Prestige Race Alterations: Tanar'ri Focus

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Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Prestige Race Alterations: Tanar'ri Focus

Tanar’ri Focus
Those who focus on the tanar’ri path revel in the unbridled evil that churns within their essence. Progressing along this path, characters develop powers normally possessed only by demons. You may only pay the XP cost to activate a tanar’ri prestige race alteration while on one of the Lower Planes.

Prerequisites: Demon, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains damage reduction 1/magic and cold iron.
Special: This prestige race alteration is unavailable to anyone with baatezu prestige race alterations.
You can continue to select this prestige race alteration, paying the cost to increase the damage reduction by 1 point each time.
This damage reduction does not stack with any other form of damage reduction except itself.
Cost: 750 XP.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Prestige Race Alterations: Tanar'ri Focus

Can I assume this is going to be amplified? I wubs me some tanar'ri Eye-wink

Also, do you have similar feat-lists for 'loths and 'leths? Or, for that matter, celestials?

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Prestige Race Alterations: Tanar'ri Focus

My player is interested in fleshing out his devilish heritage, so that's what I developed. The fiendish, tanar'ri and traveler foci were simply byproducts of that. Most of the fiendish focus applies to both demons and devils...demons can summon others of their kind too, so you could duplicate the summon baatezu abilities for that focus. I haven't worked on anything beyond that yet, but I intend to.

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