Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

This is the OOC welcome post for Planestuck, my IC series here on the boards intended to let everyone on the Internet have a shot at a desultory game of Planescape, at least occasionally.

By letting them GM me.

Here's the deal. I've dropped an initial post with an opening scene. In this thread, not that one, everyone is invited to suggest events that Abaris might be encountering. This could be short setups ("Avalanche!", "The innkeeper is actually the guy you're there to meet," "When you look up, you're staring down a dozen arrow shafts.") that I can take and run with. If you want to write up a more complex plot or encounter ("there's a secret door in the back. It leads to a tomb complex. You'll find the following traps. . . a ghost, who needs to be laid to rest by. . . and a trapped demon in the ring, who will say anything to be let out."), feel free. A cool scenario will get serious consideration from me, and bragging rights for you. If you would like to send me a longer encounter but don't want to ruin a surprise for the rest of the audience, pm it to me here on planewalker's message system!

A few notes:

1.) Please don't post in the Planestuck IC thread. I have no way to enforce this except your honor, and maybe Clueless' godlike mod powers if she's so inclined. You can subscribe with the button at the bottom of the first post.

2.) You're GMing the world, not playing me. Likewise, I'll do my best to respect your apparent wishes for your NPC personalities, but please bear in mind that they may develop away from your initial picture.

3.) Hopefully, I will eventually be getting enough suggestions that I can't take everyone's. I'm also dropping a thread in the SJGames forums I frequent, since I know there are some Planescape fans over there. I may have Sekrit Plot Plans that a particular suggestion won't work with, so please don't feel bad if I'm not choosing something.

4.) I'm a GM too, and there are crucial story elements that Abaris is going to have to deal with one way or another: again, hopefully in a way that eventually surprises me, with the input from everyone else.

5.) There's plenty of backstory that I didn't touch in the initial post. Some of it can be filled in by the audience, some I have awaiting an appropriate scene.

6.) I have a day job, so don't expect a post every day. I'll try to get at least one or two out a week, on a Saturday if I haven't.

7.) I haven't actually read Homestuck, so any references will go right over my head.


Setting and character:

Pretty close to default Planescape, pre-Faction War, I'm thinking post-Modron March. Your narrative assumptions for monsters, treasure, etc. should broadly be SRD and the major 2e and 3e supplements.

Tone is heroic drama (kind of like an RPG. ;^) ). He shouldn't come out of this experience unscathed, and there will be grim times and desperate measures, but we'll hopefully also have time for comedic interludes and noble ideals.

Story-driven narration; set me a challenge and I won't do anything too impossible for dice, but don't expect to see any rolls, except maybe as a joke. I will probably post a goof up at least once.

Level-wise, Abaris is starting as a 1st-level human druid of somewhat advanced age. As you can see from the description, he was once much higher level and got seriously level-drained. He thus possesses equipment equivalent to much more wealth than a 1st-level character normally would. That will probably get fleshed out over the first few chapters; I promise not to use it as an infinite pool of magic tricks.

Abaris has access to spells from the Spell Compendium and equipment from many of the major supplements, such as Complete Divine and Arcane, and possesses the Spontaneous Healer feat from Complete Divine. (His other is Blind-Fight.)

For flavor, I expect Abaris will be using a number of incantations, including those drawn from my own list here on the boards as well as some I make up to fit legendary or historical accounts of druids, such as reading omens in entrails of an animal sacrifice.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Something flying off in the distance, obviously searching for something. I'll leave the details up to you to determine, but have it be something other than the gehreleth.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

re: that first post - Hehe...awesome!

I not aiming to bogart all of the suggestions, but I'll keep tossing stuff out.

So, he's trapped in the wilds of Carceri. There was an AWOL rutterkin that was recaptured. I'm thinking that there's an encampment nearby that our hero is going to have to deal with. They're not expecting to meet up with anybody out here, so they're being pretty lax with their watch. They're arguing over something (details up to you) and they're dividing up into two different sides over whatever this thing is. They have supplies or equipment (or something) that Abaris can make off with if he's careful.

Unsung's picture
Joined: 2012-10-04
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

This is a very cool idea, which I'll need to get caught up on.

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

This is fantastic - I'm so looking forward to seeing how it unfolds. I'll echo Wicke's second suggestion concerning an encampment that's spilled over into discord. Though I might amp it up from two opposing sides arguing to four or five on the bring of violent hysteria (Reservoir Dogs comes to mind here).

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Just in case it isn't obvious, I'll echo everybody else's sentiment: This idea is completely awesome. I'd love to try something like this for Nim, but I have no interest in stepping on your toes Jem.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Thanks, guys.

I'm following the suggestion of a nearby encampment; it'll take me a few posts to get through this challenge.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

A flash flood. A peal of thunder. A stampede of silver. An abandoned garden. A deceptively safe place.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

There you are. A flash flood, a peal of thunder, a stampede of silver, and a (possibly) deceptively safe place. :^)

(An abandoned garden? Perhaps in a bit!)

So, peanut gallery: if you own Liber Malevolentiae, you may have guessed that Abaris is dealing with Malarites. Any suggestions on what this pack is like, and how they're likely to deal with him? If there's more than one suggestion for the leader, I might go with a popular one, or have multiple contending wanna-bes; there's also several possible roles for subordinate NPCs.

(And for future reference, anything else interesting in that pack Abaris picked up?)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Kudos for hitting almost all of the things I mentioned. I liked the silver stampede and the clever use of the flash flood!

I think our hero is in trouble. From what I'm seeing after poking around online, Malarites are rather anti-druid.

I don't know about the leader, but I'm thinking that at least one of the pack members is something other than what they appear to be. My initial thought is that maybe it's a carefree spirit/shapeshifter from the chaos side of things who's just playing at being a predator and that they've gotten themselves into this situation that they can't extract themselves out of without help. The idea is to force a situation where Abaris has a chance to save himself only if he betrays whoever has hidden themselves, as per the usual for Carceri.

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Jem wrote:
(And for future reference, anything else interesting in that pack Abaris picked up?)

A burnt-out ioun stone and a small sack of teeth.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Hmm...a storm gathers during the night and breaks a short while after he awakens. This storm serves to do nothing but make things cold, wet and more miserable.

An ambitious beta-male, seeing how "soft" the pack leader is being on Abaris openly challenges him to a duel.

atomicb wrote:
Jem wrote:
(And for future reference, anything else interesting in that pack Abaris picked up?)

A burnt-out ioun stone and a small sack of teeth.

How about a journal half-filled with notes in an unfamiliar language as well as a number of sketches about a variety of subjects.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Wicke wrote:
Hmm...a storm gathers during the night and breaks a short while after he awakens. This storm serves to do nothing but make things cold, wet and more miserable.

An ambitious beta-male, seeing how "soft" the pack leader is being on Abaris openly challenges him to a duel.

You mean challenges the leader, right? Happens in the morning?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Err, yeah. That was pretty poorly worded, wasn't it? could be more interesting to have the commotion of the fight be what wakes Abaris in the morning. A pack like this is bound to be full of ambitious betas, always looking to get ahead if they sense weakness. The idea that their leader wouldn't kill a weak druid on sight is offensive and not becoming of a Malarite.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Here's the calculation on Abaris' saving throws, by the way: a high-level druid has a Fort save bonus of 1/2 levels + 2; Abaris took energy drain equivalent to all but one or two of those levels, meaning he now has a net penalty to Fort saves of about 1/2 his previous levels, less 3 to 5, less any Con bonus he had. The undead who drained him were fairly strong: stronger than normal wights, which have a DC of 14 to the energy drain save, so we know it was something higher.

Since a rolled 19 means he only gets about 14 to 16 in net result, it's entirely possible that he only passes on a natural 20 -- and thus, over the course of nearly 20 rolls, is very likely to score only a level or two back!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Ooh! Ooh! Something else joins in the hunt!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

The cat had been hunting what I had, although I'm not sure that qualifies perfectly for your suggestion.

I mirrored these threads to another play-by-post forum I go to, and received the following suggestion a couple of days ago from ladyarcana55:

The creature sauntered down to Abaris, cautious and alert. It spared a passing glance at the pack, daring them to try to attack. When it got to a few feet from the scene of battle, it stopped and began to wait.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

I'm prone to giving vague but interesting ideas and leave all the interpretation up to you. This development is a fine interpretation of the suggestion.

As for suggestions...from the Disk:

"Abaris, my owner just discovered me missing. We should get going. Now."


"When we have a chance, I would like to get a close look at that journal. I think I may have recognized something about it."

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Sorry for the delay. Busy week at work. I do intend to pick up with some of these; the conversational thread is intended to continue for a bit.

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

I'm looking forward to hearing this conversation unfold, and glad to know that Sampsa may be around for some time - eager to find out his story, for sure.

Bari's picture
Joined: 2012-05-12
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

I don't have any suggestions, but just wanted to congratulate you, your thread's got me hooked.


"You're loud, impulsive and you question authority. -That- is why I keep you at arm's lenght."
"Mmmm. And that is also why you keep me at arm's reach."

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

I'm loving the dialogue and the relationships that are forming here, but...

They're getting too chummy for Carceri. Rain turns to a cold drizzle/sleet.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Another "sorry about the delay" post. This time it's three refereeing assignments that I couldn't turn down. Whee. Should hopefully have a couple of catchup posts up this week.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

Bit of catchup.

Also, feel free to flesh out the personalities of our new pack leader and his lieutenants. Are they planning something? Do they know something more than they've said about this icon, or the events Ice described, or Sampsa?

And will there be any metaphysical repercussions to Abaris violating a power key with a weapon of opposed alignment in the middle of that god's own realm, or is Malar casual enough about the strong being worthy that nothing untoward is coming his way for that cause?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

I don't think there's much love between this new pack leader and Rip. And I think Abaris just gave him the leverage that he's been trying to get his hands on for ages. So despite the hostility and threats of tracking him down across the planes, this new leader is going to be somewhat more amenable towards Abaris than Rip was.

I'll have to consider the metaphysical repercussions.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

We haven't seen the last of Tigerseye, I promise.

Also, it looks like we're about to find out some goodies from Sampsa's backstory! Ideas welcomed. I can do the whole thing the way I anticipated it, but Planestuck is all about the collaboration -- and as we all know, an offhand piece of color at this point has every possibility of becoming a crucial element of the climax!

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery

I'd be absolutely happy to hear what you've got in mind for Sampsa, but a couple of ideas to throw in the pot nevertheless:

- Sampsa's current form was originally a disguise while perpetrating some wrongs on the Beastlands. A far more powerful being intervened, trapping him in this body and putting him to work paying his debts.
- Sampsa is a very very masterwork flesh golem or otherwise artificial creature. That tooth has some pre-Sampsa backstory all its own.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planestuck OOC thread and Peanut Gallery about: at some point during his watch, Abaris will have a visitation by a spirit, or have some sort of vision. Maybe Malar, maybe a vision of something horrible happening to his homeworld, maybe something that causes him to doubt either Sampsa or Ice's story.

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