portrait of a smoke genasai

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caries-caeli's picture
Joined: 2005-04-24
portrait of a smoke genasai

Hello all. I am new here and I have this sketchbook full of characters and creatures I have encountered on the planes. Here is my portrait of a smoke genasai. Let me know what you think.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
portrait of a smoke genasai

Pretty cool. Looks a bit too modern for regular Planescape though, with the pants and hairstyle. It would fit into Urban Planescape quite well.

You may want to add some curls of smoke to denote his genasi heritage or something in a similar vein; it's not immediately obvious what kind of genasi he is.

Welcome aboard, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
portrait of a smoke genasai

Strangely, the image is not apparent now.

Have the Doomguard been playing tricks on me again, I wonder...

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
portrait of a smoke genasai

I don't think it ever was, Fell; at least it never was for me. Copy the link from Properties and paste it into a new window.

I agree that it's got a much more modern feel than most classic Planescape pics. Which isn't to say that it's bad -- it's not -- but I suggest (medievally) "grunging" the picture up if you want to go with a more traditional PS feel. Krypter's note about the smoke is also well-taken; right now, he looks kind of grey without being particularly genasi-y. Another possibility might be to tweak the eyes somewhat, make them appear smokier, though I haven't the foggiest -- ha! I crack myself up Smiling -- how you'd do that.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
portrait of a smoke genasai

And now, apparently, it appears to be working.

As for the image itself, I would have to agree with the general consensus already expressed. There is essentially, a 'modern' feel to this interpretation of a smoke genasi, and I would indeed suggest that this would accurately portray such a racial type if I were designing a campaign using the 'Urban PS' setting.

In regard to the 'smoke-y' effect... Might I suggest the use of light charcoals, or other similar shading techniques applied to both the 'skin' of the genasi and perhaps in the imediate background. Wispy lines, created by using lighter graphite pencils might also serve to illustrate the elemental nature of the genasi in this image. Perhaps, trailing off the lower arms and face.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
portrait of a smoke genasai

it does seem to modern mabye it needs a hat?

caries-caeli's picture
Joined: 2005-04-24
portrait of a smoke genasai

Thank you all for replying!

To be honest, in creating this picture I was only trying to accurately represent a particular npc. In the game his most defininf characteristics where his slowly wafting, sort of free floating cloth belt, shifting gray hair and of course the obvious scent of smoke that lingers about him. The pants are rather modern looking now that you mention it! I was trying to give him simple, sleek kind of clothing because I have read it is the kind of thing his race prefers. Anyway they just ended up looking like slacks but oh well... I apreciate the critiques all around! I found them rather insightful. Laughing out loud

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