Post Faction War 3.5 Sigil Scenarios

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Joined: 2006-06-30
Post Faction War 3.5 Sigil Scenarios

I am interested on hearing any GM who are running a Post-Faction War Sigil in a 3.5 campaign. My campaign is set seven years PFW. The portals are still being explored, and many of the old realiable portals are non-functional. Sigil is still in a state of reconstruction, Swan's Son is a young and overwhelmed police commissioner with Sons of Mercy making up a third of the police force, Sodkillers another third, and mercenaries and vigilantes making the final third. The government is made up of many districts with Sigil Advisory Council led by Rhys struggling to maintain order. Shameska has so much power at this point, that she is now her own worst enemy and is suffering from paranoia. Estavan lost many of his routes but is rebuilding his organization by controlling the largest number of Gatecrashers (from the Manual of the Planes) and preventing any guild or union of this class from forming. Zadara struggles to keep her power base but enjoys seeing Shemeska go mad. Many unanswered questions remain after seven years and many MIA factors left behind many unresolved mysteries for PC groups to solve. Oh, and that temple they built on top of Aoskar's temple? Yeah... for some reason after seven years the shape and look of the temple has reverted back to it's pre-Faction War appearance... fancy that...

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