Preceptors of Madness: the Denizens of Pandemonium

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Joined: 2006-01-13
Preceptors of Madness: the Denizens of Pandemonium

The Whispered Truth is a Pandemonium Exemplar, the representation of some terrible truth about the Multiverse. Although it has low HP, its 100% regeneration forces the party to deal 55 damage in one round, in the face of some pretty stiff DR, Resistances, and Invisibility. Dealing 45 or more damage in one turn causes the Truth to skip its next turn, although it still regenerates fully. The Truth may not kill many of the party members, but they are at high risk of insanity due to its slam attack. The Truth will not fight to death, if its foes prove resistant to its SLA, hard to hit with slams, and capable of dealing considerable damage, it will simply flee. If a party does kill a Truth, it leaves behind a highly valuable Pearl of Wish.

Whispered Truth Medium Outsider [Chaotic, Incorporeal] CR 15
HD: 10d8 (45) [45avg]
Init: 0
Spd: Local Windspeed, perfect fly
BAB: +10
AC: 20 (10+10insight)
Touch: 20
Flat Footed: 20
Incorporeal: 20
SR: 20
DR: 20/ Heartstone
Regeneration: 100%/-10hp
ER: 20 fire, acid, and cold Immune: Elect and Sonic
Fort: +20 (7base + 0con+ 13insight)
Ref: +20(7base + 0dex+ 13insight)
Will: +15 (7base - 5wis+ 13insight){Mindless}
Str: - (0)
Int: 30 (+10)
Dex: 10 (0)
Wis: 0 (-5)
Con: - (0)
Cha: 30 (+10)
Feats: -
Attacks: Slam: +20 (10+10insight) 2d% subdual (Once unconscious, Will DC 20 or suffer Insanity as the spell)

Special Qualities: Mindless (Ex)
G. Invis (Ex): permanently Invisible
Terrible Aspect (Ex): Permanent blindness, Will save vs 20 or Insanity, those who look on its true form (Through true seeing and the like).

SLA: (CL 14) Saves: 20+spell level (10 + 10cha)

1/week: Wish

. 1/day: Dictum, Holy Word, Blasphemy, Power Word Agony (Symbol of Pain), Power Word Blind, Power Word Stun, Power Word Kill

. 3/day: Word of Chaos, G. Shout (10d6, 20d6 vs. Crystalline, stun 1 round, deafen 4d6 rounds Fort half, Ref Negates damage to objects.)

Treasure: Pearl of Wish (one shot)
I'm interested in hearing what people think of this, if you like it/think its stupid. I'm especially intersted in hearing what CR you think it is, since mine is highly approximate.
Edit: Revisions

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