Project 1: Modern Sigil

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Actually, wgar, 2e Sigil has the same shape as 3e Sigil-a Torus (donut-shaped with inward-facing opening) with the Cage on the inside.

Also, Sigil tends to keep all the extra-dimensional stuff subtle so that a berk can always second-guess himself as to when it happens ("I could've sworn that street used to be longer"). The only time it gets obvious is for the Sod who just got mazed.

(ps: Capitalization really helps when you're making writing complex statements)

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Sorry about the capitalization issue. I'll try to keep this in mind.

I think this could still be subtle: buildings would look like they're merged, but they really are filling the multidimensional space that does exist and that we don't see. Maybe the idea of Sigil expanding is better. But I don't see any reason for the three ideas (Sigil expanded, merged buildings and multidimensional space filling) to coexist.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Project 1: Modern Sigil

OK, I just got back from Vegas and lets just say I have a few ideas for the lower levels: Casinos, alcohol, cheesy shows, washed up stars, 2nd hand smoke and succubus EVERYWHERE!

Maybe the lower level of the Lower Ward, the heat from the Great Foundry and the smoke from the Lower Plane portals would recreate the Las Vegas weather nicely.

I heard Cirque Du Soliel was going to do a show reenacting the time the Lady of Pain went after Aoskar, but all the acrobats disappeared!


Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Well, the lower levels of the Lower Ward (now renamed the Industrial Ward) is where all the sewage goes, and has been aptly renamed "Jubelix Village."

As for having areas of Sigil that are like Vegas, that could well in the Market Ward, since that gets the most 'out of town' traffic these days (while the seedier side can go in the Hive)

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
Only the Lady's Ward, with its grand monuments from the Age of Pain and influential elites that protected the "old neighborhoods", was spared the break-neck pace of construction.

I partly like this; the Old City thing works nicely there. I'd also like to think that monuments like the Great Gymnasium would stay; from the bits later in the thread, it'd probably make a fairly spiffy house of Parliament. And the Shattered Temple should be utterly untouched.

The idea of a few old buildings at the feet of sparkly monoliths is one of those things that appeals to me; I always imagined modern Sigil as being a sort of Chiba City (the Neuromancer version, not the real one) meets New Crobuzon affair.

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
Finally, the Lower Level is the part of Sigil that's left out of sight and out of mind as much as it can be helped.

I'm somewhat hesitant about creating an UnderSigil when there's already UnderSigil, which - I think - has always been a hideously underused part of the setting. Of course, if this is what you meant all along, do feel free to ignore that.

'Clueless' wrote:
What about the cost of laying electrical line through the undercity, and of wiring a house? Dabus and guildworkers?

As I recall, the city's always expanded all by its lonesome when necessary. But, that's not terribly interesting. I'd be partial to the idea of using Dabus and guildsmen - from something like a Linseman's Union, or such - to maintain infrastructure (ie, power, water, subway systems, whatever else) running through UnderSigil (and, y'know, keep whatever they find living there from eating it).

'almighty watashi' wrote:
Also, a subway [where you have to] watch that you don't end up in a lower plane while changing trains.

I wouldn't do that. PSCS UnderSigil is dangerous enough on its own, and I'd avoid saying 'Oh look, you've got a portal key, welcome to the Abyss' because it's really not cool in play.

'ulden throatbane' wrote:
Besides, what's wrong with electrical wiring?

Absolutely nothing. Smiling Wiring is cool. Wiring entwined with razorvine is cooler.

'ulden_throatbane' wrote:
I think the best explanation would be a combination of merging superstructures, and the fact that Sigil has expanded in diameter, so tall buildings aren't knocking into each other so quickly.

The expanded city also offers more space on the ground, which helps. Plus, the Taipei 101 building is only about 450 metres tall, so it mostly won't be a problem. Or, if there is a superstructure, could it count as a seventh ward?

Also, I kinda see the wards getting slangy names - PoliWard, CorpWard, and DustWard stand out at the moment as likely candidates.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Now, given Sigil's propensity for bladed architecture

An aside on this one: blades and neon make for such a cute cyberpunk feel.

'wgar' wrote:
did you ever noticed that sigil is slightly different in the d20 material?

A very late second on this one. You've always been able to look up and see more Sigil.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Project 1: Modern Sigil

now there is a nice picture: owners of skyscrapers constantly building up higher to the point where they are touching so they fight to destroy each others skyscrapers to see who will go up further. and beyond that when they reach the midpoint fights against skyscrapers on the other side. I could see entire campaigns just about two competing skyscrapers with the pc's constantly trying to protect their skyscraper and destroy the opposing one wile coyote style.

LordNightwinter's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22
Ready to help if you need me!

Well let me say first that I am semi-new here. I've been browsing the forums and looking for areas that I can contribute to and since the FAQ (OMG I read the FAQ! Laughing out loud ) suggests the project forums I figured I'd drop in and offer my crafting services.

Those ranks in Craft: (BS) should finally pay off. Anyway I'm a fan of Planescape but I don't have much material from it, sadly boxed sets are highly flammable and theft-able. Nor did I get to play often. I am, however, a fan of D20 Modern and I have done some conversions and independent RPG creation and I'd like to contribute in any way I can.

That being said somewhere I have a draft of an 'arcane generator' that was in development for a friend of mine's sci-fi/fantasy rpg chat room. As soon as I find it I'll drop what I had and hope it is useful. Until then my services and time are at the project's disposal! Smiling

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Project 1: Modern Sigil

First up, welcome to PW LordNightwinter and the UPS project Smiling

Secondly, I have no ideas what to say! Erm...just have a look around the posts in the project. A good place to start is the Thread of Threads as its got links to the most 'important' bits of the project so far, from there, enojy the project and throw in anything you think would make the project even better ! Laughing out loud

Have fun


Dark_Reaction024's picture
Joined: 2007-09-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

My suggestions? Hit the Encyclopedia and start reading mate- theres ALOT of Planescape material to play with.

LordNightwinter's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Dark_Reaction024' wrote:
My suggestions? Hit the Encyclopedia and start reading mate- theres ALOT of Planescape material to play with.

Holy shnikies man, that's a lot of articles to read. I have time on my hands, but not that much time! Laughing out loud I'll start by reading up on sigil and thinking of contributions for the city. That's a much less lofty goal. Smiling

LordNightwinter's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Damn. The place where I work has really horrid net connections. sorry for the double post.

Dark_Reaction024's picture
Joined: 2007-09-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Let me put it this way- PS is literally like a whole other history.

Empires crumble and rise, races are created and go extinct, and the Gods themselves are known to kick the bucket- to attempt to learn all that at once is impossible.

As you said: Pick one point, research it to the point where you know if upside down, sideways and backwards, THEN you can start understanding the big picture that is Planescape.

Even so, using Sigil as that starting block, you have ALOT to familiarize yourself with Sticking out tongue



Lol, get reading.

LordNightwinter's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Dark_Reaction024' wrote:
Let me put it this way- PS is literally like a whole other history.

Empires crumble and rise, races are created and go extinct, and the Gods themselves are known to kick the bucket- to attempt to learn all that at once is impossible.

As you said: Pick one point, research it to the point where you know if upside down, sideways and backwards, THEN you can start understanding the big picture that is Planescape.

Even so, using Sigil as that starting block, you have ALOT to familiarize yourself with Sticking out tongue



Lol, get reading.

Thanks for the dissertation. I've actually run PS campaigns in the past (though it's been a while). Since the introduction of 3e and 3.5 no one wants to go back to good old PS or DS. I have to purge the old records in my head every couple of years to make room for the random crap that work crams in. That being said I took a lot of 'liberties' with the setting, case in point the classic tiefling 'courtesan' I suppose, it's easy to be imaginative and you can get very inventive as well.

Bazimem, the half-djinni's picture
Joined: 2007-10-15

An interesting question.
What if the roofs of two opposite sides of Sigil will touch each other someday?

Dark_Reaction024's picture
Joined: 2007-09-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Lol, who says they arent already; in some fashion.

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