Fiendish Focus
Those who focus on the fiend path delve into the essence of evil within themselves, seeking the fiendish kernel that lies hidden within their core being. Progressing along this path, characters develop powers normally possessed only by the fiends of the Lower Planes. You may only pay the XP cost to activate a fiendish prestige race alteration while on one of the Lower Planes.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains resistance to acid 10.
Cost: 2,000 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Acid Resistant; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains resistance to acid 20.
Special: This ability replaces the acid resistant prestige race alteration; it does not stack with it.
Cost: 2,000 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Acid Resistant; Acid Retardant; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature is immune to magical and normal acid.
Special: This ability replaces the acid retardant prestige race alteration.
Cost: 3,500 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains resistance to cold 10.
Cost: 2,000 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Cold Resistant; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains resistance to cold 20.
Special: This ability replaces the cold resistant prestige race alteration; it does not stack with it.
Cost: 2,000 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Cold Resistant; Cold Retardant; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature is immune to magical and normal cold.
Special: This ability replaces the cold retardant prestige race alteration.
Cost: 3,500 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Mental Communication; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains the supernatural ability to telepathically communicate with any creature that has a language. The range is 100 feet, and the maximum number of targets that can be contacted at one time is equal to the creature’s Hit Dice.
Special: This ability replaces the mental communication prestige race alteration; it does not stack with it.
Cost: 4,500 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains resistance to fire 10.
Cost: 2,000 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Fire Resistant; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains resistance to fire 20.
Special: This ability replaces the fire resistant prestige race alteration; it does not stack with it.
Cost: 2,000 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Fire Resistant; Fire Retardant; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature is immune to magical and normal fire.
Special: This ability replaces the fire retardant prestige race alteration.
Cost: 3,500 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature can use the spell-like ability greater teleport once per day. Caster level is equal to the creature’s Hit Dice.
Special: You can continue to select this prestige race alteration up to three more times, paying the cost to increase the number of uses per day by one each time, to a maximum of four uses per day.
Cost: 2,100 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains spell resistance 1.
Special: You can continue to select this prestige race alteration up to 29 more times, paying the cost to increase the spell resistance by 1 point each time, to a maximum of spell resistance 30.
Cost: 500 XP.
Prerequisites: Fiend, half-fiend, tiefling, or Fiendish Heritage feat; Sculpt Self feat; nongood alignment.
Benefit: The creature gains the supernatural ability to telepathically communicate with any creature that has a language. The range is 60 feet, and the maximum number of targets that can be contacted at one time is equal to the creature’s Hit Dice.
Cost: 7,500 XP.