Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

I've been thinking, since this is the home of planescape, this mean we can create new 'canon,' right?

Well, there are a couple of things i can see that could be tackled by a planewalker adventure.

1: The faction's return to sigil

2: The continuation of the RRakkma, but with a twist

3: The Far Realms (there have been hints to something big coming all over the place, its about time something actually happened)

4: The Celestials start taking a more active roll in the fight of good vs evil

5: Another Yugoloth plot to rule the world

6: Some combination of the above

Maybe this plan will fall apart, maybe this is one of those ideas that should be kept to one's self. I dunno.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

This is one of the things being planned for the PSCS actually - Right now we're working on slamming out the rest of the CS book, and then moving onwards with modules and the like. In the meantime, if you want, Kyto's Hooks actually is accepting modules and larger adventures like what you're looking at - why not put one together and submit it there?

That way you'll have some practice at writing them and the PSCS writers can take a gander at the works on the site and use them for ideas or tap writers that seem to match up well.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

The Multiverse is under attack. Red stars have appeared in the skies of every outer plane (even those that don’t have actual skies) and many of the prime material planes.
Ever so slowly, magic is falling apart around the planes. And the red stars are getting bigger.
But who is causing it, and why?

At first, it begins with almost all contact with the Athar being cut off. After a few days, travelers in the outlands find that The Athar have stationed guards all around the outlands, trying to keep everyone away from the spire.

Then the red stars appear. On most planes with skies, their appearance goes unnoticed. But on plane without stars, this is new.

Every day, the stars grow a little, and magic fails more. The effects it similar to walking toward the spire. In the end, magic is effectively dead throughout the planes, and the only means of planar travel left open is the Lady’s Portals.

The cause:

One Illithid has a plan to create a new Illithid empire. One which could destroy the planes as we know them. But to implement it, he needs powerful artifacts. 3 of them. Three boxes of unbelievable power.

(Note: haven’t determined the exact origins of the boxes. Right now I’m probably going with one of these options:

A: they are items of power from the Far Realm, and part of their power comes from the fact that they don’t follow all the rules of existence that we do.

B: They are the concentrated power of belief, the power of belief focused toward one goal: ultimate power. They are actually trapping that power, which is the reason the power of belief can not be used to create a force powerful enough to sweep aside gods.

C: They are the trapped essence from something from the far realm, and are not actually boxes at all, they just take that form.
I’m open to new suggestions, as long as the boxes retain the power to augment magic to the point that it allows spellcasting at the base of the spire)

Step 1: Take control of the area around the spire. Mass mind control the athar who live there.

Step 2: kidnap and mind control a bunch of artificers from Ebberon.

Step 3: Have the artificers build you a device around the base of the spire.

Step 4: Power the device with two of the boxes. At this point, the Illithid only has one. Which is enough to activate the device, but not enough to bring it to full power.

Step 5: activate the device. The effect is that it creates a unique form of planar breach. On every plane it effects, it actually blurs the distinction between there (the plane effected) and here (the base of the spire) this causes the plane to be effected by the spires antimagic properties, but only a little at first.
However, the effect feeds itself into becoming more powerful. As more antimagic hits the rest of the planes, it is weakened at the base of the spire, which allows the box to access more power, which allows it to spread more of the antimagic to the other planes, which lessens the effect at the base of the spire even more… The ‘ red stars are the planer rifts, but covered by a shell of super-hot fire to prevent anyone from using the rifts to reach the spire.

Step 6: While step 5 is in process, acquire the other boxes. (Actually in the campaign, it becomes ‘ leave hints for the PC’s, let them get them for you, them steal the boxes from them’). During this time, send out lesser mindflayers/ psionic minions to mind control weak willed masses, and turn them into a mob to hunt down and kill weakened spellcasters. The less opposition later the better.

Step 7: Power the device with two boxes, and wait for two things:
1: the gods lose power
2: the planar boundaries at the base of the spire are blurred and weak enough for step 8

Step 8: Use a box augmented gate spell to pierce the planar boundaries and open a portal to the Far Realm.
This also transforms the red stars into portals to the far realm.

Step 9: Let through enough far real creatures to destroy any resistance, enough squid things to create a new generation of mind flayers, and a couple powerful creatures to destroy the gods in their weakened state.

That’s the plan at least. But the PCs come and partially save the day. By killing the Mindflayers and destroying the device, but not before throwing two of the boxes through, making sure this can never happen again. However, a bunch of far realm creatures did make it through. There will be a new generation of Illithid, just a smaller one. Magic is back, but the gods are still in for the fight of their lives.

Now begins act II of the campaign, trying to keep the Multiverse from being eaten.

At this point, the PCs gain help from a not so unexpected group. The Githyanki. This is, literally, what Gith made them for, and they finally feel like they have a purpose since the fall of Vlaakith.
The Githzeria are helping too, and have, for the moment, set aside their quarrel with the Githyanki. This war could easily end the Rrakkma for good, one way or the other.

The factions, seeing the disorder and chaos that comes not only from the attack, but the loss of faith in the gods when clerics lost their spellcasting during the Red Stars, have taken it onto themselves to not only help fight the pseudo-natural monstrosities, but to establish themselves as the leaders of the new age.

All in all, it ends with more Mindflayers (but a lot of them died) a shaky truce between the Gith, the Factions are allowed back in Sigil, but now have a different cause: helping restabalize the planes. (Note: not all the factions will return, and some of the factions may be replaced by powerful guilds) Not all the far realm creature where destroyed, and they have managed to hide several swarms deep in Pandemonium, and some primes where overrun.

However, Farun, athas, Ebberon and Greyhawk are still around. On fauren and Ebberon, the moment they gained magic back most of the far realms creatures were driven back. A couple are still lurking around, but they don’t pose a significant threat anymore.

On athas, from the moment they arrived they came under attack from the sorcerer kings, and where wiped out without doing much damage.

Greyhawk was hit the worst, and almost completely overrun. The far realms creatures took a massive toll, but were finally beaten back by the gods.

Some lesser-known primes completely succumb to far realms creatures. Of the inner planes, only the plane of water has any significant Far realm danger.

Individual Factions and how they react to the crisis:

Athar: mind controlled by Illithid. Most were killed during the attack on the base of the spire by the Githyanki/ the first wave of Far Realm creatures. The few that survive have little or no power.

Bleak Cabal: They don’t care, but are one of the most useful for the coming fight to retake the planes. Their insanity makes them less prone to the mind shattering horridness of psuedo-natural creatures, and they have proved themselves at becoming adept of helping the survivors of such attacks cope with the trauma.

Doomguard: The Doomguard at first rejoiced at the failing of magic and the news of planar breaches. To them, this signaled the end of the Multiverse. But they’ve decided that they prefer the Multiverse to die from entropy rather than have it be eaten. They have currently become the main weapons suppliers against this new threat. So far, their reaches in the quasi-elemental planes have resisted every attack.

Dustmen: Business as usual. However, they have been called in to take care of the remains (there isn’t usually enough left to call ‘bodies’) of entire villages hit by the Far realm monstrosities.

Fated: No real impact.

Fraternity of Order: At first, they polled all their resources to study and find a solution to the red stars. These days, there are studying the psuedo-naturals. What little they have learned about individual creatures has amounted to any significant advantage, yet.

The Free league: helped organize the distribution of supplies during the red star crisis.

The Harmonium: Quelled riots during the red star crisis, and helped protect the lawful upper lanes against attack. Right now, they joined up to help fight any remaining psuedo-naturals, but they are still trying to united the planes under their banner, they think this is the right time to do it.

The Minds Eye: the Seekers have, individually, helped fight back some of the worse creatures, but as a group haven’t helped much. The likelihood of this factions gaining any real power in the time to come is small.

The Revolutionary League: The anarchist had the time of their lives during the red star crisis, but are scared into inaction by the psuedo-naturals. Publicly, they say that their waiting for the factions to removes the last of the psuedo-naturals, and then their take out the establishment in it’s weakened state.

The Ring Givers: They helped a lot of victims of the riots and attacks, but not much else.

Society of Sensation: Not a lot of effect during the crisis, but they did manage to evacuate entire villages in Arborea to hide them from psuedo-natural attacks.

Sodkillers: Were a little rough on the riots, but managed to protect the weakened spellcasters.

Sons of Mercy: Little to no effect on the mobs.

Transcendent Order: Always at the right place at the right time. They managed to put down the mob, get vital supplies to stratigic locations before they came under attack, and evacuate important members of the other factions before the red stars become far realm rifts.

Xaosects: Reveling in the chaos of the red stars, they have decided that as much fun as the insanity the psuedonatural creature spread is, their chaos isn’t Multiverse-friendly chaos, and have become a vital attack force (ranging from potent and deadly flaming rocks to completely ineffective bottles of vinegar) and their chaotic minds are more difficult to drive insane.

The factions are now allowed back in Sigil, but most aren’t nearly as focused on pursuing the Kriegstanz anymore. Some think that that the lifting of the faction ban is an odd thing for the Lady to do. Why now?
But, come to think of it, if the factions had been in Sigil at the time of the red star crisis and the attacks that followed, they wouldn’t have helped as much as they did, instead hiding out in Sigil under the protection of the lady of pain.
But it could be a load of screed.

That’s what I have so far. This changs the face of the Gith wars. It puts the factions back in Sigil. It brings to the head the dangers of the far realms, and introduces a new treat as a lot of far realm horrors are still around.

So, is this worth a shot? Could this actually become a legitimate planewalker adventure to bring the factions back into Sigil?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

Um, blast. Sry Clueless, didnt see your post till after. I'll try and find a way to condense that and submit it to Kyto's Hooks.

The Bleaker's picture
Joined: 2004-06-28
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

Step 1: Take control of the area around the spire. Mass mind control the athar who live there.

How to do it, when no magic works around the spire?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

'The Bleaker' wrote:
Step 1: Take control of the area around the spire. Mass mind control the athar who live there.

How to do it, when no magic works around the spire?

Hypnotism and insidious Sprite commercials.


Pants of the North!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

Well, first off, the mind flayer is a psion with the telepath discipline
second, he has the first box at this point, which super charges magic and whatnot to the point of usability at the base of the spire. If you used a box to power a simple flare spell, you could set yourself on fire.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Possible new project, an official planewalker campaign?

'Fidrikon' wrote:

Transcendent Order: Always at the right place at the right time. They managed to put down the mob, get vital supplies to stratigic locations before they came under attack, and evacuate important members of the other factions before the red stars become far realm rifts.

this is gonna be interesting as cadence lisentner I could have my uses finaly this is shaping to be interesting oh and what about the exposure to FR itself will that cause some changes to Puzzled:

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