Project 1: Modern Sigil

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

"Wait, that giant donut up there was where we just came from??"
--Clueless Prime, after taking a portal from Sigil to the Outlands

Sigil is the heart of the Planescape setting. That's why I decided (as editor) that fleshing out the City of Doors should be the target of UPS' first major project. Feel free to work on other aspects of UPS if you have an idea you're dying to share-afterall, as the setting's centerpiece, there's little out there that doesn't tie into Sigil somehow.

Let me lay out how I envision Sigil in UPS-as modernization swept the Multiverse, tall skyscrapers seemed to grow faster than Razorvine in the City of Doors. Only the Lady's Ward, with its grand monuments from the Age of Pain and influential elites that protected the "old neighborhoods", was spared the break-neck pace of construction. By the the time all was said and done, the five other wards essentially consisted of 3 levels. In typical planar fashion, Cagers adopted the terminology of the planes to describe the new shape of their city. The Upper Level is where bloods go to be seen and recognized. Mid-Level is where folks go to take care of their private needs. Finally, the Lower Level is the part of Sigil that's left out of sight and out of mind as much as it can be helped.

The parallel between Sigil's 3 levels and the distinction on the Great Wheel between Upper, Neutral, and Lower Planes is obvious. With any such parallels, though, the Cage adds a twist. The Upper Level has plenty of seedy activity-from corporate boardrooms in the Guildhall Ward to abandoned stadiums in the Hive. On the other hand, Sigil's essential supplies, such as water and electricity, originates somewhere in the Lower Level (most likely multiple locations).

As implied earlier, a given level in one Ward is much different than the same level in a different ward.

The next section will be on Sigil's centers of Power (political, factional, economic, religious, societal, illicit, etc). Post your thoughts on this, as well as my vision of modern Sigil.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Hm... *grin* Jester's Palace here I come... mauahaha.

It should be of interest to note that the faces of most of the Golden Lords have probably changed significantly save for those who are already immortal. We haven't picked *how* far in the future we are yet, but there's going to be a lot of cutters needing to be defined for this.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Project 1: Modern Sigil

The three levels thing is pretty cool, sort of reminds me of the "Rule of Three" thing. Just means we can write up more neighborhoods and districts.

BTW, just what power source would supply Sigil with electricity?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Project 1: Modern Sigil

BTW, just what power source would supply Sigil with electricity?

Some sort of arcane generator, I'd presume. I mean, it cant be that difficult to create a spell that summons lightning. Just have some aspiring mage mage a version of shocking grasp that doesn't fry the electrical systems it powers.

Actually... I'm not sure how the shock damage/voltage thing goes. It may be that a high level shocking grasp could power a home, or just a laptop, I don't know. But we have an elemental plane of lighting, a period of rapid change, and magic. I'm sure we can work something out.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Perhaps it's discovered that Sigil is slowly spinning, and the rotation of the city itself is used to generate power within the city.


Pants of the North!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Terra Nova' wrote:
BTW, just what power source would supply Sigil with electricity?

Just like water, electricity in Sigil is imported through a staggering number of portals. Explorers of the Lower Levels have noted four common ways of generating power:

--Lightning: A portal connecting to an active region of the Plane of Lightning, with metal plates that recieve current

--Air/Vacuum: A portal to the Plane of Air is set up at one end of a tunnel, and a portal to the Plane of Vacuum is at the other. A series of turbines catch the fast-moving airstream that results.

--Water: A collection of water mills, with two portals to the Plane of Water set up at both ends

--Fire: An open portal to the Plane of Fire provides the heating element for a steam-driven turbine.

All these generators-as well as Sigil's power grid-is maintained by the Dabus. As a consequence, electricity costs in Sigil are never outrageous-with no incentive to make a profit, the only jink the Dabus seem to need is to purchase replacement parts for old equipment, and occasionally build a new generator to increase the supply of electricity.

And yes, more than one addle-coved idiot has been mazed or flayed for trying to stage a hostile takeover of Sigil's energy market.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

What about the cost of laying electrical line through the undercity, and of wiring a house? Dabus and guildworkers?

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Project 1: Modern Sigil

unsteady sources of electricity can be converted to a stable flow by use of capaciters, resistors and inductors if it is not too much of a fluctuation. Large fluxes can be calmed down by use of a complex circut of capacitors and resistors to chop off high energy peaks and charge a battery, then use the battery's output for nice stable electricity.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Clueless' wrote:
What about the cost of laying electrical line through the undercity, and of wiring a house? Dabus and guildworkers?

Old and Busted: Guilds
New Hotness (and the answer to your question): migrant working class Primes

That's another point about modern Sigil-Guilds are a thing of a past. In their place are unions and professional organizations.

There's also a constant stream of Primes, seeking a better life for themselves and their children, from spheres that have very public portals to Sigil. Their willingness to do construction work on the cheap has caused a lot of tension between the newcomers and the Unions that had used to get the work.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Unions and working organizations are really the same thing - just a different name. (What, you thought guilds in the past were all about 'quality of work'? Heck no - economic monopoly at it's best.)

But yeah - migrant work is a good call. Not just primes would do it either. Though if Cirily is still around (she is a celestial after all), I'm sure it has her just *frothing* at the mouth. I'd say by now though she's turned fully evil not just riding the line as she has been.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Project 1: Modern Sigil

What will the Wards be like?

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Project 1: Modern Sigil

so even sigil would have mexicans waiting around outside homeDepot and Lows...

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Terra Nova' wrote:
What will the Wards be like?

Here's a brief description of what you'll find in each ward (I'll get to the other three later):

Clerk's Ward: Location of Sigil's government, different administrative buildings, and the workplace of those who have jobs in city government or in influencing city government. The headquarters of Sigil's three major political parties can be found in the Clerk's Ward (Sigil is governed by a parliamentary legislature). Also in this ward is the University of Sigil, the largest school in the City of Doors. Most people here live in MidSigil, but the student dorms are in UpperSigil. Elected officials work in UpperSigil, while the bureaucrats work the machinery of government in UnderSigil.

Corporate Ward: The commercial heart of Sigil is in this ward. Aside from the corporate office buildings, the Guildhall Ward is also the sight of the Sigil Stock Exchange (SSX). Sigil's posh hotels and expensive high-rise condos are in this ward-bloods in living here are expected to be literally moving upward. MidSigil, aside from being the homes of employees who aren't movers and shakers, has the offices to companies who, for one reason or another, have a smaller public profile. UnderSigil has a few offices as well, but no one will tell you what exactly they do without a good amount of jink.

The Hive: The borders of the Hive have shifted a lot during modernization, so in all but a few places, there was a time that development was occuring before the neighborhood disintigrated once again. The Hive is still a jumbled ghetto-the bad side of town. However, a lot of Prime migrants live in the Hive, commuting to the Lower and Market Wards for work. Ironically, the Hive is the only ward besides the Lady's where the old faction headquarters (the Mortuary, the Gatehouse, and the Chaos District) have been preserved, maintaining their old forms (something of a paradox in Chaos District, but the locals manage) deep in UnderSigil.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Clueless' wrote:
What about the cost of laying electrical line through the undercity, and of wiring a house? Dabus and guildworkers?

Okay, another crazy idea: Sigil has no wires.

Instead, it has big electrical towers, and electricity is thrown between them in big arcs of lightning. Smaller protrusions from each tower disseminate electricity to nearby buildings. This is (usually) kept above the heads of people walking the streets.


Pants of the North!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Okay, another crazy idea: Sigil has no wires.

Instead, it has big electrical towers, and electricity is thrown between them in big arcs of lightning. Smaller protrusions from each tower disseminate electricity to nearby buildings. This is (usually) kept above the heads of people walking the streets.

I like this idea...just not in Sigil. Hang on to it though: there are plenty of Lightning-related powers who'd kill to have this special condition in their kip.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

That's a good point about the wards that you bring up, Clueless. I'll have to work on that next weekend.

As for how electricity is delivered, I'd rather not get too involved with the specifics. The important thing is that it is taken care of. Cause damnit, Jim, I'm an Editor, not an Electrical Engineer!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Alternatively we could have something simular to the idea of Tesla universal energy. Within a torus that sort of 'bounce the energy wave off 'below' would be more feasible. (Or what's more likely is we can wrap a plot hook around just such a chap trying to do that.)

Re: the Wards - I'm not sure all of them would have survived in the exact same name configuration we currently have. After all - a city changes over time. The lower ward used to be larger and be called the Prime Ward after all the primes that were herded in there as a way of isolating them from the rest of the city. It only became the Lower Ward and the Hive after the Clueless Rebellion set loose a couple of armies of fiends through the area...

Are there any incidents or historical things we want to build up on that would affect the configuration of the wards or add/subtract one? I would think modernization would do something to the Lower ward to clean it up a little. And the Clerks and Market ward would change heavily if not outright merge.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Project 1: Modern Sigil

I think the one ward that probably would change the absolute least is the Lady's Ward - rich folks like their stability and a good number of the rich folks and the buildings there aren't going to be moving out anytime soon.

Re: The Jester's Palace - so far my write up is looking a little bit like Winchester Mansion, with the implication that there really *is* something spooky and very very old going on in some of these corridors and basements.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Instead, it has big electrical towers, and electricity is thrown between them in big arcs of lightning. Smaller protrusions from each tower disseminate electricity to nearby buildings. This is (usually) kept above the heads of people walking the streets.

Cool. And the lightning could be caught by blades on sticking out of the buildings Smiling

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Project 1: Modern Sigil

How about the "moving around sigil" part?

There could be taxi drivers who know every possible street except the hive.

Also, a subway which is cheaper and faster, but you have to find your own way through them and watch that you don't end up in a lower plane while changing trains.

Center part of the Lady's ward could have a "no-car" zone where you would walk or hire a replica of an ancient coach pulled by an endemic arcadian pony Smiling

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Project 1: Modern Sigil

The lady's ward would stay like old sigil for the most part I'm sure there would be the exception such as electric lighting and heating though.
On the power thing I like the idea of power towers, I'd feel sorry for the poor bloods who wear alot of metal though. Laughing out loud

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Almighty Watashi' wrote:
Cool. And the lightning could be caught by blades on sticking out of the buildings Smiling

I hate to be a spoilsport, but I really don't like this being a part of the multiverse's largest city. The reason is quite simple: Open electric currents are liable to spill out and effect surrounding electrical gear. Not to mention that the Baatezu (who aren't immune to electricity, IIRC), will be mighty upset, and try to sue the pants off the sod who came up with this idea. I admit the affect is cool, but it should be reserved for the realm of a power that can adequetely control open electrical current-Sigil is a neat place, but it shouldn't get all the cool effects in the Cosmos.

Besides, what's wrong with electrical wiring? All this stuff with Tesla coils in Sigil implies a tech level that's higher than what we're aiming for.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Project 1: Modern Sigil

I was thinking: The City of Sigil is curved, correct? There's a problem, if you try building a group of skyscrapers on a curved space (considering they are skyscrapers similar to ours), once you get high enough, the tops will overlap! Once you get really high, you form a solid clump of skyscrapers, each one overlap two or even three. There's a couple of ways to fix this problem, as I see:

-It's the planes. No one knows how it works, it just does. Wanna go ask the Lady of Pain, berk?
-Skyscrapers are pyrimidal in shape, thus never overlapping with other buildings.
-They are built that way by design, so that multiple skyscrapers merge into superstructrures allowing vehicles and pedestrians to pass underneath (I vote for this one; it's so cyberpunk)
-The Lady of Pain doesn't allow buildings over a certain height.
-Skyscrapers are built some distance from each other.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

That's a good observation, WN. I think the best explanation would be a combination of merging superstructures, and the fact that Sigil has expanded in diameter, so tall buildings aren't knocking into each other so quickly.

If two buildings merge, it forms an enclosed space...that's useful for explaning where portals large enough to accomodate a freight train came from.

EDIT: Back to the subject of wards: If anything, wards will be added, not subtracted. I'm renaming two of the existing wards, but I'll leave the nature of any new wards up to discussion

So here's the list of wards as they stand:

Clerks Ward
Corporate Ward (formerly Guildhall Ward)
Industrial Ward (formerly Lower Ward)
Lady's Ward
Market Ward

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
Besides, what's wrong with electrical wiring? All this stuff with Tesla coils in Sigil implies a tech level that's higher than what we're aiming for.

This is definitely true... Altough, Sigil always was a bit higher tech then the rest of the planes. But, this might be too much

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Project 1: Modern Sigil

I think the Market Ward should be renamed and made into an enormous mall.

The mall would be so enormous that there would be an "Undermall", where the jewelery, electronic, and clothing stores become arms dealers, drug pushers, and cheap brothels.

There are a few doors in the Undermall which lead to the "Darkmall", a dungeon. Here, all the stores are boarded up and strange monsters lurk under failing neon lights. Only a few retailers exist here, but their wares are so exotic that some are willing to brave it's depths.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Here's another Ward:

Industrial Ward: The manufacturing center for Sigil produces a wide variety of finished products, from computers to aerocraft parts. The Industrial Ward is also the Cage's freight hub, recieving materials and shipping off the goods through massive portals. The ward's signature factory, located on the site of the Shattered Temple, is the Nytemare Motorcyles Plant. The factories span across all 3 levels of the ward. UpperSigil includes the Valor Colliseum, Sigil's largest stadium, the Modron March Speedway, and the multiverse's original Gate-Mart. Factory workers and supervisors live in Upper- and MidSigil, typically in racial or ethnic enclaves. MidSigil is also home to the Sigil Institute of Technology (SIT). UnderSigil is the destination for the ward's industrial waste, which has earned it a dubious nickname: "Jubilex-ville"

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Another day, another Ward...

The Lady's Ward: This ward is often called "Old Sigil" by residents who remember the days before modernization. On the surface, this part of the Cage seems anchored in the past, with only museums and nostalgic monuments to offer the rest of the burg. Nothing could be further from the truth (something every Cager knows). The Lady's Ward is the true seat of power in the City of Doors. From civic leaders to the infamous "Golden Lords," rock stars to factols, CEOs to elite Planewalkers, The Lady's Ward is home to some of most well-known beings in creation that are not Powers. Thanks to their influence, this Ward was never paved over in the name of progress, and so nearly every structure from the Faction War era remains standing. Of course, many have been renovated heavily on the interior, and quite a few"classic" mansions have had helicopter pads added. Of the four faction headquarters of old, only the Barracks has kept its original use as the headquarters of the Sigil Police Department.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Project 1: Modern Sigil

I like it Laughing out loud .the lady's ward is what I thuoght it should be and the industiral center as well,but whaqt about the armory It should still exist should'nt it?

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'perro' wrote:
I like it Laughing out loud .the lady's ward is what I thuoght it should be and the industiral center as well,but whaqt about the armory It should still exist should'nt it?

Oh, the armory is still standing. It now serves a different purpose, however Eye-wink

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Project 1: Modern Sigil

the bit about arcing electricity around is a bit silly.

1. arcs are from a voltage differance so big arc big differance which means really unsafe and unusable unless you are using a motor the size of a skyscraper anything smaller would be treated as if not there.

2. if the voltage is big enough to jump a gap of any meaningfull size in relation to power transmission it will jump to the ground first. meaning sigil would be like a mild version of the quasielemental plane of electricity.

copper wire is a fine way to transmit power. there are some ways to do away with them but it would not have a very visual effect which is what I think you were going for so its kinda useless here. and I rather like the engineering part I'm a physics major.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Time to wrap up our brief tour of Modern Sigil:

The Market Ward: The name of the ward is self-explanitory. This is where Sigil and a great deal of the multiverse comes to buy and sell. It can be an individual piece of jewlery for a loved one, bulk goods moved in and out of warehouses, or futures on Baatorian Green-steel. Upper-Sigil in the Market ward is dominated by 3 landmarks-the Sigil Mercantile Exchange, The Lady's Plaza (Sigil's most upscale retail stores), and the Archway Helicopter Port. Most of the activity in this ward occurs Mid-Sigil. This is where normal middle-class Cagers do their shopping. Mid-Sigil Market Ward is also where Out-of-town distribution companies tend to keep their branch offices, and the place to find a majority of the city's "Highway Portals" and "Planeway Tunnels" that connect motorists and commuters to the City of Doors. The ward's Under-Sigil is filled with big warehouses, as well as "The Garage."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Daylen' wrote:
2. if the voltage is big enough to jump a gap of any meaningfull size in relation to power transmission it will jump to the ground first. meaning sigil would be like a mild version of the quasielemental plane of electricity.

Not if something was closer.

and I rather like the engineering part I'm a physics major.

Me too. But in a fantasy game, I figure I'm allowed to take some liberties in the name of awesomeness.


Pants of the North!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Me too. But in a fantasy game, I figure I'm allowed to take some liberties in the name of awesomeness.

While this is certainly true, Sigil already has enough awesomeness to go around-it shouldn't hog up every cool idea. And while it's a fantasy game, it's also a modern game. The only time we should be breaking the laws of physics is when it fits with the location's theme. When cutters mention Sigil, open arcs of electricity are not what spring to mind. Trying to include every idea that is 'cool' will, in the long run, make all those cool ideas just hokey.

Besides, I hear there's a Pit Fiend attorney that wants to speak with you about your plan Eye-wink

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Wait, where's the Sigil Stock Exchange? *panics* I want to buy 500 stocks of BytopiaInc!

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Besides, I hear there's a Pit Fiend attorney that wants to speak with you about your plan

Now that is a lawyer ya can really hate.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Project 1: Modern Sigil

I wonder if the SSm has ever crashed?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
And yes, more than one addle-coved idiot has been mazed or flayed for trying to stage a hostile takeover of Sigil's energy market.

In addition to the portal-supplied power sources, what if a clan of enterprising gnomes have invented a device they call a "generator". A strange sort of reverse engine that can supply plenty of electricity (or some other type of energy) provided you feed it enough pixies (or some other suitable material). I would suspect Her Serenity would allow for a little healthy competition in these modern economy-based times.

Also, since I live in a city (San Francisco) there are two major city-related issues that I think should be addressed: Animals and Dead People

Prime City Animals - Modern Sigil Equivalent

Cockroaches - Ether Scarabs (MM2)
Since the Sigil doesn't have an ethereal plane connected to it, the ether scarab is useless for anything but food.

Rats - Cranium Rats (duh)
If real rats are smart enough to figure out how to open my pigeon-proof bird feeder I'd hate to see what a few cranium rats can accomplish in modern Sigil.

Pigeons - Lim Lim
Not sure if the Lim Lim is cannon but it was in Planescape: Torment and reminded me of those nasty, disease-ridden gutterbirds.

Hawks (imported by the city to hunt pigeons) - Vargouilles (MM)
Vargouilles have migrated out of Undersigil and now reside in the various nooks and crannies of modern Sigil's skyscrapers. They occasionally swoop down to nab an ether scarab, cranium rat or lim lim, if the food supply is ever low, packs of vargouilles have been known to carry off halflings.

Dogs (stray or pet) - Aoskian Hounds
While most people just fling their hound's poop onto a lower level, there are enough that simply leave it lying for an unsuspecting berk to step in. If it wasn't for the fact that both the dabus and Lady of Pain float there would have been a lot of flayed hound owners by now.

Dead People
If modern Sigil is anything like the average big city there will be people flinging themselves off skyscrapers every once in a while (chancellor of Santa Cruz University went off a 44-story building here just last Sunday).

Now the question is, if you jump off the top of a skyscraper in Sigil are you far enough from the ring that you'll end up falling down the Spire instead of toward the "ground"? I think the answer is yes, so people visiting the base of the Spire should be warned of falling people.

Aside from the jumpers, since the population of Sigil will be so much greater, death from exposure, drug overdose and violent crimes will also be much greater.

If anyone likes these ideas I'll be happy to submit more, I just need to go for a stroll outside to get some new ideas.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'420' wrote:
Now the question is, if you jump off the top of a skyscraper in Sigil are you far enough from the ring that you'll end up falling down the Spire instead of toward the "ground"? I think the answer is yes, so people visiting the base of the Spire should be warned of falling people.

No. If you're standing on the roof of a skyslicer, gravity points "down" - that is, toward the streets of Sigil. Otherwise you would fall off the roof. Therefore, when you jump off, you will fall towards the street. Now, given Sigil's propensity for bladed architecture, you might not make it to the ground (at least in one piece), but that's the direction you'll be inevitably drawn.


Pants of the North!

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
No. If you're standing on the roof of a skyslicer, gravity points "down" - that is, toward the streets of Sigil. Otherwise you would fall off the roof. Therefore, when you jump off, you will fall towards the street. Now, given Sigil's propensity for bladed architecture, you might not make it to the ground (at least in one piece), but that's the direction you'll be inevitably drawn.

Ah good point (pun intended). Also, I took a look at the picture of Sigil on page 145 of the Planar Handbook, the 1/4 Section view really helps for people that need a good visual aid. You can step off any skyslicer and technically still not be "over the edge" of the ring.

However, from the picture it also appears entirely plausible that you could build a skyslicer that reached from the "upper portion" to the "lower portion" as seen in the lower left illustration "Sigil (oblique view)". Those buildings would have to change their gravitational orientation half-way up (or down) their height.


WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Now the question is, if you jump off the top of a skyscraper in Sigil are you far enough from the ring that you'll end up falling down the Spire instead of toward the "ground"? I think the answer is yes, so people visiting the base of the Spire should be warned of falling people.

Actually, from some points it's possible to leap and fall "off" the Spire, but they never reach the base of the spire. The spire is infinitely tall and you will starve to death, never reaching the base.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'420' wrote:
However, from the picture it also appears entirely plausible that you could build a skyslicer that reached from the "upper portion" to the "lower portion" as seen in the lower left illustration "Sigil (oblique view)". Those buildings would have to change their gravitational orientation half-way up (or down) their height.

I was thinking about adding one "Megabuilding" that's under construction that would be similar to what you described. Such a construction project would have loads of adventure hooks.

Of course, given Sigil's unusual geography, it's difficult to determine the height of any building. But most Cagers agree that that Valor Tower (see entry on Modern Athar by WN) is the highest in Sigil.

Edit: Finally, I feel that casual references to suicide should be used sparingly, if at all. While I hate to join the PC Patrol, I myself have lost a loved one to suicide. I doubt that I'm the only one here that has. The essense of the question (what happens when you go over Sigil's edge?) could have been asked without bringing in suicide. While it is something that occurs in the setting, it needs to be included in a thoughtful manner.

Anyway, sorry for dropping that emotional bombshell on everyone. Let's get back to talking about more cheerful topics, like the Blood War. Smiling

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'420' wrote:
Pigeons - Lim Lim

Actually, Sigil already has native pigeons called "acid pigeons". There's not as many of those as regular pigeons but they're not a pretty sight Laughing out loud

Hawks (imported by the city to hunt pigeons) - Vargouilles (MM)

I'm not sure about the hawks, but vargouilles are part of everiday life in the abyss so they might fit into Sigil. Then again, Sigil already has it's native ravens. They're big, ugly and called Executioner's Ravens. As far as I remember it's because they usually hang out where mercykillers execute their prisoners :twisted:

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

In terms of city wildlife, I think we should balance it out with a few celestial critters-they're still animals, and would do all the irritating things other animals do, but act all uppity about it.

Celestial peregrine falcons come to mind.

And aren't the executioner ravens based off the Tower Ravens at the Tower of London?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
Let's get back to talking about more cheerful topics, like the Blood War.

Fair enough, I had an idea for a sort of infernal battle of the networks. Is there the equivalent of television (or radio at least) in modern Sigil?

If so I could see how the Blood War would branch out into a sort of politically charged network TV battle between the demons and devils. Major propaganda campaign.

What shall we watch tonight:

Everybody Flays Raymond
CSI (Crime Scene Instigators)

and of course...

Live Coverage from the Front of the Blood War battle! (Each side's reporters claiming an easy victory of course.)

"Mom! Buy me the new Mephistopheles action figure with the kung-fu grip tail!"

Sure the celestials have their own network, but no ones watching...


Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

'420' wrote:
Sure the celestials have their own network, but no ones watching...

I wouldn't be so sure, given the number of televangelical channels out there. At the very least, I would think the pantheons each have their own networks

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Project 1: Modern Sigil

If so I could see how the Blood War would branch out into a sort of politically charged network TV battle between the demons and devils. Major propaganda campaign.

I can only imagine the Devils would be much more successful at this. Demons might make the rare individual effort but overall it can't really be concerted.

Actually, Demon propaganda might boil down to this:

"Short on jink? Fight in the blood war on our side! We offer more that pasty fat devil-things, and we won't pike you like they would." (Demon's pants light on fire for the last statement)

Sure the celestials have their own network, but no ones watching...

There's plenty of reasons why angelic beings would watch televison. Satire (*cough* *cough* DAILY SHOW! *cough*), news programs, documentries, and moral dramas would probably be pretty popular.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Project 1: Modern Sigil

Um, when I said "lets talk about more cheerful subjects, like the Blood War," it was meant as sarcasm, not as an invitation to go off topic.

Let's move on to some faction HQs in Sigil:

Fated-Corporate Ward/Valor Tower
Athar-Lady's Ward/Pantheon War Museum (formerly known as The Courthouse).
Fraternity of Order-Lady's Ward/Odin University (school centered on the one temple to the Norse high-up that survived Ragnorak)
The Free League-Market Ward/The Lady's Plaza

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Project 1: Modern Sigil

if noone watched the celestial channel that would imply everyone is neutral or evil which would imply that the planes of good could not exist. therefore there are plenty who watch the celestial channel.

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
Project 1: Modern Sigil

well, about this skyscraper gravity issue, there's a problem. did you ever noticed that sigil is slightly different in the d20 material? i mean, sigil was a open ring in the adnd stuff (the city, in this case, is build on the ring's inner side), but in the planar handbook it appears as a donut, and the city is on the donut's inside.

in the case of thinking sigil like it was on adnd, i think there was something about being hurled over a random plane when falling off the ring, and this really could happen if the skyscraper lies close to the ring's edge and if the sob who's trying to kill himself jumps in it's direction. in the d20 perspective, this problem doesn't exist.

i really liked the idea of sigil expanding, but the overlapping skyscrapers idea is good, too. there's one extra idea that i had, although it might not be easy to explain. skyscrapers could overlap, but that doesn't mean that they would be connected. they are just at different places on a multidimensional space. to a viewer that can perceive only three dimension, they would look like they're coalescing, but entering one building doesn't take you to the other simply because they're not really on the same place. that's just an illusion created by the limits of our senses. i hope someone DOES understand this.

and i think that lighting arcs are just too science fiction for sigil. i see the visual part of this project as something more cyberpunk-like than anything else.

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
Project 1: Modern Sigil

i think that the blood war would be still a war, but far more destructive and, of course, broadcasted by a baatorian company. there would be some footage on the war made by a insane group of chaosmen (this is not redundant in this special case) seeking "the truth behind the truth".

this would be very cool...

and, yes, people would watch the celestial channel. there would be soap-operas.

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