Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

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Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

Cutters, bubbers, and blods, lend me your ears. I coe to bury the Guvvners, not to priase them. Since the Lady ejected the fraternity of Order from the cage things have changed. The Planewalkers Guild has returned taking their place as the main source in Sigil of info on the planes
The first part of this series is now up for your perusal at:
PM if you have ideas to contribute ar just want ot tell me your opinion.
just my two greens,


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

Someone was asking about a Planewalkers Guild prestige class. Want to share some info about your plans for that? I'm not a big fan of prestige classes myself, but one that emphasized cultural knowledge, the darks of the planes and finding portals, that would be cool.

Wait...wasn't there a class called Gatecrasher or something in the MotP? I can't remember if that was similar or not.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

I will certainly check that out soon and maybe help out I have been a fan of the Planewalkers guild ever since I stumpled upon them in the classic Planescape days long before they returned back to Sigil. Laughing out loud

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

The Gatecrasher is a wonderful little PrClass, we have one in my regular campaign (a fusion of Planescape and Spelljammer). It actually works very well for both the Doorsnoops and the Planewalkers Guilds as it is centered around finding poratls/gates and their keys. It is a ot like a rogue who has specialiized in portals and can "pick," them like locked doors. Some of the other abilities are very useful. Finn, our Gatecrasher, has just gained a class ability that allows him to dampen summoning magic around him. VERY useful when dealing with Fiends...

As to Planewlkers Guild PrClasses, I was thinking of abilities that would allow them to exist more easily on a variety of planes cupled with knowledge based stuff. For example (off the top of my head) maybe have a Planewalker gain a new planar language at every odd level, or perhaps tongues as a class ability. I use knowledge skills a lot in my games so that is the direction I am leaning.

At the moment I am still polising up general info on the PW Guild itself and do not predict being able to do much with feats or PrClasses until about two weeks from now. I have a lot of deadlines to meet, a new job and Mardi Gras coming hard and fast so I am squeezing in PW Guild data where and when I can. Perhaps I will get a bad case of insomnia and produce a huge quantity of work. Then again I may not....

Any and all ideas and input are ALWAYS appreciated. And Snail Outfitters always needs new gear if anyone out there is feeling inspired.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

"Loki De Carabas" wrote:
As to Planewlkers Guild PrClasses, I was thinking of abilities that would allow them to exist more easily on a variety of planes cupled with knowledge based stuff. For example (off the top of my head) maybe have a Planewalker gain a new planar language at every odd level, or perhaps tongues as a class ability. I use knowledge skills a lot in my games so that is the direction I am leaning.

That's a good direction to take, but keep some nifty supernatural or mystical powers in reserve too, for those people that don't really like "all-knowledge" prestige classes. At least one ability useful in combat would be appropriate.

Planewalkers should also get selective access to many of the darks of the PS universe, such as the Factol's Manifesto or the location of the Ships of CHaos.

A supernatural ability to survive in adverse planar conditions would probably be the core of the class. Perhaps take a look at the Extreme Explorer PrC from Eberron for ideas...

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

IMHO, the PW Guild is fine as it is, without special classes and stuff. There's plenty of options already, and an organization that specializes in something so general as "exploring the planes" doesn't really warrant additional mechanics. Well, perhaps a feat or two.

"Krypter" wrote:
Planewalkers should also get selective access to many of the darks of the PS universe, such as the Factol's Manifesto or the location of the Ships of Chaos.

Why should this be handled through game mechanics? Do we really need another prestige class with a "bardic lore"-ish ability?

"Krypter" wrote:
A supernatural ability to survive in adverse planar conditions would probably be the core of the class.

MotP Planeshifter? Although, I would prefer a similar PrC that grants entry to non-spellslingers.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

"Nemui" wrote:
IMHO, the PW Guild is fine as it is, without special classes and stuff. There's plenty of options already, and an organization that specializes in something so general as "exploring the planes" doesn't really warrant additional mechanics. Well, perhaps a feat or two.

Err, yes, you're right, but IF we HAVE to have a Planewalker PrC, those are the features I would like to see. I wouldn't bother, myself, since those things should be better left to roleplaying, but some people really like a lot of rules, and for those people a Planewalker PrC that focuses on lore might be handy. It might give roleplaying tips to newcomers who think that the planes are all about killin' demons.

Sorry, I don't have the MotP to reference the PrC you mentioned. I really should buy the dang thing, but it seemed so mechanical and uninspiring that I didn't bother before. Is it worth the purchase?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

"Nemui" wrote:
Why should this be handled through game mechanics? Do we really need another prestige class with a "bardic lore"-ish ability?

I'm actually a fan of bardic knowledge. The actual mechanic is certainly not perfect, but it signifies that the character has seen and heard a great deal in his life.

Bards should have bardic knowledge, naturally. Loremasters should also. So should Touts, and Planewalkers. These characters are real resources. Ask a tout ANYTHING about Sigil and they should probably know the answer -- at least the good touts will know. Want to know about wandering the planes, ask a Planewalker. He's picked up lore from every friggin' corner of the planes. He's forgotten more about the planes than you or I will ever know. The best way to represent that as a game mechanic is with Bardic Knowledge.

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

"Krypter" wrote:
Sorry, I don't have the MotP to reference the PrC you mentioned. I really should buy the dang thing, but it seemed so mechanical and uninspiring that I didn't bother before. Is it worth the purchase?

I think it is worth it. The planar touchstone "gotta catch 'em all" is kind of goofy, but the location ideas themselves are fairly cool.

It gives rules for playing a few of the more powerful planar races without having to play in a 10th level party (You can use any of them in a 1st level party).

My main complaint is with the Wildren Race. They are the result of dwarves and badgers mating . . .

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

"LegatoX" wrote:
"Krypter" wrote:
Sorry, I don't have the MotP to reference the PrC you mentioned. I really should buy the dang thing, but it seemed so mechanical and uninspiring that I didn't bother before. Is it worth the purchase?

I think it is worth it. The planar touchstone "gotta catch 'em all" is kind of goofy, but the location ideas themselves are fairly cool.

It gives rules for playing a few of the more powerful planar races without having to play in a 10th level party (You can use any of them in a 1st level party).

My main complaint is with the Wildren Race. They are the result of dwarves and badgers mating . . .

Oy! Tha's the Planar Handbook ye're talking about!

The Manual of the Planes was the one that came before it.
It's really nice, actually. Though not having the depth of Planescape publications, it sums up most of the stuff about the planes just fine. Though some minor alterations were made comapring to 2.0.

And, hey, it got me into Planescape. For that alone I adore it.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

@ Krypter: MotP is definitely worth it, especially compared to just about any 3.5 book... and the planeshifter PrC grants a continuous ability equivalent to the attune form spell, essentially lets you ignore the negative environmental effects of the planes you visit.

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
"Nemui" wrote:
Why should this be handled through game mechanics? Do we really need another prestige class with a "bardic lore"-ish ability?

I'm actually a fan of bardic knowledge.

It's a fine idea, but it leaves the door open for a special type of abuse:

GM: (steps on soapbox, holds enthralling 5-minute speech about the wonders of the planes that the PCs are currently exploring)

Player: Huh? Sorry, I wasn't listening, but since I have a high bardic knowledge modifer, my character'll remember it if it matters later.

GM: Evil

Oh, and:

Bards should have bardic knowledge, naturally. Loremasters should also. So should Touts, and Planewalkers.

IMG, "planewalker" is the PS version of the catch-all term "adventurer".

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

"LegatoX" wrote:
My main complaint is with the Wildren Race. They are the result of dwarves and badgers mating . . .

I couldn't agree more! Of all the possible man/beast combinations, that's got to take the cake for the most messed up. But why limit Wildren to one particular man/beast combo? How 'bout halfling/squirrels? Orc/skunks? I mean, the permutations are ENDLESS!!! LOL! Furries of the Planes, unite!

Stop that! That's silly! Ahem... right. And now for something completely diff...

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
disgusting fluff

"LegatoX" wrote:
My main complaint is with the Wildren Race. They are the result of dwarves and badgers mating . . .

I can guess how that happened:

Mushrooms! Mushrooms!

Snake! It's a snake! Oh! It's a snake!

Semi-seriously, though, the Beastlands have a trait that causes those who go to it to slowly evolve into forms resembling their inner animalistic selves. Over a few generations, something like wildren might happen without any bestiality as such.

They do seem to be quite an overly-specific race, though. I'm sure there's every sort of manbeast in the Beastlands you can imagine, and it seems strange to single out the dwarfbadgers.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Re: Gatecrasher and Prestige Classes

"Nemui" wrote:
It's a fine idea, but it leaves the door open for a special type of abuse

Yeah, that can happen, but it can happen with any of the soft skills.

IMG, "planewalker" is the PS version of the catch-all term "adventurer".

I think that's true for most Planewalker Guildmembers. But IF one was going to create a special prestige class for especially dedicated members of the Planewalkers Guild, then I'd suggest that those particular cutters are making a very specific career out of knowing as much about as many planes as possible. For those individuals in particular, the Bardic Knowledge ability would be suitable.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Re: disgusting fluff

"Kaelyn" wrote:
Semi-seriously, though, the Beastlands have a trait that causes those who go to it to slowly evolve into forms resembling their inner animalistic selves. Over a few generations, something like wildren might happen without any bestiality as such.

They do seem to be quite an overly-specific race, though. I'm sure there's every sort of manbeast in the Beastlands you can imagine, and it seems strange to single out the dwarfbadgers.

I would much rather have seen a template for "Feral", that could be applied to any race. Such individuals would have low-light vision, claws and fangs, scent, etc. Feral orcs and dwarves and humans and such, some with lycanthropy... that's what I'd envision, rather than 'dwadgers'.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

The other race I don't like is buomman (sp?). It's not balanced at all. Who'd want to play one? They've got a huge disadvantage, but nothing that really makes up for it. And how're you supposed to play one in a party when you can't even interract?!

Um, I just realized I'm WAY off topic with this.

Okay, Planewalkers Guild...

Joining a guild should offer some benefit. In RL, being a guildmember meant that you had access to secret skills, skills that were guarded closely. You also had the right to disability pay, a burial, reduced prices on raw materials, etc.

In D&D, and in PS in particular, joining a guild might give you access to skills normally considered cross-class, especially knowledge or craft or profession skills. Special feats might be taught only to guildbrothers, upon pain of death or fine or whatever. The PrCs in MotP would be a good place to start if you're wanting to mine existing work.

One thing about feats that's always bothered me is that it's always assumed that any character can pick up any feat as long as he meets the prereqs. But where'd he learn this new feat? Did he figure it out on his own? (makes sense for some, but hardly all) The guilds are one source of such teachings, and clever DM might insist that a player find a master to teach him the fine art of dodging, blindfighting, cleaving or brewing potions.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

Hmmm, maybe by joining a guild you could even work there to gain a guild feat, even if you arnt due for a bonus feat anytime soon.

I wonder, do planewalkers know any alchemy? It might be useful on the planes to cook up some alchemist's fire now and then.

Maybe not so much in Baator....

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
One thing about feats that's always bothered me is that it's always assumed that any character can pick up any feat as long as he meets the prereqs. But where'd he learn this new feat? Did he figure it out on his own? (makes sense for some, but hardly all) The guilds are one source of such teachings, and clever DM might insist that a player find a master to teach him the fine art of dodging, blindfighting, cleaving or brewing potions.

Yes, that would be a really good implementation of guilds in general, and since Sigil is the crossroads of the multiverse it wouldn't even be that onerous for a PC to find a guildmaster to teach them some needed skill or secret lore. If you're doing the Guilds writeup, have each one be the keeper of some ancient technique or lore. That gives the guilds power above and beyond simply having a lot of members or performing a needed task. If adventurers (and others) have to beg to be admitted so that they can improve themselves, that's real power.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Planewalkers Guild Lives Again

As far as te feat issue is concerned I believe that that is yet another case of the DM being the one who makes or breaks the situation. In my game you may have the prerequisites for a feat, but if you do not have access to the feat in question it will do you no good.

For example I have 3 PCs now with Zero G Combat in our current game. One was a spelljamming marine who then taught the other two over several months. In order to teach them they needed to be in Zero G to train.

Just because the prerequisites are there does not mean to just "lay on," the DM controls the world. If you want it available, make it available. If you do not, do not. Just be logical and consistent whichever path you take.

BTW, the Expert Planar Guide PrC will be finished soon and y'all can disect it to your hearts content. Look for about a week behind the PWGuild Guildmaster goes up in cutters.....


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

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