A possible visit to Sigil this week...

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Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
A possible visit to Sigil this week...

Well by the PCs anyway. Essentially, I placed a portal to Sigil in my campaign. I hadn't expected them to find it quite yet, but what do you know? They went down to the second level, and went through the one exit in the first room that led to a teleporter, and now there is a strong possibility that they will find the portal to Sigil if they pick the right way twice...

So I need to detail what might happen if they take the portal. Where exactly in Sigil might it lead? What kind of challenges will the party face as they try to adapt to this new environment? I need to know by perhaps as early as Wednesday.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: A possible visit to Sigil this week...

Drop them into the middle of the Great Market. Emphasize the weirdness in the usual ways: An angel and a demon sitting at a table, sharing tea; the press of a crowd filled with races that they're unfamiliar with; merchants hawking impossible goods.

If you want to give the party an easy out, an honest tout could suggest: Hey, Clueless. You better nip back through that gate there, unless you want to get lost here in the Cage."

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: A possible visit to Sigil this week...

If you don't have a specific adventure in mind, I would agree with something along the lines of what Wicke suggested.
The only additional suggestion I would make is that until they learn how things work, it should cost them. "You want the portal that will take you home? Yeah, we can do that but first I need something from you" "Yeah, that's the right portal; but you need to know the right key and that will cost you"
That way, you can make them run around parts of Sigil in a non-lethal mini-quest to get what they need to get home. And if they come across some things in the process that interest them more than going home; all the better.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: A possible visit to Sigil this week...

I'd like to allow the PCs to return to the Material only after several adventures, yet the fact that they might be discovering the portal so early complicates things. I had planned for the portal to be easy to access, yet either being one way, or being harder to use the other side. I suppose it might be possible to add a key to the Material side of the portal and then later reveal the key and a reason to use the portal.

I'd like to use the Great Modron March and later Dead Gods. So, even if the party's visit to Sigil is not prolonged, I'd like to have a "hook" of sorts to bring them back later.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: A possible visit to Sigil this week...

Maybe they come across somebody who's familiar with their homeworld. A wizard is an obvious choice, but you could also find a tiefling portal jumper, a risen/reformed demon, an exiled ex-pat from their world or a non-rogue modron who would quiz them about the details of their home (the modron in turn could give you a hook for the later modron march module). Whoever it is could give them a key in exchange for services rendered, whether now or at some later point. Or attaining the key could be the source of the adventure.

CatDoom's picture
Joined: 2012-12-31
Re: A possible visit to Sigil this week...

Some portals only function intermittently, and could follow a schedule as simple or complex (or arbitrary) as you like. Perhaps when the PCs find the portal it could turn out to be inoperative. If it looks interesting enough, they're likely to try and figure out if they can do something with it, and a particularly knowledgeable or mystically inclined character might be able to determine when the portal will next become active. That way, you've piqued their interest in the portal, but at the same time they're not likely to get totally side-tracked from whatever other adventure they're working on, since they know they've got some time to kill before they can do anything with it.

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