Prime Faction

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Joined: 2005-04-26
Prime Faction

"What the hell is a faction?"
Keenan, an Ignorant factol asked about his own faction.

This so called prime faction is surely one of the strangest groups in the multiverse.
First, you would not think that any faction has a clueless among its ranks. Well this is a faction consisting of clueless primes. And only those ones that think of their prime as the center of the planes.
Also they do not have a common name and its members do not necessarily acknowlegde that they belong to the same faction. Scholars argue that the prime faction is in fact a not a single faction but a multitude of them, one for each prime in existance. Most cutters will not care anyway as there is no easy way to distinguish between them.
Finally they founded their faction in the most unfitting place after the faction war: Sigil.
(Rule of Three)

Philosophy: The prime (they do not agree on what prime)is the center of the planes
Nicknames: Ignorants, real clueless
Headquarter: Sigil and the prime (again you do not know for sure which prime)
Major races: Human
Favored Classes: Any
Factol: Keenan (?) , among others (as they do not have a clear concept of a factol)
Prominent members: There are a lot of people who consider themselves prominent
Alignment: Any (as any prime can be clueless)
Symbol: None


The Ignorants believe that everything - from the Lower Planes to the Upper Planes and even the powers - revolves around their prime.
Of course they have undeniable proofs for their beliefs (or so they think), ranging stories of the creation of their world to claims that they are the chosen people of some power you have never heard from.
There are also those who want to show off their "superior" science and others who want to harness the planes themselves for militaristic use.

Brief History

There is not much known about this faction and the few things you have heard about them seem to be contradictory. However most scholars agree, that they have come to Sigil after Mechanus' reboot.
Still the Lady has not shown any disapproval of them... or at least no one has noticed so far.


Ultimately it is not known what the Ignorants plan to do. However they will always try to convince you, that their world is the best and most important one, that their beliefs and quests are the right ones and finally they present you reasons for helping them.

Allies & Enemies

The prime faction has a rather comlicated relationship towards the other factions because of their views on the planes and most people do not even take them seriously.
The Athar are fascinated by their science because its laws imply the absence of "real" powers (the Great Unknown is not a power and therefore exists ouside those laws).
The Fated admire them for their resolution to take on their prime's destiny.

I know, a rather strange idea. What do you think?

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