native royal families, monsters&animals not normally found on the planes, deities with divine realms on the Prime, Prime history, Prime locations, etc.)

Spell Like Abilities:
Caster Level 48th; Save DCs are Charisma-based.
Always Active: Comprehend Languages, Detect Evil, Detect Good, See Invisibility
At Will: Chill Metal (DC 19), Chill Touch (+44 melee touch; DC 18), Cone of Cold (DC 24), Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport (self + Frigidora only), Ice Storm (DC 21), Read Magic, Sleet Storm, Suggestion (DC 21), Wall of Ice
3x/day: Control Weather, Obedient Avalanche (DC 28) (Frostburn/Spell Compendium spell), Polar Ray (+44 ranged touch), quickened Wall of Ice, Telekinesis (DC 23), Tongues
1x/day: Empowered Polar Ray (+44 ranged touch)
If the continually active effects are dispelled, Cryonax can reactivate them as a free action.

Note: If you have Dragon Magazine 347, replace Chill Metal with Cold of the Grave (+44 ranged touch, DC 19) Cleric devotees of Cryonax also acquire this spell as their 2nd level Cold Domain spell instead of Chill Metal.

Summon Creatures (Sp): Cryonax can summon up to a number of creatures native to the Plane of Ice (usually ice paraelementals, frost giants, yeti, or white dragons) 1/day, so long the total HD of summoned creatures do not exceed 48.
No single summoned creature may be of more than 25 HD. This is equivalent to a 9th-level spell.

Though Cryonax and the other Archomentals are of only Divine Rank 0, it is likely they still possess god-like control over their dominions (though unlike true deities, the Archomentals' realms only include the actual stronghold itself and a few feet surrounding it, and they cannot prevent anyone from finding said stronghold *they can prevent anyone from entering it, however*) Though they cannot utilize most of the powers over their realm as listed in Deities and Demigods, they can (at will) make use of the following abilities:
--Prevent intruders/unauthorized beings from entering their stronghold (it's up to the DM how to do this; for Cryonax I have his Chisled Estate surrounded by a huge moat of living coldfire *see Frostburn for details on coldfire* that functions basically as a Colossal ooze of sorts.
--Utilize any of the effects of the Guards&Wards wizard spell
(the effects may vary slightly depending on the Archomental)

--If you have the Book of Vile Darkness, a character exposed to 30 points of cold damage or more by Cryonax could develop Frigid Ravaging.

--You could equip Cryonax with magic items if you want to make him a tad more powerful. Using similar guidelines as found in Draconomicon, Cryonax should be able to equip the following items:
--One helmet, hat, phylactery, circlet, etc.
--One amulet, necklace, brooch, periapt, etc.
--A cloak or cape
--One pair of bracers, bracelets, or vambraces
--One pair of gauntlets or gloves (normally such items would be banned to creatures with tentacles, but because Cryonax's branch off, they function similarly to hands)
--Two rings
--A belt
--A pair of boots or shoes
As an elemental, he is also proficient with all simple weapons, and should also be proficient with his favored weapon (heavy pick), though equipping him with such things is rather pointless since his natural attacks will inflict more damage.
He is not proficient with armor or shields.
Bear in mind that an item will either need to possess a cold-based quality (frost, cold resistance, etc.) or be made out of some form of eternal ice (such as blue ice), or else it is likely to be destroyed by constant exposure to Cryonax's cold body.

The Frostburn description of this spell wasn't complete as it only went by the rules of Detect Evil-- meaning that mundane sources of heat would not be detected. Those rules are below.
Faint: warm-blooded creature (regardless of HD), candle, torch, brazier, tiny amounts of boiling water or moderate amounts of scalding steam
Moderate: Forestfire smaller than 1 acre, non-magical wall of fire, medium amounts of boiling water or scalding water, massive amounts of scalding steam
Strong: Forestfire larger than 1 acre (Detect Fire can pick up a wildfire up to 200 feet away) that does not crown (i.e. the flames only travel along the ground-- they are no more than knee-high and do not climb combustible objects), pool of lava less than 20 ft. wide and 10 ft. deep (when dealing with prime phenomena, be sure to keep the depth of a fissure in mind), large amounts of boiling or scalding water (like-- entire boiling lakes)
Overwhelming: Forestfire larger than 1 acre that crowns and/or produces a firestorm, pool of lava 20ft wide and 10 ft. deep or more, huge amounts of boiling water (like-- the amount under Yellowstone)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Herald and Frigidarch

These two I need a lot of help with. I need to know if these three are balanced, and if their challenge rating is about correct.
Working all the kinks out of Frigidora and the Frigidarch are a work in progress, and they're not the final versions.

FRIGIDORA (Cryonax's Herald)
2nd Level Fighter, 4th Level Favored Soul, 5th level Cold Herald
Huge Outsider (Cold)
Hit Dice: 21d8+252 HD plus 2d10+24 HD plus 4d8+48HD plus 5d8+60 HD (600 HP) (32 total HD)
Initiative: 17 (+13 dex, + 4 improved initiative)
Speed: 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 41 (-2 Size, +13 Dex, +20 Natural) Touch: 21, Flat-Footed: 28
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+48
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Attack: Slam +50 melee (3d6+18/19-20x2 plus 1d6 cold)
Full attack: 2 Slams +50 melee (3d6+18/19-20x2 plus 1d6 cold)
Special Attacks: Chill, Frostbite, Spell-Like Abilities, Spells
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5/-, Darkvision 60 ft, Divine Tattoes, Heat Sense, Icewalking, Immunity to Cold, Outsider Traits, Plane Shift, Telepathy, SR 36, Vulnerability to Fire
Saves: Fort 28, Ref 31, Will 25
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 36, Con 32, Int 22, Wis 24, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +34, Concentration +37, Diplomacy +30, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +15, Intimidate 46, Knowledge (Arcana) + 20, Knowledge (the Planes) +40, Knowledge (Psionics) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +40, Listen 56, Move Silently +20, Perform (Weapon Drill) +15 Sense Motive 52, Spellcraft +22, Spot 55, Tumble +20, Use Rope +6
Languages: Auran, Aquan, Draconic, Entropian, Giant, Vivacian
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge (B), Elemental Devotee, Flyby Attack, Improved Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative (B), Improved Critical (Slam), Improved Natural Attack (Slam), Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Heavy Pick), Weapon Focus (Slam)
Possessions: Helm of Unwavering Loyalty (see below), Holy Symbol of Cryonax
Favored Soul Spells Per Day: 6/6/6/4
Favored Soul Spells Known:
CL 7th
*Orisons: Create Ice (see new spells in this topic), Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance
*Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Good, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Fortify Cold Creatures, Shield of Faith
*Level 2: Eagle's Splendor, Owl's Wisdom, Protection from Desiccation (Sandstorm spell; if you don't have this supplement, it functions like other energy protection spells, except that it protects from Desiccation damage, which is caused by spells such as Horrid Wilting, attacks from Salt Quasielementals, and effects such as the damaging traits of Quasielemental Salt. Sandstorm lists this as a 3rd level spell, but I find it more appropriate to be 2nd level along with Protection from Positive/Negative energy.) Protection from Negative Energy
Level 3: Cure Serious Wounds, Protection from Energy, Wind Wall
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of ice
Organization: Outing (1d2 frost giants *either tundra scouts or maulers* and 2 huge ice paraelementals) or troops (6-12; 1 Frost giant mauler *Frostburn*, 1-2 frost giant tundra scouts *Frostburn*, 1-3 winter wolves, 1-2 huge paraelementals *Manual of the Planes*, 1-4 large paraelementals, and 1-2 abominable yeti *Frostburn*, none of which can be of more than 18HD. If you do not have the Frostburn supplement, then substitute the Maulers and Tundra Scouts with giants in a couple class levels of Barbarian and Ranger, respectively.)
Alignment: Always Lawful Evil
Treasure: Double standard
Challenge Rating: 28
Advancement: –
Level Adjustment: –

Description: Frigidora appears as a 17', somewhat muscular woman with a large frame, in warrior's regalia. Her skin is white as snow, while her hair, eyes, and lips are a pale blue. Her features are slightly more chisled and sharper than that of a full-blooded quorrashi, and her gaze is cold like ice. Unlike a full-blooded Qorrashi, she also, strangely, bears sharp fangs like those seen in outsider humanoids of the Lower Planes, but they are slightly translucent. Her fingernails are long (about half and inch long) and are completely transparent; they look as though they are made of ice. The only outward clues to her paraelemental lineage are her slightly elongated hands and the porcelain-like appearance of her skin.
Frigidora also bears elaborate blue tattoo marks up and down her arms from shoulder to the backs of her hands. One can also see the beginning of more tattoos on the part of her back not covered by armor. These tattoos are of Cryonax's holy symbols. Supposedly they grant her immunity to Cryonax's frigid aura, though their full purpose is unknown to anyone outside the Chisled Estate. Whatever the case may be, they impart a -4 penalty to disguise checks for Frigidora.
Personality: Cold, unemotional, and unspeakably cruel. She usually bears a cold scowl, and sometimes displays anger, but is slow to wrath. She shows no hint of compassion towards anyone save those of Cryonax's minions who reared her, Cryonax himself, and a few of the servants.

Personality: Cold, unemotional, and unspeakably cruel. She usually bears a cold scowl, and sometimes displays anger, but is slow to wrath. She shows no hint of compassion towards anyone save those of Cryonax's minions who reared her, Cryonax himself, and a few of the servants. She has been known to toy with enemies of Cryonax before killing them.

History: Frigidora was born of a Qorrashi mother and an Ice Paraelemental father. Because of her appearance and obvious lineage, she was left in the wilderness of the Paraelemental Plane to die as a baby. There she was found by Cryonax's minions, who, recognizing her as a cross-breed, brought her to the Bleak Monarch. There she was raised and groomed to be a warrior and servant of the Frozen Lord. Because of her elemental lineage, she was forever tainted by Cryonax's presence, changing her alignment from Lawful Neutral to Lawful Evil. As she neared adulthood, she quickly rose in the ranks until she became a general. Today she fills the role of Cryonax's herald, and is fiercely loyal to he who granted her life. Though not high in clerical rank, Frigidora is also a fanatical devotee, viewing Cryonax her savior and god. She strongly believes in Cryonax's ultimate goal to conquer the Multiverse, believing that he will establish a "living heaven" free from fire, magma, smoke, or heat.
She frequently runs missions of conquest against independent outposts, acquiring new territory, recruits, and subjects for Cryonax's experiments, and sometimes runs missions of diplomacy. Because Cryonax considers her to be one of his most precious treasures (likened to a natural gem vs. a manufactured, magically created, or lab-created gem; in fact, he sometimes refers to her as his 'flawless jewel'), he won't allow her to leave the estate without armed escorts (usually frost giants, paraelementals, and winter wolves), nor will he send or permit her to engage in risky missions (this includes any dealings with Albrathanilar, or dealing with entropes, and dealing, diplomaticly or in combat with beings more powerful than she; separate, more expendable generals specialize in these areas.) For the time being, she, Cryonax, the other generals, and the devotees have generally left the Qorrashi alone, and the Qorrashi, likewise, want nothing to do with Cryonax. However, Frigidora has always yearned for the day when Cryonax authorizes her to take action against the Qorrashi as a whole, for she desperately lusts for revenge against the people who left her to die, and wishes to slay her own mother personally. Rumor has it Cryonax may soon grant her this wish...
Because of her lineage, alignment, and association with Cryonax, Frigidora is an outcast among the Qorrashi.
For some reason, a lot of clueless brings, after hearing about Cryonax and Frigidora, assume, for some reason, that they are lovers. Despite rumors that Frigidora does indeed harbor "vile" or "blasphemous" affections towards Cryonax, such a relationship is extremely unlikely, if nothing else due to Cryonax's cold personality (an unemotional, logic-leaning being such as Cryonax would have little use for such diversions)

Frigidora's natural weapons, as well as any weapons she wields, are treated as lawfully and evil-aligned for overcoming Damage Reduction. She possesses many of the powers from both her parents.

Cryonax's herald uses two methods of combat depending on the perceived toughness of her opponents. She is somewhat vain, and considers battles lacking opponents of at least 20HD to be below her, and thus will send her cohorts to deal with them. If a 20HD or greater opponent is within the group, she will usually fight it herself. In which case she'll usually open combat by softening the opponent with her spell-like abilities. At that point she'll often use feints to trick her opponents into making attacks of opportunity, and finish them off with other combat tactics. If she decides to cast a spell or use a spell like ability, she will order or motion her cohorts (if the order is verbal, it is usually coded) to keep her opponents occupied until she executes the power. She is not above fleeing if the battle turns sour, and if reduced to 0 HP, her cohorts (if still alive) will grab her and attempt to flee.

Channel Primal Energy (Su): As a 5th level Elemental Herald, Frigidora has the ability to channel her master's Primal Energy power to a limited degree. All spell-like abilities and spells with the Cold descriptor now function as though Frigidora had the Primal Energy supernatural ability (bypass cold resistance, half damage to creatures immune to cold, double damage to creatures vulnerable to cold; spell level and spell-like ability slot is unchanged). Unlike Primal Energy, Frigidora's physical attacks and other cold-based supernatural abilities are not under this effect.

Chill (Ex): In addition to normal slam damage, Frigidora's attacks also inflict 1d6 cold damage.

Chill Metal (Su): Frigidora can use the ice paraelemental's chill metal power; it functions just like the druid spell of the same name, except that it affects every metal object within 15 feet that fails a DC 33 Will save (as per the spell, nonmagical items get no save). The effect remains until Frigidora takes a standard action to end it. The save DC is charisma-based.

Divine Tattoos (Su): Frigidora's arms, the backs of her hands, and her back are covered in elaborate blue tattooing of Cryonax's holy symbols and phrases. The tattoos impart upon her an immunity to Cryonax's cold aura, and possibly other powers as well as decided by the DM. These powers should focus on role-playing rather than battle enhancement, and in general, they should benefit Cryonax far more than Frigidora, while stripping Frigidora of her privacy. Several recommendations are given below.
--Allows Frigidora and Cryonax to come into direct contact (touch) one another without harm coming to Frigidora.
--Rary's telepathic bond between Cryonax and Frigidora, to any distance so long as both are on the same plane.
--Allows Cryonax to spy upon Frigidora wherever she is. (A very likely power since Cryonax considers members of his "collection" to be most beautiful when serving him in military duty, or even killing). This can take two forms-- Cryonax can either view her as if scrying upon her, or he can see through her eyes.
--Locate Creature, at will (to Frigidora, only) (unlike the spell, nothing short of a dead magic zone or antimagic field can block this ability.)
--Locate Creature, at will (to Cryonax, only) (unlike the spell, running water and other obstacles do not block this ability, though Cryonax can temporarily suspend it at will, if he so chooses. Also, lead and other substances more dense than lead *such as quicksilver* block it. It can also be blocked by certain types of fire and magma.)
--As though Cryonax has cast a Status spell, but to any range (so long as both are on the same plane), and it only works on Frigidora.
--Allows Cryonax to teleport Frigidora to his Estate if her HP get too low, or if he just plain wants to (requires the above ability as well)
--Teleport Without Error to Frigidora's location, at any distance (so long as both are on the same plane.)
--Allows Frigidora to ignore Cryonax's Spell Resistance when casting spells upon him (Cryonax knows Frigidora to be completely loyal, so he need not fear betrayal from her)
--Allows Frigidora to cast touch-range spells on Cryonax at up to 50' range.
--Dominate Monster on Frigidora, at will, to any distance so long as both are on the same plane (while he has this power over her, he seldom, if ever, uses it. Note that since her Helm of Unwavering Loyalty is powered by Cryonax's quasi-divine energy, he can easily bypass it to use mind-affecting effects on her.)
--Share skills-- Cryonax adds Frigidora's Knowledge skills and Spellcraft skill ranks (but not ability modifiers) to his list of skills. He cannot, however, gain access to any of Frigidora's skills that use any ability modifier other than INT. The ranks do not stack; only use Frigidora's skill ranks if they are higher than Cryonax's.
--Allows Frigidora to channel Cryonax's primal energy power into one of her cold attacks or spell-like abilities 3x per day

Frostbite (Ex): A creature that sustains any cold damage from Frigidora's melee attacks must make a DC 37 Fortitude save or suffer Frostbite. This condition causes afflicted creatures to become Fatigued (cannot run or charge, -2 penalty to Str and Dex) These penalties end when the damage is healed by any means. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Half Paraelemental Traits: As a half-elemental, Frigidora has a +4 racial bonus for Fortitude saves against poison, petrification, and stunning, and a +4 racial bonus to Will saves against sleep. In addition, there is a 25% chance that she can shrug off a confirmed critical hit or sneak attack.

Heat Sense (Su): Frigidora can automatically sense heat sources within 60 feet (as per Detect Evil spell), as the spell Detect Fire (Frostburn spell, but you don't need the book in order to utilize it as a spell-like or supernatural ability).
She senses only the presence or absence of heat, but if she chooses to use a standard action to concentrate on this ability, she can establish the number and location of heat auras and the strength of each in the second and third rounds of concentration.
Invisible creatures can be pinpointed by this ability, but still have total concealment.
This ability cannot be used to determine the strength/HD of a warm-blooded creature, since such beings are not associated with elemental fire.
Ice Paraelementals can use this ability to pinpoint sources of heat within 20 feet as an extraordinary ability if supernatural powers are somehow blocked. On the second round of concentration, they can determine whether or not the source of heat is dangerous to them, but cannot use the Extraordinary Ability to determine the actual power.
For details on how to use the Detect Fire rule on mundane sources of heat, see the rules at the end of this post.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell but applies to all icy surfaces. She can move normally on any icy surface.

Icy Imprisonment (Sp): As Cryonax's Herald, Frigidora has the ability to use a power called "Icy Imprisonment" on bound or helpless victims. This ability functions as the 9th level spell Imprisonment, except that it entombs the subject inside ice, and can be used to entomb them in walls or large ice boulders. Frigidora only uses this power in specialized chambers of the Chisled Estate while performing a special ritual.

Outsider Traits: A Frigidora cannot be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected (though a limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore life). She has darkvision out to 60 feet and is immune to disease.

Plane Shift (Sp): Like other genies, Frigidora can enter any of the elemental planes, the Ethereal Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability transports her and up to six other creatures, provided they all link hands with her. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name.

Rebuke Creatures (Su): As an Elemental Herald, Frigidora has the ability to rebuke Cold Creatures 8x/day. Frigidora rebukes such creatures as a Cleric of the same level as her monstrous plus herald HD (i.e. as a 26th level cleric)

Spell-Like Abilities (Su):
At will—resist energy *becomes endure elements when on a prime world*, obscuring snow (self only);
3/day—cone of cold (DC 21), ice storm;
1/day— chill touch (DC 17), control weather (wind or snow/ice/cold effects only), obedient avalanche (DC25), persistent image (DC 21), polar ray (DC 24), sleet storm, wall of ice, wind walk.
Caster level 39th.

Spells (Su): Due to her class and Herald levels, Frigidora casts spells as a 7th level Favored Soul.

Summon Minions (Su): As Cryonax's herald, Frigidora has the ability to summon monstrous followers of her master. The monsters summoned cannot exceed Frigidora's HD. She typically summons ice paraelementals, frost giants, ice mephits, winter wolves, and ice paraelemental creatures.

Telepathy (Su): Frigidora can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Vile Presence (Su): Frigidora is more influential when interacting with people of the same faith. She gains a +5 bonus on Charisma when using any skill that treats Charisma as the key ability, but only when interacting with worshippers of Cryonax.
She gains one-half of this bonus (rounded down) when interacting with anybody who is within one step of Cryonax's alignment.

Helm of Unwavering Loyalty (Minor Artifact)
This blue ice open helm possesses a three-pronged, crystal-like visor with a crown-like appearance-- the middle prong points upward while the two side prongs point at a 45 degree angle.
Bestowed as a gift by Cryonax and powered by his own quasi-divine energy, this helm makes Frigidora completely immune to all mind-affecting supernatural effects.

Large Elemental (Cold, Extraplanar)
HD: 14d8 + 96 (160HP)
Initiative: +13 ( 9 dex)
Speed: 50 ft
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+20
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 29, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 20
Fort: +12 Ref +17 Will +10
AC: 24 (-1 size, + 9 dex, +8 natural)
Attack: Tentacle +20 melee (1d6+11 plus 1d6 cold)
Full Attack: 6 tentacles +20 melee (1d6+11 plus 1d6 cold)
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Elementals
Special Qualities: All-Around Vision, Cold Aura, Damage Reduction 5/--, Elemental Traits, Fast Healing 5, Spell Resistance 20
Bluff +16, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +14, Jump +10, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Listen +13, Sense Motive +17, Search +10, Spot +16
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative (B), Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Ice Storm), Weapon Finesse, Whirlwind Attack (B)
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Organization: Company (1 lv 7 human clerical devotee, sorceror, or wizard + 1d4 small ice paraelementals) or troops (1 lv 7 human clerical devotee, sorceror, or wizard + 1d6 small ice paraelementals, 1 frost giant, 1d2 winter wolves, 1d2 yeti, and 1 very young white dragon)
Challenge Rating: 16
Advancement: 15-28HD (Large), 29-39HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: --
Frigidarchs, also known as "Frost Kings", are the most powerful Paraelementals second only to Cryonax himself. Only six are known to exist, (in fact, rumor has it in fact that these beings were created in Cryonax's laboratory) and they all serve as Cryonax's elite generals. They are shaped like broad, faceted pyramids about 6 feet high and 8 feet wide in diameter (fully advanced Frigidarchs are twice this size). They scuttle on 12 short, insect-like legs set around the underside of its body. Around the rim of its body are situated 6 icy tentacles. Atop its body is its mouthless head, ringed with gleaming eyes and a crown of icicles. Despite a lack of mouth, they can speak in several languages. When they do so, the coronet of icicles atop its head vibrate, and their voice has a highly resonating tone. Frigidarchs never leave Cryonax's palace without troops.
A Frigidarch's natural weapons are considered evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Because their arms are situated all around their body, they receive Whirlwind Attack as a racial bonus feat.
Frigidarchs usually begin battle by softening up their opponents with spell-like abilities, reserving their quickened Ice Storms to use for the purpose of disrupting the opponent's spellcasting. Since Frigidarchs on patrol or missions usually travel with a clerical devotee or arcane spellcaster (18th level), they usually command these beings (almost always humans, but sometimes an artificial ice genasi) to back them up with buffs if it intends to enter the fray itself. All the while, the Frigidarch quickly assesses its situation by sizing up its opponents. After doing all of the above, it sends its troops (minus the spellcaster) to deal with weaker opponents, entering melee combat only if a significantly stronger opponent can be found among the enemy group or the battle goes poorly. If the latter occurs, the Frigidarch will take one of two courses of action: it will either summon more troops, or order the spellcaster to back it up with buffs (if it has not already done so) and will then enter melee combat. The spellcaster will remain at the Frigidarch's side, but will try to avoid melee combat if possible. When DMing a Frigidarch, they should be depicted as battle geniuses, using whatever tactics will give them the greatest edge, and won't miss a single opportunity to do so.
All-Around Vision (Ex): The frigidarchs' symmetrically placed eyes allow them to look in any direction, bestowing a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks. Frigidarchs can't be flanked.
Cold Aura (Ex): Frigidarchs’ bodies generate intense cold, dealing 1d6 points of damage with their touch and to those within 10 feet of its body. Creatures attacking a frigidarch unarmed or with natural weapons take cold damage each time their attacks hit.
Elemental Traits: Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning; not subject to critical hits or flanking.
Fast Healing (Ex): A frigidarch heals only if it is touching a piece of ice of at least Medium-size or if the ambient temperature is freezing or below (basically guaranteed on its native plane)
Fracture Ice (Ex): Frigidarchs have the uncanny ability to fracture ice by slashing it with their tentacles. Such fractures are never more than 10 feet long or one foot deep, but this is usually more than enough to fracture the patch of ice a character may be standing on. When this occurs, the character must make a DC 24 Reflex save or be knocked prone. The DC is Strength-based.
Spell-Like Abilities (Su):
CL 14th
3/day: Chill Metal (DC 17), Cone of Cold (DC 21), Quickened Ice Storm
1/week: Control Weather (only to make area colder)
Summon Elemental (Su): Three times per day, a frigidarch can attempt to summon ice paraelementals or ice/cold element animals. The total HD of the summoned creatures cannot exceed 14, and no single creature can be of more than 7HD. This is equivalent to a 5th level spell.

Huge Elemental (Cold, Extraplanar)
HD: 39d8 + 312 (464-624HP)
Initiative: +13 ( 9 dex)
Speed: 50 ft
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+49
Str 32, Dex 29, Con 27, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 20
Fort: +17 Ref +25 Will +14
AC: 28 (-2 size, + 9 dex, +11 natural)
Attack: Tentacle +41 melee (1d8+13 plus 1d8 cold)
Full Attack: 6 tentacles +41 melee (1d8+13 plus 1d8 cold)
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Elementals
Special Qualities: All-Around Vision, Cold Aura, Damage Reduction 10/--, Elemental Traits, Fast Healing 5, Ice Glide, Spell Resistance 28
Skills: Bluff +40, Diplomacy +28, Intimidate +40, Jump +30, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +38, Sense Motive +39, Search +22, Spot +42
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative (B), Improved Sunder, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack (B)
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Organization: Company (1 lv 18 human clerical devotee, sorceror, or wizard + 1d4 medium ice paraelementals) or troops (1 lv 18 human clerical devotee, sorceror, or wizard + 1d6 medium ice paraelementals, 1 frost giant, 1d2 winter wolves, 1d2 yeti, and 1 juvenile white dragon)
Challenge Rating: 25
Advancement: --
Level Adjustment: --
Frigidarchs, also known as "Frost Kings", are the most powerful Paraelementals second only to Cryonax himself. Only six are known to exist, (in fact, rumor has it in fact that these beings were created in Cryonax's laboratory) and they all serve as Cryonax's elite generals. They are shaped like broad, faceted pyramids about 6 feet high and 8 feet wide in diameter (fully advanced Frigidarchs are twice this size). They scuttle on 12 short, insect-like legs set around the underside of its body. Around the rim of its body are situated 6 icy tentacles. Atop its body is its mouthless head, ringed with gleaming eyes and a crown of icicles. Despite a lack of mouth, they can speak in several languages. When they do so, the coronet of icicles atop its head vibrate, and their voice has a highly resonating tone. Frigidarchs never leave Cryonax's palace without troops.
A Frigidarch's natural weapons are considered evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Because their arms are situated all around their body, they receive Whirlwind Attack as a racial bonus feat.
All-Around Vision (Ex): The frigidarchs' symmetrically placed eyes allow them to look in any direction, bestowing a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks (these bonuses have already been calculated into its skills). Frigidarchs can't be flanked.
Cold Aura (Ex): Frigidarchs’ bodies generate intense cold, dealing 1d6 points of damage with their touch and to those within 10 feet of its body. Creatures attacking a frigidarch unarmed or with natural weapons take cold damage each time their attacks hit.
Elemental Traits: Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning; not subject to critical hits or flanking.
Fast Healing (Ex): A frigidarch heals only if it is touching a piece of ice of at least Medium-size or if the ambient temperature is freezing or below.
Fracture Ice (Ex): Frigidarchs have the uncanny ability to fracture ice by slashing it with their tentacles. Such fractures are never more than 10 feet long or one foot deep, but this is usually more than enough to fracture the patch of ice a character may be standing on. When this occurs, the character must make a DC 40 Reflex save or be knocked prone. The DC is Strength-based.
Freeze Water (Su): A frigidarch can freeze water by touch, affecting up to 100 square feet per round. The ice will be one inch thick for every round the frigidarch spends creating it, to a maximum of six inches thick.
Ice Glide (Ex): A Frigidarch can glide through ice, snow, or slush as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, and its passage does not create any ripples or other signs of its presence. A "move ice" spell cast on an area containing a burrowing Frigidarch flings it back 30 feet and leaves it dazed for 1 round unless it makes a DC 15 Will save.
Spell-Like Abilities (Su):
CL 39th
3/day: Chill Metal (DC 17), Cone of Cold (DC 21), Ice Storm
1/week: Control Weather (only to make area colder)
Summon Elemental (Su): Three times per day, a frigidarch can attempt to summon ice paraelementals (Manual of the Planes) or ice/cold element animals (Dragon 347 or Manual of the Planes). The total HD of the summoned creatures cannot exceed 39, and no single creature can be of more than 18HD. This is equivalent to a 9th level spell.

The Frostburn description of this spell wasn't complete as it only went by the rules of Detect Evil-- meaning that mundane sources of heat would not be detected. Those rules are below.
Faint: warm-blooded creature (regardless of HD), candle, torch, brazier, tiny amounts of boiling water or moderate amounts of scalding steam
Moderate: Forestfire smaller than 1 acre, non-magical wall of fire, medium amounts of boiling water or scalding water, massive amounts of scalding steam
Strong: Forestfire larger than 1 acre (Detect Fire can pick up a wildfire up to 200 feet away) that does not crown (i.e. the flames only travel along the ground-- they are no more than knee-high and do not climb combustible objects), pool of lava less than 20 ft. wide and 10 ft. deep (when dealing with prime phenomena, be sure to keep the depth of a fissure in mind), large amounts of boiling or scalding water (like-- entire boiling lakes)
Overwhelming: Forestfire larger than 1 acre that crowns and/or produces a firestorm, pool of lava 20ft wide and 10 ft. deep or more, huge amounts of boiling water (like-- the amount under Yellowstone)

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Hyena of Ice wrote:
--I intend to implement an alternative treasure table for this plane. Fact of the matter is, the treasure table in DMG, as well as the tables given in Draconomicon and Magic Item Compendium won't work on ice. For one thing, metals get too brittle in a cold environment. Wooden and plant-derived items are unlikely to be encountered at all. Many items will be made from Blue Ice (Frostburn) instead of precious metals. Opals as gems or treasure components are out because they crack when exposed to cold. Trade tables will also be implemented (precious metals won't be worth much on ice, but herbs, spices, and plant-derived medicines are likely to be worth much more than on many other planes).

A few comments about this specifically (I'll no doubt have other ideas, and I'll need to dredge my personal archive for Ice-related material).

Generating a special treasure and trade table implies that the Paraelemental Plane of Ice has its own functioning internal economy that is accessed not just by residents but by outside planewalkers as well (if the residents simply collect and use stuff not valued by outsiders you can save yourself some work and just generally reduce treasure values). Considering the inherently discontinuous nature of inner planar settlements and life for non-elementals (ie. isolated sanctuaries separated by impossibly vast expanses of impassable homogeneous stuff) it may be best to simply treat the specific import-/export needs of each given location separately, especially as they'll vary greatly by inhabitants and resident magic.

You'll have to decide whether or not the cold-induced brittleness of weapons affect enchanted weaponry in the same way it does 'normal' weapons, and how it affects adamantine weapons, which will be very common on the Inner planes, drawn from forges of the planes of Earth and Mineral (and needed to harm creatures that have undergone mineralization and acquired Underdark's Mineral warrior template, which is a quick and dirty way to make almost any monster survive a large number of inner planes).

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

""Generating a special treasure and trade table implies that the Paraelemental Plane of Ice has its own functioning internal economy that is accessed not just by residents but by outside planewalkers as well""
To some degree this is the case. We already know of Tiera Minuut, which serves mostly as a trade town and a rest-stop for adventurers before embarking into Ice. The Qorrashi are also likely to have towns and cities, and the glacier dwarves (Frostburn) mine and work with blue ice.

""(if the residents simply collect and use stuff not valued by outsiders you can save yourself some work and just generally reduce treasure values).""
Which I intend to do, as a lot of the stuff will just be mundane items made from ice or elaborate ice scuptures.

""Considering the inherently discontinuous nature of inner planar settlements and life for non-elementals (ie. isolated sanctuaries separated by impossibly vast expanses of impassable homogeneous stuff) it may be best to simply treat the specific import-/export needs of each given location separately, especially as they'll vary greatly by inhabitants and resident magic.""
I may do this to some degree. I mean, outside of actual towns (of which there are only going to be a few in Ice), you probably won't do any trading.

""You'll have to decide whether or not the cold-induced brittleness of weapons affect enchanted weaponry in the same way it does 'normal' weapons, and how it affects adamantine weapons, which will be very common on the Inner planes, drawn from forges of the planes of Earth and Mineral (and needed to harm creatures that have undergone mineralization and acquired Underdark's Mineral warrior template, which is a quick and dirty way to make almost any monster survive a large number of inner planes).""
Earth and Mineral are near the oppsite side of the Inner Planes, and yes, cold will reduce adamantine's hardness, though probably not enough to make it very brittle (the cold on Ice, using Frostburn rules, would give any metal item a -5 penalty to its break DC) Frostburn doesn't cover enchanted items, though if I were the DM I would probably give enchanted items a +2 save unless they were fire or heat-based. In which case it would depend on what ruleset the DM decides to use (IIRC, using Planescape 2E rules, a fire-based magic item on Ice would have to make some saves or at least temporarily lose its enchantment, or it just might not work at all since fire-based magic doesn't function on Ice)

I will have to make a post that expands on Frostburn's rules.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I have no idea how I'm going to flesh out the Qorrashi. All Frostburn gives for them is that they're Lawful Neutral and that they enjoy fighting more than the djinn do. It does mention they are distant relatives of the djinn though, so perhaps their nature/behavior will be somewhat similar.
Anyone have any ideas? I need some help here.
(I do have written out that they're really big on tradition, though)

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Earth and Mineral are near the oppsite side of the Inner Planes

Ah, but all Inner Planes are connected via the Ethereal, to all locations within them (unlike the Astral which just connects to the top layers of the Outer Planes). Considering that the Ethereal is (relatively) safe for travelers a lot of Inner Planar trade probably moves via that route, at least when it doesn't plane shift directly. This is particularly likely to apply to the 'solid' Inner Planes such as Ice, which would take tremendous effort to physically move through.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Ah, that's probably true. Nonetheless, adamantine won't be any cheaper on Ice than it would be on the Prime, in all likelihood. Plus higher quality blue ice is prettier (industrial blue ice is more of a drab grayish navy blue, but higher quality blue ice would be shinier and more of a peacock-blue.) Just going by prime trade, 1 lb of adamantine is worth 2,500gp, while 1 lb of blue ice is worth 400 gp (100gp less than platinum or mithril)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Quick Rundown of the Regions

Here is a quick rundown of the Geography and locations on Ice. For more detail, see "The Inner Planes accessory for Planescape 2E.

Inner Planar cosmology in 2E/Planescape, unlike in 3E, is coterminous. The Paraelemental Planes (such as ice) exist at the junction between two primary elemental planes. In the case of Ice, it exists at the junction between Water and Air. Like all primary elemental planes, all Paraelemental Planes are coterminous with the Negative and Positive planes, which means they share the borders with two negative quasiplanes and two positive quasiplanes.
Paraelemental Planes are further divided into seven regions-- one core region (located at the very center of the plane) and six border regions.
Here they are.

Core Ice: Located at the center of the region, Core Ice consists of one massive, spherical glacier. This place is pretty similar to Core Earth in that it contains numerous tunnels through it, which are in constant change due to plate (or glacial in this case) tectonics. Other conditions of Core Ice also mirror those of Earth, particularly concerning gravity and breathing. Core Ice is the second coldest region in the Paraelementalplane, ironically. There are a couple of locations here-- Bloodmire and some other place I don't recall the name of. Bloodmire is the site of a (literally) frozen bloodbath between frost giants, ice trolls, and snow trolls. The other site is a strange, manufactured cavity containing frozen, perfectly preserved creatures from across the multiverse. In addition, there are many, many Qorrashi genie settlements here, including entire towns and the Qorrashi lord's citadel. Legend has it that the citadel was once located on the Precipice, but when Cryonax started conquering the region with his amassed armies, the Qorrashi lord had the entire thing teleported somewhere into Core Ice to avoid a bloodbath. Glacier dwarf and frost giant settlements can also be found here. Core Ice is the second most heavily inhabited region, as the natives live in this region to avoid Cryonax.

The Precipice: Ironically considered to be the most hospitable region and the coldest region at the same time, the Precipice is the junction between Core Ice and Air. It is situated literally on top of Core Ice, and is covered in mountains and valleys of various sizes. Unlike on Prime Material planes, the air and climate on The Precipice gets warmer as the subject gains altitude, and colder at low elevations. Gravity varies depending on what part of the Precipice you are on. Within a few hundred feet of the highest mountains, gravity is directed towards Core Ice, meaning that it mimics the gravity of most Prime worlds. Once you reach a thousand feet or so beyond the highest mountain peaks of the Precipice, gravity becomes more random and mimics that of Elemental Air. Where this subjective gravity begins, one will notice chunks of ice floating above the Precipice. Some of these reach massive size, large enough to build a settlement on; these gargantuan masses of ice are known as "skybergs", and many are inhabited by Qorrashi. Unlike Core Ice, the whole of the Precipice is not pitch dark-- ambient pale whitish-blue light reaches here from the Boundless Blue (Elemental Air) above. , providing about as much light as a full moon.
The Precipice is where most of the action takes place. Cryonax lives here, the Mountain of Ultimate Winter is here, and presumably, Albrathanilar's lair is here somewhere. It's also the location of Ice's only known town, Tiera Minuut. If one is lucky, they may encounter some uncovered Qorrashi genie ruins, long abandoned by the race.

Sea of Frozen Lives: This is where Core Ice meets water. Here, Core Ice literally floats atop of the Elemental Plane of Water. It consists of very cold (hovering at around freezing) water with iceburgs and ice chunks littered throughout. There doesn't appear to be much going on here; it's probably about the third most hospitable region.

Fog of Unyielding Frost: This region meets at the junction between Core Ice and Quasielemental Steam. It consists of a vast expanse of frozen fog and very thick whiteout conditions. Not much action here, though it is the fourth most hospitable region.

Shimmering Drifts: This region meets at the junction between Core Ice and Quasielemental Lightning. This is likely to be the warmest region on Ice, but it's not very hospitable. Towards Core Ice you're likely to just get a lot of static charges, but as you get deeper, the snow and glaciers are likely to be electrically charged, and there will be lightning storms.

The Stinging Storm: This region meets at the junction between Core Ice and Quasielemental Salt. It consists of frozen blizzards of (mostly mundane) salt, with massive wind-carved rock formations of salt mixed with glacial ice towards Core Ice. This place is rather inhospitable, so not much goes on here.

The Freezing Void: This region meets at the junction between Core Ice and Quasielemental Vacuum. For the most part, it is identical to Vacuum except that there is some wind and it's really, really cold. This is the least hospitable region by far, and there are no locations.

Temperature: The temperature varies by region. Generally, the closer you get to Core Ice, the colder the region gets, although the plane is by far the coldest at the center of the Precipice. Temps where junction regions border with other planes generally start at -50 degrees fahrenheit (-45 degrees celsius). The two exceptions to this rule are the Sea of Frozen Lives region, where the borders between it and water are at a few degrees above freezing (possibly as high as 38-39 degrees fahrenheit/3 degrees celsius) and the Shimmering Drifts, where the borders between it and Quasielemental Lightning are likely to be above freezing and possibly reach temps of up to 40 degrees fahrenheit (around 4 degrees celsius). The temperature at the border between Core Ice and the Precipice, as well as the temperature in much of Core Ice, is close to (but not at) absolute zero. The coldest part of the Paraelemental plane is the Mountain of Ultimate Winter, with temperatures of absolute zero, also known as areas of 'true cold'. This is partially responsible for the horrific supernatural effects of the site (the freezing of emotions, ideas, and even fire). As a general rule, even most natives cannot survive long in areas of 'true cold'. The only known exceptions to this rule are the Immoth, and likely, Cryonax himself. The second coldest site is also at the border between Precipice and Core Ice; Cryonax's Chisled Estate, located at the center of The Precipice, standing at the bottom of a deep valley. It's not an area of 'true cold', but it's close enough that any native who isn't an immoth or Cryonax himself finds it extremely uncomfortable.
The warmest site on the Paraelemental plane is the floating town of Tiera Minuut, which thanks to magic, hovers at around or just above freezing, with some spots of the town hovering possibly as high as 45 degrees fahrenheit (7 degrees celsius).

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25

Once believed to be desolate with only ice mephits and ice paraelementals, the Paraelemental Plane of Ice is in fact one of the most populated of the para- or quasi-planes, outdone only by Quasielemental Mineral.
The Ecology varies greatly by region, and, while the Precipice and Core Ice are fairly well populated, the other regions are fairly desolate. Here is a rundown of the ecology by region.

Core Ice: The second most populated of the regions, Core Ice is where natives go to escape Cryonax's rule.
The fourth most common inhabitants here (after ice paraelementals, ice/cold element creatures *Manual of the Planes or Dragon 347*, and ice mephits) are Qorrashi Genies (Frostburn), with entire hidden towns and the Qorrashi lord's citadel being located here. They often come into conflict with the ice trolls (EN world Creature Catalogue converted monster) and snow trolls (EN world Creature Catalogue converted monster), which are the fifth and sixth most common inhabitants here. They get along even less with the frost giants here, who are more common in Core Ice than on the Precipice, as most don't like being bogged down by Cryonax's laws and mandates. All four races can be found throughout Core Ice, but are most prevalent towards the center of the region and near its borders with the Precipice. Ice Trolls, snow trolls, and frost giants all despise one another and are often at war. Naturally, domesticated winter wolves and worgs can be found with the frost giants. Another common inhabitant is the frost salamander (Monster Manual 2), and most of these are located in Core Ice at its borders with the Sea of Frozen Lives. Immoths (Monster Manual 2) are fairly common at the borders with the Precipice. Glacier dwarves (Frostburn) are also common throughout Core Ice, where they mine for blue ice (also Frostburn). In fact, Glacier dwarves are the most common humanoid race to be found on the paraelemental plane. Two more creatures that live near the borders of the Precipice are the snow weird (Frostburn) and the yeti (also Frostburn). Also present in Core Ice near the borders with the Sea of Frozen Lives are ice weirds (Frostburn) and white puddings (also Frostburn). Ice toads (Frostburn again) can be found throughout the region as well. Another creature that is rather common is the Ice Paraelementite Swarm (Planar Handbook and see below) Many white dragons also make their lairs in the mountains and caverns at the borders between the Precipice and Core Ice, and a few hundred chromium dragons (Dragon Magazine 356) make their lairs here as well.

The Precipice (surface): By far the most populous region, at first glance it appears to be a land of desolate, windswept mountains. However, spend long here, and you're bound to encounter its inhabitants. While most creatures found in Core Ice are also indigenous to the Precipice, many of them are less common to extremely rare. Why? Because they don't aknowledge Cryonax's rule, and unfortunately, he has conquered most of the Precipice now, though his influence over other regions is minimal at best (that is to say, Cryonax has only covered the surface of the Precipice and many of its mountains)
The most common inhabitant by far is the ice paraelemental. Just behind it is the ice or cold paraelemental creature (Manual of the Planes or Dragon Magazine 347). A distant third is the ice mephit. These three creatures can be found as solitary creatures, but more commonly, they form a commune of some sort, be it an outpost, a nomadic group, or even a small town, and they tend not to get along well with other creatures (however, an adventurer with decent ranks in diplomacy and a peace offering like say-- some pure element of water or air, might be able to befriend them, or at the very least become tolerated). Many of them serve Cryonax, and the likelihood of this increases the closer you get to the Chisled Estate (located at the very center of the Precipice). Also very common are ice paraelementite swarms (Planar Handbook and see below) Another common inhabitant is the winter wolf and the worg, which can be encountered either as wild packs or domesticated by the frost giants. Frost giants and their outposts can be found here, though nowhere near in the abundance that they can be found in Core Ice.
Qorrashi were once very common on the surface of the Precipice, but nearly all of them have long since fled into Core Ice or to the skybergs to escape Cryonax's mandates and the brutality of his armies.
Ice toads (Frostburn) can also be found throughout the Precipice, and they'll eat anything they can catch and swallow. White dragons also roam here; their lairs tend to be situated in natural caves in the mountains throughout this region. Since humanoids and normal animals are pretty rare on the Precipice, white dragons have developed a taste for remorhaz and frost worm. Frost giants have also developed a taste for them here, and due to the lack of other animals and magical beasts, are forced to make hide armor out of these creatures (frost giants on Ice usually wear hide or chitin armor). White Dragons are in direct competition with chromium dragons (Dragon 356), who are small in number, but usually get the upper hand on white dragons. Yeti (Frostburn) aren't uncommon in the mountain areas either, though they are known to hunt in the valleys as well. The yeti and very young white dragons tend to love the taste of hoarfox (EN world Creature Catalogue converted monster) and ice lizard (EN world Creature Catalogue converted monster). Snow weirds (Frostburn) can also be found here, as can the Chraal (Monster Manual III) and ice drakes (Draconomicon). Less common encounters include frost salamanders (Monster Manual II), ice monoliths (Dragon 347), and, in the mountains near the border with Core Ice can be found glacier dwarves (Frostburn). Immoth (Monster Manual 2) are extremely rare on the Precipice except on the Mountain of Ultimate Winter where they are common. That sums up all of the more common inhabitants of the Precipice. In addition, there are several very rare creatures in this region. These include icegaunts and entombed (both from Frostburn), the reanimated dead of medium-sized humanoids who died on the Paraelemental plane due to cold.
Though extremely rare, some Qorrashi genies are said to live in subterranean tunnels just a few yards below the surface. Such outposts are likely to house only small populations of Qorrashi, and the entrances are probably well-hidden both visually and nosomically by illusions.
Other humanoid species exist on Ice as well, though only in small numbers. They include ice gnomes (Frostburn) which tend to live in ice houses, igloos, or most commonly, natural or gnome-made caverns in the mountains towards the border with Air. Unlike glacier dwarves, ice gnomes lack a natural defense against the cold, so they tend not to be found too far into the plane except for the occasional excursion that includes a mage or two. They don't get along well with most of the inhabitants save the ice/cold element animals (Manual of the Planes or Dragon 347).
Humans are even rarer on Ice, but they do exist, usually in small, nomadic groups rather than permanent outposts. They tend to be found near the border with Air, as well.
Far rarer still are snow elves (Frostburn). Like ice gnomes, they lack a natural defense against cold, but they also don't enjoy living in caverns or tunnels, so those that do exist on the plane usually live in vallies located between mountains close to Air. Actually, snow elves are more common on the skybergs at the border between Air and the Precipice.
Though not natives, there are also two transient species which might be found here. One is the Mercane (Manual of the Planes), who trade with the natives primarily for eternal ice and blue ice. The other, rarer still, are crystal dragons (Monster Manual 2). They sometimes come to the Precipice, be it for curiosity, hunting, or some other reason, but rarely venture far into the plane. Silver dragons occasionally planeshift here, but generally don't stay long; usually when they do planeshift here, it is merely to visit Tiera Minuut in a humanoid form. The general lawlessness of the plane is a major turnoff to silver dragons (the same could be said for what all metallic dragons think of the elemental planes). The 2nd most common planewalking species found here aside from the Mercane are marzanna (aka winter hag) sorcerors (Frostburn again). Once in a long while a gelugon might travel to Ice.
While the Inner Planes accessory states that 'nilla polar bears and penguins can be found on the precipice, this statement should be ignored, as both require marine surface environments in order to survive (and Ice doesn't supply anything like that.) Another extremely rare visitor to ice are the Midgard Dwarves (Frostburn), natives to Ysgard.

The Precipice (Skybergs): Located just above the highest peaks of the Precipice's mountains are its skybergs, many of which are inhabited. Qorrashi genies are quite abundant on the skybergs floating above the mountains, and in fact, most sizable skybergs are inhabited by at least one small-time Qorrashi ruler. Other skybergs are dominated by the snow elves (Frostburn)

The Sea of Frozen Lives: The third most populated region of ice, this area holds a perilous hazard: the icebergs and ice chunks bobbing throughout. Near Core Ice they begin as a network of water-carved tunnels, but the closer to Water one gets, the more they break up into icebergs, and finally, small chunks of ice. Where they begin to break up, one runs the risk of being smashed between two or more icy masses.
Most Ice Weirds (Frostburn) call this place home, along with many aquatic ice/cold-element creatures. In fact, these paraelemental animals (Manual of the Planes or Dragon 347) are the most populous denizen of the region. Ice Paraelementals are also found here, though most stick close to Core Ice since few can swim. Marid (Manual of the Planes) sometimes come here to hunt, and Topaz Dragons (Monster Manual 2) are also native here. Tojanida and Water Grues are found here as well. A few Immoth (Monster Manual 2) can be found here, though most find it too warm and prefer the frigid climes of Core Ice and the Mountain of Ultimate Winter. Once in awhile nereids (Stormwrack) travel here, though most find it much too cold here. Water Elementals, water elemental creatures (Manual of the Planes), water mephits, water gen (Dragon Magazine 315), and water elementite swarms (Planar Handbook) can be found near the borders with Water; they don't venture far into the region for fear of being frozen.

The Shimmering Drifts: Not too many creatures can tolerate this plane. In fact, only those with elemental-protection magic can. I don't believe there are any creatures indigenous to this region. However, excursions of natives from Ice, with the aid of spellcasting races and/or magic items, often lead adventuring parties into the Shimmering Drifts in order to mine something called "Bright Ice". Bright Ice is a type of ice that glows, and looks beautiful if cut as a gem; only problem is that it forever loses its glow if it melts. Mephit and glacier dwarf spell artisians can take a small amount of eternal ice and (via some racial variant of the "shape ice" spell) cover the brightice in a thin coating of the substance, making such gems durable and melt-proof. Such gems tend to be worth every bit as much as the best quality diamonds, and come in a variety of colors (with yellow and green being the most common and the cheapest. Browns and greys are also common, but rarely made into gems. The next most expensive category include the colorless/white and blue varieties, with red being the most expensive and extremely rare.) Once in a long while these gems even end up in the great bazaars on Sigil.

I'll finish the other regions later.


Tiny Outsider (Extraplanar, Cold)
HD: 1d8+1 (4HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 dex, +1 natural) touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1, -9
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d2 +1 cold)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Cold
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., paraelemental endurance, fetch spells, cold immunity, paraelemental travel, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +4, Escape Artist +5, Hide +12, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6
Feats: Combat Casting (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often lawful neutral
Advancement: 2-3HD (Tiny); 4-6HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: --
"This creature resembles a white-skinned humanoid with hair like billowing snow."
Ice Gens are found throughout the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. They are thought to be related to Qorrashi, and are often found within Qorrashi cities and towns, though the vast majority are believed to be solitary and nomadic. Ice Gens speak Common and Glacian (auran/aquan creole)
Like snowrats and ice mephits, ice gen are frequent targets of predators.
Ice Gens avoid combat when possible. If they must fight, they slam opponents with their fists.
Cold (Ex): An ice gen's frost-covered body deals 1 point of extra damage whenever it deals a successful hit in melee, or in each round that it maintains a hold while grappling.
(I am not describing the other special abilities for copyright reasons; Ice Gen is adapted from the Fire Gen found in Dragon Magazine 315. Its Elemental Endurance and Elemental Travel abilitys sounds rather loopy, and its other abilities are relevant only to Sha'ir)

Ice Paraelementite swarms have the exact same stats as fire elementite swarms, except as noted below:
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Full Attack: Swarm (2d6 plus 2d6 cold)
Special Attacks: distraction, chill metal, heat leech
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, immunity to cold, swarm traits, vulnerability to fire
Feats: Ability Focus (Chill Metal), Ability Focus (distraction), Improved Initiative
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary, frost (2–4 swarms), or ice slick (7–12 swarms)
"A shimmering coating of frost sweeps purposefully towards you."
If an ice paraelementite swarm is examined closely, individual, snowflake-like ice paraelementals can be discerned within it, each acting as a member of the group.
Ice paraelementite swarms enjoy freezing things. Even though they’re more curious than malicious, their limited intelligence usually prevents them from understanding attempts at communication made by living targets.
Chill Metal (Ex): Ice Paraelementites will attempt to coat any creature in the same area. Such creatures are affected as by a druid's chill metal spell. As with the spell, it takes 3 rounds for affected metal to reach the freezing stage. Once it does, it remains in that stage until the swarm is either destroyed or removed from the creature.
Heat Leech (Ex): As Ice Paraelementites swarm over a creature or an area, they put out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origins if these are of Large size or smaller. Heated objects of the same size range such as hot coals become black and cold to the touch. A swarm can dispel magical fire and heat it touches as if by dispel magic (caster level 6th).

(the following monster was adapted from the Vapor Rat in Denizens of the Inner Planes)
Tiny Magical Beast (Cold, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 15 ft., burrow 5 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) touch 14, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-11
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d3 -4)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d3 -4)
Space/Reach: 2 and 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, low-light vision, obscuring snow, scent, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills: Hide +14, Move Silently +8, Survival +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary or Swarm (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 2-3 (Tiny)
Level Adjustment: --
"You see something akin to an ordinary albino rat, except that its fur looks like billowing snow."
Snow rats are nearly as common as ice mephits thoughout the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. They feed upon snow mites and other diminuitive vermin as well as carrion and similar refuse. They are frequently preyed upon by hoarfoxes, ice lizards, very young white dragons, and sometimes even ice and snow trolls.
Snow rats prefer not to fight anything bigger than themselves, and when faced with such creatures, almost always run and hide. They will not fight unless handled, and will flee immediately upon release.
Obscuring Snow (Sp): At will, as a standard action, a snow rat can surround itself in obscuring snow, as the 2nd-level spell of the same name (see Frostburn for details)
Skills: Snow rats have a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks.
A snow rat may be selected as a familiar with Improved Familiar or Planar Familiar feat. The master must be of at least caster level 5th and has 5 ranks in Knowledge (the planes) skill.


Frost Mites: These diminutive creatures are transparent and about half a centimeter across. They are vermin who feed on the bodyheat of yeti, trolls, and even white dragons (slipping in between their scales to feed) Frost mites generally aren't dangerous to adventurers, though they can be distracting. They are most commonly encountered embedded in the fur or scales of warm-blooded creatures and in their bedding.
In many areas, frost mites form the beginning of the food chain.

Snowmites: These diminutive creatures are of a mottled white and pale blue, and measure about 1 inch across. They are the natural predators of frost mites, thus usually found in the same environments on cavern walls and ceilings (camouflaged, of course). They aren't dangerous to humans though they can inflict a painful bite if handled inappropriately (e.g. carrying in a closed hand, holding between two fingers, or becoming trapped between bodyparts such as the arm and side)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I am not really going to address the mechanics because quite frankly, I don't have a head for 3.x monster mechanics. I hate CR, I hate 3.x monsters and how some of them have abilities that don't feel like they fit within the CR. I find the whole CR system despicably counter-intuitive and I don't want to devote the effort to learning it. It's more work than I want to put into a game and I don't find it as enjoyable as writing fluff or developing in 4e. That's just me, your mileage can (and obviously does) vary Smiling

Anyway, it's been about a year since I've read the Inner Planes. Going to have to fix this sometime soon. My main question, though, is how much of the information here is your own work, and how much is just summarized from other sources? I have only skimmed Frostburn, and this was years ago, so I am not really familiar with its details. I also am not sure what in your geography section is new material. A lot of the ecology section also seems common sense to me. We have an extreme cold setting, so including most/all creatures found in extreme cold climates seems very obvious. Overall, your approach feels very textbook. While I do believe there's some use in putting all the "cold" stuff in one place for easy reference, I am not sure what your post is accomplishing beyond that.

Here are a few specific critiques and ideas. I'll follow them with broader thoughts on the piece as a whole.

Core Ice consists of one massive, circular glacier.

- I think it would be more appropriate to say "spherical glacier." To my mind, "circular" means it's a big circle I can walk on top of. I do remember that the main part people walk "on top of" is the border with Air, and Ice itself is more or less a solid chunk (probably with subjective gravity).

- Also, you mention Core Ice is only the second coldest area. I think it'll help to specifically say what the coldest area is in the section of Core Ice so the comparison is easily recognized.

- I'm loath to agree that Tiera Minuut is (or should be) the only town on the entire plane (or even just Precipice). I'd agree on "most prominent" or "largest," but making it the only town doesn't sit well with me, especially if there is a genie race native to Ice, and other races living throughout. I'll cover the whys of this in my more general comments. Suffice to say, having one town really conflicts with everything else in your writeup.

- I think genasi should be mentioned in your ecology section. They are an important part of the Inner Planes, and several types of genasi (ice, air, vacuum, possibly water and steam) would find Ice agreeable if not comfortable.

- If qorrashi are LN, I don't know how that can really be reconciled with djinni (CG) or marids (CN). Qorrashi thus stand at the opposite end of the ethical spectrum, so they probably don't share much with the two neighboring genies at all.

- On a related note, I think it would be safe to put some djinni at the Precipice and some marids at the Frozen Sea. It would add a nice little bit of conflict to the genie business if the qorrashi resent djinni and/or marid incursions onto their territory.

Here are my more general comments.

I think the biggest thing that would help your narrative is realizing the size of the place you're dealing with. Ice, like all planes, is a huge place. The common consensus is that the planes are infinite, and each of the 6 or 7 major regions (the core, and the border areas) are all infinite in their own right. Even if they're not truly infinite, it is safe to say that each region is continent size at the smallest, but much more likely to be planet-sized. Thus, Core Ice would be a planet-sized ball of pure ice, riddled with tunnels and caverns. Some of the caverns would be as large as some countries -- or even as large as continents. Ultimately, the point is that I think you need to think bigger than what you have.

Or perhaps this is what you're relying on me to do Eye-wink

With such a large (near infinte) plane, life is going to be varied and vast, even within a single major region -- look at how varied European culture/ecology is from country to country, or even American culture/ecology based on what region you're in, and these are just continents. Thus, you should be able to imagine how much society, culture, and ecology vary in the plane as a whole, and within each of the 7 regions.

The only plane that doesn't have a reasonable amount of civilization is Vacuum, and people manage to find a way to survive there. Ice has a large number of indigenous creatures, as well as creatures from other planes. Not every corner of the plane is going to be populated, but when you have sentient races ranging from genies to frost dwarves to ice gnomes to frost giants trading with mercanes, there are going to be dozens, if not hundreds of different cultures and communities in cooperation and conflict. Tiera Minuut could be the primary trading center on Ice (or the Precipice -- I'm sure the genies have trading centers, too), but it shouldn't be the only one. Life finds a way to survive everywhere. I am not saying you have to define every last aspect of the plane. However, I think it'd really help you to keep the scope of the plane in mind. This is a sodding huge plane, one that we couldn't definitively and authoritatively define every aspect of.

As a side thought, elemental pockets and vortexes run throughout the Inner Planes. It would be worthwhile to consider where certain pockets/vortexes are and how they affect the plane (both physically and its inhabitants) nearby. For example, A mineral or earth pocket full of iron or silver or gems would probably be a major point of contention between rival qorrashi or something.

The final thing that I think would help your project here is stepping beyond the books. The Guide to the Inner Planes provides a skeleton. Books like Frostburn give a few extra bones to that skeleton. However, I am seeing less in the way of fleshing out and more putting that skeleton together. Let yourself separate from the books and create things without worrying about stats, mechanics, and numbers. From some of your work, I feel like stats and mechanics are being thrown around just to have stats and mechanics, but these things feel empty without developed concepts behind them. The beauty of Planescape (and some might say D&D) is the ability to build without needing everything put down in numbers. Furthermore, Planescape (including the Inner Planes) is crawling (sometimes literally) with places, sights, and things that just can't be explained, especially not with mechanics. So I'd suggest breaking away from mechanics for a while, leaving the printed materials on the bookshelf, and coming up with things that are fully new ideas.

For an example, check out my Rimefire Glade article. It would probably be on the Precipice somewhere, close to the Shimmering Drafts or the Frozen Fog.

I hope this helps. If I think of any locations or designs to help flesh out the plane, I'll write them up. I already have thoughts for other regions (especially Core Ice), but I need time to compose them.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

A key thing to remember in factoring the ecology of Paraelemental Ice: there's no plant life.

Ice is one of the 'dark' Inner Planes, meaning it has no light sources that are not artificially produced. This means there is not a native energy source present and no natural base for the food chain (also unlike Smoke or Ooze, Ice is a non-reactive substrate so you can't have a chemosynthetic basis for the food chain either).

This is very important when you start talking about the abundance of creatures like Ice Trolls, Ice Toads, Yeti, and so forth. Any area they occupy must have a food source they can rely on or they will rapidly starve to death.

This rule does not apply to elemental creatures that do not require sustenance, undead (likewise) or beings that can survive by consumption of Ice such as White Dragons.

The PSMCIII mentions no native animals to Ice other than small (and apparently cold-resistant) insects using the ice as if it were soil and feeding on the detritus within it, but this seems unlikely to be the basis for a food chain of any consequence.

The other key factor about Ice is that it is a 'Solid' Inner Plane. The overwhelming majority of the territory will be solid Ice, accessible only to creatures such as elementals and mephits and genies that can phase through it freely (this is particularly important in regard to elemental settlements, which can exist freely within the 'solid' backdrop of the plane, and yet be completely inaccessible to outsiders). Everything else will be stuffed into pockets, cleared areas, and whatever cracks and cavern systems have emerged. This may still be a huge area, but it will be dwarfed by the rest.

To use a back of the envelop example: if you take the Earth's Biosphere (a roughly 100 kilometer ring above the crust), and compare it to the volume of the rest of the planet, you're talking about 4.5% of the volume.

So, for most of the Plane (the Precipice Freezing Void and See of Frozen Drafts are not solid), everything that anyone not an elemental has much access to is happening in that 4.5%.

Now, that 4.5% is going to still be huge. Just as example, it's likely to be composed of many elemental pockets, and an elemental pocket can be up to 10,000 miles across (okay, that's only 1 in 6400 pockets, but 1 in 8 will be at least 100 miles in diameter). Still, they will be massively isolated, since they are likely to be surrounded by many times their diameter of solid, difficult to penetrate Ice.

Elemental guides can twist the tyranny of distance that isolates the many scattered settlements of planes like Ice, as can translocation magic. Standing Portals or teleportation circles are likely to be very important tools linking allied settlements that desire any sort of regular contact.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Ice is one of the 'dark' Inner Planes, meaning it has no light sources that are not artificially produced. This means there is not a native energy source present and no natural base for the food chain (also unlike Smoke or Ooze, Ice is a non-reactive substrate so you can't have a chemosynthetic basis for the food chain either).

It is worth mentioning, though, that pockets or magic can make this sort of life possible. I remember reading an article on the Mimir a long time ago about a verdant garden on Salt, a place that utterly eschews water.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Well, yes in pockets and other unusual areas, ie. in that 4.5% I mentioned above, but in terms of large continuous areas the biotic baseline will be unbelievably minimal at best.

Think about the abyssal plane of the ocean, and then remove the outside-originating subsidies of marine snow and chemical upwelling from the Earth's crust. You won't have a lot going on.

Instead you get the 'pockets of life' dynamic, common throughout the Inner Planes.

In a way each Inner Plane functions something like the Ethereal, little pockets of great interest in a vast infinite substrate. The differences between those planes are going to be largely reflective of the different properties of the various substrates.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

""A key thing to remember in factoring the ecology of Paraelemental Ice: there's no plant life.
Ice is one of the 'dark' Inner Planes, meaning it has no light sources that are not artificially produced. This means there is not a native energy source present and no natural base for the food chain (also unlike Smoke or Ooze, Ice is a non-reactive substrate so you can't have a chemosynthetic basis for the food chain either).
This is very important when you start talking about the abundance of creatures like Ice Trolls, Ice Toads, Yeti, and so forth. Any area they occupy must have a food source they can rely on or they will rapidly starve to death.""

Yes, they are all carnivores. The 'no light' thing isn't true for the entire paraplane; there is some light on the Precipice, though it's very faint, (source: Inner Planes accessory) and towards Core Ice it probably doesn't exist at all. Towards the border with Air, there is a possibility for plant life, however.

""The other key factor about Ice is that it is a 'Solid' Inner Plane. The overwhelming majority of the territory will be solid Ice, accessible only to creatures such as elementals and mephits and genies that can phase through it freely (this is particularly important in regard to elemental settlements, which can exist freely within the 'solid' backdrop of the plane, and yet be completely inaccessible to outsiders). Everything else will be stuffed into pockets, cleared areas, and whatever cracks and cavern systems have emerged. This may still be a huge area, but it will be dwarfed by the rest.""

There is a network of tunnels inside Core Ice. The Precipice isn't solid, it's essentially a towering mountain range atop the solid mass of ice. (according to the Inner Planes accessory)
I am being very careful to ensure that I am staying true to the core materials, here (with the exception of the polar bears and penguin thing and a few elements added from Frostburn), so anything you see me describe in regards to Paraelemental Ice is likely an expansion upon the original materials. I've done my homework here.
Yes, it is true that the humanoid natives to Ice don't have a whole lot of food options. It's prettymuch magical beast meat or nothing.
As far as magical beasts, dragons, and monstrous humanoids go, I haven't added any that weren't previously indicated in official materials as being native to/present on Ice (except for the crystal dragon which is considered a rare transient to the Precipice)

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Yes, it is true that the humanoid natives to Ice don't have a whole lot of food options. It's prettymuch magical beast meat or nothing.

I was just trying to make the general point that magical beast meat is not going to be very abundant and magical beasts cannot live solely off other magical beasts, you have to have some kind of producers at the base of your food chain. As a result creatures that require fleshy sustenance to survive are going to be proportionally much less abundant than creatures that do not.

The Precipice is very different from the rest of the Paraelemental Plane (piece of advice: you should never refer to Paraelemental Ice as 'Paraplane' except when putting words into the mouth of ignorant non-natives, the term is inaccurate and most insulting, since it implies the plane is less than a 'real' elemental plane), I wasn't referring to it, since the rules will obviously be different there.

I'm just trying to provide useful advice for a creative framework. I've grappled with similar problems before since I did a lot of work regarding the Quasielemental Plane of Mineral once upon a time, which is also a solid and dark Inner Plane.

schpeelah's picture
Joined: 2007-01-13
Fodd chain & economy

I think the issue is resolvable in two ways:

1) Special Ice. We are not talking about a giant ball of frozen water, but the ecology of the Dimension of Ice, I have no problem imagining plants made of frost.
2) The Cryoshock way. You can have heat as THE valuable resource and the basis for the plane's economy. This of course means that the ability of any person to magically bring fire into the plane will have to be reduced. Mostly no disposable summons/Planar Bindings and getting an immunity to cold by any means stops you from giving off heat so you can't bring an elemental or ifrit through a portal.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Yeah, you're right about that. I have thought about that a bit, and come up with this as a start:

Tiny Outsider (Extraplanar, Cold)
HD: 1d8+1 (4HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 dex, +1 natural) touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1, -9
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d2 +1 cold)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Cold
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., paraelemental endurance, fetch spells, cold immunity, paraelemental travel, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +4, Escape Artist +5, Hide +12, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6
Feats: Combat Casting (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often lawful neutral
Advancement: 2-3HD (Tiny); 4-6HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: --
"This creature resembles a white-skinned humanoid with hair like billowing snow."
Ice Gens are found throughout the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. They are thought to be related to Qorrashi, and are often found within Qorrashi cities and towns, though the vast majority are believed to be solitary and nomadic. Ice Gens speak Common and Glacian (auran/aquan creole)
Ice Gens avoid combat when possible. If they must fight, they slam opponents with their fists.
Cold (Ex): An ice gen's frost-covered body deals 1 point of extra damage whenever it deals a successful hit in melee, or in each round that it maintains a hold while grappling.
(I am not describing the other special abilities for copyright reasons; Ice Gen is adapted from the Fire Gen found in Dragon Magazine 315. Its Elemental Endurance and Elemental Travel abilitys sounds rather loopy, and its other abilities are relevant only to Sha'ir)

Being an outsider, it doesn't need food in order to survive. You would have had a much easier time with Mineral as any sort of magical beast vermin/etc. would likely subsist on a steady diet of gems and metals.
I will have to figure out some other foods for the hoarfox and the ice lizard (aside from each other). I'm leaning toward a predator of frost mites. Hmm, perhaps some sort of assassin bug...
Hold on...
Blast! The ice serpent from Monsters of Faerun is an elemental...
Come to think of it, I think predatory mites are the primary predator of mites. Awesome, the vapor rat is a magical beast! I can make a variant of that, as well.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Sorry, Center of All, I missed your post earlier.

""My main question, though, is how much of the information here is your own work, and how much is just summarized from other sources?""
A lot of both. Most of the stuff is either a summarization or expansion upon other sources, including Cryonax's entry in Dragon Magazine 347. The stuff on the Qorrashi and the Glacier Dwarves is almost entirely my own work. (Frostburn only gives monster statistics and combat tactics for the Qorrashi. It doesn't focus on their society/culture or anything, so it's up to me-- or us, to develop it.) The relation between them and Cryonax is based on Dragon 347 which states that the Qorrashi (and Immoth, and Frost Salamanders) ignore Cryonax's rule by living in remote areas.
Inner Planes either suggested or stated flat out (I can't remember which) that many creatures live on Core Ice to avoid Cryonax, whose influence doesn't extend into that region. His herald is also entirely my work (Only Imix's herald is given so much as a passing mention in the official materials) The Glacier Dwarves of Frostburn are not stated as living in Ice (or not), I inserted them there myself using simple logic (Glacier Dwarves are associated with a subtance called "Blue Ice"; it's very similar in properties to eternal ice except that it possesses many properties of steel. Logically there should be a lot more of this on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice than on the Prime worlds, so by such reasoning, there should be glacier dwarves on Ice. Since Dwarves are the only humanoid race with natural cold resistance, it stands to reason they will be the dominant humanoid race on Ice's surface.)
Most of my stuff on Cryonax's personality and goals also uses the official sources as the base material, or, skeleton. A few aspects are expansions from my own design-- primarily his logical/utility bent and his interest in collecting natural hybrids (I came up with that while going in-depth about his love for biological and elemental experiments.)

""Overall, your approach feels very textbook. While I do believe there's some use in putting all the "cold" stuff in one place for easy reference, I am not sure what your post is accomplishing beyond that.""
That was my intention, yes, and I was going for a textbook feel, which is due to personal preference. I like things to be detached and free of loaded language. I might add some Planescape-style NPC quotes here and there eventually.

""I think it would be more appropriate to say "spherical glacier." To my mind, "circular" means it's a big circle I can walk on top of.""
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll get to that.

""Also, you mention Core Ice is only the second coldest area. I think it'll help to specifically say what the coldest area is in the section of Core Ice so the comparison is easily recognized.""
Perhaps so.

""I'm loath to agree that Tiera Minuut is (or should be) the only town on the entire plane (or even just Precipice). I'd agree on "most prominent" or "largest," but making it the only town doesn't sit well with me, especially if there is a genie race native to Ice, and other races living throughout.""
Tiera Minuut is the only canon town/city in the plane, but yeah, I was actually thinking (at this point more like "planning") about making other cities/towns.

""I think genasi should be mentioned in your ecology section. They are an important part of the Inner Planes, and several types of genasi (ice, air, vacuum, possibly water and steam) would find Ice agreeable if not comfortable.""
I don't think air and water genasi would find Ice very comfortable. I didn't mention ice genasi because, at least with the way I am writing up the Qorrashi, they are far less common than other types of genasi. See, the Qorrashi are very, very tradition-oriented, and thus consider interracial marriage (extramarital relationships are frowned upon in genie society, though that doesn't stop the nobles of some types of genie from doing this anyway, especially the efreeti) to be dishonorable. Fleshing out Qorrashi society should be very interesting, as we're definitely going to see some hypocrisy going on here (extramarital relations are considered dishonorable, and yet some Qorrashi males will own harems)

""If qorrashi are LN, I don't know how that can really be reconciled with djinni (CG) or marids (CN). Qorrashi thus stand at the opposite end of the ethical spectrum, so they probably don't share much with the two neighboring genies at all.""
I know, I thought about this as well. The only thing they are likely to share with their distant djinni cousins and the marid are their undying hatred for the efreeti and dao.

""On a related note, I think it would be safe to put some djinni at the Precipice and some marids at the Frozen Sea. It would add a nice little bit of conflict to the genie business if the qorrashi resent djinni and/or marid incursions onto their territory.""
Beyond Tiera Minuut, the Precipice is too cold for Djinni (the warmest part of the Precipice, at the border with Air, is -50 degrees) And yes, the official materials do mention that the Marid hunt on Ice (which we can assume is mostly limited to the Sea of Frozen Lives) However, there aren't too many Qorrashi in the Sea of Frozen Lives (they don't have swim speed or water breathing), and most Qorrashi have fled the Precipice due to Cryonax's expansion (some remain in well- hidden areas) Even the leader of the Qorrashi teleported his entire citadel to Core Ice (the Qorrashi naturally prefer the Precipice, but most have fled to Core Ice to avoid Cryonax's rule, and it's been this way for a few thousand years)

""With such a large (near infinte) plane, life is going to be varied and vast, even within a single major region -- look at how varied European culture/ecology is from country to country, or even American culture/ecology based on what region you're in, and these are just continents. Thus, you should be able to imagine how much society, culture, and ecology vary in the plane as a whole, and within each of the 7 regions.""
I have a draft on some guidelines about the culture of Ice, and it mentions that the culture varies greatly from outpost to outpost.

""Not every corner of the plane is going to be populated, but when you have sentient races ranging from genies to frost dwarves to ice gnomes to frost giants trading with mercanes, there are going to be dozens, if not hundreds of different cultures and communities in cooperation and conflict.""
I have intentions on expanding upon that a bit.

""Tiera Minuut could be the primary trading center on Ice""
That's my plan, yes.

""As a side thought, elemental pockets and vortexes run throughout the Inner Planes. It would be worthwhile to consider where certain pockets/vortexes are and how they affect the plane (both physically and its inhabitants) nearby. For example, A mineral or earth pocket full of iron or silver or gems would probably be a major point of contention between rival qorrashi or something.""
Metal is pretty useless on Ice because it's much too brittle in the extreme cold. At most you could fill an hourglass with gold dust. Gems are a different story, however.

""The final thing that I think would help your project here is stepping beyond the books. The Guide to the Inner Planes provides a skeleton. Books like Frostburn give a few extra bones to that skeleton. However, I am seeing less in the way of fleshing out and more putting that skeleton together.""
They're not the same thing?

""Let yourself separate from the books and create things without worrying about stats, mechanics, and numbers. From some of your work, I feel like stats and mechanics are being thrown around just to have stats and mechanics, but these things feel empty without developed concepts behind them. The beauty of Planescape (and some might say D&D) is the ability to build without needing everything put down in numbers. Furthermore, Planescape (including the Inner Planes) is crawling (sometimes literally) with places, sights, and things that just can't be explained, especially not with mechanics. So I'd suggest breaking away from mechanics for a while, leaving the printed materials on the bookshelf, and coming up with things that are fully new ideas.""

I don't think I can do that. I'm pretty pedantic about staying true/consistent to source material, looking at things through a logical bent, and in-depth mechanics, and that's prettymuch what my abilities offer to put on the table. I'm sorry if you find that disagreeable, but I don't think it is within my abilities to change (which is part of the reason why I'm leaving the general 'nature' and 'beliefs' of ice up to you)

I will list off some of my plans, and then some of my ideas, though:

--Detail Qorrashi society, the Qorrashi leader (I've already gotten 4/5ths of his name down), and his citadel (the last part will be difficult for me as I am not very good at describing or working with man-made locations)
--Give some general info about Cryonax's Chisled Estate (mostly the likely dimensions of the thing)
--Work on the ecology/habitat contained in bodies of coldfire (a liquid-cold substance from Frostburn)
--Finish the lengthy entry on Cryonax's cult (it's almost finished, and is mostly flavor rather than mechanics)
--Flesh-out Tiera Minuut (I am having some trouble brainstorming the politics of this. The idea is that the Council of Nine *rulers of the town* consists of one representative for each major race in the town, but I'm still short two races.)
--Describe all the major sites on the plane
--Possible devise a major dwarf city in Core Ice.
--Figure out how to make some minor variants of the entrophs. See, as they are, they can't really do their "jobs" on some planes due to a lack of fly, burrow, or swim speed.
--Expand upon the meager materials in Frostburn describing the Glacier Dwarves

I can't recall what most of the ideas I've been toying with are, except that I had considered a monster consisting of a 'sentient' blue ice crystal (not sure what monster type it would be, though; it best fits "construct", even though it is not constructed; it is NOT an elemental... or maybe it is, I dunno) with psionic powers. Hmm, maybe I should make it some sort of elemental... it might add an interesting flavor to the plane (In the official materials, psionics are only attributed with Earth and Mineral due to their association with crystals)

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

While I think I can understand your intention in creating a workaround of some kind that would allow something resembling an ordinary ecological food chain for Ice, I personally, and this is admittedly only my opinion, would strongly suggest against it.

Remember, Ice is an Inner Plane, it is supposed to represent one thing and one thing only: Ice, a pure unadulterated substance created by the fusion of its two bordering planes. It is intended, just as all the other Inner Planes are, to be astoundingly hostile to non-native (more of less meaning non-elemental) life forms.

A non-elemental ecology is an intrusion into any Inner Plane and requires considerable ecosystem management on the part of whoever is going to establish it.

This is one of the key things that separates the different components of the multiverse: the Inner Planes represent raw materials, whereby the potential of the Ethereal was formed, and from this life evolved on the Prime Material, its aspirations passed through the lattice of the Astral to become the belief that created the Outer Planes. So for the living to go to the Inner Planes is an exercise in working backward.

There I a number of really cold places with funky ecologies on the Outer Planes, don't turn Ice into one of those with the fiends swapped out for elementals.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I have to disagree with you there, Mechalink. While ice is certainly one of the more hostile climes, there are also entire ecosystems on Fire, Magma, and especially Water if we go with the official materials. The Inner Planes accessory even mentions plants native to fire that the Efreeti cultivate. Water has a ton of mundane (and magical beast) fish, coral, barnacles, merman/sahuagin/etc. the whole nine yards (not to many sea mammals of course, since there aren't too many air pockets on Water for them to breathe)
Plus official 1E and 2E materials establish that several types of magical beast occur on ice (winter wolves, hoarfoxes, remorhaz, etc.) so they'd need something to eat in order to stay alive (not so much of a problem for winter wolves and remorhaz, since those two can just eat mephits, which are pretty common on the plane)

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Mechalich wrote:
A key thing to remember in factoring the ecology of Paraelemental Ice: there's no plant life.
The Plane of Ice is an infinite plane, other than the fact there's probably some very hardy strain of lichen out there that can survive the cold. It's a magical place, there can easily be stuff like Iceflowers, and Icicle Fruit lying around.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Actually, come to think of it, I believe the Frost Lichen of Frostburn (hazard) would be able to live on the Precipice near the border with Air, since there would be a small degree of light.

There could also be various fungi on Ice. I think I've been watching too many nature documentaries because I got the idea in my head of a giant cordyceps fungus that infects Frost Giants. (Yeah, I can only imagine Cryonax's reaction when he hears that one of his frost giant minions is naked and attempting to climb the outside of his Chisled Estate....)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Beyond Tiera Minuut, the Precipice is too cold for Djinni (the warmest part of the Precipice, at the border with Air, is -50 degrees) And yes, the official materials do mention that the Marid hunt on Ice (which we can assume is mostly limited to the Sea of Frozen Lives) However, there aren't too many Qorrashi in the Sea of Frozen Lives (they don't have swim speed or water breathing), and most Qorrashi have fled the Precipice due to Cryonax's expansion (some remain in well- hidden areas) Even the leader of the Qorrashi teleported his entire citadel to Core Ice (the Qorrashi naturally prefer the Precipice, but most have fled to Core Ice to avoid Cryonax's rule, and it's been this way for a few thousand years)

Djinn are magical creatures, so I don't think it's so easy to say decisively how comfortable it is for them. Some djinn may enjoy the colder climes at and near the Precipice and I am sure they can use magic like Tiera Minuut if they really want to live there. Plus, IIRC, the part of Precipice that people breathe is actually the plane of Air -- the plane of Ice is the chunk of ice you're walking on. So you're literally at the border.

Metal is pretty useless on Ice because it's much too brittle in the extreme cold. At most you could fill an hourglass with gold dust. Gems are a different story, however.

Metal might be practically unusable, but gold is gold and silver is silver. Any pockets of precious metals are going to be valuable, especially when dealing with off-plane traders.

""The final thing that I think would help your project here is stepping beyond the books. The Guide to the Inner Planes provides a skeleton. Books like Frostburn give a few extra bones to that skeleton. However, I am seeing less in the way of fleshing out and more putting that skeleton together."" They're not the same thing?

No, they're not. At least, in my opinion, fleshing out means less putting the pieces together and more expanding to create new things.

I don't think I can do that. I'm pretty pedantic about staying true/consistent to source material, looking at things through a logical bent, and in-depth mechanics, and that's prettymuch what my abilities offer to put on the table. I'm sorry if you find that disagreeable, but I don't think it is within my abilities to change (which is part of the reason why I'm leaving the general 'nature' and 'beliefs' of ice up to you)

I imagine you can, you're just hesitant. I've seen some potential. Eye-wink I'm not even talking about general 'nature' and 'beliefs.' Just simple things like the article I linked you in my last post. Places/people/things that have no mechanical value or explanation, but still add a little something to the plane. The Rimefire Glade has nothing to do with nature or belief. It's just a spot to go to.

I think you also misunderstand what I meant when I was talking about themes for Ice, but that's for another topic.

PLANS: --Detail Qorrashi society, the Qorrashi leader (I've already gotten 4/5ths of his name down), and his citadel (the last part will be difficult for me as I am not very good at describing or working with man-made locations) --Give some general info about Cryonax's Chisled Estate (mostly the likely dimensions of the thing) --Work on the ecology/habitat contained in bodies of coldfire (a liquid-cold substance from Frostburn) --Finish the lengthy entry on Cryonax's cult (it's almost finished, and is mostly flavor rather than mechanics) --Flesh-out Tiera Minuut (I am having some trouble brainstorming the politics of this. The idea is that the Council of Nine *rulers of the town* consists of one representative for each major race in the town, but I'm still short two races.) --Describe all the major sites on the plane --Possible devise a major dwarf city in Core Ice. --Figure out how to make some minor variants of the entrophs. See, as they are, they can't really do their "jobs" on some planes due to a lack of fly, burrow, or swim speed. --Expand upon the meager materials in Frostburn describing the Glacier Dwarves

This generally sounds like a good plan. I look forward to seeing what's coming.

I can't recall what most of the ideas I've been toying with are, except that I had considered a monster consisting of a 'sentient' blue ice crystal (not sure what monster type it would be, though; it best fits "construct", even though it is not constructed; it is NOT an elemental... or maybe it is, I dunno) with psionic powers. Hmm, maybe I should make it some sort of elemental... it might add an interesting flavor to the plane (In the official materials, psionics are only attributed with Earth and Mineral due to their association with crystals)

This is more what I meant when I said step beyond the books Sticking out tongue

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Cryonax's Cult Information

Portfolio: Evil cold creatures

Alignment: NE

Worshipper Alignment: LE, NE, CE

Domains: Cold, Evil, Temperance, Winter

Winter domain is found in Frostburn. Temperance domain is from Dragon Magazine 355, but I shall reprint it here since it doesn't include much in way of originality.

Granted Power: When you prepare spells you immediately heal 1 HP per spell level of domain spells you still have prepared from the previous day.
Temperance Domain Spells
1. Remove Fear: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels.
2. Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
3. Dispel Magic: Cancels spells and magical effects.
4. Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
5. Atonement: Removes burden of misdeeds from subject.
6. Greater Dispel Magic: As dispel magic, but up to +20 on check.
7. Symbol of Stunning: Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures.
8. Shield of Law: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against chaotic spells.
9. Iron Body: Your body becomes living iron.

Mantles: Energy (Cold only), Evil, Ice, The Planes

Ice is a new mantle detailed here:
Granted Ability: When you are psionically focused, your melee attacks deal an extra 1 point of cold damage
2. Energy (cold) Emanation
3. Energy (cold) Lance
3. Energy Wall (Cold)
4. Energy Flash (Cold)
5. Energy (Fire) Nullification Field
6. Suspend Life
7. Energy Claw
8. Matter Manipulation

Favored Weapon: Heavy pick -or- Slam attack

Devotee Training: Initiation rites differ depending on the creature's subtype. Creatures of the cold subtype must spend 8 hours unsheltered in a violent blizzard, while non-cold creatures must simply survive a night outside in sub-freezing weather without the benefit of winter clothing or protective magic. In addition, they must slay a wyrmling, very young, young, or juvenile white dragon without the aid of any type of fire or heat. All must swear their loyalty to Cryonax and vow never to use or prepare a spell or magical item of fire or magma. Beyond that, there is very little training offered to devotees. None of these requirements are set in stone except for the oath of fealty to Cryonax and swearing off fire-based spells and magic items. In fact, the other requirements only apply to mortal primes. On Ice, devotees are hand-selected by Cryonax based on their abilities and talents.

Quests: This varies by environment. In his Chisled Estate, somewhere in the basement levels is a vast laboratory where transmuters, necromancers, and devotees perform experiments on various cold creatures. The goal is to create new forms of life that will make powerful minions for Cryonax. Outside of the Chisled Estate, on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, the primary quest is usually that of conquest. Cryonax frowns upon killing the children of these outposts since they often tend to make better test subjects than adults. Aside from genetic and elemental experiments, Cryonax is also very interested in natural hybridization, and will sometimes capture or simply recruit healthy young women for this purpose. In fact, Cryonax 'collects' hybrid creatures, and even considers them to be his treasures. The more useful ones usually end up as his slaves or servants, while less useful ones, and those who misbehave one too many times usually end up as ice sculptures in one of the many rooms or hallways of his Chisled Estate.
Other quests involve intelligence gathering and sabotage missions towards Albrathanilar and her armies. Cryonax may also have spies in the floating city of Tiera Minuut.

Prayers: Prayers are spoken in Glacian, a creole language of Auran and Aquan that is spoken by most inhabitants of Ice. They usually begin by asking Cryonax to find some utility in them (which is one's best chance for survival), and end with lines such as "may you blanket the Multiverse in eternal winter".

Temples: With the exception of the Yeti and Amitoks (arctic offshoot of hobgoblins; see the EN World Creature Catalogue conversion), Cryonax's worshippers tend to be poorly organized outside of his Chisled Estate.

Rites: Cryonax's rites are generally sacrificial, involve ordeals pertaining to cold, or encorporate Cryonax's view of his minions and mortals as cattle. Sacrifices usually take the form of white dragons (symbolizing Albrathanilar, his mortal enemy), enemies of the cult (including those on Ice who refuse to accept Cryonax's authority), cultists of Kostchtchie, and members of the community who are not, and never will be productive. Sacrifices are either killed via cold, or their blood is drained over snow or a glacier. On the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, 'non-productive' members of an outpost may instead be dragged to the Chisled Estate to be vivisected, autopsied, or otherwise studied by Cryonax's necromancers and transmuters. POWs may also suffer such a fate. This, however, is not truly a form of sacrifice; Cryonax derives no power from the experiments. In Cryonax's eyes, political enemies and worshippers of forbidden deities (particularly Kostchie) make the best sacrifices.
Like Ogremoch, Cryonax has had countless foes, challengers, and backstabbers entombed within his realm (via imprisonment or some similar power) so that he may siphon off their spiritual essence, adding it to his own power. Whatever the case, the victims are usually encased in a thick chrysalis of solid ice, and are not dead, but rather in a state of suspended animation-- at least until Cryonax has completely devoured their souls. It's believed that a special room is used to store these entombed victims, and is also where the spirits of victims sacrificed by his cult end up, to meet a similar fate.
Supposedly, it is ultimately Frigidora who is in charge of this project, and all prospective victims captured by Cryonax's army are first inspected by her.
In addition to foes and challengers, leaders of outposts who refused to swear fealty to Cryonax and priests of banned religions (banned via Cryonax's decrees that is-- particularly cultists of Kostchtchie) rank among the victims. On Paraelemental Ice, sacrifice to Cryonax is reserved only for those who offend Cryonax the greatest; this is intended to coerce the beings of Ice (particularly those in power) into obedience. The average rebel against Cryonax's mandates is simply killed on the spot (if he is lucky) or dragged off to Cryonax's laboratories-- a horrific enough fate. The influential, along with those who truly irk Cryonax are sacrificed, and thus denied an afterlife or reunification with the Mother Plane of Ice or with their beloved deity.
Cultists of Kostchtchie are particularly targeted both on Prime worlds and on the Paraelemental plane by Cryonax's cultists for sacrifice, in order to prevent the Abyssal lord from achieving apotheosis. (those entombed in Ogremoch's realm meet a similar fate, as do sentient beings whose corpses end up in the floating graveyard below Yan-C-Bin's stronghold. All victims of more conventional sacrifice by cultists of Elemental Evil also meet this fate, and are usually contained within a specific room or chamber of the Archomental's stronghold.)
As cultists, humanoid devotees on the Material Plane will be secretive, whereas monstrous humanoid devotees will be more open. (this rule applies to the other four Archomental cults as well.)
Cryonax often demands specimens of unusual mixed blood *esp. planetouched* and curiosities as special sacrifices, particularly on Faerun, but such is only demanded of devotees of primitive tribes, such as the Yeti and Amitok. The sacrifice is to be thrown, alive, down a dark pit. Unbeknownst to the cultists, the bottom of such pits always contains a large horizontal portal to the Valley of Frozen Souls, Cryonax's region of dominion. The guards at the other side will then take the sacrifice to Cryonax where their fate is meted out. Most commonly, it is a dismal one-- the majority are either dragged off to the laboratories for experimentation, or turned into ice sculptures on the spot. Only a small minority are kept as living slaves or minions, but, if they are of a species plagued by a finite lifespan, they will inevitably be transformed into ice sculptures sooner or later.

Allies (religious):

Allies (political): Many frost giants, ice paraelementals (MotP), yeti (Frostburn), ice mephits, ice drakes (Draconomicon), winter wolves, white dragons, and chraal (MM3) are under his command, many unintelligent ice element creatures (Dragon 347; use cold element creature from MotP if you don't have this), ice lizards (EN World Creature Catalogue converted monster), and possibly hoarfoxes (En World Creature Catalogue converted monster) have been trained to serve him, along with some ice toads (Frostburn). In his Chisled Estate, many ice golems (Frostburn) and ice beasts (Frostburn) guard passageways and treasure vaults. He may also command some Black Ice Golems (Dragon 224) to guard especially important positions (such as say, a treasure vault); he doesn't normally like using these since they leave a mess. He owns many snow and ice weirds and several ice genasi (Dragon 297 or make your own) as slaves. Cryonax is likely to command some beings and own a few beasts from the cold, evil-aligned Outer Planes, though not in great number. They are more likely to be encountered in his Chisled Estaste either as servants or sentinels, as Cryonax is unlikely to trust them out in the battlefield. Cryonax also commands beings that his devotees have altered with magic.
Among powers, Cryonax is rumored to have built alliances with Levistus of Stygia (Baator/9 Hells) and Aseroth of SoulFreeze (Abyss), though nobody is sure to what end. A few sages theorize that, if true, then it is likely for the purpose of acquiring exotic creatures for Cryonax's experiments.
Cryonax's greatest allies are the other members of his Inner Court-- Aside from himself (obviously), this consists of a small group of his most elite and trusted minions and advisors. They include his herald and top ranking general Frigidora, the Ice Weird Zaara-Nan, the Snow Weird who I have yet to name, and his top advisor who I have yet to develop.

Enemies (political): Cryonax's mortal and primary enemy is Albrathanilar the Great White Wyrm, the most powerful white dragon in the Multiverse. An advanced dragon+6 (Draconomicon pg. 99-100), she is a powerful and cruel enchantress who aims to topple Cryonax from his throne, claiming the entire plane for herself. Like Cryonax she is greatly feared, but far less respected, and while Cryonax and his servants are always on the lookout for spies among their ranks, only a fool would sell Cryonax out to-- or for that matter make any sort of deal-- with Albrathanilar, as tempting as it may be for some slaves under the Frozen Lord. For one thing, Albrathanilar, despite all her charisma, is very paranoid, and thus any creature who helps her is going to meet one of two fates after she gets what she wants-- either he'll be eaten, or he'll be charmed. Losing one's free will is a bit worse than simply losing one's freedom.
Other enemies include Glacier Dwarves, and likely, other good-aligned variant races from Frostburn, as well. Not all glacier dwarves would be in direct opposition to Cryonax; neutral glacier dwarves may be more concerned with trade. and the few evil ones might actually support him.
The Qorrashi, Frost Salamanders, and Immoth continue to ignore Cryonax's rule, but few actually take actions against him. Qorrashi and Immoth are not tolerated within the Valley of Frozen Souls, and creatures of earth and especially fire are tolerated even less.

Enemies (divine): Cryonax's only true enemy is the Great White Wyrm, Albrathanilar.
None of the true powers pay any attention to him, considering him to be little more than an insect.
(the rest of this entry is based heavily on information taken from Dragon # 345)
Cryonax does, however, greatly dislike Kostchtchie. While he merely regards Auril as short-sighted and foolish (for she merely attempts to cloak a single prime world in eternal Winter as opposed to spreading the glory of the Paraelemental Plane of Ice across other borders), Kostchtchie greatly annoys him. Not only does Kostchtchie demand overwhelming emotion in his followers (the opposite of what Cryonax demands in his), but his methods are unsustainable-- Kostchtchie's cultists are forbidden from partaking in heterosexual relations of any type, and even if they were to partake in such a thing, the victim would be sacrificed before she could conceive the child, anyway.
Cryonax, on the other hand, encourages gratuitous levels of heterosexual copulation among all but the highest ranking of his servants and those living in his territory, with the strongest members of their tribe since it ensures a continuous and plentiful resource (although they're forbidden from getting attached to such acts). Since Kostchtchie is of the same divine rank as Cryonax (rank 0, that is), the two of them do indeed consider one another enemies. Kostchtchie is infuriated by the fact that Cryonax has forced many of the Frost Giants in Paraelemental Ice to pay lip service to him, and has actually succeeded in converting a few dozen Frost Giants to his cult in many of the same prime worlds that Kostchtchie has established his cult on (note: we're talking about a few dozen Frost Giant devotees in total, and not per Prime world).
Kostchtchie is also well aware that Cryonax's herald is a woman, which disgusts him to no end. Just thinking about the fact that Cryonax's cult stresses emotional numbess and subdual sends Kostchtchie into a murderous, uncontrollable rage. Both demand that their cultists sacrifice the cultists of the other, with the goal of preventing the other from achieving apotheosis.
As such, Cryonax has forged an alliance with the Mavawhan Tanar'ri (Dragon 345). In exchange, the Mavawhan have been offered temporary refuge on the Precipice (of course, temporary in this context could mean millenia) in exchange for a few "minor" services to Cryonax, and apparently the deal also involves trade of information and supplies between both groups. Most assume that both sides have some tricks up their sleeve, but intend to reserve them until after Kostchtchie has been eliminated.
While Cryonax is nowhere near as vengeful a deity as Kostctchie, he is unspeakably cruel, and knows exactly how to maximize suffering, if he deems it necessary. Thus, when cultists of Kostchtchie slaughter Cryonax's cultists, he retaliates by sending his cultists (and army) to slaughter Kostchtchie's cultists in a most humiliating and emasculating manner. If the cultists are deemed too powerful for local remaining cults of Cryonax, then Frigidora and an all-female regiment (consisting of female ice paraelementals, frost giantesses, marzanna, female mavawhan, and yuki onna, among others) is sent to deal with the cultists. The lower-ranking members of the tribe are usually dispatched casually and uncerimoniously, while the higher ranking members are detained and tormented until their will breaks and they cower. If this cannot be achieved, then the cultists are deprived of their masculinity in nearly any means possible, which usually renders them insane. Supposedly, Frigidora and the majority of her army leaves most of the "dirty business" up to the marzanna, who seem to take particular delight in the task (often casting size-enlargement spells on themselves until they match their frost giant victims in stature...), and to a lesser extent, the few female mavawhan who have joined the ranks of Cryonax's army.
Cryonax knows that negotiation is impossible with the cultists of such a "savage, irrational demon prince", and that responding to them "in the only language they understand" is a lost cause, since they'll just want revenge.
Therefore, he has deemed it appropriate to discourage attacks on his own cultists by truly striking fear into the hearts of Kostchtchie's cultists, who know that if the idea of being horribly emasculated wasn't bad enough, the Demon Prince of Fury will forsake them once they lose their resolve. To make matters worse, some know an even worse truth-- that when they finally die at the hands of these cruel female servants of Cryonax, that they will end up as petitioners on the Iron Wastes nonetheless-- to suffer Kostchtchie's wrath. As to the details behind these "acts of emasculation" by female members of Cryonax's army, this can range from PG-rated stuff (beard shaving and dressing them in clothing generally restricted to frost giant females) ro X-rated horrors which are probably better left to the DM's & players' imaginations.
Of course, sometimes the jarls and other higher-ups are sacrificed to Cryonax at the very end-- subjecting them to the exact same fate as so many of the frost giantesses they have sacrificed.
Of course, the female regiment often includes female winter wolves and white dragons, as well.
All the more better to give the chauvinistic frost giant cultists of Kostchtchie a taste of their own medicine. Throughout the long bout of torture and humiliation, the cultists are repeatedly asked if they wish for mercy. Any who crack and reply with a yes are sacrificed to Cryonax, who devours their souls, depriving them of an afterlife.
If they reply "no", they are finished off by the winter wolves and white dragons, who more than appreciate the well-tenderized meal, and, as per Frigidora's orders, make sure to be as brutal as possible once they dig in (usually consuming the lips, fingers, or eyeballs first.) After that, their souls end up on the Iron Wastes, where they face the wrath of their irascible god. It's a hopeless situation, either way.
Cryonax was never a part of the plan to release the Elder Elemental Eye. Because he has been left out, he has no desire to aid in that being's release, despite his boasting that it sired him.
In truth, Cryonax is slightly embittered (believing that he has been excluded from the rewards the Eye has promised its minions), and thus has divorced himself from the whole affair. The other Princes of Elemental Evil also refuse to acknowledge him as an equal, viewing him as a lesser being.
That said, if Cryonax were to encounter enemies of the Elemental Eye, he would not stop them, but he would not help them either (though if the PCs explain the whole deal with Tharizdun, he would by far be the most likely of the evil princes to listen, and maybe even aid the players to some limited degree. Of the other four, Yan-C-Bin would come a distant second, though the PCs would need to bring him some physical proof-- preferably in the form of some ancient writing.)

Herald: Cryonax's herald is a female half-Qorrash, half-Ice Paraelemental named Frigidora who serves as his top-ranking general. She is fiercely loyal to him, and is also one of his devotees. Not only is she part of Cryonax's natural hybrid collection, it is rumored that she is even his absolute favorite. Despite her position, he doesn't authorize her to take risky missions.

Relic: still pending.

Denizens of the Inner Planes presents an option (and required feat) that allows a cleric to select an Archomental as their patron deity, as well as the powers it grants them. Below are additional rules for adapting the Elemental Devotee feat to other divine classes.

--All divine classes who select the Elemental Devotee feat and Cryonax as their patron gain the standard +5 Cold Resistance.

--Shugenja who take the Elemental Devotee feat and choose Cryonax as their patron must select either Water or Air as their elemental specialization. Either way, they are forbidden to cast spells of the fire subtype (but may learn and cast all other spells of the Fire school normally)

--Divine Minds gain access to the mantles listed above in Cryonax's profile. The Divine Mind class and psionic mantles are described in the Complete Psionic supplement.

--Druids gain several benefits by selecting Cryonax as their patron. First of all, instead of gaining the ability to wildshape as an animal of the appropriate size/level, a druid devotee gains the ability to wildshape into an ice or cold element animal (see Manual of the Planes or Dragon Magazine 347 for the template). In addition, they acquire an ice or cold element animal companion instead of a normal animal companion. Finally, a druid's wild empathy and animal-affecting spells and powers also work on element animals of any kind. There are three drawbacks to becoming a druid devotee: First is that the druid loses the ability to wildshape into a fire elemental, magma paraelemental, smoke paraelemental, radiance quasielemental, or ash quasielemental at higher levels (she can still wildshape into any other type of elemental, paraelemental, or quasielemental, however). The second drawback is that the druid devotee is forbidden from ever casting spells of the fire or earth subtypes (doing so violates her ethos and she must atone, losing her druid powers until that time. Alternatively you could simply make it so that she casts earth-subtype spells at -2 caster levels). The third drawback is that she is forbidden from using magic items that emulate fire-subtype effects (such as a circlet of blasting or a fiery burst scimitar +2. This also violates her ethos. Note that simply touching, holding, or carrying the forbidden item does not violate her ethos. Unknowingly wielding or wearing a forbidden magic item will not penalize the druid unless she continues to use or wear it after learning of its abilities, but the DM might still decide that the druid needs to atone.)

--Rangers also gain some benefits from the Elemental Devotee feat. Like the druid, the ranger acquires an ice or cold-element animal companion (again, see Manual of the Planes or Dragon magazine 347 for the template). Also like the druid, his wild empathy and animal-affecting spells and powers also affect element animals. There are two drawbacks for the Devotee ranger of Cryonax. First of all, he must select Outsiders (fire) as his favored enemy at first level. Second, he is forbidden from casting fire-subtype spells (actually, the only fire spell I know of that is available to the ranger is "blade of Fire" from Complete Arcane, which is why I don't count this as a third drawback) and from using magic items with fire-subtype powers (e.g. a +3 flaming sword). Like druid devotees, ranger devotees lose their ranger powers and must atone if they violate this rule. (note that simply touching, holding, or carrying the forbidden item does not violate his ethos; the forbidden weapon or magic item must be used and/or activated, and the forbidden armor must be worn. Unknowingly wielding or wearing a forbidden magic item will not penalize the ranger unless he continues to use or wear it after learning of its abilities, but the DM might still decide that the ranger needs to atone.)

I'll probably implement rules to allow Blackguards, Paladins of Slaughter, and Paladins of Tyrrany to select Cryonax as their patron, as well.

Some of the Divine spells presented in Complete Divine and Complete Champion have varying effects depending on the deity of the caster. Here are the effects such spells have for worshippers of Cryonax.

Deific Bastion: Cold Resistance +5
Divine Retribution: Cold, Dexterity
Footsteps of the Divine: Movement Mode: ---, Speed +40 ft.
Interfaith Blessing: haven't decided yet
Weapon of the Deity: +1 frost heavy pick
Any not listed simply adhere to the instructions given (e.g. spells like "Weight of Sin")


Cold Domain: Cold Resistance 5.

Complete Champion presents an option (and examples using the core deities) for specialized holy symbols. Here is Cryonax's.

Silver Snowflake of Cryonax: This Talisman, in the shape of a disc or medallion, depicts a silver snowflake inside a circle. They are always made from higher-quality (peacock blue rather than dull grayish-navy blue) blue ice with a silver-colored snowflake and circle made from other types of eternal ice. When used as the focus of a cold-based spell or to turn or rebuke cold creatures, the effective DC is increased by 1.

You'll note that I gave the Druid and ranger drawbacks for becoming elemental devotees. I felt it appropriate tradeoff for the increased enhancements to standard class abilities they receive by becoming devotees.
Since the ranger doesn't gain as many benefits as the druid, he also gains fewer drawbacks, one of which being rather minor.)
The ban on fire-based spells, powers, and magic/psionic items applies to all devotees-- it merely affects some classes more than others *clerics already have somewhat limited access to fire magic*

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Some more misc info on Cryonax is up and coming.
Right now I need to tweak his herald a bit and correct some mistakes in her stats. She has a name now, though some might find it lame: Frigidora (hey, it's no worse than Cryonax or Olhydra) You will note that her name is an elemental rather than a genie name.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Right now I'm working on the races a bit, and thus I am compiling a list of inner planar dieties.
I'm thinking I'll have to make a diety for the Qorrashi (AQ Secrets of the Lamp specifies that the Genies actually do worship dieties of elemental forces. The materials in Secrets of the Lamp however presents with a few problems, as some of the dieties they are said to worship are Outer Planar dieties.) I intend to make said diety's realm in the Plane of Air close to the border with the Precipice (the official Planescape materials are quite specific that there are no true powers in the Paraelemental or Quasielemental planes-- except for Ooze. I have no intentions of contradicting this except perhaps for new deities of very obscure races.)

Here are the dieties I have thus far for the inner planes. Have I missed any?

Ahto- Elemental Water (Finnish; seas)
Akadi- Elemental Air
Blipdoolpoolp- Elemental Water (Kuo-toa)
Eadro- Elemental Water (god of locatha and merfolk)
Fu Hsing- Ethereal (god of happiness)
Geb- Elemental Earth (Egyptian; Earth)
Grumbar- Elemental Earth
Istishia- Elemental Water
Kossuth- Elemental Fire
K'ung Fu Tzu- Ethereal (social relations, government, the past)
Lao Tzu- Ethereal (enlightenment)
Pa Hsien- Ethereal (the eight immortals)
Persana- Elemental Water (god of tritons)
Ptah, Opener of the Way- Ethereal (inspiration, creativity, art)
Shu- Elemental Air (Egyptian; desert winds)

I haven't decided how to tackle the whole "Outer Planes dieties of Elemental Forces" problem. I've considered giving them a summer house/secondary stronghold in the Elemental planes, but I fear this may cause some problems with game balance (or maybe not since the powers of elemental forces usually aren't as widely worshipped as powers of philosophy or alignment like say-- Pelor or Shar)
It would certainly make sense for the powers of dieties such as Aerdie Feayana and Deep Sashelas to expand into the Inner Planes, however.
I want to know what you guys think of this idea before I go through with it.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I always felt that the Inner Planes were a bad fit for Lao-Zi, Confucius, and the 8 Immortals. They were just put there, because they couldn't decide which Outer Plane they belonged to.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

If that's the case, then they should've just stuck them in the Outlands, somewhere.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I just realized that my conception of the Precipice was all wrong. I pictured it as a sort of iceberg that juts out from Core Ice horizontally, breaking up as one gets closer to Air.
In actuality, the Precipice is the top surface of Core Ice, with Air being the sky above it. I'm going to correct that now.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Hyena of Ice wrote:
I just realized that my conception of the Precipice was all wrong. I pictured it as a sort of iceberg that juts out from Core Ice horizontally, breaking up as one gets closer to Air. In actuality, the Precipice is the top surface of Core Ice, with Air being the sky above it. I'm going to correct that now.

Sticking out tongue I mentioned this in one of my posts. The surface of Precipice literally is the border between Air and Ice. Hence why djinn will probably take an interest in the Precipice, especially if hostile powers take up residence. Djinn are magical creatures so they could easily concoct ways of making cold parts of Air more comfortable.

On your powers list, I believe it's worth mentioning deities from the Outer Planes that have connections to the elements. For example, Auril is the FR goddess of cold, snow, and ice. Though her realm is on Pandemonium, she undoubtedly has connections to Ice, and there are very likely places on Ice that worship her. Conflict between deities could make a good source of adventure on Ice.

The Tiefling's Exultation site about the genasi (mirrored at the Roaming Genasi Tavern) talks about this especially with regard to Lightning. Most pantheons have storm powers, and they all tend to come to Lightning to revel in the raw storm power. The same can be applied to other planes, but on a lesser scale. You could have servants of one power preparing to campaign against servants of another to claim more of Ice for the first.

Of course, since Ice (and each of the border regions) is infinite how much of the plane can really be claimed? Eye-wink

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Only problem with Auril is that the official materials are quite clear that no powers stand in Cryonax's way. If Auril meddles with Ice, that would create quite a problem for Cryonax as she is far, far more powerful than he is. (BTW, there's also Telchur from the Greyhawk setting; his home plane is also on Pandesmos, and we cannot forget Thrym, god of the Frost Giants.)
I forgot about the Lightning thing; although this won't hamper Cryonax at all since he doesn't hold any control/sway over the Shimmering Drifts, anyway.

As for the Djinn, they are likely to be limited to the skybergs above the Precipice. Between Cryonax and Albrathanilar (and all the monsters inhabiting the Precipice), it's simply too dangerous on the surface. On the other hand, the skybergs are beyond Cryonax's reach (his army is rather deficient in flying creatures; in fact, the only creatures in his army capable of flight are ice element animals/monsters with wings.) or the reach of white dragons in the older age categories. As a matter of fact, some areas of the skybergs are far too dangerous for anything with less than average flight ability to traverse, as all the skybergs and ice chunks provide quite the obstacle course, and the larger the creature, the more difficult it will be to avoid these masses of ice.

Eventually, I hope to compile and organize some of this stuff and present a more complete guide to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice (in the form of several articles)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
More Information on Cryonax

This post wraps up all the information I am presenting on Cryonax. It's mostly expanded miscellaneous info. Be warned that, while not graphic or explicit, this post contains some mature subject matter that some may find disturbing.

Personality: Cold, calculating, cruel, and seemingly aloof. Cryonax lacks the personality quirks inherent in the other evil Archomentals, and one might say that means he lacks the same level of weakness as they do. He is also the most logical of all the evil Archomentals, and is always careful not to make a decision he could later regret. He is said to spend most of his time brooding in the lowest level of the Chisled Estate (said to be the site of a war or meeting room), hatching new plans for conquest. (Cryonax is rarely found in his throne room-- not unless he's expecting a report from his peons or an audience with some planar dignitary or somesuch. Oh, by the way, Cryonax has more than one throne room in the Chisled Estate.) He speaks rarely, and almost never shows any sign of emotion, being slow to anger or excite. Of course, this lack of emotion does not equate to lack of ambition, and Cryonax is certainly the most ambitious of the evil Archomentals by far. If there is but the smallest, single spark of compassion or kindess in the other evil Archomentals, it is entirely absent in Cryonax; appeals to kindness or mercy are completely lost on him. Of course, that doesn't mean he lacks insight into humanoid psychology; Like all Archomentals, Cryonax is highly intelligent, and he is more than willing to exploit drives and emotions of others to get what he wants. However, he functions on pure logic; namely, how useful the subject could be to him. As such, he views his own followers, as well as the paraelementals, giants, and humanoids he holds dominion over, as mere cattle; a resource to be carefully maintained and exploited. Despite his logical bent, Cryonax is big on aesthetics (granted, we're talking about Cryonax's definition of aesthetics), so his entire estate is said to be highly adorned with fine art. Mosaic flooring, elaborate scenes depicted on vast walls, and ceiling art are said to be the standard faire by all who have seen the inside of his dominion. The other noticable feature spoken of by many are the exquisite ice sculptures of various humanoids and animals which line the hallways. Reportedly, many of the statues are so finely-detailed that they look as though they will come to life at any moment (some witnesses state that the life-like statues are 'creepy'). Of course, there are many rumors that a number of these statues truly are glacified victims of the Bleak Monarch.

Experiments: One of Cryonax's biggest projects, and one he's been at for awhile, is assigning devotees and arcane spellcasters (some free, some slaves) with magically augmenting paraelemental and organic creatures. Such augmentation usually entails some form of polymorph, grafting, or creature/genetic fusion. In fact, there are rumors that Cryonax's six Frigidarch generals are one of the more successful creations out of his laboratory.
It's also rumored that the lab is located conveniently close to the prison. There are also whispers that the ice genasi slaves working in the labs are artificial-- that is to say, they were synthetically created by augmenting water or air genasi somehow.
If using supplements, Cryonax's creations can include demonically fused elementals (Dragon Magazine Compendium), multiheaded magical beast and ice element creatures (Savage Species; add the multiheaded template first), winged magical beasts (Savage Species), necromentals (Libris Mortis), and any aberration found in Frostburn. Technically, you should be able to use the Draconic and Half-Dragon templates (Draconomicon) (even though it's an inherited template; hey, we're talking about magical genetic engineering, here). These experiments are usually performed on young creatures (when pertaining to organic specimens); the younger the better, as these are better able to adapt to their new forms and are less likely to hold a grudge for being experimented on. Younger, smaller creatures are also much easier to work with.
Though not official, Mongoose Publishing's "Encyclopaedia Magica: Crossbreeds" is full of options for crossing two or more monsters with one another, though being a 3rd party product, it may not be balanced (there are one or two other 3rd party supplements for creating hybrids or kimaeras, but this one is by far the best)
Cryonax had plans to mass-produce glacier dwarves as docile slaves and specimens for his experiments. However, the breeding program has thus far been a dismal failure; the breeding stock would soon languish in captivity, and refused to breed. Even if forced (either physically or through the use of enchantments), the female would henceforth refuse to eat and quickly wither away before the fetus could reach full gestation. Cryonax's minions even captured married couples and ended up with the exact same results.
Other well-known experiments include operations to remove the small and large intestines of ice mephits (apparently, the reasoning behind this is that without these two non-vital organs, more blood is freed up to flow to the muscles)
There are also rumors that Cryonax has tried to create beings in the image of Frigidora, but thus far, has either failed outright, or that the creatures simply don't retain the degree of power found in Cryonax's herald.

Collection: Though one would not expect as much, Cryonax is actually a stickler for beautiful things. Of course, we're talking about beauty in Cryonax's eyes, here. The things he is known to find the most beautiful are natural hybrids, successful experiments (no matter how twisted or hideous they appear), and the rare benign freak mutation (like say, an albino remorhaz or a frost worm suffering from dwarfism) As such, Cryonax likes to 'collect' natural hybrids and freak mutations. Cryonax is very protective of his rarer specimens, though this is not out of compassion; rather it is out of a desire to protect his property from destruction or theft. Despite his cold and withdrawn demeanor, he sometimes summons the non-frozen members of his collection to his throneroom to admire, much like one takes out a gem or similar bauble to admire every now and then. One might also describe Cryonax's relationship with the more cherished members of his collection as "pets". How well an individual specimen is treated, as well as its ultimate fate, depends on several factors, namely its rarity, its utility to Cryonax, and whether or not it is mortal. Any mortal hybrid or mutation that ranks low in the other two areas is very likely to end up as a frozen statue decorating one of the rooms or halls of Cryonax's estate. While Cryonax is likely to possess many natural hybrids and a few mutations under his command, only one is well known, and she is said to be Cryonax's absolute favorite-- his herald, Frigidora, the half-Qorrashi, half ice paraelemental.
Cryonax's collection of statues doesn't just include natural hybrids and genetic curiosities-- frozen statues of creatures not normally found on Ice can also be found in a few places. Many of the statues are not frozen creatures at all, but merely masterwork ice sculptures. Others are neither frozen victims nor sculptures, but rather icy sentinels known as "Ice Beasts" (see Frostburn).

Goals and Activities: The exact specifics of Cryonax's ultimate goal is uncertain. Some claim he intends to merely make Ice the one true elemental plane, reducing all others to mere para-planes. Others say that Cryonax intends to supplant the other planes with Ice. Whichever is the case, it is known that his final goal is to freeze the entire multiverse and become its one true ruler and god. For now however, he is thinking small, and focusing on the conquest of his home plane. Much of the region has been conquered, but much of it remains unconquered as well, and Cryonax is currenly engaged in several fronts. First of all, he is engaged in conquering all of the Precipice and its inhabitants. Most frost giants, chraal, and winter wolves in the region easily submit (at least on the surface) to the icy lord, as do evil-aligned Paraelementals and ice mephits. Aside from good-aligned paraelementals and mephits as well as the glacier dwarves, few of the inhabitants resist him directly. He is currently at war with the glacier dwarves of the Precipice, though the glacier dwarves themselves do not engage him unless threatened.
Albrathanilar the Great White Wyrm occupies most of his attention, and is the only force holding him back from conquering the entire Paraelemental plane. Dealing with her is Cryonax's first priority, though thus far it only takes the form of espionage and amassing his army. It is for the purpose of the latter that he is so focused on creating new creatures via magic and breeding programs.
Cryonax's activities also involve sending scouts to locate and destroy pockets of fire and magma.
He has also assigned a special task force to hunt down and destroy any entropes who dare nibble on "his realm". Generally this hunt is limited to the Precipice since Cryonax lacks control over the other regions of Ice. Rumor has it that his task force includes a few scholars and arcane casters whose task it is to devise a way to modify the entropes to instead convert any type of element into ice. Certainly such an idea would be typical of Cryonax's mindset.
This task force is also assigned with the duty of seeking out and destroying any menglis who would dare usurp the fabric of the Paraelemental Plane. After all, if the menglis had it their way, there wouldn't be any paraelemental planes at all.

Cryonax and the Cult of Elemental Evil: As mentioned both in Dragon 347 and more canon sources, Cryonax is the oddball of the Princes of Elemental Evil, and, while he boasts of his lineage from the Elemental Eye, he is not involved with Tharizdun's (Elder Elemental God's) cult nor its activities.
Rumor has it that he is unhappy about being left out of the plot to free the Elder Elemental God from his prison, and therefore wants nothing whatsoever to do with the entire plot. That is not to say that Cryonax does not meddle with Prime affairs; he has well-established cults among the Yeti and the amitok, who see him as a deity.
He simply has little interest in furthering the goals of his siblings to free the Elder Elemental God. He is also uninterested in causing destruction on prime worlds (beyond enemies of his cult, of course), seeing such efforts as futile-- he figures it would be far more efficient to lock every prime world into an ice age by expanding the borders of the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. For this reason, he thinks of Auril as an utter fool, as she merely attempts to spread winter across a single Prime world.

The Chisled Estate: Cryonax's stronghold is a massive structure that rises 1 mile above the ground and 4 miles into Core Ice. It is surrounded by a large moat of coldfire (see Frostburn). Some claim that this moat is actually one massive paraelemental composed of coldfire (or an amagalation of many such creatures), and that it will reach out with tendril-like waves to knock any unauthorized flying creatures into its body. Nobody (save perhaps the inhabitants of the Chisled Estate itself) know for certain since there aren't many willing to test this theory.
Exact dimensions for the Chisled Estate are never given, except for height (1 mile high above ground, 4 miles deep below ground). Using this base information, we can make a few calculations about the other dimensions based on its highest level. (note: I'm not well versed on architecture, so if something I say doesn't make sense, please correct me)
A. The estate is 4/5ths by 1/2 as wide as it is tall. That would make it 4224 ft by 2640 ft wide. This would give the top level your typical palace/castle appearance.
1. The estate is 2 and a half times wider than it is tall. This would make it 13200 ft (or 2 and a half miles) wide at one dimension, and probably half that at the other. This would give the Chisled Estate your typical 'mansion' appearance, and would make it take up considerably more space.
Calculating the number of floors in the Chisled Estate, however, is rather easy. The typical level/room of a multi-story building for human-sized creatures will be between 10 feet to 20 feet high-- usually. Cryonax (Planewalker version) is a Huge creature, meaning he is 4x larger than a human. Therefore, we can assume that each level will be between 40 to 80 feet high.
This means that there are between... 66 to 132 levels on the top level of Cryonax's Estate. Multiply that by 5 and you get 330-660 levels or floors in the entire estate.
Needless to say, the Chisled Estate isn't going to work as an adventure site. Necromancer Games' "The World's Largest Dungeon" would be smaller than that. Heck, THE ENTIRE DUNGEON OF UNDERMOUNTAIN WOULD BE SMALLER!!! There, I said it.
It might be possible however to encorporate an "audience" with Cryonax (in his throneroom) into an adventure. Simply have the servants/ushers blindfold the party until they reach the throneroom (If Cryonax is smart, he will require this in order to keep outsiders from learning the secrets and routes within his estate. In fact, many planar lords in general-- demon princes, archdemons, etc. are likely to utilize this tactic, which works quite well for any DM since you can forego having to describe every single room they pass through-- a real problem since a lot of these planar rulers possess strongholds on an absolutely massive scale.).
The common appearance in the throneroom is thus:
The walls, ceiling, and floors are covered in intricate, masterwork carvings, and much of the ice is either stained or is naturally of different colors. Upon entering the room, all eyes will turn their gaze to the PCs. Sitting atop an icy throne atop a dais is Cryonax. Unless Cryonax finds the meeting to be particularly interesting (highly unlikely; Cryonax is not easily amused), he is typically seen leaning back in his throne in a pose as though in deep thought (often with a tentacle on his chin, tapping the tentacle-fingers of his other arm on the armrest of his throne.) Cryonax typically gazes upon the adventuring party with a combination of indifference, contempt, and arrogance, and shows signs of boredom.
Standing immediately to his right, also atop the dais is Frigidora. She typically stands in a rigid militaristic posture with her arms folded behind her back. Her gaze shows all the same elements of Cryonax's except that there is slightly more emotion, and she lacks the disillusioned appearance of her master.
Sitting on their knees towards the back wall, behind the throne, but also atop the dais are two weirds-- an ice weird and a snow weird. At most, there is slight contempt in their eyes, but they are otherwise entirely expressionless, without even the cold, cruel expressions of Cryonax and Frigidora (that is to say, unlike Cryonax and Fridigora, they are not scowling).
At other side of the massive doorway (which the PCs have just entered) are a pair of elder ice paraelementals. Unless the PCs resort to violence, or the two sentries are otherwise commanded by Cryonax himself, they never move-- in fact, if the PCs were to let their guard down, they'd likely mistake the two sentries for roughly hewn statues.
(That is all I can give as for a description for now)

Other Info: There are two local, ancient legends about Cryonax and his herald, Frigidora; interestingly enough, both center on revenge and wrath. The first one usually goes something like this:
Some time ago, Frigidora and her troops were patrolling the Precipice. There they encountered a particularly powerful Entrope (fully advanced). Despite being forbidden from doing such by Cryonax, she and her troops engaged the beast. During the ensuing battle, most of Frigidora's troops were killed, and Frigidora was fatally wounded, battered and eviscerated. The remaining few soldiers grabbed her lifeless body and returned to the Chisled Estate in defeat. (it should be noted that in some versions he is said to have teleported her to his throneroom) Cryonax's reaction varies greatly between storyteller; in some versions he gives no emotional response, while in others he becomes visibly upset. A few versions make the claim that he wept over Frigidora's lifeless body (incredibly, incredibly unlikely).
At any rate, being irreplacable, Cryonax was determined to bring her back from beyond the grave. He took her body to a certain room in his estate (in some versions it's the uppermost room, in others it's an alter room on the lowest level), where he began to perform strange rituals (variations of the story instead describe the rituals as 'disgusting', 'bizzare', or 'evil'). There he found that it was possible for him to ressurect Frigidora (There are notorious rumors throughout ice that Frigidora has sold her soul to Cryonax, just as one would to a fiend. If so, this might more easily explain how Cryonax could gather and return her soul to her body) and restore her body due to her unusual physiology (being half outsider and half elemental, half flesh and half ice). The specifics of the rituals are never given.
Upon succeeding, Cryonax gathered some troops and left his Chisled Estate for the first time in a long while. He hunted down the Entrope responsible for the death of his most precious treasure and attacked it brutally, making sure not to kill it. Instead, he severed each of its legs and claws one-by-one before somehow muzzling the monstrosity. Some versions mention that with one of the entrope's own severed claws, Cryonax gouged out its only eye, twisting the claw slowly. It is said that he then created a massive shaft of ice which he used not only to impale the now helpless Entroph, but to pin it to the icy ground it stood on as well.
The legend states that he stood silently, watching the entroph continue to writhe and squirm in vain for some time. However, he did not kill the creature with his own hands. Instead, before calmly walking away with his confused soldiers, he summoned a pack of worgs who surely noticed the convenient and still-squirming meal. (Oh, in case you didn't catch that, the idea behind pinning the helpless entroph to the ground and summoning the worgs was so that the entroph would be devoured alive)
The legend goes on to state that Frigidora and her surviving troops were punished severely by Cryonax (most versions state that Frigidora's surviving troops were executed for their failure to prevent her death)
The legend is often used as a cautionary tale against making the assumption that Cryonax's general lack of emotion makes him incapable of wrath, or in assuming that his unemotional, logical bent makes him incapable of unpredictable behavior or sadism.

The other story is chiefly about Cryonax's herald. Strangely enough, Frigidora's surrogate mother was a frost giantess who had recently given birth to a child of her own. (note: genies and giants hate each other)
Several decades into her life, Frigidora received word that her surrogate brother had been killed while attempting to subjugate a joint dwarven and gnomish city to Cryonax's rule (this was aeons back when ice gnomes still lived near the surface of the Precipice). Frigidora was enraged and swore revenge, which Cryonax granted her. It is said that what ensued was one of the most vile massacres that the Paraelemental Plane of Ice has ever witnessed. The details of the massacre are never given in any version of the legend, beyond the statement that the glacier dwarves and ice gnomes of this forgotten city were "hunted down like animals". No ruins of this town exist, and the exact location where it once stood is unknown. Nonetheless, legend states that if you listen carefully to the Howl of the North (see Frostburn for details), you can hear the clang of blue ice and the blood-curdling screams of the town's inhabitants.
Legend also states that due to the nature of their deaths, the glacier dwarves and ice gnomes of the lost city went on to become entombed (see Frostburn monster entry). A few are said to exist to this day, roaming the Precipice in search of revenge. They say one can immediately tell if the entombed is one of the victims of this ancient city because their frozen face is forever twisted into a hideous visage reflecting the agony they suffered at the moment of death.

There is one more legend-- though it is more like a religious myth. According to legend, Frigidora was found in a storm clearing by a patrol unit that had lost its way in a violent snowstorm. Due to the incredible odds of such an event occuring (that is, finding an abandoned baby within the short window *hours to days in this case* needed to find it alive, gowing up to exceed all of Cryonax's minions in power and perhaps even loyalty, all because a small band of minions were thrown off course by a freak snowstorm), many in Cryonax's cult have attributed the event to a supernatural, or even divine hand. It appears as though the cult cannot agree upon a power to attribute the event to, which could well mean that even Cryonax himself doesn't know. However, Auril, Thrym, and Hoar have all been attributed to the event by various cultists. It would seem unlikely for Auril or Thrym to be behind the event since they and Cryonax possess competing portfolios, though certain cultists have claimed that they sent Frigidora as a boon to Cryonax to increase his might, since all three powers have the same ultimate goal in mind (to cover the multiverse in eternal winter).
Other cultists, and even several non-cultists have attributed the event to Hoar, the Faerunian god of retribution and poetic justice. In this case, the story usually goes that Hoar takes pity upon the baby Frigidora, and sends Cryonax's minions to her with the intention that she would be placed in a position of power whereupon she could exact revenge against the Qorrashi genies. The problem with this story is that it entails Hoar gracing Cryonax with a powerful weapon/soldier, and that he seeks to punish an entire race for the act of a single woman (though those familiar with Qorrash society state that their cultural values create an environment where the abandonment of racially mixed children is indirectly encouraged.)
Many of the paraelementals who serve Cryonax attribute the event to the will of the Paraelemental Plane itself, but it seems unlikely that a neutral-aligned plane would bless a Prince of Elemental Evil in such a way, especially when there is no Prince or Princess of Elemental Good to keep him in check.
Sigilian sages are curious, nonetheless. Frigidora is said to be something called a "higher-order half elemental", a rare half-elemental creature which possesses most of the traits of its outsider parentage, yet appears to be far more "elemental" than the average half-elemental. As of yet, it appears that nobody, not even Cryonax himself (who surely would very much like to know) know how higher-order half elementals are created, other than that they are always the offspring between an elemental and an outsider of the same element.
Spread of awareness of Frigidora's existence among Sigilian sages has resulted in a renewed interest in the Mephit Lord Chilimba, who is also said to be a higher-order half elemental. In fact, these two entities are the only higher-order half elementals known in the entire multiverse! The fact that these two come from opposing paraelemental planes has resulted in much speculation by Sigilian sages. Was Frigidora borne not to be Cryonax's servant, but rather an Ice Lord to oppose Chilimba? Naysayers stress this is very unlikely, since Frigidora was apparently born millenia after the Law-Chaos war, which Chilimba is said to have participated in. As for the elementals, genies, and mephits themselves, it would seem that their prevalent belief is that higher-order half elementals are entirely the result of their plane's will, and nothing else. Thus, there is no rhyme or reason to their birth beyond fate.

This brings up another excellent question: Why is there a Prince of Elemental Evil Ice, yet no good princess to to maintain the balance? (I specified princess since, you'll note that the original opposing archomental is always the opposite sex of the evil archomental)
Nobody knows, though several sages have attributed it to the characteristics of the Negative Energy Plane and necromancy-- that is, the attribution of necromancy and the undead with the cold of the grave, making ice lean towards evil. There is a flaw in this theory however; in order for this hypothesis to be true, then wouldn't earth also lean towards evil?
These sages retort that earth and the grave have little to do with undeath and the undead (that the grave is the resting place of the dead, while undeath is the denial of the grave), and is more about the cold, lifelessness and negative energy of undeath.) Other sages retort that this theory is bogus, because the Paraelemental Plane of Ice is not a negative quasiplane, and even if it were, the negative quasiplanes are no more evil than the positive quasiplanes are good.

These are definitive answers for (overall) two somewhat mundane questions. This is not information that should be ever revealed to the players (no way they'd ever come across it), it's simply a couple of definitive answers and details for the purpose of role-playing on the DM's part.

As mentioned earlier, there are rumors that Frigidora has 'sold' her soul to Cryonax, much like one would to a fiend.
The basic premise of these rumors is indeed true, though she unlike most evil thralls, disciples, etc., Frigidora did not sell her soul to Cryonax in exchange for power (though she still got that nonetheless). She sold it to him out of pure devotion, and having her essence absorbed by him is not viewed by her as a penalty in any shape or form, but as a blessing. Of course, as we've seen above, Cryonax is not yet finished with her, and will return her essence to her body so long as it is not entirely destroyed.

This is the low-down or "dark" if you will, about the relationship between the two: everything mentioned in this and previous posts about the relationship between the two (other than Cryonax crying that one time) is true, and is motivation behind Frigidora's fascination and devotion with her master. The "Vile Affections" mentioned in her entry is thus: she views Cryonax as a lover, a father, and her god. Such unusual and forbidden feelings are not at all uncommon among beings of pure evil. (In fact, while most Demon Lords, Archdevils, etc. would be offended at the idea of having sex with lowly mortal worshippers-- or even the average fiend of their own kind *These are the nobles of the Lower Planes, with the obligatory inflated egos, after all*, it is quite common for thralls, disciples, scions, and cultists to harbor lustful fantasies about their patron fiend, and we're not just talking about the cultists of Malcanthet and Glasya, by the way.)
These emotions are strong enough that she has never had even a fleeting interest in intimacy, or even plain lust, with anything else-- she has a reputation throughout Ice of being celibate.
These feelings are not mutual; while Frigidora is indeed in love with Cryonax, Cryonax does not love Frigidora (he is entirely incapable of such an emotion). Nor has he any interest in physical intimacy with anyone or anything. Is Cryonax aware of Frigidora's feelings?
Of course he is; he'd be an idiot not to notice.
So long as it does not interfere with her duties or cause a spectacle, he really couldn't care less what feelings she harbors towards him. If it makes her more loyal, then so be it. Of course, that is not to say he does not use her feelings or desires to manipulate-- or possibly even reward her-- in fact, he has done the latter a few times in the past.

Misc factoid: It was Cryonax himself who named Frigidora (considered quite an honor by many, and Frigidora may well boast of this to the PCs.)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

BTW, in regards to the Qorrashi....
When I write out the information on them as a race/species, do you think I should include the general Zahkaran cultural information from the Al Qadim Campaign setting? Because if so, it will be a major pain in the ass and I'll probably have to submit a separate article on genie society and culture as a whole for reference.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Only problem with Auril is that the official materials are quite clear that no powers stand in Cryonax's way. If Auril meddles with Ice, that would create quite a problem for Cryonax as she is far, far more powerful than he is. (BTW, there's also Telchur from the Greyhawk setting; his home plane is also on Pandesmos, and we cannot forget Thrym, god of the Frost Giants.)
If there are genuine powers in the Plane of Ice, it's likely they stand completely aloof at what Cyronax is doing.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

I doubt they stand aloof at the fact that Cryonax is trying to establish himself as the god of the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, since that would equate to competition.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

This is getting VERY interesting. Right now I'm working on the Qorrash some more, particularly on their relations with other races. (I haven't worked out their relations with the Djinn just yet, but one plan is that they sometimes work together to fight/deal with the Efreet, who the Qorrash despise every bit as much as the Djinn do. They also hate the Dao.) They don't get along with the Marid except during tournaments and great hunts (Frostburn mentions that Qorrash love combat sports and fighting in general; something in common with the Marid)
Then of course came their relationship with the glacier dwarves, which got very interesting. Sure, glacier dwarves are "just mortals", but they share most of the Qorrash's enemies, and then of course there are the tasked genies. (I wrote a long paragraph or so about the relationship between tasked artist genies/qorrashi and the glacier dwarves) One can only imagine how awesome the crafted goods resulting from their cooperation are (for those not aware, in the Al Qadim setting, it is emphasized throughout, but especially in Secrets of the Lamp that genies are master craftsmen, and refers to "geniecraft items" (yeah, if you've read through the 3.5 Draconomicon and Races of Stone, you know what that means... hoo boy I've got my work cut out for me.))

Anyone else have any other ideas for their relations with other races?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Hyena of Ice wrote:
I doubt they stand aloof at the fact that Cryonax is trying to establish himself as the god of the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, since that would equate to competition.

He's another upstart mortal (i.e., not divine) hoping to break into the big league. Plenty have tried, few have made it. Maybe if Cryonax actually gets close to an apotheosis other gods will bother taking an interest.


Pants of the North!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

While I understand what you meant, Cryonax is not "mortal" any more than a fiend or celestial is "mortal".

Anyway, I'm planning to implement rules to allow other divine classes (other than the cleric) to become elemental devotees to Cryonax (and similar rules could be used for the other Archomentals as well)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Expanded Qorrashi Information

The Frostburn Supplement was woefully inadequate when it comes to monster entries (there was no Habitat/Society and Ecology paragraphs for the monsters). In addition, the Qorrash need to be integrated with the other genies into the Planar politics 2E style. So here is some info on them.
This post is not yet complete. This is presented in the style of Al Qadim: Secrets of the Lamp.

Note: One of the Qorrashi spell-like abilities differs depending whether they're on the Prime or Inner Planes.
On the Prime, they possess Endure Elements. On the Planes, they possess Protection from Energy.
Just like the Djinn can revoke flight spells and the Marid can revoke water breathing spells and magic items, the Qorrash can bestow or revoke elemental protection spells, and NOT just Endure Elements and Protection from Energy. (they can also revoke Energy Immunity spells and the like)

Qorrashi are almost dualistic in nature. Though fiercely Lawful Neutral, their lawful tendencies only apply to areas with law-- in wilderness and frontier areas, they act a bit more like their Djinni cousins. Their love for battle and hunting makes them more similar to the Marid.

Qorrash enjoy physical combat more than their djinn cousins, though they still use their magical abilities to soften up their foes. They are quick to flee from a fight that turns against them.
Qorrash enjoy combat, and as such, combat sports are incredibly popular in Qorrash settlements. Popular sports include wrestling and boxing, the latter of which requires combatants wear special gloves that turn their regular slam damage into subdual damage. Hunting is also very popular, and in this respect, the Qorrash are very similar to the Marid. Like the Marid, they hold special annual ceremonies and celebrations venerating combat and hunting, though unlike the Marid they have more than one such holiday (at least two major holidays, one for hunting and one for combat sports.)

Millenia ago, Qorrash lived openly throughout the Precipice. However, with Cryonax expanding his territory, and the threat that Albrantanilar poses, most have long since retreated either skyward onto the skybergs or deep underground into Core Ice, or in rare cases, just a few yards under the surface of the Precipice (the entrance is often hidden by elaborate visual and nosomal illusions). In such places they are able to simply ignore Cryonax's rule, much like the Immoth do. Once in awhile one hears stories in Tiera Minuut about recently formed crevasses revealing some ancient town or city of obvious genie origin and similar tales. Such locations are usually buried in snow and ice once again in short order, though a well known one is the ruins of the City of Crystal, their former capital. Said to have once been a magnificent city atop one of the mountains of the Precipice, flanked on all sides with urbanized skybergs.

Though an ancient offshoot of the Djinn, Qorrash possess a different title and form of government, one which is extremely administrative and bureaucratic. Law and tradition are held sacred to them, as is one's word. Unfortunately, this leads to government intrusion in many parts of Qorrash life; after all, every transaction, every sale, every birth and every death must be recorded.
Travelers who enter Qorrashi city-states and outposts are expected to know the laws and customs, and are prosecuted for violating the laws just like any native.

(Name of Stronghold)
The Ruler: The ruler of all Qorrash is Khan Wajih al-Kristala ben Dabaab Tajmeed al Nabeel, the Master of Blizzards. His long list of titles include Lord of the Skybergs, Great Chieftain of the North, Warrior of the Frozen Mists, and Fist of Law.

Major Mosques: Like all genies, Qorrash are not particularly pious in nature, though they do revere several deities.
Their most revered deity, and one which enjoys the privelage of the most elaborate and high quality mosques (a new Zahkaran one I am introducing) is Arat the White, Lord of Mountain Peaks. He personifies authority and tradition. An Al-Qadim type entry can be found in the appendix of this post.
Other venerated deities include Kor, Haku, and Hakiyah.

As with all genie races, Qorrash view non-genie races as inferior to themselves and rarely worth their time; this view is held in particular regard when dealing with mortal races. Nonetheless, they will abide by any oath they make with another being (even if coercion was used). In general, they prefer to simply ignore any being that isn't a genie or a paraelemental, so long as it does not threaten them or encroach upon their territory.
Like all geniekind, the Qorrash despise giants, and this leads to no end to conflict between them and the frost giants of Core Ice. Qorrash living on the skybergs at the edge of the Precipice and Air likewise do not get along with any cloud or storm giants they cross paths with. They do not get along with the snow elves of the skybergs, either, but prefer to ignore them unless the two have a dispute over territory.
Their relations with glacier dwarves are also somewhat strained, as one would expect between a genie and mortal race. Qorrash on the Precipice rarely if ever interact with dwarves. Qorrash in Core Ice interact with glacier dwarves more often, and it is not uncommon for them to build alliances with one another in the name of survival, since both have the same enemies. Many dwarven villages and most towns in Core Ice have at least one tasked genie. Tasked Qorrash usually serve dwarves as administrators, artists, and sometimes miners. The vast majority serve as artists (usually as smithies or jewelers of various kinds), and most dwarves greatly appreciate artist genies' services. While disputes often arise over personal taste in artistic direction, most greatly appreciate one another, and dwarves respect tasked genies for the quality of their work, which is always at least equal to anything the dwarves make, if not better. An artist genie who finds a good niche in a dwarven village or town may settle there permanently, or he may prefer to settle only short-term, wandering from outpost to outpost; most artist genies practice some combination of the two habits until they find a 'master' or 'apprentice' that suits them best, deciding first to 'sample' the smithies of various outposts. It all depends on the contract the dwarven crafter and the artist genie agree to. (tasked qorrash usually remain lawful neutral, and thus require their master, apprentice, or settlement to sign and agree to binding contracts.) Most often the tasked artist genie will agree to serve the dwarf for the rest of his life. Others will agree to serve the smithy of the outpost for several generations so long as he or she is treated well and respected for his/her work. Artist genies who take on an apprentice (least common role) will only serve for a few years to teach the dwarf many of their techniques. If these tasked genies decide to return to Qorrash society to continue their line of work, they usually bring a proficiency if not mastery of various dwarven crafting techniques with them.
At any rate, the result of these commonplace alliances between crafters of the two races is that dwarvencraft items on ice very often show distinct geniecraft influences. In fact, as a whole glacier dwarven crafts on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice (as opposed to those on the prime worlds) are basically renowned for combining both dwarven and genie designs and techniques. This unusual blending of cultures and techniques make items made from glacier dwarves of Ice to be of high demand throughout the planes.

Their relations with other genies are strained, at best. They find their Djinn cousins to be far too unstructured and flighty. The two races are able to get along when it comes to trade, and are able to put aside their differences when it comes to combatting the Efreet, but that's about it.
They are disgusted by the lack of structure in the Marid and their tendency for chaotic and unpredictable behavior, and their boastful lies. On the other hand, they share the Marid's love for combat sports and hunting. Marids and Qorrash can often be found at one another's holidays, celebrating hunting and combat sports, and this is the only time the two races are known to get along with or enjoy dealing with one another. Both are very careful to abide by the other's rules in such situations, since the penalties for violating these rules are often dire on both sides. The desire to participate in one another's celebrations is also due to a long-lasting rivalry; apparently, both intend to win at the other's holidays as a means of proving that chaos or law is superior to the other. Thus far of course, no Marid has won a Qorrash tournament, and no Qorrashi has one a Marid tournament.
During all other times, Qorrash and Marids try their best to avoid one another, knowing that no good could come of it. Once in awhile they meet one another to trade goods, but these events are thick with tension; Marids absolutely despise trading with anyone as they consider it dishonorable (even with other marids in some instances), and both races can't stand the behavior of the others. Marid traders always try to cheat (and even steal from) their Qorrash customers, and the Qorrash are 'stuffy' and 'rigid' in the extreme in the eyes of the Marid. Only the compulsive desire for the other race's goods actually brings them to trade with one another. Then of course there is the superiority complex that both races possess...
The Qorrash are absolutely disgusted with the Dao, finding nary a redeemable quality in them, and they share the Djinn's hatred for the Efreet. Some clueless are surprised by this fact-- after all, the Efreet are Lawful Evil. However, the Qorrash despise them for their interference with other civilizations and, in particular, because they are beings of fire.
Their relations with paraelementals is about identical to those between other elementals and geniekind. Though many paraelementals work as servants for noble Qorrash, non-noble Qorrash are reluctant to call upon them for aid since genie culture requires that they give something in return. Like all genies, the Qorrash hold themselves as being superior to elemental beings, though not to the same degree that they view themselves as superior to mortals.

The vast majority of Qorrash frequenting Toril are located on the forbidding Wi Pi Te Shao and Yehimal mountain range in Southwestern Kara-Tur, all the way north through the Katakoro Shan (and thus all mountains surrounding the Kingdom of Khazari). Historically they were also very common on the World Pillar Mountains before the Yakmen chased them out. In Zakhara, they are said to inhabit the Mountains of Lost Dreams (and other mountain ranges surrounding the Genies' Anvil) in the winter. They are more common at night, when it is coldest, and often return to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice a few hours after dawn (they always leave by the time the morning frost begins to melt). Zakhara is much too hot for them during the daytime unless they use their "Endure Elements" spell-like ability. Genie nomads can also be found sporadically across the North region of Faerun (primarily the Sea of Endless Ice, though they have been encountered in Icewind Dale as well, and rumor is that they also inhabit the Ice Peak), though like all other genie races, they remain elusive and incredibly uncommon there in modern times (for player characters and NPCs, Qorrashi genie play the function of a cryptid.)
For more information on the role Qorrashi genies have played in the north, please see:
(note this is a 3.0 page. You'll need Frostburn if you want to use the 3.5 updated version of the Qorrashi genie in your campaign)

Qorrashi servants and companions include glacier dwarves, ice paraelementals, ice/cold paraelement animals, ice weirds, immoths, jann, and snow weirds.
Like most genie races, Qorrash do keep slaves, but the slaves are protected by numerous, complicated laws, such as where and how slaves can be procured, and how long they can be kept (by Qorrashi law, a slave may not be kept for longer than 10% of its total, natural lifespan, or about 7 years for a human.)

Qorrash are not easy for Sha'ir to deal with. Though they are quite lawful and will never break an oath or law of a pact, they are, after all, creatures of snow and ice. As such, they tend to be every bit as resentful of being summoned or bound by a sha'ir as the Marid, since chances are they will be summoned to a region that is particularly hot. They will not break nor bend any laws of the genie pact, but will keep the sha'ir under close observation. The qorrashi will immediately take full advantage of any transgression or law-breaking (pact wise), no matter how trivial, should they observe it in the sha'ir. The qorrashi will confront the sha'ir at the first opportunity and attempt to renegotiate the contract. Also, because they resent being forced into a genie pact, the Qorrashi will do its best to make the sha'ir miserable-- usually by bogging him down with contracts and oaths for every little thing, and even the genie contract itself must be painstakingly meticulous to meet the Qorrashi's approval.

Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 11d8 + 44 (93 HP)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size +5 dex +7 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: 11/22
Attack: 2 slams +17 melee (1d8+7 plus 1d6 cold) or +1 frost battle axe (2d6+7 +1d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Chill, frostbite, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., icewalking, immunity to cold, outsider traits, plane shift, telepathy 100ft,. SR 18, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort 10, Ref 12, Will 10
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 20, Con 19, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +13, Concentration +15, Craft (any one) +9, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +6 (+8 acting), Escape Artist +15, Intimidate +16, Listen +16, Move Silently +16, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +14, Spot +16, Use Rope +8 (+10 with bindings)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Ice Storm)
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary, company (2d4), or procession (1-2 plus 4-20 common qorrash)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral
Advancement: 12-22 (Large) 23-32 (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -
(I have yet to work out the flavor text for this entry.)
Note: The 3.5 Qorrashi genie (or the 3.0 version on Wizards website for that matter) are not OGL content and therefore I will not be posting the text on their abilities. For the abilities of a noble Qorrashi genie, simply apply those of the common Qorrashi genie from Frostburn, with the following modifications:

Frostbite: Change the Fortitude DC to 18.

Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 20th)
At Will: Endure Elements, Invisibility (self only), Obscuring Snow (Frostburn spell)
3x/day: Boreal Wind (DC 17) (Frostburn spell), Cone of Cold (DC 18), Ice Storm, Wish (to non-genies only)
1x/day: Control Weather, Create Food and Water, Gaseous Form (up to 1 hour), Major Creation (created vegetable matter, glass, unworked mundane crystal, ice, and snow is permanent, but the latter two can be melted), Persistent Image (DC 18), Polar Ray (DC 20), Wind Walk

Tiny Outsider (Extraplanar, Cold)
HD: 1d8+1 (4HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 dex, +1 natural) touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1, -9
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d2 +1 cold)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Cold
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., paraelemental endurance, fetch spells, cold immunity, paraelemental travel, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +4, Escape Artist +5, Hide +12, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6
Feats: Combat Casting (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often lawful neutral
Advancement: 2-3HD (Tiny); 4-6HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: --
"This creature resembles a white-skinned humanoid with hair like billowing snow."
Ice Gens are found throughout the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. They are thought to be related to Qorrashi, and are often found within Qorrashi cities and towns, though the vast majority are believed to be solitary and nomadic. Ice Gens speak Common and Glacian (auran/aquan creole)
Ice Gens avoid combat when possible. If they must fight, they slam opponents with their fists.
Cold (Ex): An ice gen's frost-covered body deals 1 point of extra damage whenever it deals a successful hit in melee, or in each round that it maintains a hold while grappling.
(I am not describing the other special abilities for copyright reasons; Ice Gen is adapted from the Fire Gen found in Dragon Magazine 315. Its Elemental Endurance and Elemental Travel abilities sounds rather loopy, and its other abilities are relevant only to Sha'ir)

(to be posted)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Expanded Info on Coldfire (special substance from Frostburn)

Frostburn introduces a substance known in common as "Coldfire" (though the Auran and Aquan terms for it is "Coldflow", and the Glacian term for it is "Pureflow".)
In this post, I will expand upon the substance, and how it affects daily life on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice.
I would strongly recommend referring to it as "Coldflow", since there are many substances in D&D from 1~3x known by that moniker. (this is what I shall do in this post)

As mentioned in Frostburn, Coldflow is extremely rare on the Prime, as it is a manifestation of Paraelemental Ice. It's commonly found in the form of rivers, streams, lakes puddles, and even fogs, and it can defy gravity (as it is both a liquid and a gas).

When people think of Paraelemental Ice, they envision very cold ice, or perhaps even eternal ice, as being the true manifestation of this plane. They are incorrect, however. The conglomeration of air and water, in its purest form, is coldflow.
Coldflow is a swirling, viscous, glowing pale blue fluid that is literally half-gas, half-liquid. Coldflow is somewhat chaotic in nature-- it can either follow gravity or not (that is to say, some bodies of coldfire are affected by gravity as water, while others defy it)-- this is in part because it weighs only half as much as water. It's also incredibly cold-- while areas of Unearthly Cold (-50 degrees F/ -45.5degrees C-- or less) on Paraelemental Ice inflict 1d6 points of cold damage per round to an unprotected creature (and areas of True Cold inflict twice that much), immersion in coldfire inflicts 20d6 cold damage per round, and victims the subject to a supernatural disease known as "Coldfire Ruin". In addition, the viscosity of coldfire means that cold damage continues for 1d2 rounds after initial exposure, but the damage is only half of what was incurred during the previous round.
Simply coming within 10 feet exposes one to Coldfire Ruin, as one breathes in the vapors from the nearby bodies of coldfire, which also come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the face (lips and pink side of the eyelids and tear ducts)
Coldfire Ruin is a devastating supernatural disease that affects creatures --and objects-- lacking the Cold, Air, or Water subtype *or possessing the Fire and/or Earth subtypes*. Sages believe that the condition is technically closer to a poison than to an actual disease, but its symptoms are more disease-like than poison-like.
The prevaling theory among both Sigilian and Elemental/Genie sages is that coldfire ruin is the result of the same phenomena observed when "impure" substances-- that is, those consisting partially or entirely of elemental fire or earth are immersed in coldflow. Over a period of time (which varies depending on the size of the matter in question), breaks down from "impure" to "pure" elements-- "pure" and "impure" being the definitions of the natives of Ice. In other words, essences of fire are converted to essences of water, and essences of earth to essences of air.

Whatever the case, sages all agree that the same thing happens when a non-cold creature is exposed to Coldflow.
As to the pathophysiology, it is quite simple. Because Coldflow consists of such fine particles and is half-water, it is permeable through the skin. It can also be absorbed via the mucous membranes in the lungs, respiratory passages, mouth, tear ducts, and inside of the eyelids. From there it is absorbed into the blood stream, where it spreads throughout the body.
The 'disease' usually begins in the lungs, liver, or a less vital organ, and slowly spreads.
In mortals and the vast majority of outsiders, this manifests as a sort of supernatural chain reaction, where the Coldflow breaks down the elemental components of the host's body, slowly turning him or her into coldflow from the inside out.
Coldflow has no effect on positive or negative energy-- only earth and fire-- prime mortals and most outsiders are composed of all four plus positive energy.

As an optional rule, you might decide that Remove Disease will not remedy Coldfire Ruin, because it is a transmutational process rather than an infection by living or undead organisms. In such cases, a targeted Dispel Magic with a Spellcraft (or caster level check) DC of 29 is needed to cure the malady (25 for the Frostburn check, 4 for the level of the spell of Coldflow-- treat bodies of Coldflow and their effects as a Wall of Coldfire spell for the purpose of dispelling, counterspells, etc. with a CL of 20) Dispel Cold will also work, but remember that it has the Fire subtype (meaning a DC 20 Spellcraft check is needed to cast it on water-dominant planes like Ice, or if you prefer 2E-type rules, it isn't available at all) The Heal spell also works, of course. Being such a high-level spell, it's up to you whether or not the player still needs to make a caster level check to cure the Coldfire Ruin. Should you wish to implent Coldflow and Coldfire Ruin in a 2E campaign, then simply follow the 2E rules for Slimy Doom, and give creatures associated with fire or earth a -2 penalty to their saves.

For planewalkers, Coldflow is a particularly nasty hazard-- every bit as nasty as snowflake lichen on the Precipice, if not moreso.
Not only does Coldflow flow as rivers on the surface of the Precipice and through carved tunnels of Core Ice, but it also forms subterranean rivers and pockets. Even worse, Coldflow can be covered in layers of ice or packed snow, meaning that someone who breaks through thin ice could find themselves immersed in something far worse than sub-freezing water (refer to the "Crevasse" hazard in Frostburn or Stormwrack to determine rules for this.
For details on the various hazards associated with Coldflow, see the Hazards post in this topic.)

It should be noted that outsiders, elementals, undead, deathless, and even constructs are not immune to this disease-- save those with the air or water subtype who are indigenous to the elemental planes of air or water-- since they are composed solely of positive energy plus elemental air or water, there is nothing present for the coldflow to 'purify'. (these creatures still suffer from the frostburn damage inflicted by coldflow exposure of course). Likewise, incorporeal undead and deathless *and even some living incorporeal creatures indigenous to the Positive and Negative energy planes* lacking the "fire" or "earth" subtype cannot be affected, as they are composed of pure positive or negative energy.
Creatures covered in mucous membrane instead of dermis (amphibians, mollusks, and aboleth, for example) suffer a -1 penalty to their Fort save against Coldfire Ruin. Creatures of fire or earth suffer a -2 penalty-- -4 if they are immersed in coldflow. Elementals and Outsiders of Elemental Fire or Earth do not turn into coldflow however-- they dissipate into their opposite element, since the other component of Paraelemental Ice is absent from their bodies. For these creatures, this substance is far more horrifying than it is for mortals and non-fire and earth subtype outsiders.
First of all, while coldfire ruin is a slow, painful death for all its victims, it is exquisitely agonizing for creatures of Fire and Earth, as their bodies dissipate into the opposite element.
Second, an Outsider or Elemental killed in this way, no matter what plane, is destroyed utterly and irreversibly. Its essence doesn't even return to its plane of origin, since there is nothing left to return there. For such beings saved from such a horrible fate after suffering Con drain, perhaps after a week, each point of Con drain should be recovered in exchange for Wis or Cha drain.
It's worth noting that none of these properties make Coldflow an evil substance. The purpose of coldflow in the scheme of things is to convert substances to Paraelemental Ice, and in particular, to remove elemental impurities from the plane. The dissolution of Fire and Earth immortals is simply a result of the purification itself. Similar phenomena are highly likely to exist on the upper planes as well, in respect to lower planar outsiders. Since evil is a the primary and immutable part of a fiend's soul, and the purpose of certain upper planar manifestations *such as a special sacred lake or ocean* is to purify evil energies, then a natural consequence will be dissolution of that fiend. Dissolution occurs because the body and soul of an outsider or elemental make up a single unit-- destruction of one equals destruction of the other. As to why spells of the opposing alignment component or element don't normally result in dissolution of an outsider or elemental off its native plane-- this is actually quite simple. Under normal circumstances, the elemental or outsider 'dies' long before its body can be entirely consumed-- thus, at that instant, the creature is banished back to its home plane. "Purifying manifestations such as Coldflow cause damage on a much more elemental (molecular, you might say) level.
Of course, the use of these manifestations as weapons by sentient beings is a different matter entirely. Intentional or informed destruction of a soul-- even that of a fiend-- is classified as an evil act, at least under 3x rules. This means that if an Archon captures a pit fiend on the Outlands, the Prime, etc, then drags it back to Celestia, covers it in netting or a consecrated stone, then pushes it into a consecrated purifying lake, then that Archon is committing an evil act.
In addition to being evil, the destruction of a soul is an anti-balance act (that is to say, it carries alignment and divine penalties for true neutral individuals, esp. worshippers of balance deities.)

In the end, this "purification" process is yet another major reason why the natives of Ice view the substance of sacred-- it "passes judgement" on the "impure" and the "abominations" (abominations being creatures of fire and/or earth of course)

Finally, there is one additional hazard from bodies of Coldflow: Ice Paraelemental creatures live in it, and some would just love to pull any intruders under-- or possibly just nibble on them. Bodies may also contain creatures with a variant of the Acidborn template from Dungeonscape-- Coldfire Born. In addition to the standard effects of the template, these creatures expose victims to Coldfire Ruin with their natural attacks.

Coldflow weighs half as much as pure water. Thus:
1 Gallon of Water is 8 lbs. (the amount you can fit in a clay jug. You wouldn't want to use a mundane clay jug because ceramics become extremely brittle when exposed to freezing temperatures. If you're wondering why someone would want to do this, Frostburn lists coldfire as a material component of several of the new spells it presents.)
1 pint (the amount you can fit in a flask) is approximately 2 lbs.
The volumes used in D&D 3x are a tad less realistic-- a pint of water only weighs half a lb, so using the same measurements, a gallon of water might only be 2 lbs.
Whatever you decide on, the same amount of Coldflow will weigh half that.

Here is a summary of the rules mentioned above.
--As per Frostburn, exposure to Coldflow inflicts 3d6 Frostburn damage.
--As per Frostburn, immersion to Coldflow inflicts 20d6 Frostburn damage.
--As per the Frostburn supplement, Frostburn damage cannot be healed unless a DC 25 Spellcraft check is made, OR the victim is moved to an area above freezing.
--The viscous nature of Coldflow means that damage continues for 1d2 rounds after the exposure, but damage is halved from the previous round.
--Exposure-- even coming within 10 ft of a large body or larger of Coldflow exposes one to Coldfire Ruin unless one is of the Cold subtype (or alternatively, indigenous to the plane) Creatures with the Water and Air subtypes indigenous to Water or Air should be immune to this disease.
--Coldfire Ruin exposure has a FORT DC of 20, an incubation period of 1 day, and causes 1d8 Con damage. Failing 2 Con saves in a row results in permanent ability drain.
--Even creatures normally immune to disease are not immune to Coldfire Ruin.
--Creatures with the Fire or Earth subtype suffer a -2 racial penalty to FORT saves against contracting Coldfire Ruin if they are exposed to Coldflow, and -4 if they are immersed.
--Outsiders and Elementals with the Fire and/or Earth subtypes who die from Coldfire Ruin cannot be brought back to life by anything short of a Miracle or Wish, if even that. Those who survive and are cured of their ailment suffer permanent Cha and Wis drain equal to the amount of Con damage they took (split it between the two stats)
--Coldflow weighs half as much as water.
--Optionally, because it is a transmutational process rather than a true disease, Coldfire Ruin cannot be cured with Remove Disease, and immunity to disease does not protect one from contracting it (though the Cold, Water, and Air subtypes do provided the creature is indigenous to the Elemental planes of Water or Air, or to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice-- note that even a genasi born on Ice or Water would be considered indigenous, but a full-blooded white dragon born on Ice would not.) Dispel Magic made with a DC 30 CL check will remove it however, as will Dispel Cold[i] made with a successful DC 20 Spellcraft check. [i]Heal will also remove the disease and remove the damage, though it's up to you whether the typical DC 25 CL check for removing Frostburn damage in a cold environment is needed.

On indigenous natives (Ice Paraelementals, Ice Paraelemental Creatures, Snow Rats, Qorrashi genies, Ice Mephits, Chraal, Frost Salamanders, Immoth, Arctines, Snow Weirds, Ice Weirds, Ice Gen, and Ice Serpents, etc.), Coldflow has more benign and even beneficial effects. They are as follows:
--If the creature needs to breathe, it can breathe Coldflow just as easily as its native element (air if it is terrestrial, water if it is aquatic).
--Nonaquatic natives gain Swim speed equal to their primary movement rate. An indigenous creature wishing to flee, that is being harassed by non-indigenous natives (frost giants, remorhaz, winter wolves, etc.) or non-natives will likely dive into a nearby body of Coldflow if such is available to it.
--Such creatures gain Fast Healing 5 while immersed (the creature's head can still be sticking out above the coldfire), or, if they already possess Fast Healing, it increases by 5 points.
Dying indigenous natives immersed in Coldflow are automatically stabilized.
--Indigenous natives can see through Coldflow as though it were water or freezing fog; they can see normally in Coldflow Haze and while submerged in Coldflow, while gazing into a Coldflow abyss or pool while above its surface is like gazing into a pool or deep body of water.
--Coldflow gives creatures immersed in it a weaker version of the Regeneration ability-- A severed limb can be reattached if held to the stump for about half an hour. If applied to (poured upon) both the stump and the severed limb before the two are rejoined, Coldflow will bestow regeneration after a full hour, though the severed limb must be held to the stump during this entire time..

Coldflow is utilized quite heavily in Ice Paraelemental, Ice Mephit, and Qorrashi societies. Because fluids freeze within seconds on most of Ice, these groups instead use Coldflow for bathing.
In fact, Coldflow is used for just about anything that Primes use water for, save drinking (though actually, they use it for that as well).
Though most indigenous natives prefer leeched heat for sustenance, they sometimes enjoy other things as well, such as powdered eternal ice (many types are used as a spice), the alchemical substance known as "pure element", and also Coldflow. Though Coldflow is rarely consumed (except by Qorrash genies), it is often used much like a Prime would use a hot mineral spring.
Genies as well as Paraelemental and mephit nobility often decorate their mansions and palaces with Coldflow fountains. Like normal water fountains, these can even be enchanted, though nothing lacking an immunity to Cold would want to drink from such things (intentionally ingesting Coldflow inflicts 6d6 cold damage with no save, and increases the DC for contracting Coldfire Ruin by 2. Accidentally ingesting Coldflow has the same effect except that a successful DC 20 Fort save can halve the damage. Don't ask me how one could "accidentally" ingest Coldflow, though. *illusion trap, maybe?*)
Qorrash, Mephit, and Ice Paraelemental natives with the Heal skill always carry a half-gallon to gallon of Coldflow as a component of their healing kits-- it's as integral a part of their healing kits as sterile bandages are to those of Primes. Coldflow is sometimes used as the medium for magical potions, though skull talismans are far more common. It is not uncommon as a medium for holywater-- most indigenous ice creatures view it as sacred due to its healing properties for indigenous natives, as well as the way in which it slowly dissolves non-indigenous natives, non-natives, and elemental impurities.

(Eventually I will post information on rules for first-aid to treat elementals)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Additional Planetouched Races for Ice

The 3x canon primarily only includes Planetouched races descended from elemental beings. These following races were descended from paraelemental beings of ice-- Ice Elementals, Qorrash genies, or Ice Mephits.

I personally didn't much like the Ice Paragenasi presented in Dragon 297, so I made my own. Use whichever version you prefer.
--Distinguishing Features: Look human except for one or two distinguishing features related to their paraelemental ancestor. Some examples of these features are:
*Pale Blue Skin
*Pale White Skin
*White Hair
*Pale Blue Eyes (irises)
*A constant chill in their presence
*Flesh that is cool to the touch
*Breath that frosts even in warm temperatures
--Personality: Cold, calm, and emotionally distant.
--Ability Adjustments: +2 Wis, -2 Cha
--Darkvision up to 60 feet.
--+1 racial bonus on saving throws against cold spells and effects. This bonus increases by an additional +1/5 class levels the paragenasi attains.
--Control Temperature (Sp): An Ice Para-Genasi can lower the temperature within a 100 ft. emanation by one temperature band. The effect lasts for 5 hours. This ability can be used once per day and is used as if cast by a 5th level sorceror. (See Frostburn for information on Temperature Bands)
--Favored Class: Ranger
--Clerical Focus: An Ice Paragenasi cleric must choose a deity who grants access to the Cold domain and select Cold as one of her two domains.
LA: +1

This race is identical to the Half Fire Elemental presented in Races of Faerun and Manual of the Planes, with the following adjustments:
--Ability Score Adjustments: +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha
--Description: Half Ice Paraelementals have white/incredibly pale skin and mildly sharper physical features. They are aloof and seem callous/uncaring to people and things around them. They are slow to anger or excite; very rarely are they not seen with a calm, controlled demeanor.
--Special Attacks: Replace Fire Domain Spell-like abilities with Cold Domain spell-like abilities (Cold Domain is found in Frostburn and the Spell Compendium, as well as the Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Special Qualities: Replace immunity to fire effects with immunity to cold effects.
--Characters: Half Ice Paraelementals favor Rangers and Scouts rather than Wizards and Sorcerors.

Ice Mephlings have all the base abilities of a standard mephling as described in Planar Handbook, including the following:
--Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Wis
--Favored Class: Ranger
--Cast spells with the Cold descriptor at +1 CL
--Automatic Language: Both Auran and Aquan (allowing them to speak Glacian, the primary language spoken on Paraelemental Ice, which is a creole of Auran and Aquan)
--Breath Weapon: An Ice Mephling's breath weapon is a cone of ice shards, inflicting cold damage.
--Physical Description: Physical features slightly more angular. Skin is pale blue, like that of a frost giant, and hair (if the mephling has any) is snow-white.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
New Standard and Nonstandard Racial Variants

In addition, here are some subraces of the standard (and non-standard) races. Some of these are adapted from Frostburn.
For now this information will not include any role-playing or setting information (such as ecology, background, history, etc)

Dwarf, Glacier (see Frostburn and Crystalkeep for information)
Glacier Dwarves who have lived for more than 2 generations on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice have the following adjustments:
+1 racial bonus on attacks vs. TROLLS and goblinoids. (orcs just aren't nearly as plentiful on Ice as Ice and Snow trolls.)

Elf, Snow
This race combines that for the race of the same name from both Frostburn and the 1E Snow Elf race from Dragon 155: In the Frost and the Snow. I will post the full detail of this race at a later time.
Snow Elves have the following racial traits in addition to or replacing those of the standard Elf:
--Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Int
--Alignment: Usually CN
--Favored Class: Ranger (male), Sorceror (female)
--Other available Classes: Fighter (male), Druid (both sexes), Rogue (usually male), Scout (male)
(Notes: This race is primarily updated from the Dragon 155 article. Snow Elves are an ancient offshoot of the standard elven race, much like Drow. However, they took a neutral stance during the war between the Seldarine and Dark Seldarine over 10,000 years ago, and were thus banished to the cold mountains. The deities of the snow elves have made amends and are now re-incorporated into the Seldarine, and the snow elves on Greyhawk and Abeir-Toril are beginning to make amends with the other elven subraces save the drow who they still hate. Interestingly, the social structure of the snow elves is very similar to that of the Drow-- it is a theocratic matriarchy, with the high druidesses as the rulers, while male warriors serve them. It should be noted that while wizard is the female snow elf's favored class, the vast majority of them also take levels of druid. Most males multiclass into levels of fighter or scout, though some also multiclass into druids.)

Gnome, Ice (see Frostburn and Crystalkeep for information on them. Ice Gnomes tend to segregate themselves on Prime Worlds, but on Ice, they always form communities with Glacier Dwarves, as this cooperation maximizes the survival rate for both races.)
who have lived for more than 2 generations on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice have the following adjustments:
+1 racial bonus on attacks vs. giants & goblinoids (kobolds are pretty darn rare on Ice.)

Halfling, Tundra (See Frostburn and Crystalkeep for information. I eventually plan to write out more information on them, as well as the colonies of Tundra Halflings on Ice, who will need some sort of mammalian magical beast to domesticate.)

Raptorian, Snowy
I'm working on making the Raptorians a full-fledged race, which means adding subraces. This just happens to be one of them, and probably the easist subrace other than Treetop Raptorian to work with.
These Raptorians are adapted to life in subarctic and arctic climes. In the summer their wings take on a medium brown, slightly ruddy hue. In winter they are white with black spots. Their haircolor varies from a light brown, to dirty blonde, to silver, and their skin is very pale.
They possess the following traits in addition to or replacing those of the standard raptorian presented in Races of the Wild:
--Cold Tolerant (identical to the Cold Tolerant trait of the Glacier Dwarves in Frostburn; see that book or Crystalkeep for information)
--Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral
--Favored Class: Scout (Complete Adventurer class; use Cleric or Ranger if you don't have access to this supplement)
--Religion: I haven't decided on this yet.

...Hmm, I just thought of something. With how close (socially) gnomes and dwarves are to one another, you would expect cross-breeds between the two to be almost as common-place (per-capita wise of the two parent races) as half-elves per-capita wise between humans and elves. Yet I see nothing in the canon about such creatures, unless I somehow missed something somewhere (please inform me if I did). So, I'll probably work on creating such a race. No idea what to call them, however.

Schloss Ritter's picture
Joined: 2007-01-31
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

Why would Female Snow Elves have Wizard as a favored class when they have an Int penalty? I'm all for flavor in favor of min-max, but this makes no sense.


Nothing to see here. Move along.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Project Ice: Fleshing out the Paraplane of Ice

^^That's how they were in Dragon 155. Perhaps I'll change their favored class to druid.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Telling Time

On the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, the natives mostly use simple, primitive means of telling time. Since most of the natives do not sleep, their units of time tend to be different than those on most Prime worlds.
Bear in mind that in addition, to the methods discussed below, the natives (particularly the genies) also possess time-telling devices. The most common device (hourglasses aren't common due to problems with static electricity in many regions) is a coldfire clock-- a variant of the waterclock, an invention of the Qorrashi genies.

Most natives however, rely on more primitive, natural means of telling time.

On the Precipice, this involves observing the Aurora (sometimes called "Aurora Glacialis" by Planewalkers). The aurora is a strange phenomena somewhat similar to what is known as "northern lights" and "southern lights" on many prime worlds, and appears in the sky (the border between the Precipice and Air). This phenomena adds a small amount of additional light to that caused by the illumination from the Elemental Plane of Air. The patterns and colors of the Aurora follow a predictable pattern that completes its cycle about once every 26 hours. Some folks claim that The Aurora is actually caused by a sheet-like Quasielemental pocket of Radiance that spans most of the border between The Precipice and Elemental Air, but this seems highly unlikely. Most planetologists don't believe it is caused by the same phenomena that creates auroras on Prime worlds.

Another method used, particularly in Core Ice (where The Aurora is not visible) is observance of coldfire geysers and vents. Some of them follow a predictable pattern of eruption.

In some regions of the Precipice, the blizzards also follow a predictable pattern (though in others they seem entirely random, and in others still, they rage constantly. There are also certain areas where snow never falls, wind never blows, and storms never rage, yet snow and ice accumulate on the ground and atop objects.)

Some of the skybergs high above the Precipice's surface have predictable 'tracks' that the wind blows them across.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Hazards on Paraelemental Ice

I don't think I ever posted this in this thread.
The following is a list of hazards found on the plane, their sources, along with some expanded information and new hazards (some converted from or based upon the Inner Planes book)

--Avalanche (DMG, Frostburn) (Precipice, border bet. Core Ice and Sea of Frozen Lives)
--Blood Snow (Frostburn)
--Blood Snow Blizzard (Frostburn)
--Buried in Snow (Frostburn) (Precipice, border bet. Core Ice and Sea of Frozen Lives)
--Cave-In/Collapse (DMG)
--Coldfire (Frostburn)
--Cramped Spaces/Tunnels (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Dungeon Master's Guide II) (Core Ice only)
--Crevasse (Frostburn)
--Death Hail (Frostburn) (Precipice, Stinging Storm)
--Drowning (DMG, Stormwrack)
--Ebony Ice (Frostburn) (Stinging Storm, Frigid Void)
--Flash Flood (Sandstorm) (Core Ice border w. Sea of Frozen Lives only)
--Freezing Fog (Frostburn)
--Frostburn damage (Frostburn)
--Frost Lichen (Frostburn) (Precipice)
--Getting Lost, Frostfell (Frostburn)
--Getting Lost, Cavern (FR: Underdark) (the rules will have to be tweaked slightly for getting lost in Core Ice and such. I'll probably post such altered rules at a future date, but for the most part the same rules apply.)
--Ghost Tunnels (Dragon 347) (Core Ice)
--Howl of the North (Frostburn) (Precipice) (you might not want to encorporate this however, since the native creatures don't have resistance to Sonic damage)
--Hypothermia (new condition) (Frostburn, Stormwrack)
--Ice Sheet (DMG)
--Lightning Pillars (Frostburn) (Shimmering Drafts)
--Poor Air (FR: Underdark) (Core Ice)
--Quickslush (Frostburn) (border between Core Ice and Sea of Frozen Lives)
--Quicksnow (Frostburn)
--Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Hail (Frostburn)
--Razor Ice & Sleet (Frostburn)
--Running Water/Shallow Stream (Dungeon 114, Fantastic Location: Frostfell Rift) (found in the water drainage tunnels of Core Ice near the Sea of Frozen Lives.)
--Shiver Sludge (Dragon 347) (Sea of Frozen Lives)
--Snowflake Lichen (Frostburn) (Precipice)
--Snow Geyser (Frostburn)
--Strong Winds (DMG) (Precipice, only)
--Suffocation (DMG)
--Temperature, Cold (Frostburn; this book also introduces a new rule: temperature bands.)
--Thin Ice (Frostburn, Stormwrack) (Core border w. Sea of Frozen Lives, only)
--Whispering Wind (Dragon 347)
--Whiteout (Frostburn) (Precipice, Shimmering Drafts, Stinging Storm)

This is a rephrasing of some of the hazards of Paraelemental Ice from Frostburn. I'm not reprinting most the non-supernatural cold hazards since it involves tables/charts. I've added quite a few additional rules to Coldfire, as well.

--Coldfire (Su): Coldfire, more commonly known as Coldflow on Air and Water, and Pureflow on Ice, is a swirling, viscous, luminescent, pale bluish-white (note: it's teal in the book) substance -- half liquid, half gas. It is Paraelemental Ice in its purest form.
It is extremely dangerous to non-cold creatures, and exposure deals 2d6 points of frostburn damage/rnd of exposure, while total immersion deals 20d6 points of frostburn damage/rnd of exposure. Damage continues for 1d2 rnds after exposure ends, but at half damage. Resistance 10/20 or immunity to cold serves as an immunity to the frostburn damage, but creatures lacking the cold subtype can still drown if immersed in the substance, and still risk catching Coldfire Ruin.

--Death Hail: (Su) Hail infused with negative energy. Characters exposed for 10 minutes or more must make a DC 15 Fort save or suffer 1d2 points of Str and Con damage. He must make a new save every additional 10 minutes. The same effect can also manifest as a blizzard or snow. Such hail is usually found in the Stinging Storm and Frigid Void, except that in the Stinging Storm, the hailstones also inflict 1d6 Desiccation damage per round of exposure.

--Disease, Coldfire Ruin: (Su) This supernatural disease is caused by exposure to Coldfire/Coldflow. Anyone coming within 10 feet of a coldfire body becomes susceptible. The victim slowly turns into Coldfire from the inside out. The normal DC is 20, but various circumstances can increase this. The incubation period is 1 day, and inflicts 1d8 Con damage. Failing 2 saves in a row results in permanent ability drain.

--Ebony Ice: (Su) This is jet black ice suffused with negative energy, which it gleams with. It is under the effects of an [/i]Unhallow[/i] spell, and is difficult to move across. Characters can only move half as quickly across this ice, and the DCs for Tumble and Balance checks increase by 5. The darkness and ambient light properties of the Paraelemental plane make it difficult to spot, however. Creatures within range of their Darkvision and low-light vision need only make the standard DC 15 Survival or Spot check when within range, same with those using light effects whose illumination reaches the black ice. Otherwise, the check should have a penalty of -2 per 10 ft of distance.
It most often occurs near the borders between the Stinging Storm or Frigid Void and other regions.

--Frostburn Damage: (Su) This is a new damage subtype presented in Frostburn. If you're familiar with vile damage from the Book of Vile Darkness, then it functions similarly-- the damage does not heal naturally, and it requires a DC 25 caster level check to heal unless the character is taken to an area with above-freezing temperatures. Otherwise, this type of damage functions like cold damage-- and is cold damage.
A word of note: the book states that Control Temperature can be used to raise the temp. band above freezing in the area. However, this does not work on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice without a Spell Key, because the Control Temperature spell is a Cold or Fire subtype spell, depending on whether you are lowering or raising the temperature band, respectively.

--Lightning Pillars: (Su) These are monumentous pillars or skybergs of teal ice (2d4×10 feet high and 4d4 feet thick) found in the Crystal Range and Shimmering Drafts-- subregions between Paraelemental Ice and Quasielemental Lightning.
Any living creature size Small or larger comes within 40 feet of the monument, it unleashes a Lightning Bolt (as cast by an 8th lv. Sorcerer-- DC 14 Ref for half dmg) from the top of the column. If more than one creature is within range, then a random target is selected. A pillar cannot unleash another bolt until 24 hours have passed, so that it may recharge. Be warned however that in the Crystal Range (subregion closer to Lightning), it requires only half this time, and the lightning bolt is Enhanced.
Spotting a Lightning Pillar is easy enough (DC 10 Spot check) but recognizing a pillar that is actually a threat requires a DC 25 Survival or Knowledge (Planes) check.

--Snowflake Lichen: (CR 4) A magical plant that mimics snow and can be found growing on nearly any stable surface on Ice. It leeches heat from nearby organisms, and grows rampant on the Paraelemental Plane, making it nearly impossible to avoid, despite its absence in shaded areas (such as the shadows of mountains). It's also difficult to spot, requiring a DC 24 spot check (20 for those with Low-Light or Darkvision)
As a result, most areas of The Precipice inflict 2d6 cold damage rather than 1d6. In addition, those who spend more than a round in the same square that the lichen can grow must make a DC 13 FORT save or suffer 1 point of Dex damage. Cold-protection spells that negate more than 12 points of cold damage make such saves unnecessary.
Because there are no frozen graveyards to mark the presence of the lichen on Paraelemental Ice, consider it to be a CR 4 hazard instead of CR 3.


--Razor Ice (Frostburn) (in addition to the description given in Frostburn, Razor Ice can also take a more large crystalline, jagged form. This has the exact same in-game effect, except that creatures who step on it may be affected as per stepping on Spike Stones)

--Temperature Bands
In most areas of the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, the temperature band is Freezing Cold, which is considered one band below "Unearthly Cold". "Freezing Cold" works as follows:
Unprotected characters take 2d6 cold damage/rnd. Characters bundled in winter clothing take 1d6 cold damage/rnd Cold res 10 negates the damage, either way, but bear in mind that Cold damage from other sources is cumulative.
At the borders between a region and an adjacent plane, the temperature ranges from Severe Cold to Cold. Some regions of Ice are colder than others. Here is the rundown.
Core Ice: Freezing Cold
Frigid Void: Freezing Cold towards Ice half, Uneartly Cold towards Vacuum half.
Precipice: Freezing Cold on the surface; Unearthly Cold in the high mountains, Extreme Cold in the Skyberg region.
Sea of Frozen Lives: Cold
Shimmering Drafts: Extreme Cold
Stinging Storm: Unearthly Cold

These are the overt traits for other subregions of Paraelemental Ice.
--Frigid Void: (Ice/Vacuum) Same as Core Ice and the Precipice, but warm clothing does not reduce the damage to 1d6/rnd. Also, treat the region as a "Low Peak or High Pass" in respect to altitude sickness-- Characters must succeed on a DC 15 Fort save per hour (DC raises by 1 for each check) or become fatigued. Ease of Breath (Frostburn Spell) definitely helps, but offers little relief once the character is already fatigued.
--Shimmering Drafts: (Ice/Lightning) Blizzards here are infused with electricity and inflict 2d6 subdual damage/rnd characters are in it. 5 or more points of Electricity Resistance renders a creature immune to such effects.
--Stinging Storm: (Ice/Salt) Exposure to snowstorms results in 1d4 points of Desiccation Damage (see Sandstorm for details)


--Coldfire Geyser: (Su) Eruptions of coldfire sometimes occur on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. This results in coldfire being violently expelled from a vent in the ice. Eruptions shoot 1d4x10 feet high and their vents typically affect a 20 foot burst, dealing 10d6 points of cold damage (DC 15 reflex save half) to all creatures within the area. More powerful vents up to twice this size have been reported.

--Coldfire Volcano (Su)
"Volcanoes" of coldfire, which erupt intermittently, can be found on the paraelemental plane as well. Some volcanoes possess coldfire lakes within their caldera. Weak spots in the ice near the volcano can cause temporary or permanent coldfire geysers, as described above.
Active flow: rivers of coldfire that leave destruction in their wake. Active coldfire flows spilled during an eruption are typically 1d10x100 feet wide and move at a rate of 160ft per round. They otherwise have the same effects as normal coldfire bodies.

Coldfire Fog: (Su) Coldfire fog results from heavy churning and splashing from a coldfire body, such as "whitewater rapids" or coldfire falls. This hazard has the same effects as fog (vision reduced to 5 ft, etc.), and inflicts 9d6 points of frostburn damage to all air-breathing creatures not immune to cold damage, as the coldfire enters and coats the delicate lining of their lungs. Characters who are exposed to the fog for more than 1 round must make a Fortitude save or contract Coldfire Ruin, but the save is made with a -4 penalty.
Creatures who need not breathe or who possess some manner of effective respiratory protection take only 6d6 points of damage and make the standard saving throw against Coldfire Ruin.
Coldfire Fog that results from a violent eruption has a width of 1d10x1000 feet and moves at a rate of 100 feet per round, though strong wind effects can increase this speed exponentially. Because the coldfire particles are so light, wind does not easily disperse the cloud (it can only be dispersed into harmlessly diluted particles at the base of the eruption site in the case of volcanoes, and 1 mile away from the point of origin in other circumstances.)

--Coldfire Falls: (Su) A waterfall of coldfire. The same rules for coldfire fog apply, except that the cloud exists only within 50 feet of a small waterfall (less than 10 feet wide), 150 feet within a medium-size waterfall (less than 20 feet wide), and 400 feet within a large waterfall (20 feet wide or more). Furthermore, the damage and DC penalty is halved at half the fog's maximum range.
Characters stupid enough to step under the falls not only take damage as though they were immersed in Coldfire (20d6 frostburn damage), but also take 4d6 points of subdual damage. Creatures immune to cold, indigenous or not, still take the subdual damage.

--Shimmering Ice: (Su) The positive equivalent of Ebony Ice, this sparkling silvery ice possesses an unpleasant glare and is suffused with Positive energy. This poses the hazard of snowblindness FORT save (DC 10, +1 per previous attempt) once
per hour or become blinded. Once blinded, the character regains vision 1 hour after removing themselves to a shaded area. In addition, Shimmering Ice zones are under a constant Hallow effect. Eye protection such as a veil or darkened lenses provide a +2 bonus to FORT saves. It is generally found in the Shimmering Drafts and Field of Unyielding Frost.

--Shining Fog: (Su) This is fog suffused with positive energy. In addition to possessing a Hallow effect, characters must make a FORT save (DC 10 + previous attempt) or become dazzled. Shining Fog can also include freezing fog, which is more likely to be encountered in the Fields of Unyielding Frost.

--Shining Hail: (Su) The positive equivalent of Death Hail, this is suffused with positive energy and appears as a glittering silver with a slight rainbow iridescence. Due to the positive energy, Death Hail does not cause physical damage, but large enough stones that would normally inflict 1 damage instead inflict 1d3 subdual damage. Also, the Positive energy discharges when the hail impacts the player results in the requirement for a DC 14 Concentration check in order to perform any task that wouldn't be available to a nauseated character. Finally, Shining Hail is a bit noisier than normal hail-- the penalty to Listen DCs is -6 instead of -4.

--Thin Ice Crust: (Ex) Many coldfire streams and lakes run underground, and in some cases, are hidden only by a thin layer of ice, which follows the rules of a hidden crevasse as found in both Frostburn and Stormwrack. If only the character's leg falls in, then use the rules for Coldfire exposure. If the character falls in up to their waist or higher, then use the rules for Coldfire immersion.

--True Cold (Ex and Su)
In some regions of Ice, temperatures reach such extremes that more than just water and flesh freeze-- thoughts, ideas, and even fire freezes.
Being in an area of True Cold has the following effects:
1. Treat the region as Unearthly Cold (see Frostburn for temperature band details), except that non-native subjects (those not INDIGENOUS to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, such as planewalkers, winter wolves, frost giants, yeti, remorhaz, white dragons, etc.) take an additional 2d6 points of lethal damage. Even with complete immunity to cold (be it natural or magical), non-indigenous natives take 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute. Mere resistance to cold will not nullify any of the damage.
2. Once per hour in a True Cold area, a character must make a DC 15 Will save simply to speak or write. The character must make a separate DC check for each sentence. Failure indicates that his words or ideas have frozen. If this happens, he takes a single point of permanent Int, Wis, or Cha damage, and a tiny crystal materializes at his feet. The character can heal the ability damage simply by moving to a warmer region and melting the crystal against his skin. The character still recovers the ability damage if the crystal thaws on its own, even if he's not in direct contact with or near it. (there are exceptions to this rule-- specially prepared containers and magical or supernatural means can allow other beings to utilize the frozen idea.) Nothing else short of a Wish can restore the lost ability score; not even Heal or Greater Restoration.
3. Any non-magical flames (50% chance of either) either freeze solid (becoming chunks of ice) or turn into accursed "black flame". See the rules for Black Fire below.
Known areas of true cold include the Mountain of Ultimate Winter, the lower levels of Cryonax's Chisled Estate, Cryonax's cold aura, and scattered pockets in Core Ice *and a few on the Precipice*. These pockets follow the generals rules for Elemental Pockets as presented in the Manual of the Planes.

--Black Flame: (Su)
In areas of true cold, even fire freezes. Non-magical fire is 'converted' with no save. There is a 50% chance it will turn to ice, and a 50% chance it will become "black flame". This is different than the substances by similar names associated with necromancers and Lolth's priesthood. On Ice, Black Flame is a 'fire' that turns black and emits cold, but either little to no light. Magical fires get a saving throw vs a DC of 20 in most instances (exceptions being supernatural effects from creatures, such as Cryonax's cold aura). If it fails, it freezes or becomes Black Flame for as long as it manifests. Magical fire-based items (such as a flaming weapon) who fails their saving throws either freeze or become black flame for 1d4 rounds.
Use the chart below to determine what happens.
1-5: Flame freezes solid, becoming a chunk of mundane or (if the flame was magical) supernatural ice in the shape of the flame at the instant it froze.
6-7: Flame becomes Black Flame; sheds 1d4 cold damage instead of warmth, illumination reduced by 75%, rounded down by 5-point increments (if it previously shed light out to only 15 feet or less, then it now sheds no light)
8-9: Flame becomes Black Flame; sheds 1d4 cold damage instead of warmth, and sheds no light.
10: Flame becomes Black Flame; sheds 1d6 cold damage instead of warmth, and sheds magical or non-magical Darkness out to the same radius of its former illumination.
Note: Whether or not the cold damage and darkness are magical depend on the properties of the fire prior to the transformation; only magical fires inflict magical cold and darkness.

--Dry Ice (Core Ice, Mountain of Ultimate Winter) (Ex) In some areas of True Cold, air freezes to become dry ice. In such areas, this functions just like regular ice, except that it sublimates into air when melted. Breathe Earth is required in order to survive in it, just like with normal ice. Creatures indigenous to Paraelemental Ice and Elemental Air can pass through it normally, however.
1. The entire True Cold zone of the Mountain of Ultimate Winter is under this effect. The Immoth and other creatures living on the mountain live under the layer of Dry Ice, which is atop a layer of regular ice mixed with various forms of eternal ice.
2. Cryonax's cold aura does not produce this effect, for whatever reason.

--Frozen Light (Ice) (Ex or Su) In areas of True Cold, even light 'freezes'. To be more specific, light is suspended. This affects all illumination, spells with the [Light] descriptor, and ray spells. A DC Fort 20 saving throw must be made for objects, while casters must make a DC 20 Spellcraft check. Failure indicates that the light does not spread beyond 5 feet within the area of True Cold. Indigenous natives to Ice need not worry about making this check when casting ray spells with the [Cold] descriptor, such as Polar Ray. (Yikes, this is going to make Cryonax tougher than I thought, as I wrote that his cold aura is an area of True Cold...) If the area of True Cold is the result of a magic item, creature, or spell, then the caster must make an opposed spellcraft check.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Paraelemental Ice Terms (terms used by those on Ice)

These are terms used by various native races (particularly elementals) as well as planewalkers on and (in the latter case) pertaining to Ice. For the purpose of this section, "Planewalker Scholar" refers to more formal or at least more academic and professional words (such as the proper names of planes), whereas "Planewalker Vernacular" refers to Planar Trade slang, and Sigilian dialect in particular.

NOTE: Profanity is discussed in detail here. I am not posting any R-rated swear terms, though they will be referenced, either by synonym or words like "F-bomb". This is simply to show you how the profanity is used. Obviously, the use of profanities by characters played by the DM is only for a psychologically mature audience. Profanities add a layer of depth, definition, and believability to characters and players because it is human nature to swear and curse when one is angry or when things go terribly wrong. This is true even for the most pious or 'squarish' folks in real life (the main difference being that they're more likely to use mild terms such as crap and damn as opposed to more serious profanities. Even more old-fashioned folks will use "stupid" and "darn" as profanities.) In every case, these are words the speaker would not use in a normal conversation or argument. In real life, people who use profanities (which is again, everyone, really) either because they're just potty-mouths, or as a means of conveying anger, frustration, or alarm.
Though not the case sadly in most western movies, comics, stories, etc., in Japan, typically it is the villains who have the potty-mouths, whereas the heroes only swear when something goes terribly wrong, or when they're very angry (and in the case of anger or enmity, it usually remains within the PG13 range. The R-rated swear words only issue from their lips when say-- they fall off a cliff or something.
Villains are also typified in Japanese media as using incredibly rude speech, much of which does not translate to modern English. Examples include using familial/casual pronouns and nouns when addressing a stranger or superior, *in some cases the language will be barely obiquiesant, such as referring to a member of royalty in 2nd person simply as "king" or "queen". Speech is often very arrogant, filled with profanities, non-sensitive speech, and is abusive even in casual conversation, such as referring to an ally simply as "you" or "idiot". Of course, the levels of abusiveness in a villains speech in most Japanese media varies depending on said villain's relationship with the listener. Speech towards allies tends to be casual and blunt to mildly abusive. Speech towards everyday folks and neutral parties tends to be abusive, and speech towards enemies tends to be extremely abusive, usually with one or two PG13 profanities in most sentences with an R-rated profanity here and there, though it's nowhere near as obscene as the typical gangsta slang with its "F-this, F-that" and triple-compound profanities. Unlike in English-language media, You never encounter a piece of Japanese media where all the characters talk exactly the same and use the exact same profanities and compound profanities *e.g. The Simpsons, Brother Where Art Thou? is notoriously bad in this respect, as EVERY character who utters profanities uses the exact same double-compound profanity; if you''ve seen the movie, you doubtlessly know exactly what I'm talking about here.*, but this is primarily because there are far greater differences in speech styles between children, teens, young adults, and the elderly and between both genders as compared to what you find in English.)

Aurora, The (all native): Known to planewalkers by the more scientific term as "Aurora Glacialis", a field of dancing lights right on the border between Air and The Precipice. Most of the Precipice natives know of no other aurora phenonena, and thus have no need to differentiate it from say-- the Aurora Borealis of many prime worlds. Therefore, they simply refer to it as "The Aurora" or "The Dancing Lights Above".

(number) Auroras (all native): On the Precipice, the natives tell time by the cycle of the Aurora Glacialis. The aurora completes its cycle every 26 hours.

Ash: This is one of the few fire related terms that are NOT considered profanity, but it's still not to be used in polite company (in Paraelemental Ice culture, this is akin to talking about corpses at the dinner table)

Astral Void, The: (Elemental, Genie Scholar) In Elemental oral tradition, the Astral Void was a region of emptiness from which the first powers birthed from the Astral Plane would create the Outer Planes. Conflicting versions of the creation myth along with ambiguity of the term in surviving oral traditions leaves uncertainty as to whether the Astral Void was literally a part of the Astral Plane, or whether the term is merely figurative for an empty, alien void.

The Bleak Monarch (all): A title of Cryonax, the Paraelemental Prince (Archomental) of Evil Cold.

Blowing Smoke: Talking BS or distortions of the truth (the term is somewhat symbolic as Ice natives view smoke as air that has been corrupted with fire.)

Bobbing Plane, The (Planewalker Vernacular): Slang term for the Paraelemental Plane of Ice.

Bringer of Endless Winter, The (all): A title of Cryonax, the Paraelemental Prince (Archomental) of Evil Cold.

Burn in Fire: (all native) a common curse in Glacian; equivalent of "burn in hell!" or "go to hell!"

Coldflow: A transliteration of the Auran and Aquan terms for Coldfire. This is not, however, the term used in Glacian.

Fire (all native): this is considered a mild profanity, on the exact same level as "Hell" or "Damn". In fact, it is used as a synonym for "Hell".

Coldfire: (Planewalker Vernacular) The substance of Paraelemental Ice in its purest form, as described in the Frostburn supplement. This is the Planar Trade term for it-- any transliteration into Glacian is considered not only offensive, but downright blasphemous, and use of such a term in Glacian when adressing indigenous natives of Ice usually results in violent hostility (it's the equivalent to expressing to a priestess of Valarian the desire to use a unicorn's horn as a sex aid, or describing Kostchtchie as "emasculated" in the presence of one of his thralls). The natives tend not to react as strongly to the word in other languages (except for Auran and Aquan) as they are less likely to understand what the speaker is saying.

Clods/Dirt Clods: (all indigenous native): A derogatory term (in Auran or Vivacian) for earth elementals and similar Earth natives. It is most commonly used by natives of Mineral, though the natives of Air and Ice use it as well.

Dancing Lights Above, The (all native): A synonym for the Aurora Glacialis.

"Death to Fire!" (all indigenous native): This is a fairly common battle cry, particularly among Cryonax's minions.

"Death to Fire and its Allies!" (all indigenous native): same as the above.

"Flaming ---" (all indigenous native): Used as an adjective to denote hostility or contempt for the next word. Used in the same context as G-D and F bombs (though it is not as severe a profanity)

Fleshling: (Elementals) A derogatory term used to refer to creatures made of flesh (e.g. creatures with internal anatomy). This includes mortal races, most forms of outsiders (such as fiends, celestials, mephits, and genies, though obviously not Modrons or Inevitables). Many, if not most elementals view themselves as superior to beings made of flesh and blood, and view flesh-and-blood beings with pity at best (that is not to say that all of them are like this, but they're no more likely to view humans and other humanoids/monstrous humanoids as equals than said humanoids and monstrous humanoids are likely to view the elementals as equals.)

Glacian (all): The lingua franca spoken on Paraelemental Ice. It is a creole language between Auran and Aquan.

Great Mother (all indigenous native): A synonym for the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, used similarly to "Mother Earth", often in a religous or quasi-religious sense. Indigenous natives are NEVER referring to the progenitor of the beholder race (whom they simply refer to as the "Beholder Mother", since they see nothing great about her and refuse to aknowledge what they consider to be such an absurd concept), and confusing the two cause the natives to become very, very offended, with often dangerous, if not deadly results.

Magma (all native): Same as Fire, but a tad stronger.

Master of Pureflow, The (all): Another title of Cryonax.

Mother Ice (all indigenous native): A synonym for the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. Used similarly to "Mother Earth" and "Fate".

Icelord, The: (all) A general title for the ruler of Paraelemental Ice, be they paraelemental or mephit. Cryonax destroys the outposts, kingdoms, etc. of any ruler who claims this title, since he also claims it for himself.

"A mephit is worth more than this/that/him/her/etc." (Elementals, Genies): Basically means that the subject in question is worth less than zilch (on most elemental, paraelemental, and quasielemental planes, the elementals and other native outsiders view mephits as inferior, sub-sentient beings. Ice is not an exception to this rule, even though mephits and the other indigenous natives tend to get along for the most part, and mephits are treated far better *than average* on Ice than on most planes. On Ice, this phrase is uttered most often by evil-aligned beings.)

"More inbred than a mephit": (Genies, only; other outsider races on other planes) Mephits are notorious for inbreeding-- something most outsider races work hard to avoid (inbreeding is not the same as incest-- incest is not uncommon among lower planar races and Slaadi, but they generally avoid conceiving offspring in this way) This term is generally not used by paraelementals since inbreeding does not result in any negative side-effects for non-fleshy races.

"May the Smoke of your immolation rise forever!" (all indigenous native): This is another curse, a bit more profane than other variations. ("immolate" is a moderate swear term, about on the same level as the word for a female dog.)

Great Mountain, The (all indigenous native): Usually refers to the Mountain of Ultimate Winter, particularly on the Precipice and border regions of Core Ice.

Outer: (all indigenous native, naturalized): This is a vernacular pejorative for someone (usually a mortal) who spends most of his/her time on the Outer Planes. Used similarly as "Clueless", it refers to someone who assumes that the Inner Planes are just "Outer Planes with different planar connections". This insult is generally used when a planewalker fails to understand or recognize elemental dichotomies as a source of conflict, hold an erroneous belief that the Inner Planes are "less important" than the Outer Planes, that elementals and inner planar outsider race are 'inferior to outer planar outsiders, etc.

Paraglue (Planewalker Vernacular): A portmaneau of "paraelemental glue", used by non-native planewalkers for Coldfire (due to its ability to reattach severed limbs of indigenous cold-based creatures). The word is considered rude, though most natives won't react since they'll have no idea what the word means except in very specific circumstances.

Previous Age, The: (Elemental) Refers to a supposed "era predating creation itself", in which "a previous multiverse existed", with very different rules from the current one. The elementals were among the first races created in the current multiverse, and thus some oral traditions of the beginning of the creation cycle survive among the elemental races.

Prince of Evil Cold Creatures: (all but Cryonax's minions) Also known as "Prince of Paraelemental Evil Cold Creatures". An unofficial title of Cryonax. Cryonax and his minions rarely use this title. This is partly because like all other evil beings, Cryonax does not view himself as "evil". (that is not to say that he doesn't recognize the difference between a good and evil creature, simply that he doesn't recognize the words for "good/evil".) Also, Cryonax is well aware that the Auran word which best translates as "Prince" holds a lesser meaning in some languages, including Common (though this is not the case in any of the elemental languages, vivacian, or entropian, and Abyssal likewise has entirely separate terms for fiendish princes and mortal princes). While certainly nearly all of Cryonax's minions are cold-subtype creatures (with the exception of a handfull or two of dwarves, the yeti, and a few marzanna), Cryonax rejects this aspect of the title as well, since it denotes that his cult only caters to cold-subtype creatures. Natives who use the title but are either opposed to or indifferent to Cryonax usually use the term "Prince of Evil Cold", since they find the word 'creatures' to be dehumanizing.

Pureflow (all native): Transliteration of the Glacian term for Coldfire. Referring to the substance as "Coldfire" in Glacian or any other language will being the speaker trouble; it will garner confused stares at best.

Sig Smoker: (all native) A derogatory term for a Sigilian. (Sig is a derogatory term for Sigilians used throughout the Multiverse. Smoker in this context has the same meaning as "Blowing Smoke").

Sleeping Ones, The: (Elemental, Genie, Mephit, Planewalker Scholar) God-like, alien beings that feature in the creation stories of both the Kuo-Toa and Elementals. Elemental oral tradition claims that they are beings from The Previous Age, who, for reasons which vary by version of the myth, went into a death-like state at the end of creation. Many of them went to sleep on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice (and likely other elemental planes as well), while many others went dormant in the "Astral Void". In all likelihood, the Sleeping Ones are better known as "Elder Evils" and their lesser minions. (note for DMs: the Sleeping Ones actually refer to the Draeden, a race of ultra-epic Cthulu-like beings from the D&D Basic Rules Immortals Campaign setting, a subsetting for Mystara. A 3.5 Immortals version of the Draeden can be found on Vaults of Pandius, and no, it it not vastly overpowered, as these things were meant to be the ultimate challenging monster to the gods of Mystara, which the Immortals Campaign Setting allowed players to become and play as.)

"Smoking ---" (all indigenous native): Used as an adjective to denote hostility or contempt for the next word. Used in the same context as "damned".

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Planar Renovation Project: Paraelemental Ice

Okay, here prettymuch is the overall, abstract theme of the plane. If you disagree with this or have anything to add, go ahead and speak up.
Bear in mind that Inner Planar renovation projects are merely a guideline of the trend of the plane's natives and powers, and NOT an absolute like it is on the Outer Planes.

Paraelemental Ice has two overall themes, somewhat in opposition to one another. The first is the cold/ice theme, and the second is the flurry/blizzard/snow theme.
If you've read everything about Cryonax and Frigidora thus far, you should have a pretty good idea of the cold/ice theme (particularly its evil aspect).

Ice/Cold-based indigenous natives (which encompasses MOST creatures) represent uncaringness, emotionally subdued/dispassionate, temperance, and yes, even cruelty. As indicated in Inner Planes, they get along well with one another (in fact, Ice is one of the few Elemental planes where mephits and elementals get along with one another), but are hostile towards outsiders-- which could be seen as based on our real-life perceptions of the Paraelement and the environment *and season* it represents (native fauna must cooperate in order to survive, but the environment is extremely hostile to those not accustomed to or adapted to it)
The natives, from the paraelemental to the mephit, show little emotion or passion, but this should never be confused with apathy.
The civilizations on Ice appear to be more stable than those on many other planes (representing the minimal chemical reactiveness of molecules in cold conditions). Though not really philosophical or scholarly, the natives are not impulsive or passionate, either, nor are they particularly energetic.
Evil-aligned natives are known above all others for their cruelty, callousness, and mercilessness. Yet, this cruelty is generally devoid of malice/sadism-- it represents uncaringness, indifference to the suffering of others, rather than a desire to harm them or cause suffering. If suffering is desired, then it is only as a means to an end, rather than out of any need for personal gratification (that is to say, the threat and use of torture is only used to control others and for the extraction of information, rather than any desire to see a victim suffer.)
Cryonax is a perfect example of this, as all major supplements that cover him mention his cruel experiments to create more/new creatures for his army.
Some (IRL) view Paraelemental Ice as representing tradition and obstinance (and certainly this seems to be the view of the writers of the Elemental Netbook), but in canonical sources I see little evidence of this (though I have depicted the Qorrashi Genies as being such)

Natives based on snow and winter storms however, are quite the opposite-- they are chaotic, energetic, impulsive, and in some cases, even graceful. They are passionate with certain emotions (mainly anger and sorrow), but not passionate with others (e.g. love, joy) Of course, this does not mean that they're depressed, and they need not necessarily be angry individuals-- merely prone to losing their tempers. They can also be spiteful, but then again that can be said of all elements, paraelements, and quasielements...

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
New Cold-Related Spells

Most of these are variations of 3E and 2E spells.

Bless Element
This spell is from the 3.5 Dark Sun Campaign Setting book. Modified for cold creatures, it can make 1 pint of coldflow (coldfire), powdered snow, or powdered eternal ice holy. Evil clerics, paladins, and favored souls use Curse Element, while lawful-aligned ones use Axiomatic Element and chaotically-aligned ones use Anarchic element. Divine characters of true neutral alignment can make Balanced Element (which is effective against creatures lacking a neutral alignment component)

Bolster Cold Creature
Level: Sah 4 (Cold), Wiz 4
This spell is identical to Strengthen Water Creature, except that if only affects creatures of the Cold subtype. (Strengthen Water Creature is found in the 3.0 Al Qadim spells conversion, which I'm pretty sure is still floating around the net somewhere)
The material component is 1 ounce of coldfire.

Cold Strike
Evocation [Air, Cold]
Level: Clr 5, Drd 4, Shu 5 (Air)
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Cylinder (10-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
A cold strike produces a vertical column of freezing divine wind, frost, and ice roaring downward. The spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). Half the damage is cold damage, but the other half results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to cold-based attacks.
Note: Only divine characters who select powers of cold as their patron deity may prepare this spell, which replaces Flame Strike on their list of available spells.

Cool Strength
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Pld 1, Rgr 1, Sha 1, Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
A creature protected by this spell suffers no harm from being in a hot or dry environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and 0% humidity without having to make Fortitude saves. The creature’s equipment is likewise protected (moist items and liquids will not evaporate while this spell is in effect, though sweats and other liquids still evaporate from the skin of land-dwelling creatures who sweat)
This spell is of particular importance to amphibious aquatic creatures and creatures of the Water subtype should they wish to travel through dry terrain such as badlands and deserts. Such creatures need not make fortitude saves for being out of water, as the moisture will not evaporate from their skin so long as this spell is in effect.
Endure elements doesn’t provide any protection from fire, cold, or desiccation damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, dazzling sunlight, heat mirages, lack of water to breathe, and so forth.
Note: This spell is updated (and rather modified) from its original 2E version, which was the one Al Qadim box spell which never saw a 3x conversion due to being (at that time) obsolete due to its similarity with Endure Heat. The rules in Sandstorm made this spell necessary once again. Essentially, this spell is like Endure Elements, except that it protects from hot and dry environments instead of hot and cold environments.) As with Endure Elements, Cool Strength does not bestow enough protection against overtly damaging fire traits of the Elemental Plane of Fire, Magma, or Radiance, nor the damaging desiccation traits of Quasielemental Salt.

Create Ice
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Clr 0, Drd 0, Hlr 0, Pld 1, Shu 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: 1 square foot of ice/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell generates a block of refreshing, pure ice, 1 foot tall and 1 foot wide. Alternatively, the caster can create it in the form of a rectangle 2 feet wide and half a foot tall, or he can create 1 square foot worth of tiny icecubes. The cube or cubes will only appear on a designated solid surface; it cannot be conjured from a height and dropped upon a creature. The ice is free-standing; it cannot be formed frozen to or around another object or creature.
One cubic foot of ice contains about 8 ounces of water and weighs roughly 60 pounds.
(This spell is based off of Create Water from the SRD.)

Diminish Cold Creature
Level: Sah 4 (Cold), Wiz 4)
This spell is identical to Weaken Water Creature, except that if only affects creatures of the Cold subtype.
The material component is a handfull of ash from a fire that was extinguished with water or snow.

Ice Shape, Greater
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell functions just like like greater stone shape, (FR: Underdark and Spell Compendium spell) except that it affects ice instead.

Soften Snow and Ice
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to Soften Earth and Stone, except as follows:
all natural, undressed ice or snow in the spell’s area is softened. Ice becomes packed snow which is easily molded or shaped, packed snow becomes loose snow, and loose snow becomes powdery snow. Magical, enchanted, dressed, or chisled ice cannot be affected. Snow or ice creatures are not affected.
Packed snow is not as troublesome as loose snow, but all creatures in the area can move at only half their normal speed and can’t run or charge over the surface without slipping.
Loose snow softened into powder snow does not hinder movement, but it may hinder vision depending on the wind velocity.
Note: This spell is used rather than fire spells or Thaw on extremely cold planes such as Paraelemental Ice, Cania, and Soulfreeze. It is unlikely to be known except to certain prestige classes dealing with cold, clerics of cold or winter deities, and those native to extremely cold planes.

Summon Coldflow Dragons
Conjuration [Creation, Air, Cold, Water]
Level: Sah 7 (Cold), Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M, Coldfire
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: 1 coldflow dragon/2 levels
Duration: Concentration, maximum 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
Despite its name, this spell does not summon any sort of creature. Instead, it enables the caster to create a number of snaking shafts of coldflow (aka coldfire; see special materials in Frostburn).
These roaring, billowy presences measure 5 feet in diameter, and move under to the mental direction of the caster. One coldflow dragon is created for every two levels of the caster, up to a maximum of ten (at level 20).
Even though they are not creatures, they each have a facing of 10 ft. and a reach of 10 ft.
Each shaft can strike once per round as a ranged touch attack, inflicting 3d6 points of cold damage on any creature inhabiting a square occupied by a shaft. In addition, any creature not indigenous to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice must make a DC 16 Fortitude save each time they are struck by a shaft or contract Coldfire Ruin (see diseases in Frostburn). The save DC increases by 1 point for each shaft the target is struck by. Succeeding in a reflex save cancels the need to make the DC save.
They do not trigger or make attacks of opportunity, but can be counterspelled with the appropriate Spellcraft (or Psicraft, or Martial Lore) DC using a 9th level fire spell at the same or higher caster level as the caster of Summon Coldflow Dragons.
Optional Rule: Indigenous natives to Elemental Air and Water get a +4 racial bonus on the Fort save to avoid contracting coldfire ruin.
Also, you may limit this spell to those of Qorrashi genie descent if you wish. The spell is known only to them, Immoth, and other natives of the Paraelemental Plane of Ice.
Material Component: 4 ounces of coldfire, which may be siphoned from a nearby coldfire body if on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice.
Note: This spell is modelled after the 3E conversion of Summon Wind Dragons and Summon Fire Dragons; I figured that since both the Efreet and Djinni have their on version of the spell, that the Qorrashi needed one, too.

Transmute Snow to Ice
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to Transmute Mud to Rock except as follows:
This spell transforms loose or powdery snow of any depth into ice permanently.
Any creature in the snow is allowed a Reflex save to escape before the area is hardened to ice.
Transmute snow to ice counters and dispels transmute ice to snow.
Note: This spell is unlikely to be known except to certain prestige classes dealing with cold, clerics of cold or winter deities, and those native to extremely cold planes.
Arcane Material Component: a chunk of ice or a snowball gripped until it becomes an ice ball.

Transmute Ice to Snow
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to Transmute Rock to Mud except as follows:
This spell turns natural, unchisled or unworked ice of any sort into an equal volume of snow.
The falling snow and the ensuing cave-in deal 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage to anyone caught directly beneath the area, or half damage to those who succeed on Reflex saves; those who fail the save are also buried in snow (see Frostburn for details).
Note: This spell is used rather than fire spells or Thaw on extremely cold planes such as Paraelemental Ice, Cania, and Soulfreeze. It is unlikely to be known except to certain prestige classes dealing with cold, clerics of cold or winter deities, and those native to extremely cold planes.
Arcane Material Component: a chunk of ice and a piece of millstone.

Winter Flames
Evocation (Cold)
Level: Wiz 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 object
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Though not invented by Cryonax, his minions, or his cult, this spell is a favorite of high level casters among them due to what they (including Cryonax) view to be the "purification of fire and earth". Because Cryonax hopes to one day relegate crystalline minerals (esp. quartz) to Paraelemental Ice rather than Paraelemental Earth and Quasielemental Mineral, this spell does not affect such substances.
Winter Flames produces white and blue-hued flames that look and act similar to normal fire, except that its flames radiate cold and burn only stone (non-crystalline minerals) and metals. Stone and metal is as vulnerable to Winter Flames as paper is to normal flames. The caster points his finger at a particular metal or stone object, and the flames shoot toward it. The object saves as per the rules for item saving throws on pg. 166-168 of the PHB. If the object (or player possessing the object) succeeds on a Fortitude saving throw, then the item(s) fail to ignite. If it (or the player) fails, then the item quickly ignites with milky white Winter Flames, taking 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 25d6); this damage ignores hardness. The target must make a DC 15 reflex save for each stone and metal item on his person lest the fire spread to those items as well (note: the DC for actually putting out the fires is 10+ Caster Level + ability modifier).
Though nothing but metal or stone can be ignited by Winter Flames, the intensity of the cold can still cause damage to exposed flesh. Exposure to Winter Flames are treated just as Catching on Fire, except that the damage is incurred is due to cold rather than heat; each round of exposure causes 1d6 points of frostburn damage per level of the caster (maximum 20d6) to the flesh that is in contact with the Winter Flames.
Winter Flames can be extinguished in the same manner as normal flames, but care should be taken to avoid contact with exposed flesh or other stone or metals.
The byproducts of Winter Flames is powdered milky ice (type of eternal ice) and coldflow (coldfire from Frostburn) vapors; the latter is at too low of concentration to cause any ill effect in outdoor environments, though in poor ventilation, a character will need to make a DC 16 Fort save or contract Coldfire Ruin (Frostburn supernatural disease)
Creatures made partially or entirely of metals or stone can also be affected by the spell.
The material components are 4 ounces of coldflow (aka coldfire from frostburn) and a pinch of powdered milky ice (type of eternal ice).
Special Note: Cultists of Cryonax add this spell to their spell list regardless of class, provided they possess the ability to cast spells of 8th level. The divine version of the spell uses a divine focus rather than the powdered milky ice.
This spell is slightly modified from the one that appeared in Dragon Annual 1-- the original spell only affected metals while radiating cold damage, which was static, and the material component was 'nilla ash. I greatly souped up the conversion of this spell since the material components are so expensive. (One vial of coldflow/coldfire costs 50gp. I have yet to decide on the price for the powdered milky ice, but suffice to say that the cost is much higher outside of Paraelemental Ice, where it's about as expensive as 1 oz of iron dust or filings. Which would be less than 1gp.)

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