Planewalker on Google?

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Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Planewalker on Google?

Well it doesn't appear on google search anymore.

My computer broke down over a month ago and I'm currently using other people's good will and computers to surf and I haven't got bookmarked there (wasn't sure if it would be situated on anymore).
Anyway I had to search for it and it doesn't appear on google search, so I wanted to notify you of this problem because of the site prestige :mrgreen: .

I heard about your domain change so this may be the reason, but it should still be search-able.

It appears on Yahoo searcher though, but people mostly use google or maybe even other searchers.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planewalker on Google?

It was probably that we were down for so long. I'll update Google with a site map and that should get us back up and running.

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