Poor Krypter....

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Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Poor Krypter....

I'm so sorry you got hit with all that stuff.... There's only like 100 more essays to go in addition to 12 more prestige classes and I have 30 more feats to post still....

Dude, I'm so sorry... :twisted:

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Poor Krypter....

Well, we'll take it one day at a time, won't we? We can't very well complain about having too few submissions and then complain about too many. Smiling

In regards to the feats, I would recommend that you put a little more meat on them. A simple bonus to a skill is not really worthy of a feat. A longer explanation for the feat, why it's important, why someone should take it, etc. would be very useful to a PC.

Could you also compile all your feats into one file? That would be much better than 30 different feats in 30 different places. Same thing for skills.

Keep it up though. However, you may want to file your feats/skills/rules with Loki as well, since he deals with rulesets under Snail's Outfitters, whereas Planar Portals is more of a respository for places.



Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Poor Krypter....

Except where it's faction related there's an overlap with Portals... (Portals covers a large amount of ground.)

I'll second Krypter on the need for meat, though not on the compilations - since we want feats to be able to be collected individually under PS3E I'd personally rather see things split up. It also means we can put things out at a more steady rate.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Poor Krypter....

I'm not sure what you're looking for in that regard. Some of the faction feats I designed are part of a series. If you want me to add more detail to them, you need to let me know where they're a bit flat. Also, I tried to follow along with the WotC feats in terms of bonuses and the like. Lemme know how you want the feat progressions packaged and where I should beef up the descriptions of them.

Part of the problem with writing is that sometimes you see everything and forget to spell it out for others to understanc. :oops:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Poor Krypter....

Well, think of it this way - consider most people are at first going to see these as individual pieces instead of as part of a whole.

The online format is a bit different than a book. For books you have plenty of time to pull the reader in - they're already in the mindset and in context by the time they start reading the details. Whereas online - even if things are released in the same order as in a book, there's no 'continuity'.

After all, there's no guarantee that the person isn't going to just scroll to the bottom of the list and pick at random, or select out of the new articles table without reading the 20+ entries before it. So each entry has to be able to bat at least decently on its own. Make sense?

Plus since there's no word count here it means you can describe the why's, and put in flavor text, set the feat in the context of the faction/sect/planes. At least that'd be part of my advice for putting things together. I think we're slowly putting together an advice for entry writing section here. Eye-wink

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Poor Krypter....

That's all well and good, but it doesn't quite help me envision what I need to do to each one. Now I know it's not feasible, or reasonable for that matter, to expect you to critique them all, but I would like some help with figuring out how I could beef up each one and then resubmit them. Given the Godsmen and the Athar both have feat progressions as well as independent ones, if you wouldn't mind helping me with one faction, I would be able to pin it down better for you.

Basically, what I did with my submissions is copy, cut, & paste them since I have them in a Word file in alphabetical order. I need a bit of guidance on this in order to deliver something more solid for an online format. Perhaps by your helping me, you'll have a rough guideline to use for others. Besides, it's not like I'm not used to being a guinea pig.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Poor Krypter....

The feats I have seen are far far far to weak. Most weak skill feats give a +2 Bonus to two skills not just one and your feats seem to have prerequisites even. They should give more beenfit for "wasting" a feat slot.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Poor Krypter....

That tells me part of the problem, but it is not in any way a method to a solution...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Poor Krypter....

Well, what exactly do you mean by guidance then?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Poor Krypter....

See, in addition to needing to have a better idea as to how you would like me to beef up the text for the website, I've only played 3 d20 sessions. So, I haven't had a chance to really get a feel for the system beyond digesting the mechanics. Thus, I'm all theory and no experience in this regard. When I initially designed the feats, I was afraid of making things too powerful.

Almost all of my prestige classes were amalgamations of other published material with a few of my own creations thrown in. So, to keep things from seeming "lame," I would like some advice to not only write the feats in a format that's more Web-friendly, but also follows along with what other d20 material does.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Poor Krypter....

So you don't need help with the fluff text end of things - so much as working the crunch! Ok. I've not played a lot of 3.5 myself (mostly a 3.0 girl here).

So, rollcall for the forum, who's willing to step up to reasonable aid with crunchies? Do we have gurus?

Questions to answer:
What makes a feat worth buying?
How much of a skill bonus should a feat give?
How relevant in combat should it be at minimum?
How relevant in social situations should it be at minimum?
How much do prerequesites affect the value of what you get?
Is there a difference between feat and number based prereqs, andRP based prereqs?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Poor Krypter....

"Clueless" wrote:
What makes a feat worth buying?

Ideally, a feat should be an improvement to both your power-gaming abilities and your RPing options*. Also, its benefits should remain significant at high levels.
* by this I mean the feat should help you add more depth to your PC

"Clueless" wrote:
How much of a skill bonus should a feat give?

If it's giving a bonus to a single skill, no more than +3, but you should add something small to differentiate it from the Skill Focus feat.
If its two skills, no more than +2 each.
If you like the FR regional feat system, you could make a feat that adds +2 to three different skills, with regional/racial requirements. I edited some PS regional feats from that Chapter 4 .rtf file this way.

"Clueless" wrote:
How relevant in combat should it be at minimum? How relevant in social situations should it be at minimum?

Not sure this can be defined. Let's say, at a minimum, a player should reasonably expect to use it once every other gaming session. Or so. Again, this works differently for different groups...

"Clueless" wrote:
How much do prerequesites affect the value of what you get?

It depends. Prerequisites should be more than minimum level limits or class requirement.
Do not add a bunch of prerequisites that are more or less useless in order to """balance""" an extremely useful feat! That's like breeding tanar'ri and archons and calling their kids rilmani!

"Clueless" wrote:
Is there a difference between feat and number based prereqs, and RP based prereqs?

Well, yes. It depends on what kind of game you are playing. Me, I like the "must have x months of training with blah blah" prerequisites. I know a lot of people that don't. *shrugs* Since we're talking Planescape, I think these RP-based prereqs should be fairly common, PS being all about belief and dark-digging.

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