Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

Of course, all of you check the site daily - religiously even, right? Here's what we have for you today.

Kyto's Hooks is up! And better - the My Planewalker submissions system is up *too* so Kyto's Hooks is now taking *submissions*. The submission system saves some incredible headaches from a site point of view (as Ken, and anyone else who was involved in updating the old system knows). The submission code *will* take html code - so feel free to format it that way if you like.

On a simular note, I just got the Portal submissions system up *today*. So - same way that the Hooks work, just log in and submit new Portals articles - you'll find you can assign it to any location, and subsection you like.

Next up: An antomatic announcement system so you can go to the main site (or the main page of a sub site) and see the latest developments.

Headsup: Let me know if you find any bugs and what you did to cause them, I'm sure there are some in the system as it stands.

Ball's in your court now folks Smiling I can write the code but I can't make the content flow on it's own. Eye-wink


Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

I thought I'd drop a line to let people know that I'm alive (but busy working on my pHd).

Glad to see the ol' hooks back online. Perhaps I can, in the not too distant future, submit some new material.

Great to see what you bloods have done with the site! Keep up the good work!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

w00p! Smiling
We'd love t' have ya in - the more submissions the better Smiling

What's your doctorate going to be in? It's funny - I've noticed that over all planescape fans seem to have a*lot* of people going for higher degrees of some sort of another. Might just be the circles I hang out in...

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

It will (hopefully) be in computer science.

Well, us old-timers remember when we "lost" Jon Winter to his Phd work. I'll try to not let that happen to me.

One thing I do notice that high degree of education or not, PS fans are all intellectuals. Often uniquely so.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

Once it's in you though - the PS never quite leaves, if you disappear we'll find ya again. Smiling

And comp sci? I'm narrowring in on my undergrad degree right now - I'll probably hit the work force before I come back for grad work though. I like having a roof over my head. Eye-wink What's the thesis if you feel like babbling?

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

Oh, no plans for a thesis yet. I'm still focusing very tightly on the qualifiers.

If nothing changes in my field of choice, it might be something to do with compilers, programming languages or possibly proof systems.

At this point, it's all wide open.

I heartily recommend the work force to gain experience (as long as you get a decent job, that challenges you properly). I worked for a couple of years myself before I went to grad school.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

Clueless, are you still looking for intros for the Portals section subsections?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

Heck yes!
In fact - I beleive your demiplane's already gone through and gotten put online under the Etherial...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

I posted an Intro for the Transitive planes (and editted in Rip's corrections) in the other thread. SHould I post them in some other fashion or something?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planewalker Updates: Portal Submissions (and Kytos Hooks)

Eh? where did you stick it? apparently i missed this... toss me a link and it'll be up in minutes

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