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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

Well, I notice that alot of Urban Planescape is technoledgy in the planes.
But what about the effect of the planes on technoledgy?
Im not talking about adding the spell Open/close onto your stapler, I mean tech specifically influenced by the planes.

For example: Are there now entire power plants drawing energy from the elemental planes (fire, lightning, positive material...)

are there computers that use illusions instead of a screen (AKA: magic holograms)

Have rent-a-cops become rent-a-golems?

And ( I have to ask) are there now flying cars? If it works on a carpet...

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13

Hmm... a massive geothermal power plant based on a coolant coil looping through a portal into the elemental plane of fire and through another portal into the elemental plane of water. That'd generate some serious high temperature steam. I thought about the quasielemental plane of steam, but I'm not sure if the temperature or pressure would do the trick. I don't think it would. No, the coolant loop is the way to go.

That'll work, but I think I'm gonna need some guards with rings of greater elemental resistance.

Hmm... I wonder... it's fairly straightforward to convert thermal energy or kinetic energy into electricity. What would it take to convert thermal or kinetic energy into belief? Or vice versa?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19


Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: Planes+tech=???

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Have rent-a-cops become rent-a-golems?
I would imagine the Minders Guild had their hands in the creation of a mercenary-like rent-a-cop/golem organisation somewhere along the line...

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26

Gates to the positive and negative elemental planes in hospitols (with appropriate channling decives). Cut away a tumor with a negatively charged scalple. Close a major wound in seconds with a positivly chaged bandaid.

Gates to Radience for solar power.

Gates to Water for sewage disposal and water source.

Heavy duty minning opperations on Earth, Salt and Mineral.

Gates to Air provide exellent pollution control.

Windmills in Pandemonium.

Channle positive energy into the topsoil of major farming opperations and into major water supplys.
Extension: What bonuses do you think someone would acure if they consistently consumed positive laced food and water?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07

"deadone" wrote:
Extension: What bonuses do you think someone would acure if they consistently consumed positive laced food and water?
They might get an energy boost, but their bodies might also get lazy and reduce it's efficiency in picking up nutrients. If you're eating food that's high in calcium/iron/sugar you don't want to overdose and develop arthritis/anemia/diabetes. I also like Fidrikon's magic hologram idea. If magic and technology are completely applicable, there're tons of applications:

Cell phones without sattelite systems that rely instead on commune or contact other plane. Of course that leads to cellular "dead-zones" such as Sigil or an antimagic zone (or a wild magic zone in Limbo) and it presents the trouble of "calling" the Inner Planes without connection to the Ethereal.

Why have computers at all? You can get the effect quite nicely with a manual of golems and an electronic device. Given the choice between spending centuries of research and jink to make "thinking technology" when you can just build a device around a golem or build a golem into another shape depending on the use. Mass-production factories with iron golems welded to the floor attaching gear after gear after gear...

Televisions could be nothing more than phosphorous screen connected to scrying crystal balls. A TV crew would be nothing more than a reporter being recorded through a sphere enchanted with clairvoyance and speaking into a tube enchanted with clairaudience. Maybe another guy to carry the five pounds of equipment if they feel like it.

I like the idea of flying cars, though Sigil is probably too small. What about teleporting or planeshifting cars? Going on a roadtrip would mean packing up the trunk, getting the kids in, turning the key and pulling into the gear of Elysium, then getting out to stretch the legs in the golden fields of pure goodness. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" "You bet, kiddo!"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

Not to mention the effect of combining firearms and wands.
Come on, you think the people of earths arnt going to be interested in Magic missile launching handguns? think about it:No more innocent bystanders because you strike unerringly, no more shooting the fiend before remembering they have a ton of resistance to what your armed with... and having a gun that deals out 5d4+5 every round is kinda neat.
The ammo itself might be a small cylinder thats a specially designed wand. It might not be able to store a whole 50 charges, but even hlaf of that is a decent ammout of ammo for a single 'clip'.

By the way, since the magic missile spell is so versital, why hasn't some mage gone and made greater magic missile?

what about kids buying trinkets with single charges of spells? Theres always the one kids who has an Arcane Eye looking up the answers during a test.

Or even worse...
"Today, a nine year old child brought a black market Scroll of Baleful Polymorph and turned another student into a rat."

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Re: Planes+tech=???

"Fidrikon" wrote:
are there computers that use illusions instead of a screen (AKA: magic holograms)

"Damnit, I just disbelieved my screen! I was about to pwnzor some n00bs in Unreal Tournament 47 too . . ."

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