Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Okay, so I already tweeted Sciborg about this, but I didn't really explain it.

Recently I picked up Pathfinder's Advanced Races Guide, a collaboration of many great minds included our own resident fiendish crosstrader. The entire thing is awesome in and of itself, but the race creator is particularly fun, and I promptly went about converting things like ogres and gnolls to LA 0 races to add some diversity to my Eberron games. A few days ago, I started to convert some of the obscurer races with mythological ties for my planescape games in word doc so it could be easily shared with my players for their perusal. I hit on the idea that it might be something interesting for PW to host, but the problem is I have nowhere near the time to do all the conversions or to organize a project on my own.

That's when a lightbulb went on earlier tonight.

What I propose is a simple article in each fanzine that showcases a planer race that would normally only be playable at high levels. We give a simplified version of it that could be playable with no LA in Pathfinder or with +1 LA in 3.X. It would not be an exact copy of the original, but mimic some key abilities to give the flavour of that race without being unbalancing while opening some interesting options.

So what would this look like, Oh Watcher in the Deep? How could this be incorporating into the next issue?

I'm glad you asked...

Simplified Hound Archon

* +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Int. Hound Archons are powerful warriors and spiritual guides, but they are doers, not thinkers.
* Outsider: Hound Archons do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Hound Archons are proficiant with all simple and martial weapons. Hound Archons can only be restored to life through limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection. Hound Archons are native to Mount Celestia.
* Medium: As Medium creatures, cyclopeans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Hound Archon base land speed is 30 feet.
* Darkvision: Hound Archon can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight. Hound Archons function fine with no light at all.
* Skill Training: Hound Archons are used to operating independently to sneak up on enemies. They alway treat Stealth and Survival as class skills.
* Spell-like Ability: At-Will - Beast Shape I (canines only)
* Automatic Languages: Planer Trade and Archon. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Eladrin, Guardianal, Infernal, Modron

Obviously not the same as an actual Hound Archon, and I or someone else would need to write up the racial description still, but it gives you an idea of what I mean, and I for one am quite pleased with it. I was also thinking we could give a sample NPC using the simplified stats that might be a bit out of usual stereotype for that race, such as a Hound Archon Oracle.

What do you guys think?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Good stuff. I'm happy to put it into Issue 2. We can put it in as an addendum to the main celestial's article, or if people think we can find artwork for it put it in as a completely separate article.

Speaking for myself, one of these in every issue sounds great but we just need to make sure we have artwork for them.


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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Excellent. I'll get working on the racial description. I may be able to help with art too, I used to be able to do a cell shaded style on photoshop and I might be able to do it with GIMP too.

Do we have a list of the themes for each issue somewhere? The stats aren't too tough to generate, at most it's a half an hour and this only took me five to ten minutes. I could get started, which would give plenty of time for us to produce art.

Also, I was thinking we could include some racial feats that could restore the race's original powers or even boost it to new levels. If anyone has ideas, please toss them out.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Issue 3 is Mechanus themed, 4 is Far Realms, 5 is Elementals/Nature/Fey, 6 is Evil. We haven't gotten beyond that point yet.

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Wouldn't it be nice to make a whole thread dedicated to these races? I guess there will be some people contributing, so you could get a set of playable planar races in quite a short time. Of course it's a nice feature for the fanzine, but it's a quarterly, it will take about forever to get only a small set of playable races.

And I guess you would collect them in the forum anyway, so what about making a thread, getting a collection of planar races and compiling them into a supplement of their own?

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

I agree with Mask, part of the purpose of the fanzine is to showcase what's going on on the boards. We could include one of them in issue 2, and then say we're creating more of them on the forums, invite readers to come take part, and state our intention to release them as their own free race supplement upon completion.

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

I do agree, and that was my original idea, so if someone else wants to head it up I will gladly contribute, as my only hesitation is the amount of time I have. I do have some ideas for issue 3 and 6, so if I could pump those out for sciborg, I'd hope we could still include them.

The only sticking point I see would be consistency. I'm specifically using one book to try and bring everything to the same power level. I know power consistency isn't important to everyone, but it is to me, especially since you can use the races I'm working on to play these races from first level. That could allow you to draw more people in to either contributing or using the resources. It may also make more DMs inclined to use them.

On the other hand, a more dedicated resource could allow us to create a more expanded resource, along the lines of the ARG itself, including things like the aformentioned feats as well as archetypes .

Perhaps I could keep doing simple racial write ups for the Codex, then we could expand those plus add even more races in their own resource as a community?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Well, there's no definitive separation between stuff on the forums and the zine, so IMHO I think y'all have the right of it. (Really, we even conceived of the zine as drawing from the forums and that's pretty much how we filled up our editor's queue.)

Just start making stuff, and as necessary we can add races into the issues as we need and want to. They don't even have to correlate to the major theme though it's nice if we can manage that.

We just start putting stuff in this thread if you want, or if you want to group things another way I'm down.

Let a Sci know! Smiling


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michel andre's picture
Joined: 2012-01-20
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

I have been posting this idea under the name Scary Harpy on the Pathfinder board. Is this what you are talking about?

I like Hags but not the way they are written. They are described as "monstorous witches"; I think they are ogresses but not very witchy.

I was inspired by Hags to create Krones. Of course, they would favor the Witch class. I can not duplicate all the features of the Hag in any one Krone but I can duplicate some features in multiple Krones.

Swamp Krones (loosely based on Green Hags)

+0 Type: Humanoid: Krone
+0 Size: Medium
+0 Speed: Normal
+2 Ability: Flexible (+2 Str, +2 Wis)
+0 Languages: Standard (Common, Giant)


+2 Defense: Spell Resistance, Lesser
+2 Movement: Swim
+2 Sense: Darkvision 60'
+2 Other: Amphibious


Brine Krones (loosely based on Sea Hags)

+0 Type: Humanoid: Krone
+0 Size: Medium
+0 Speed: Normal
+0 Ability: Standard (+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha)
+0 Languages: Standard (Common, Giant)


+3 Defense: Spell Resistance, Greater
+1 Magical: Spell Like Ability, Lesser (Hydraulic Push)
+2 Movement: Swim
+2 Sense: Darkvison 60'
+2 Other: Amphibious

Total: 10

Kloud Krones (loosely based on Annis Changelings)

+0 Type: Humanoid: Krone
+0 Size: Medium
+0 Speed: Normal
+2 Ability: Flexible (+2 Wis, +2 Cha)
+0 Languages: Standard (Common, Giant)


+ 2 Defense: Spell Resistance, Lesser
+1 Defense: Mist child
+3 Magical: Spell Like Ability, Lesser [Obscuring Mist] (× 3 daily)
+2 Sense: Darkvision 60'


Charmed Ones (loosely based on Green Hag Changelings)

+0 Type: Humanoid: Krone
+0 Size: Medium
+0 Speed: Normal
+2 Ability: Flexible (+2 Wis, +2 Cha)
+0 Languages: Standard (Common, Giant)


+3 Defense: Spell Resistance, Greater
+1 Magical: Object of Desire
+2 Magical: Seducer
+2 Sense: Darkvison 60'

Total: 10

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

More or less. I was thinking more direct conversions, but your Krones capture the flavor of hags very well, I'd definately included them if we were to compile all races together. Personally, I'd change them to all have the standard +2 +2 -2 ability scores so they don't overshadow the core races too much, but that's my preference, they'd be balanced as is. Here's another one for Issue 6 that may look familar:

Simplified Hoardling

* +2 to any one attribute. Hoardlings are as diverse as the hatred they were sired from, allowing them to take any form.
* Outsider (Evil): Hoardlings do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Hoardlings are proficiant with all simple and martial weapons. Hoardlings can only be restored to life through limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection. Hoardlings are native to Hades. Hoardlings always count as being strongly evil for the purposes of spells and abilities in addition to and regardless of their actual alignments.
* Variable Size: Hoardlings select either Medium or Small size. They gain all the benefits and penalties of the chosen size. This choice may not be changed.
* Hoardlings base land speed is 20 ft. Hoardlings are often misshapen in ways that can limit their mobility.
* Darkvision: Hoardlings can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight. Hoardlings function fine with no light at all.
* Innate Magic: Hoardlings select one 0-level spell from any spellcasting class' spell list. The Hoardling may use that spell as an at-will spell-like ability.
* Unique Skills: Hoardlings gain Skill Focus in any skill of their chose as a bonus feat at 1st level. They gain Skill Focus in another skill again at 11th level.
* Automatic Languages: Planer Trade and Fiendish. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Daemon, Infernal, Undercommon.

I based this off the idea that every Hoardling is unique. The race follows the same rules, but there is a high degree of customization available. That's also why I allowed the choice of what attribute gets the benefit, no two changelings should be good at the same things. Thoughts?

Working on art tonight. Once I have some, I'll start making threads for individual issues.

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Okay, art is under way, so I'll start posting individual threads now. Here is the rough outline I've got in my head for what will be featured in which issues

Issue 2 - Heroes of the Heavens: Hound Archon, Rhek, possibly other Celestials
Issue 3 - Legions of Law: Myconoid, Visilight, possibly alternate Rogue Modrons
Issue 4 - The Outcasts and the Insane: Outcast Keepers, Kaorti, Abberations, Quori
Issue 5 - The Fabled and the Enflamed: Fauns and other mythological fey, Mephits
Issue 6 - Peoples of the Pits: Mezzoloth, Succubus, Hoardlings, Night Hags, etc...

Yes, the Quori look a bit out of place in Issue 4, but I have an article idea that fixes that. If anyone else has any other suggestion or contributions, please let me know.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Hey I tried replying on Twitter but it seemed to stall - Good stuff & I'm definitely excited to see more!


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

I'm excited to see how the Quori connect to the Far Realm, but don't feel like you have to force it. I'm thinking of calling Issue 4 the "Weird" Issue, covering the Far Realms as well as things like the Quori and aliens like It Came From The Stars (thanks atomicb!) mentions:


This will also fit well with having a campaign spotlight on Loki's Planejammer stuff.


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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Long story short... I'm making them native to the Demiplane of Dream, the Far Realms and the Demiplane of Nightmare, which coexists between both. Remember that the Far Realms are described as a plane of madness and nightmares. Xoriat and Dal Quor are also ideologically close planes in Eberron... Both feed off mortal emotions and both grant psionic power so it seems natural for some Quori to be from the Far Realms to me at least. I think I finally figured out how to pull it off to create a balanced race too.

Issue 4 was the hardest to come up with races for, but I think it's my favorite too. The Kaorti, Outcast Keepers and Quori really capture the eclecticness of Planescape, and I could see each one as an interesting character in Torment, so that really helps.

Then again, I'm planning to add the Sasquatch to issue 4...

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

I like the idea of the Sasquatch! Makes good use of expansion into the Weird being more than the Far Realms.


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Err... that's defiantly a typo. Squatch is planned for #5. The whole urban legend living in nature was appropriate I thought.

Keepers are supposed to be the weird ones in issue 4. Good lord, the keepers...

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: Potential Articles: PF Simplified Races

Err... that's defiantly a typo. Squatch is planned for #5. The whole urban legend living in nature was appropriate I thought.

Keepers are supposed to be the weird ones in issue 4. Good lord, the keepers...

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