Post these new articles

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Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Post these new articles

Hey folks, there's some good stuff here, so if you haven't already, post your articles to Planewalker once you've polished them sufficiently.

Broken Glass
Pokemar monsters
Moon District
The Lady's Dark Sea

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Re: Post these new articles

"Krypter" wrote:
Hey folks, there's some good stuff here, so if you haven't already, post your articles to Planewalker once you've polished them sufficiently.

Broken Glass...

Jawohl! My semester ends tomorrow; who knows what riotous fun shall thus ensue?

[Which is a florid way of saying that I'll probably do it this weekend.]

Rathennan's picture
Joined: 2005-05-11
Not to interject but...

Sory for going off-tack a bit but I'm in the process of resurrecting my intrest in the planes, along with my long discarded 2nd E theif who was in the depths of the Beastlands when I last picked up the dice. Just curious as to how this online forum works, what with a notable absencce of 3rd Ed planar rules and such. Things like the creatures codex, very cool by the way, but still a little sparse. Also, how could I update my 8th level 2nd Ed caracter to the new rules? seems like a tough one 2 me. anyway, ta for listening, see you down the corpse for a few eh cutters?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Post these new articles

If you check out the Released Products link you'll find a lot of 3e planescape stuff. Also, all the other sections like Cutters and Snail Outfitters will have new stuff and all the stuff imported from are great.
Hope that helps...

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